In fairness, It is explicitly described as being a habitual ender of civilizations and going on world harrowing rampages. Taking him out is probably the choice which has the most positive impact on masses of people.
With no sarcasm, thanks for pointing that out. I was slamming my head against the wall trying to decide if I was making that up or not. Probably should have just read the words on the page. I haven't woken up fully yet lol.
I can understand not caring about getting our own Armament, but I've seen its capture in the course of our hunt mentioned multiple times, and am wondering where the belief that such would suffice is coming from. 'Put to the sword' is pretty unambiguous, the Tower's example doesn't inspire much hope that anything than destruction will Sate the Affliction, and neither do Rihaku's later posts that mention killing the Armament.

The Curse doesn't want us to get the Fish Armament. Decimator wants us to ruin it.
I can understand not caring about getting our own Armament, but I've seen its capture in the course of our hunt mentioned multiple times, and am wondering where the belief that such would suffice is coming from. 'Put to the sword' is pretty unambiguous, the Tower's example doesn't inspire much hope that anything than destruction will Sate the Affliction, and neither do Rihaku's later posts that mention killing the Armament.

The Curse doesn't want us to get the Fish Armament. Decimator wants us to ruin it.
I think a few people want to pull a Tower and steal the Fish rather than kill it. This would make me sad, of course, but I didn't like the Tower and it didn't kill me, so I'll just have to vote against it. :s
I can understand not caring about getting our own Armament, but I've seen its capture in the course of our hunt mentioned multiple times, and am wondering where the belief that such would suffice is coming from. 'Put to the sword' is pretty unambiguous, the Tower's example doesn't inspire much hope that anything than destruction will Sate the Affliction, and neither do Rihaku's later posts that mention killing the Armament.

The Curse doesn't want us to get the Fish Armament. Decimator wants us to ruin it.
Yeah. Poor Fish Armament, why does Decimator's Affliction hate you so? I wonder if it's sentient, killing an baby-armament would be sad.
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[ ] A Fish Out of Legend - Rumor foretells of a continental beast whose overturnings send entire oceans a-roil, whose roar is the death of island chains and whose latticed fin in rise-and-fall spawns tsunami waves capable of wiping entire civilizations away like grout before the cleaner. To confront a beast of this scale, even with Hunger's superhuman agility, is surely folly. And yet the mechanics of Rank are such that only he who dares may win. Venture deep, deep into the vast pitiless blue of the Voyaging Sea, far past all hope of returning to shore from whence you departed; there in the endless azure dark will you find the shadow of the Armament-Fish, whose embryonic thrashings are an Ereadhihr's birth-throes.
*Hunger desires to seek out this legend and seize immortality among the fishermen's ranks.
*Are you fucking crazy
*Risk: Insane
*Reward: 5 picks + variable, but undoubtedly great, Rank reward depending on tactics and results
*Securing an additional Armament, even if incomplete, would be an enormous coup. There are fewer than two dozen across the entire Human Sphere, each one irreplaceable and unique.
*Hunger's build is actually quite well-suited to fighting opponents of higher Rank, and will be even more so once he completes his Trinity of Artifact EFB-equivalents. That said, this is still absurdly risky, but perhaps with the power of the Praxis as well...
*Why would you pick this


Figured I'd throw this up, since it was the last we were given a choice to take down the Armament Fish, albeit for Rank rather then Curse mitigation. I always assumed this thing was either some sort of Armanent Factory or guarding one under it's shadow and that by destroying we can take the incomplete Ereadhihr's from it's guts or underneath it in it's shadow after we take it down. I can see how people might read it as the Armanent Fish itself is supposed to be the incomplete Armanent, and that the fight for Rank was only meant to capture it, and thus killing it would mean we wouldn't get a incomplete armanent.

I personally don't really care much about getting our own armanent as much as I like giant Mecha, but it might be worth asking for some clarification for.
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Y'know, after "Tier 2 Hitpoints," like SS and Silver, what I'd most want for this fight is faster Artful Thorns. Something like... +30% Attack Speed. But that would be too powerful, I need more realistic dreams.
It's an Armament-Fish, it doesn't produce Armaments, that would be quite ridiculous. Incomplete here means that it isn't quite grown up or equipped with the technology we had seen in Verschlengorge, and 'whose embryonic thrashings are an Ereadhihr's birth-throes' translates as 'it is an embryon Armament', not as 'it is birthing Armaments'. Maybe Rihaku will chime in otherwise, but there has never been any mention of getting more Armaments out of it.
Y'know, after "Tier 2 Hitpoints," like SS and Silver, what I'd most want for this fight is faster Artful Thorns. Something like... +30% Attack Speed. But that would be too powerful, I need more realistic dreams.
How about the ability to use Artful Thorn a lot more often, maybe by resisting 3/4 of the exhaustion associated with using Praxis techniques?
It's an Armament-Fish, it doesn't produce Armaments, that would be quite ridiculous. Incomplete here means that it isn't quite grown up or equipped with the technology we had seen in Verschlengorge, and 'whose embryonic thrashings are an Ereadhihr's birth-throes' translates as 'it is an embryon Armament', not as 'it is birthing Armaments'. Maybe Rihaku will chime in otherwise, but there has never been any mention of getting more Armaments out of it.

Why? We know virtually nothing things about the creation of a Armanent, and what we do know about the examples of Armanent talked about by RIhaku would suggest that one that is a entire continent sized fish would be somewhat out of place. It's not like Versh is continually referred too as the Armanent-Giant- or Armanent-Person based off it's rough shape. Nothing about their naming conventions implies that how Armanents are referred too, but I can definitely something loosely tied to Armanents being refferred that way, such as a Armanent-Sword or a Armanent-Factory without those thing themselves being Armanents.

You also cut off this part of the sentence 'here in the endless azure dark will you find the shadow of the Armament-Fish,' which immediately precedes 'whose embryonic thrashings are an Ereadhihr's birth-throes'

Unless I'm just not understanding grammatical structure as well as I thought I was always under the impression it was explicitly calling out the shadow of the Armanent FIsh, a metaphorical shadow almost certainly given it's in endless azure darkness already, as the thing that is a Ereadhihr being born. Otherwise why explicitly call out finding it's shadow in that sentence?
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*And yet, to betray the very people who made him King...
*Perhaps it's a King's dispensation to do with the waters what he will, and it's not as if this action will be inconsistent with Hunger's philosophy of rule. Besides, he really is powerful enough to make up for it later, if he survives.
I wouldn't exactly call it a betrayal ... just a common of government tactic: deficit spending. A loan of supernatural power, to be payed back with interest at a later date.

With a trace of foreign policy, where this is also an investment in setting up trade between the Elixir Kingdom and the Mirellyian Kingdom (or whatever the polity is named, I forgot)

[X] Territorial Waters
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How about the ability to use Artful Thorn a lot more often, maybe by resisting 3/4 of the exhaustion associated with using Praxis techniques?
I knoooowwwww. It's so good, who allowed Adorie to exist?

Rihaku warned us that being Rank 10 wouldn't be nearly enough to fight Armaments as equals, and we took his advice. We aren't Rank 10 yet! Yes I know it's a baby
Why? We know virtually nothing things about the creation of a Armanent, and what we do know about the examples of Armanent talked about by RIhaku would suggest that one that is a entire continent sized fish would be somewhat out of place. It's not like Versh is continually referred too as the Armanent-Giant or Armanent-Person based off it's rough shape. Nothing about their naming conventions implies that how Armanents are referred too, but I can definitely something loosely tied to Armanents being refferred that way, such as a Armanent-Sword or a Armanent-Factory without those thing themselves being Armanents.

You also cut off this part of the sentence 'here in the endless azure dark will you find the shadow of the Armament-Fish,' which immediately precedes 'whose embryonic thrashings are an Ereadhihr's birth-throes'

Unless I'm just not understanding grammatical structure as well as I thought I was always under the impression it was explicitly calling out the Shadow of the Armanent FIsh, a metaphorical shadow almost certainly, as the thing that is a Ereadhihr being born. Otherwise why explicitly call out it's shadow in that sentence?
Because that's how monster fish are often described in literature, an ominous shadow rising from the depths. It is a Fish that is also an Armament, thus Armament-Fish. It's possible that it means an Armament being birthed by the giant fish, even if that interpretation had never come up before, but either way I find it unlikely that Decimator would essentially give us a freebie. Just a 3-pick fight isn't really enough to threaten us, given we likely can acquire ADS (or one of the appropriate lesser Stances) before the fight, but depriving us of our destined Armament, especially now that we have a free Accretions slot for it, would be right up its alley.
If we're talking about how much going after the Fish will characterize Hunger as reckless, well, I think that ship has already sailed. Remember the Temple of the False Moon? Anyway, let's look at the characterization the other choices would imply:

Lord of Stalks
Gisena: All right Hunger, what do you see in the Decimation Lens?
Hunger: Uh, some guy. Skinny. Grumpy-looking. Dressed in black. No idea who he is.
Gisena: Do you think you could take him?
Hunger: Pfft, yeah. Let's go shank this dude. Kill one to save millions, right?

Our protagonists (because I'm not sure I ought to use the word "heroes" for such people), at the moment they make the decision to go after him, have no idea who their target is or what the consequences for his death would be. Only we the readers know that, because the omniscient narrator told us. Do you really want Hunger to be the sort of man who would murder a stranger like this, simply to balance a utilitarian checkbook?

Territorial Waters
Elixir Functionary: My King! You've returned! Oh what a joyous occasion!
Hunger: I'm in a rush, so make it quick.
Functionary: Of course. Well, we have some good news - the power of the Springs has surged to unprecedented heights now that they are no longer fighting the Rotbeast's corruption! What a boon you've given us!
Hunger: Yeah, I know. I'm here to absorb all that power for myself.
Functionary: ...Oh. So you're not here to...set new policy or...
Hunger: I'm busy overthrowing another government. You'll probably get a new trading partner out of it.
Functionary: A trading partner in exchange for the pride and joy of our nation? That's your decision?
Hunger: Yep. Now go help Gisena build her giant power siphon.

This one turns Hunger into a king who treats his country as a resource to be used - and notably, does not give the people of the Kingdom any say in what he does with them. Wasn't he supposed to be all for democracy and the consent of the governed?
How bold... assuming you'll get picks for an enemy that weak...
Trinity (Core Panoply) + Once and Future was the more expensive option that beat Ber more, if I recall. It was a risk because we had to generate enough Arete for OaF without getting distracted. Mhm.

Crown+Tears is 1.1 more Rank on top of that. Ahh, so satisfying.
Trinity (Core Panoply) + Once and Future was the more expensive option that beat Ber more, if I recall. It was a risk because we had to generate enough Arete for OaF without getting distracted. Mhm.

Crown+Tears is 1.1 more Rank on top of that. Ahh, so satisfying.
I have an idea. We summon Astral Beast to take care of Ber. Imagine grinding to max level. Unlocking prestige class and raising that class to max level as well. And you still can't beat the fucking ads on a boss. Holy shit, Ber will commit suicide from shame.
This one turns Hunger into a king who treats his country as a resource to be used - and notably, does not give the people of the Kingdom any say in what he does with them. Wasn't he supposed to be all for democracy and the consent of the governed?
merely that he sees the position of King as no different to his powers derived from Blade or Mantle - tools of purpose that exist to enact his designs.
He is opportunistic and may frequently do what is best for the world or for those he cares about (including himself) rather than what is best for the nation.
You're right that the ship has sailed. It doesn't turn Hunger into such a person, since he already is one.
You're right that the ship has sailed. It doesn't turn Hunger into such a person, since he already is one.
All my strongest counterarguments to Waters are hamstrung by this pair of sentences.

We can argue about whether neutralizing the abilities of his strongest supporters "is best for the world or for those he cares about (including himself)" but that requires speculation or interest in the Voyaging Realm setting. The voters abandoned The Long Voyage en masse (overnight, for some reason) which indicates to me that arguments about the value of Magic users are going to fall flat.

If the thread doesn't care about our VR allies and assets, then it is absolutely the right call to just drain the Springs.