Fair point, but I meant power in more general meaning. After all, you don't need the strength to rend armies apart if they are just going to fall over on their own through your aura's working.
But, mental stats are nice in their own way. After all, while an opponent may have massive luck, a superiority of mental/social stats may allow to simply avoid them entirely. Also to use one's own rank in more directed way (by which I mean letting this force of cosmic plot-thing to tweak the world to fit our plans better).
Would you take 5000 in str/agi/con or 1 in wits/wis/int?
Just because something gives mental stat doesn't mean that it's a competitive option. Powerful person will have better choices than powerless one, so other guy being better at choosing doesn't mean much.
OaF is generally better than ADS given that:
a) we invested insane amount of resource into Rank build, which has OaF as it's cornerstone. Crown and Tears were taken specifically because of crazy value they would have once we get OaF
b) ADS is a zero pick, so we can get it at literally any point - most likely next voting point. OaF, while unlocked, actually requires pick
c) great deal of ADS' power lies in our ability to snap-pick it in preparation for fight rather than as reward. We had opportunity to do so in Search and Negotiation votes, for example. Here, however, ADS doesn't benefit from that as we can get standard EFB
d) OaF is just vastly stronger in current situation - if we choose Lord Protector, bigger dick means that we can slap his forces around and that it will be harder to him to come with a way to stop us, while with Decimation we get stronger summon and we can bullrush opposition faster
What makes voting for ADS completely senseless, however, is fact that we can get it literally next fucking vote, while OaF requires us to have pick ready. Like, you are voting for possibility of running into Lord Protector with 30 Arete sitting in our pocket doing nothing down because "Muh mEnTaL sTatS".
Well, I guess that at least Hunger will understand better that skipping Rank day is a bad thing, then, so there's that.