I don't think the chance for a couple of picks is worth the risk of being convinced to put off decimation mitigation. We don't know how big an area it covers now and we could easily aggro way too many threats with it now that we're close to the center of the voyaging realm.
It kinda is. We are positively starved for picks. Remember, not only that we have a ton of Arete we want to translate into power, but we also have bunch of high-quality pick Advancements we have to get - Honing(2p), Iridescence(2p), CP's DA(4p) etc., which we can't get because we are using what little picks we have to get 7 or 25 Arete Advancements.
1550 Words

The Words of the Hills part 2: 3903 words

I've been thinking about this and I put together a chart. Let's see if it is readable without converting it to prose form:
Curse 1Curse 2Narrative Effects: Build Notes
LaborPrimitiveUnending tasks with no opportunity to relax, and no luxuries or vices to lighten the load. Tasks in society are made dramatically more difficult.
LaborSilenceUnending tasks and extreme difficulty asking for help.Lone-wolf approach limits effect of curse on others
LaborFetichUnending tasks with an obvious weak point for adversaries to target. Depending on the nature of tasks, this might be positive or negative: If you know where your enemies will strike, you can set up countermeasures and traps!Clear demarkation of success / failure: failing a task OR losing Fetich costs 90% of power. Could be narrative tie-in where you lose the Fetich as a punishment for failing a task. Loss of power from lost Fetich does not last longer than loss of power from Geas of Labor.
LaborBeautyUnending tasks with any ally guaranteed to (eventually) betray your trust in a really intimate way. Labor already prevents normal relationships from developing, but this option demands additional effort avoiding close relationshipsGeas specifies that obsession with beauty may only hinder you. Temporary allies may inhibit your Labor tasks if they are unsafe, or even just inconvenient for the victim's preference of gazing at your beauty indefinitely
LaborContaminatedUnending tasks with an unknown moral valence: that the labor is difficult does not mean it is sinister. Contamination guarantees that presence while laboring has negative effect on locals for at least a year after you leaveSmallest direct impediment for Labor task progress. Probably imposes larger externalities on other people than alternative builds.
PrimitiveSilenceTotally cuts you off from all the products of modern society. You cannot ask for someone else to help you navigate an elevator, or pay for food on your behalf using money, or deliver a message to someone in town…Maybe I'm under-selling this option. Being a caveman in the wilderness or a hunger-gatherer certainly gets romanticized by some corners of the internet.
PrimitiveFetichThe inability to dress up your Fetich is an aesthetic nightmare. There are very few primitive defensive measures that I can think of off the top of my head. However, this option does essentially allow free-reign to explore the wilderness and grind up powers.Shiny magic rock lmao. Maybe there's a way to distinguish between power taken from the wilderness and power generated from yourself? Relying on external rituals, entities, etc. would be one way to mitigate the power invested in the fetich. Primitive superstitions would allow negotiations with existing places or beings of power
PrimitiveBeautyOne of the most personally dangerous options: being captured by a modern predator would lead to imposition of beauty standards within a modern context.Primitive encourages you to stay away from society. Unless Beauty can expand to affect the ubiquitous spirits (or animals, yuck) then this might be one of the options that has the least external consequences imposed on outsiders
PrimitiveContaminatedThis turns you into a leper. You cannot blend into society, your presence leads to illness, and it isn't a stretch to think that people will connect the dot that the dirty caveman (cavelady) is associated with the new plague
SilenceFetichSilence makes it difficult to bluff about the nature of our powers, and it makes it harder to negotiate with anyone who seizes the Fetich. On the other hand, the Fetich is not something that can ever be bluffed or hidden, so the loss is somewhat blunted. It is difficult to acknowledge consent / surrender if someone steals the Fetich.This is appealing if only because Silence already pushes us out of polite society. under this combination we'd simply try to avoid every social encounter.
SilenceBeautyThere are some #Problematic themes combining in this build: Silent but beautiful characters already populate the majority of hollywood. In terms of game mechanics, Silence feels like a difficult curse to fit into the narrative at the best of times, and combining it with Beauty means that any retribution or catharsis against aggressors will be done nonverbally (or violently)This is probably the closest option so far to a playable character. You'd be cursed, with serious obstacles to your own goals, but you would not be prevented from pursuing independent action.
FetichBeautyAn unwanted paramour stealing your Fetich would be an excellent way to be trapped by their controlling demands. Without the incessant demands from the Geas of Labor, this would be an annoying speed bump rather than a death sentence as in Labor/Beauty.There is a lot more medium-term time pressure on the MC in Brain's quest than there is in canon. 2500 years is a pretty wide window to shoot for a mere 50 years of consecutive rule. By contrast, here we have only a single human lifetime - and one fated to be cut short!
FetichContaminatedIf Fetich reveals the connection between our power and the contamination then it will be targeted when we are inevitably driven out of town.The fetich is the critical weakness in the boss monster that every RPG protagonist chases before the final fight. We are the boss monster. This is a bad combo.
BeautyContaminatedBeauty and Contamination results in a karmic backlash for anybody whose obsession leads to us being captured. However, it is likely that their growing more feeble would lead to a bad-end for us: being locked in a cell by a jailer who is so wracked with pain that they cannot move is a good way to meet a bad end. Death by starvation locked in their dungeon...Self-defeating stance activate!

So those are some thoughts about all the unique curse combinations. I still think that the Curse of labor is unfairly punishing, and should come with at least a lesser remittance. But blurb writing is hard and you're doing this for fun.

As mentioned when you published, I think the curses are pretty painful. Given the need to eventually have a conversation and ask a supernatural entity for help, I was initially trying really hard to pick options that would allow for some level of social development. Looking back, now, maybe I drifted from that objective...

Anyway, the combinations I found most tolerable are Beauty + Primitive and Beauty + Fetich, with an honorable mention from Beauty + Silence. I hope you are noticing a pattern: Beauty is the curse that provides the smallest immediate obstacle to your long-term goals. Primitive is viable for someone that just wants to stay in the wilderness and avoid people. This would likely result in an unrelenting hostility to any potential acquaintances. Fetich involves constant vigilance, but that is not any different from any life under the curses as you've laid them out. Silence requires the selection of Apostle, but has the greatest potential for engaging in conventional social interactions in the medium term.

Deciding between these choices comes down to the Remittance chosen.

Beauty + Silence is a feasible build so long as the Apostle remittance is selected. The Apostle has the greatest possible resistance to your curses, so they may be able to occasionally act as a go- between if you need something from society. They would be able to shelter you from exposing Beauty to feebleminded strangers, and with enough trust they could even act without the onerous process of bypassing Silence.

The Apostle could act as bodyguard and companion even as the rest of your social connections wither and die under the Accursed's burdens. Three time-loops is nothing to sneeze at, either. While it is important to conserve them as much as possible, the time loops would help you identify which besotted mind-thralls can rise to become a true-threat. Individuals who manage to corner you or bypass your protector have the kind of Talent that you should be looking out for!

Beauty + Fetich implies that you could take any of several remittances. My instinct is to go with Parabellum: depending on how Karma manipulation works you might be able to secure enough good Karma to deter thefts of your Fetich. Improving the Embroidery ability is useful for a character that knows she needs to set up against medium-term threats from every single social connection. The Devil's Mark is a quick way to secure defenses against any impulsive or handsy victims of Beauty. You'd need a combination of short-term protection against opportunist louts shooting their shot and long-term protection against more conniving attempts to abduct or coerce you. The Sangria Ritual gives you the ability to deliver the just deserts for transgressors affected by Beauty's influence. +Progression is something to grab, anyway.

Honorable mention here: The Apostle again. If you can trust them to hold your Fetich, maybe there'd be less risk of complications?

Finally, Beauty + Primitive is the best combination if you want to fuck off into the wilderness to train the Praxis after taking the Armageddon remittance. I'm not sure I have a great handle on how powerful the MC is before getting a remittance, so I'm hesitant to take any option that doesn't grant immediate power or some kind of safety net.

EDIT: A vote...
[W] Brand of Beauty
[W] Geas of the Fetich
[W] Parabellum
Last edited:
Fanwork##4853 Words

Reaction: The Lion Before Winter

The Lion Before Winter
The title sounds pretty straightforward - we meet a lion in this chapter and we'll get Winter's Tears after getting past it and reaching Adorie, which will allow us to don the mantle of the Winter King soon after. But it sounds a bit contrived to my ears. Why specifically Winter when the Artifact hasn't even shown up properly yet? It seems more likely that the Lion Before Winter is the lioness' full title, though the exact interpretation is unclear.

Perhaps it's a hint as to what happened to the Voyaging Realm, i.e. she had existed since before metaphorical (or literal?) Winter came to these lands. I don't think it's talking solely about climactic weather patterns, and combined with the domains of the Winter's Tears Artifacts plus the Endless Sky references, it sounds to me that the Norn had played some role in the destruction of the Voyaging Realm. Since we also know that the Foremost liked to invade other dimensions... perhaps they had bitten off more than they could chew?

Rihaku's comparisons of 15 Stage Cultivators to Rank 10 humans appear in an entirely different light then, not as just an easy to understand example for those of us who had played EFB, but a hint at the hidden history of this world. It's hard to imagine Cultivators could pose a credible threat to a civilization that had access to the Praxis and had sophisticated enough technology/magic to manipulate Curses, but I'll admit that Cultivators are masters of escalation. And maybe they had lost despite that, since the Rings and the other EFB-related Artifacts seem to have remained in this Realm. I would have expected their Art to remain and flourish in the Voyaging Realm at the very least, since it seems quite accepting of outside magics, but maybe the Foremost had banned the practice like they did a lot of other things.

Another interpretation is that it's simply her title from before everything changed and unrelated to the Voyaging Realm's history. So she's the 'Lion Before Winter' in the same way that Outsiders in Dresden Files possess cool titles like 'He Who Walks Behind' and 'He Who Walks Before'. Well, maybe the comparison is a bit uncharitable, she's fairly nice and approachable despite being an unfathomable being from the Realm of Forms. Probably has something to do with her former job in this 'amusement park'. In any case, it's possibly just what she is called in lieu of using some complicated unpronounceable 'true name', maybe representing a part of her nature in some way. A guide to a winter themed park?

If we want to go into literature for associations, perhaps Narnia's Aslan could be related, though I don't think she's quite up there on the level of Lion!Jesus. Though her appearance begs the question of why the Foremost gave made her look like a lioness. Just a personal preference of her creator? Not like a reason beyond 'lions are cool' is really necessary for people like them. I can't really think of any other reasons, since we know the Foremost were humanoid in appearance and thus would have probably preferred humanoid workers in their amusement park, except maybe that they had made her in the image of some figure from their fairy tales.

Lastly, the title could refer to Hunger himself. After all, it says 'lion', not 'lioness'. A quick search of the phrase returns a historical drama called 'The Lion in Winter' about King Henry II. And going further down that rabbit hole it occurred to me that his son Richard the Lionheart possessed some similarities to Hunger. Not the cruelty, of course, but Richard had been a warrior-king too, and saw his kingdom as a means to an end. Reminds one of something, doesn't it? Probably too much speculation already, but guessing the meaning behind the titles is always fun.
They bid the vendor farewell and stepped into the passageway, the trellised door creaking ominously shut behind them. The passage was dim and poorly maintained, light skirling off the periphery of one's eyes like will-o-the-wisps, darting and shifting as they moved.

"What is that?" Letrizia complained, blinking her eyes shut to drown out the disorienting movement of the light.
They should clearly invest more in their lighting! How are prospective rescuers supposed to follow their secret passages with such poor illumination? If they expect us to fix these technical problems ourselves, they're in for some major surprise, since the solution Hunger prefers are quite final. No Tower, no technical difficulties, right? Well, not that the main combatants in our party would get really annoyed by simple issues like these, they're each superhuman in their own way.

Hmm, just how superhuman are they, actually, excluding aberrations like Hunger?

Gisena is a High Sorceress, which is a bigger deal than a normal Sorceress, plus Sublime Attainment was specifically focused on enhancing her stats. It said her stats would be comparable with Hunger's, but he had been basically a baby at that point, not even a single EFB or Defining Advancement under his belt, though he already had Quickening. Actually, it's not difficult to measure thanks to our character sheets, so it seems his physical stats were around 20 back then, devoid of most modifiers we've acquired since. So Gisena should be somewhere around there too, plus however much projected growth was included in the Sublime Attainment option. In terms of Agility that's... still at least several times the speed of sound, I think?

Letrizia is harder to quantify. She doesn't have physical enhancements beyond whatever implants she got before she met us, - oh right, and the blood buffs, assuming we keep those up, - but she has managed to train her up significantly, at least enough that she could momentarily neutralize Hunger's Pressure before he got the Crown Feat. She needed her Element's help for that, but still. Rank by itself doesn't really enhance physical parameters though, from what we know, so unless Sharpbright does that for her too, she should be close to baseline physically.

Aeira and Aobaru are even more difficult to gauge, since we don't have many concrete numbers on them or examples of feats. We know that Aobaru can give us +70% physical parameters, but that's clearly much less than what he can apply to himself, either because our stats are so big already or because it's just more efficient to buff himself. And Aeira has that weird +Agi from her Shadowcord Element and can presumably keep up with Hunger somewhat, at least going by what her training is supposed to achieve. So the question of what they can do is still up in the air, maybe we'll find our later.

There's Versch as well, but he's absent at the moment. Poor Armament, left behind while his companions decided to go on an adventure on their own. Hopefully he won't start eating people out of despair.

So, considering all of the above, it's not surprising that Letrizia is the only one bothered by the strange lighting. Rather, Shouldn't her Rank help with that too somehow? I guess she needs more Rank!

"Spatial magic," Gisena explained quietly. "It's an artifact of how heavily space is compressed here. The builders must not have been very skilled, or they could have compensated for the effect!"
And you are certainly an expert on crazy magical architecture like you're at everything else, right, Gisena?

...Actually, she might just be. While I don't remember the specifics of Joyeuse, Sylvie's works had certainly sounded impressive, and she did it at least partially through findross infusion and rearrangement of ordinary materials IIRC. That isn't a capability unique to her, other than the scale and effectiveness of her Grace. There were other Sorceresses who did the equivalent of Artifice judging by Gisena's explanations of her dresses, and there's little reason why they would limit themselves to personal Artifacts.

Or wait, did she take the time out to examine the Temple's structure while we were busy murdering our way through its inhabitants? I recall that it had quite a bit of time-space fuckery going on as well. I imagine that there wasn't much else to do while she had to wait outside, so why not busy herself with parsing the magical structure of the wondrous edifice right next to her? Might be a bit masochistic given she probably believed she wouldn't get any magic other than Nullity at that point, but sometimes we can't help poking things even when it hurts us.

Well, even if Gisena hadn't learned about magical architecture back then, her explanation here might just be the result of her regular magical perception and the Azure Ring. I would certainly trust the Ring's expertise on this front.

"Or they simply didn't care about the help," Hunger said.

"Come now, would you attribute so uncharitable a posture to the royal family of Mirellyian?" Gisena teased. "Are you not both royalty, bound by honor and common interest to defend each other's rights?"
Well, our score for governments deposed vs supported is 3 vs 0 so far? The only ones that ended up somewhat well are the people in charge of Elixir, and even they lost their position and their most important properties. It's not quite mind-break and murder, but they might not be quite as grateful for the rescue from the Rotbeast as one would expect. Good thing Adorie is basically an exiled princess! This way our habits of fomenting rebellion and upsetting the existing order work for her rather than against.

Man, I imagine a day will come when people will simply bar Hunger from visiting their country because it's always just a prelude to conquest, whether he intends to or not. I would almost think that Apocrypha is helping him train for his future Geas task on the sly, but there is no way our Curse can be this nice!

"That doesn't obligate me to like them," he observed. "Case in point, my Princess Regent is fond of causing me frequent vexation."

"You could just not play along," Aobaru said helpfully. Gisena's eyes glowed faintly emerald in the shadow as Aobaru lit an illuminating flame. For a while they walked in silence.
For a moment there I imagined Gisena and Aobaru facing each other in a Mexican stand-off.

'So the young puppy has started growing some teeth? Perhaps I should teach you the dangers of being too snarky near a Nullity Sorceress'
'Bring it on, you won't depower this Chosen One so easily!'

I think it was the glowing eyes and being mentioned in the same sentence that gave the impression, I certainly didn't expect her to just quiet down after the jab. But the boy Aobaru is sadly too late with his advice in any case, Catherine had already conditioned Hunger to obey Princesses during his previous adventure, Gisena simply took advantage of the formed habits. The takeover of Elixir had clearly been a nefarious plot to exploit this chink in Hunger's impeccable social armor. Hmm, maybe he has a Princess fetish? If so we might be a tad disadvantaged against Adorie...

No longer after they reached a fork in the path, the left side caved-in, the right blocked by a shimmering waterfall. Hunger glanced at Gisena, who stepped forth, already examining the rightwards juncture.

"It's... a domain," she frowned. "The territory of some supernatural creature, with wards of shielding and divination. The vendor didn't mention anything like this. Think it's a trap?"
Hidden passage, yeah right. Next time a vendor who is secretly a royal spy points us at obscure tunnels and mysterious entrances that we can use to get past an usurper, we'll know what to expect! I wish I could say that it's Hunger's fault for forgetting the basic common sense of adventure stories, but it's not like we did much better. My own fault for expecting wholly positive results out of high rolls and forgetting that we aren't the only ones who can roll well, or just make sufficient preparations that rolls don't matter.

We find out a bit more about the Lord Protector's capabilities in this chapter at least, rumors of super-competence aside. Perhaps wards aren't the most exciting field of magic, buy they're a solid choice for an entrenched wizard. Most are kind of useless against Hunger's MurderDeathKill Cut and the newly acquired teleportation Sign, but it's not like preparing for a hostile Cursebearer is easy.

"Possibly. And the other side?"

"Wholly mundane, except for the usual magics."
Man, isn't Gisena really convenient as a magic trap detector? I'm starting to worry that we'll start relying on her too much in that department and she will miss something one day. It's not like her magic senses/vision are perfect and can't miss anything. I would suggest that Hunger should develop some magic detection capabilities as well, but I think he's firmly of the belief that 'just destroy all hostile magic' is the best solution to the problem, given the existence of the Magic-Defeating and All-Defeating Stances. No wonder him and Gisena get along so well!

"Halt," came a voice from the right, and Hunger felt a fell energy shiver down his spine.

A beast padded forward, a female lion with eyes of kaleidoscopic pink and grey, the sigil of an inverse E across her forehead. She stopped at the waterfall boundary and observed them with keen intent, the Pressure of her Astral presence like a curtain thrown across the world. The Forebear's Blade trembled greedily in his hand.
That's some dedication to math, tatooing an existential quantifier onto her forehead. Had she been a nerd during her tenure as an amusement park guide? Or had her creator been one? Not that I expect the Foremost to perfectly parallel our mathematical notation, but neither would it surprise me given all the other similarities and even the incredibly unlikely language overlap with the modern inhabitants of the Human Sphere and the Voyaging Realm. Maybe we could once again chalk it up to convergent principles.

...Wait. It just really occurred to me, but why are we still speaking the same language with everyone we meet? Ok, let's assume Letrizia speaks English due to shenanigans and 'ontological similarities', as she explained, but what about the rest of the Voyaging Realm? I can accept the Elixir Sovereignty, since they only fled from the Empire relatively recently, and maybe the Temple had enough intercommunication with all the invading adventurers to somehow avoid linguistic drift, but what about Nilfel? They'd been pretty isolated so far from what I understand, so how in the world do we understand each other without further effort? Is there 'magic in the air'? Gisena did mention something about that, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nilfel's mythos dealt with such problems.

A worthy opponent at last. Since he'd killed the Rotbeast it'd had nothing but scraps. The Doom of the Tyrant flared within him. He would not be commanded by this creature, this monstrous beast. Not now, and not ever.

Gisena stepped back politely, but Hunger pressed forward, blue of the Praxis already materializing across his blade's edge.
Wow, that's a lot more bloodthirsty than I ever expected from Hunger. Sometimes I forget just how battle-crazy he can be. Surely there is no way this state of affairs can be our fault! And naturally just a single word from the lioness procs Tyrant, why would I expect anything else? The Doom had been relatively tame so far, as Curses go, but it is still a Curse. One slip is all it needs to flare up to its full terrible glory.

Gisena's actions here make me both grateful and sad for what they represent. She knows Hunger and his situation well enough that she's aware there is no point trying to convince him once he's in the grip of the Tyrant's Doom, so she just quietly gets out of the way. It's good for her survival chances, but it is a stark reminder that their relationship is inherently unequal. They may joke and banter, but the Doom is something she has no answer to, so she can only bow once it procs, no matter what she would actually prefer to do.

The creature took a step back. "Please. I do not wish to harm you. Were we to battle, neither of us would escape unscathed. In actuality I come bearing a gift for one of you."

Hunger stopped, tide of the waterfall sheeting and humming over the edge of his blade, its supernal sharpness splitting the ward-magics down to their core.
Beware of lions bearing gifts, eh? We could easily do without such 'help'.

Still, I'm more at peace with the Chains choice now, by the way. Had we chosen Dearly Departed or Runes of Mastery, this would have likely ended in a Tyrant proc and a messy battle. And while the consequences of awakening Aobaru to his destiny prematurely are horrible, at least Hunger didn't randomly trigger and slaughter this creature who tried her best to find a peaceful resolution despite the perilous circumstances. Not that she did it out of pure altruism, as we learn later, but it's best to stay civil while one can.

"The Lord Protector summoned me to intercept you," The creature said. "But I see now that our mutual opposition would be folly. So long as the Chosen One travels alongside you, our interests are aligned. I, too, would see this Realm restored to its former glories."
Don't expect me to like you just because you are repeating Baenlixnair's and Zang Kong's line, creature!

...huh. It was meant as a joke, but I think my paranoia is starting to get to me, given the theories about the Voyaging Realm's (and Nilfel's specifically) connections to the AU EFB world. Had she known one of them back then? I wish we could have pumped her for lore, she must have known tons of hidden secrets. Too bad the oaths the Lord Protector bound her with are so effective. Maybe we can summon her again later? Our summoning spell might only target the Astral Realm for now, but expanding that to other Realms is a good direction to develop it into if the want the Sign to remain useful in worlds without Astral, and the Realm of Forms sounds pretty universal. Not to mention that we could find all kinds of interesting beings in there.

It stared at Aobaru. "Come forth, Chosen One. Allow me to take a look at you."

"Not too far forward," Hunger said casually. "Don't let it lunge at you."
There are children's stories about stuff like this, Aobaru. Don't complain if she tries to swallow you in one bite after pretending to be your grandmother! I wonder if Hunger was simply taking precautions or if this is really a Red Riding Hood reference from him. He can remember surprisingly random things from his life as an Earthling.

"Chosen One? Me?" Aobaru said dumbly, coming to a halt half a handspan behind Hunger.

"The legacy of the Builders lives on within you," the lioness explained. "Only you can re-activate the control array located at Realm's center. Power beyond the uttermost imaginings of your presently-mortal mind, should you prove worthy to hold it. But you are not awakened yet... Your potential lies curiously dormant. The hour of destiny has not yet come for you. I could change that, awaken what slumbers within. It would be a gradual transition, and you may attract dangers beyond your personal capacity to handle, but your friend the Praehihr should keep you well in stead. He seems eager for a fight, regardless."
We had known about Aobaru's protagonist status for a while thanks to Rihaku's hints, but it still seems quite surprising to me too. Like, there had hardly been anything other than his significant talent that made him stand out when we first met him. Well, in hindsight maybe we should have payed more attention to what had led Letrizia and Versch to that school in the first place. Versch often knows way more things than he lets on, and as part of the Foremost legacy it wouldn't be surprising if he could recognize their... successor?.. from afar. Strange that he didn't say anything more once we arrived, but perhaps he knew that us picking Aobaru up was inevitable at some point.

Reading what she says about his task more closely though, why would someone need to manually re-activate any control arrays? That they can be activated means they're intact, but shouldn't there be some mechanisms to automatically maintain and trigger them? Then again, perhaps the Builders weren't believers in automatism, given the existence of the Interdict of Cognition.

Also, thanks for the vote of confidence, miss lioness, though I would have preferred to avoid reenacting the Doom of Culling, especially since we don't get any Remittances for it. This is revenge for calling Hunger hardcore one time too many, isn't it?

"That sounds pretty amazing," Aobaru said cautiously, "But how do we know that any of what you're saying is true? This... this is crazy. Why me?"

"An accident of circumstance," the lioness shrugged. "Or perhaps something deeper. I would have you awakened to your potential. That is the only price I request for the safe passage of your entire party to the Princess' Tower... and the information I bear on the Lord Protector himself."
It's not a bad trade, to be fair, given what the alternatives were. And the info on the usurper is dead useful, since we're probably about to fight him. I had hoped that we could push that off and deal with Decimator first, but it sounds like he's too competent to leave him up to his own devices. Well, except when it comes to binding summoned creatures to their oaths, but to be fair he's hardly the first wizard to fall into this trap.

Speaking of potential, shouldn't Aobaru be a possible Sorcerer too, since he carries the legacy of the Builders and all? Maybe that's what she meant when she spoke about potential being dormant, though it sounds like she expected him to be awakened already. It seems like she doesn't know about whatever happened to produce this outcome. Hmm, and we've posed some theories about the reasons why humans have lost the capability to produce and manipulate findross after seeing the Cut Fate advancement, like it being a Fate/Destiny effect, which appears even more interesting in light of the fact that Aobaru is the Chosen One.

"I'm surprised at your latitude of action," Gisena commented. "He summoned you, but you wriggled very adroitly out of those bindings! Yet you don't resemble any of the Astral denizens I've met at all... I wonder where he got you from?"
Most Astral denizens we've met tried to eat our face, so that's hardly conclusive evidence of the lioness' different origins. We even bought a spell that lets us summon and negotiate with Astral beings recently! Or will buy in the future? Time has gotten even more confusing now that we're jumping back and forth with build votes.

I guess Gisena could also be talking about the creature's magic. It might be different enough to make it obvious that she's from somewhere else other than the Astral Realm.

"A place halfway between here and there," the lioness nodded, nudging the supernal blue of Hunger's blade-edge. Her muzzle came up fully against the cutting blue, and yet she was not cut.

His eyes widened. A being from somewhere along the gradient between this base reality and the true fundament beneath. Did it inhabit the same realm he'd ventured into to strike against the Rotbeast? What was the Lord Protector that he could call upon such a creature?
When I read the first line, I involuntarily imagined Hunger pouting and poking the lioness with his shiny blue sword while complaining that it's supposed to Cut anything, no type weaknesses to felines allowed. I was thankfully reminded that Hunger wasn't really trying here, so I can rest assured that Cut can't be so easily resisted by any random summon from the Realm of Forms.

I was a bit confused by her explanation of her origins though, to be honest. Till now I thought the Realm of Forms was just an abstraction of reality, not an actual place. So her 'living' there sounds a bit strange to me, like humans saying that we live in space. Technically correct, but doesn't everything have a representation in the Realm of Forms one way or another? It could be that Hunger's first interpretation was wrong and she simply means that the Lord Protector used that Realm as a search engine and/or transit station to drag the lioness from wherever she was before to his place, but I trust his expertise in this case.

"I'll do it," Aobaru said. "If it gets us past you without having to fight, and also gives us intel on this Lord Protector guy... it sounds like a good deal to me. What do I have to do?"

"Nothing," said the lioness. "Simply stand there."
Of all the lessons to learn from Hunger, it just had to be heroism, hadn't it? He has no idea what he is in for. Well, it's not like the lioness explained all that much about the dangers, simply saying that Hunger would deal with it. I reckon his opinion might have been somewhat different if he learned that he's provoking an enemy with potential equal to Hunger's own with this. Hopefully we'll survive to regret this decision! Or not, if the rewards are good enough.

There was an instinct in him to halt this, to have the boy re-consider the precipitous course to which he'd agreed, but Hunger stilled himself. Much as he'd like to intervene, it was ultimately Aobaru's choice. That he personally had suffered from his stint as hero of destiny did not mean the boy was doomed to the same. Certainly not if he had anything to say about it.
I think the Runes of Mastery are representative of what could happen if we tried to take on too much responsibility. Broad as Hunger's shoulders are, they can't bear everything. Still, from his perspective this is truly Aobaru's decision to make, so I can understand not intervening despite his instincts blaring non-stop warnings. I don't know how well we'll be able to protect him, but we'll certainly do our best! If only to avoid something as ominous-sounding as Apocryphal Onslaught. Nothing called Onslaught had ever been good news, especially in conjunction with a Curse like Apocrypha.

The lioness gently stalked forward and laid a paw against Aobaru's hand. There was a brief flare of magenta light and Aobaru gasped.

"Whoa. I- whoa..."
That was quick! And painless, from the looks of it. What a deviation from the usual tropes!

"Now then," the creature continued, "As I have turned wholly against my summoner, we have limited time before the terms of my conjuring result in my inevitable banishment. Your chief priority must be the defense of the Chosen One; with the forces arrayed against him you can scarce afford further distractions. I cannot see your full intentions but I assume you will not be deterred from your opposition of the Lord Protector. In your current state you have very little chance of opposing him directly."
I'd almost lost it then and there before remembering that this is before we pick up the Tears and the Tower. Because having no chance against the Lord Protector after getting not one but two EFBs would have been a bit... well, even with them we're apparently not strong enough to overcome his legions, though we may be pretty enough to subvert them. Man, I almost regret getting Sky Veil now, it would have been hilarious to see Gisena going gaga over the new and improved Hunger. Not like we could have gotten the Opalescent Tower advancement without Sky Veil in the first place, but it's the principle of the matter!

That we need to focus on defending Aobaru goes without saying. Even if we didn't have any personal attachment to our squire, the consequences of his death alone don't bear thinking about. Like, we literally couldn't possibly survive them, since the name implies the Apocrypha attacking us repeatedly and possibly releasing whatever limiters she has. Since she's mostly limited by wanting to keep things 'interesting', making her explicitly want to kill us is a bad, bad idea.

She paused and trembled, cracks like splintering stone forming across her back. Through them peered a light of unearthly paleness, like the sun filtered through clouds.
No Praxis blue or magenta? I have a sneaking suspicion this lioness simply likes playing with colors and even her kaleidoscopic eyes are just there for appearance's sake rather than due to any special eye magic.

The lioness licked her lips and continued. "He is owed many favors by the foremost entities of this Realm of Myth. That said, you are a Praehihr and capable of progression beyond limit... look into the armamentarium of Mirellyian dynasty. They harbor artifacts that would work perfectly with your style of magic. The Tower itself is forged of the same material as your incomplete Cloak of Sky. Marshal your powers quickly and seek aid from the legions of House Eruntael. You may be sheltered against many divinations but your companions are not. The next entity he sends against you may lack my raw potency, but will be more finely-tailored to-"

At last the lioness could continue no further, the speed of her disintegration hastening until with a thunderous crack the fissures overtook her entirely. Like pulverized stone she shattered, leaving only fragments and dust behind, and the waterfall receded steadily, become an intermittent dribble.
I wish she could have told us something more useful than vague hints, since we knew most of that OOC. Well, some pieces of information are still valuable, like the fact that he owns favors from the 'foremost entities' of this Realm. We have no idea how strong they are, but they are presumably quite dangerous given the average levels of encounters here. One more reason not to give him time before we strike him down, as it would mean allowing him an opportunity to call upon those favors. On the other hand, free picks? With OaF that might just be survivable.

That our companions aren't shielded from divination is good advice too, though there isn't much we can do about that. Maybe Gisena could whip something up with her Ring of Time, but we're already expecting quite a bit of work from her. Expecting her to solve our every problem might be a bit too much...

And finally, the lioness mentions summons that would be of lesser potency than her but more finely-tailored to... target our weaknesses? Assassinate the princess? Actually obey his orders? I don't think he can divine Hunger well enough to summon something that can defeat our MC specifically, though the same cannot be said for our companions. Assassination of the princess is a worry too, as she's going to carry our newest Artifact, which represents a significant fraction of our power. She has a lot of Rank, but not a lot of combat experience, so we'll have to see what her own opinion is. And he clearly won't repeat the same mistake of summoning something that doesn't do what he wants it to!

"Well," Hunger blinked. "That was a lot to take in." They had underestimated both the speed and the resourcefulness of this Lord Protector. Had they been forced to fight, would he have won here?
Yes. Yes he would have. Hunger probably wouldn't have liked the price for victory though.

The lesson to learn here is that we need better divination capabilities yesterday, if we don't want our enemies to catch us off-guard so easily next time. As the bearer of the Time Ring, that sounds like a job for Gisena!

"Whoa..." Aobaru said once more, before snapping out of his reverie. "That... was..."

"Care to share with the class?" Letrizia said archly.
Sounds like someone is upset they've been left out of all the fun. She has mostly been following us around, hasn't she? And now even Aobaru has gotten his own Destiny Quest, how unfair! Next thing you know we'll adopt Aeira and she'll replace Letrizia's position as our daughter. Now that sounds like a way to awaken Zea to her potential as the Devouring Sorceress...

He rubbed his brow. "I can't really describe it with words. She showed me a little bit of what the Voyaging Realm used to look like, millions of years ago. I think it - the section I saw - was some kind of amusement park."

"An amusement park?" Aeira said slowly.
The orc Armor mentioned something about a Park too, though we kept guessing whether it meant just the nearby area or something more. And there were other speculations in that direction too, iirc. Weird how an amusement park had rules on unlicensed mutations, but given what the Voyaging Realm is like nowadays, the Foremost had a very different idea of what amusement is about than we do. Rough for Aeira to find out this way though, that the death world she lives on is just runaway entertainment for the Foremost.

He shook his head. "I know how it sounds. But I don't mean that in a frivolous way. They took amusement very seriously. The being we just met, she used to be part of their analogue to a petting zoo. A protector and companion for the kids that were dropped off while their parents and older siblings went on the rides."
Man, it sounds like a whole race of people like Nameless. He would have fit right in! They even had elven waifus and everything. Hell, orcs are basically Cultivators without Reality Effects, and Rank can substitute for that. Plus Builder Sorcery and whatever elven magic is like... huh. He might have actually fit right in as someone who flourishes through application of synergy between different magic systems. Well, I'm not sure if these ones are actually compatible, since they all use findross, just in different ways, but Nameless would have found some way to fuck things up for the Fates in any case.

"And she wants her job back?" Letrizia guessed. "Even after millions of years. Wholly committed to her purpose, just like Verschlengorge. The Foremost sure knew how to make 'em."
Is it slavery when following the preordained purpose is inscribed in their basic nature? The Tyrant Armament says no, cause otherwise it would have gone on a rampage long ago. Yeah, the Foremost sure knew how to make things last for ages, all the stranger that none survived till now. Sounds like they were Doomed, to be honest, though their disappearance could be any number of causes.

"Okay, roller-coaster tycoon," Hunger said amusedly. "We know you've got to revive the dilapidated park, but did you get any tactically useful information from this glimpse? What were the Foremost like? Were they humanoid in appearance? Did they display any unusual capabilities? Any hints as to the nature of the forces coming for you?"
Well, we know that they got around, in many senses of the words. I have a sneaking suspicion Hunger expects to fight the Foremost at some point, given the tenor of the questions. I honestly can't blame him, given everything that happened and the existence of Apocrypha. Their return is almost inevitable once we progress in the completion of our Geas task if not earlier, cause that is bound to make things more 'interesting' for us.

"Nothing on that last one," Aobaru shook his head. "It was wild. There were dimensions involved that I can't really describe, and I don't know if it was purely metaphorical, but they looked like humans to me. More or less regular humans, though some of them had some pretty sick mods. Elf, orc, kind of like the stuff you'd see in Voyaging City but way more refined."
...Mods. He sees orcs and elves and the first thing he thinks is 'cool mods'? Modernity has spoiled the romance of men! Where is that passion you're known for, Aobaru?! Such a lack of appreciation for the finer things in life, I'm so disappointed.

Too bad we didn't find out more about his nemesis IC (or OOC, if our guesses about their nature are wrong). Though no information is information in itself. Praehihrs are normally immune to divination.

"Speaking of Voyaging City," Letrizia mused, "I really should be getting back... it's no hurry though! I want to stay with you guys and develop my Element as much as I can!"

"Unconcerned with matters imperial?" Hunger raised an eyebrow.

Letrizia pouted. "Just let me have this, okay! It's nice to be free, even if I'm just following you guys around. Besides, there's no place safer than next to my bodyguards!"
Just ignore those death% that crop up from time to time, Letrizia, you're perfectly safe. It works for Hunger!

I'm surprised just how blasé she is about putting off her return. I had the impression that she actually wanted to be back as soon as our circumstances allow. If she prefers to continue adventuring with us a bit longer, that might influence my decision-making in that regard quite a bit. Not that what she wants is necessarily the best for her, but at least she'll be in a good mood while we travel around. Till we get back and she realizes just what our procrastination cost us and her, anyway.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Hunger turned to Aobaru. "I've been involved in the Chosen One business before. It never goes as trivially as they say. We'll do our best to make sure you have it easier than I did, but be prepared for severe adversity. When we're done here I'll tell you a bit about what I went through. It's not something I'd wish upon any but my worst enemies."
I don't think Hunger had many other people who qualify as 'worst enemies', so... Tyrant? Man, Tyrant as a Chosen Hero, what would that have been like? We don't have even a single line from him - even Catherine had one! - so maybe he would have been a silent hero like Link. Or he would have mostly screamed and roared, that's somewhat popular among Berserkers too.

I would love to hear more stories about Hunger's past though, as we have only the broad strokes.

"Don't set yourself up as some sort of mentor figure," Letrizia said worriedly. "Those are almost always fated to die!"

"Fate promises many things," Hunger said bitterly. "It rarely delivers. And if it wants a piece of me, I would welcome the opportunity."
Pfft, as if we would succumb to the Doom of the Mentor. It's not a real Curse if it doesn't even need to be Mitigated.

Quite a bit of pent-up resentment for Fate in there, I notice. To be fair I would have been upset too, had I gotten a decade-long guerilla war instead of a fun adventure that was promised initially. Here is a chance to get it back though! Disproportionate revenge had always been the province of Tyrants, and since we're taking on the burdens of one, we might as well get some of the benefits.

Just don't start violating the Evil Overlord rules, that never ends well.
[X] Hide Behind Gisena
[X] The Long Voyage
Mental Stability and Gisena are my two favorite things to get +'s for
[X] Hide Behind Gisena
[X] Priority Two

I don't actually care about the trade negotiation, I just wanna see two princesses go at it. Read into that what you will.

Real tough to decide on the Aoboru plan. I ended up going with Priority Two because it points us at the mage-extraction problem, which I've wanted to see solved for quite some time.
Agents of the Throne New Intake Memos -2337 Words

Information memo to be disseminated to Agents of the Throne, as tiered by badge rank and star count on uniform. All memos are traced, and violators of the Information security agreements signed on the face of all packets will be prosecuted as per criminal code.

Clearance Level: Single Star
The following are a mixture of clarifications on terms that are nominally supposed to be kept inside of the Administration of the Throne but have since leaked to the general public as well as publicly available information given further clarification. While the general public has a general grasp of some of the following, the exact details are to be retained by those of Single Star clearance and above. Violations will be investigated by associated handlers.
Surgecraft is the term King Hunger or Princess Gisena sometimes refer to Elementalism by, calling High Elementalists "Surgecrafters" as well. No known explanation exists for why they do this or where the term came from.

Pristine Star
This is the collective umbrella term for all of Hunger's displayed healing abilities, those that extend not to just himself but others as well. King Hunger is graciously able to cure most ailments and injuries of an Elixir Citizen with minimal effort, usually in under a minute. Several members of the Administration have had their injuries or conditions healed in such a manner, whether they be lifelong disorders or recently obtained in the Rotbeast siege.

Edeldross refers to King Hunger's Element. The nature of his element have been widely spread throughout public consciousness due to his liberal use of it during the Siege of the Rotbeast as well as during the first annual Hunger Tournament held at the High Elementalist training facility during which he sought out instruction for his new Element. It is a holistic and quantitative boost to all physical and mental attributes of the recipient while they under its effects. While the exact magnitude of this increase is under debate due to differing showings in all appearances, the consensus is that during his last demonstration of it during the drawing of the new Constitution he could enhance all physical strength and constitution of those within the same room by twice their base values, with implied evenness on how their mental facilities were enhanced.

Elixir Springs
According to reports from resort facilities and water quality testing agencies, the effective healing benefits from the Elixir Springs as a whole have increased substantially after the slaying of the Rotbeast. The further effects this will have on the next generation of High Elementalists is unknown.

Ennoblement refers to the process by which King Hunger is able to permanently enhance key members of the Administration to better do their work. The accompanying bonuses are similar to enhancement by his Element Edeldross, though of much greater duration and with an accompanying half step increase in Rank. When asked for clarification on the name, King Hunger was clear about the fact that no noble title accompanied such improvement. While only a portion of the current Administration staff are currently ennobled, King Hunger has stated that he would spread the effect among a larger group of people upon his return.

Clearance Level: Binary
The following is an expanded dossier based on the structure of the Single Star clearance memo. Any dissemination of new additions shall be punished by Administrative Review.
Surgecraft is the term King Hunger or Princess Gisena sometimes refer to Elementalism by, calling High Elementalists "Surgecrafters" as well. No known explanation exists for why they do this or where the term came from.

Pristine Star
This is the collective umbrella term for all of Hunger's displayed healing abilities, those that extend not to just himself but others as well. King Hunger is graciously able to cure most ailments and injuries of an Elixir Citizen with minimal effort, usually in under a minute. Several members of the Administration have had their injuries or conditions healed in such a manner, whether they be lifelong disorders or recently obtained in the Rotbeast siege.

While King Hunger regrew his own arm during his first sally against the Rotspawn, he has so far shown no indication of healing his missing eye or the myriad of scars he has visible. Currently it is unknown if this is an aesthetic choice or if the manner of injury was sufficient enough to overcome all attempts at healing including Elixir Spring water.

Edeldross refers to King Hunger's Element. The nature of his element have been widely spread throughout public consciousness due to his liberal use of it during the Siege of the Rotbeast as well as during the first annual Hunger Tournament held at the High Elementalist training facility during which he sought out instruction for his new Element. It is a holistic and quantitative boost to all physical and mental attributes of the recipient while they under its effects. While the exact magnitude of this increase is under debate due to differing showings in all appearances, the consensus is that during his last demonstration of it during the drawing of the new Constitution he could enhance all physical strength and constitution of those within the same room by twice their base values, with implied evenness on how their mental facilities were enhanced.

When asked, King Hunger has indicated that he obtained the Element by inducing it in himself artificially, doing the same for Armament pilot Imperial Duchess Letrizia von Artriez. The strategic implications of being able to induce an Element within an Elementalless adult or visiting non-citizen are discussed in full in the following briefing.

Elixir Springs
According to reports from resort facilities and water quality testing agencies, the effective healing benefits from the Elixir Springs as a whole have increased substantially after the slaying of the Rotbeast. The further effects this will have on the next generation of High Elementalists is unknown.

According to the Princess Regent Gisena, the Elixir Springs were originally slated to peak in effectiveness within five years, then decrease in potency throughout the next sixty until being exhausted. While the energies of the previous government were focused more on military defense, this was an unforeseen existential threat to the entire nation due to how intertwined the Elixir Spring waters are and continue to be to the defense and economy. A monitoring agency has been established in order to better foresee future threats of this nature.

Ennoblement refers to the process by which King Hunger is able to permanently enhance key members of the Administration to better do their work. The accompanying bonuses are similar to enhancement by his Element Edeldross, though of much greater duration and with an accompanying half step increase in Rank. When asked for clarification on the name, King Hunger was clear about the fact that no noble title accompanied such improvement. While only a portion of the current Administration staff are currently ennobled, King Hunger has stated that he would spread the effect among a larger group of people upon his return.

King Hunger has indicated that those currently ennobled will live for hundreds of years longer than those who have not been ennobled if they so choose.

Temple of the False Moon
King Hunger first was spotted by Armor Prototype Patrol unit stating he wished to take a vacation from his current endeavor. After a period of two days he left the then named Elixir Sovereignty to parts unknown despite widespread acclaim for his Rotspawn defeating abilities and the offers of substantial payment to stay. After approximately five days past his departure, he returned in time to stop the recently activated Foremost Armor Prototype and slew the Rotbeast.

Within this five day gap King Hunger conquered a second civilization. All political envoys are to be done under the understanding that King Hunger may invoke the structure of a second polity if needed.

Clearance Level: Orion
The following is an expanded dossier based on the structure of the Binary clearance memo. Any dissemination of novel information shall be investigated by the TraceWood Element and subsequently punished as per revocation military code.
Surgecraft is the term King Hunger or Princess Gisena sometimes refer to Elementalism by, calling High Elementalists "Surgecrafters" as well. No known explanation exists for why they do this or where the term came from.

Pristine Star
This is the collective umbrella term for all of Hunger's displayed healing abilities, those that extend not to just himself but others as well. King Hunger is graciously able to cure most ailments and injuries of an Elixir Citizen with minimal effort, usually in under a minute. Several members of the Administration have had their injuries or conditions healed in such a manner, whether they be lifelong disorders or recently obtained in the Rotbeast siege.

While King Hunger regrew his own arm during his first sally against the Rotspawn, he has so far shown no indication of healing his missing eye or the myriad of scars he has visible. Currently it is unknown if this is an aesthetic choice or if the manner of injury was sufficient enough to overcome all attempts at healing including Elixir Spring water.

During his first sally against the Rotspawn, King Hunger experienced bodily death while fighting against an Elite Rotspawn. Witnesses say that his ethereal spirit carried his own slain body back from the battlefield, with no indication that this state remained the following day. King Hunger's ability to heal seems to extend past conventional sciences and normal magics Elixir Kingdom is familiar with despite it's healing tourism focus.
The injury to his eye was noted to still exist on his spiritual form despite the fact that it was decoupled from the organ.

Edeldross refers to King Hunger's Element. The nature of his element have been widely spread throughout public consciousness due to his liberal use of it during the Siege of the Rotbeast as well as during the first annual Hunger Tournament held at the High Elementalist training facility during which he sought out instruction for his new Element. It is a holistic and quantitative boost to all physical and mental attributes of the recipient while they under its effects. While the exact magnitude of this increase is under debate due to differing showings in all appearances, the consensus is that during his last demonstration of it during the drawing of the new Constitution he could enhance all physical strength and constitution of those within the same room by twice their base values, with implied evenness on how their mental facilities were enhanced.

When asked, King Hunger has indicated that he obtained the Element by inducing it in himself artificially, doing the same for Armament pilot Imperial Duchess Letrizia von Artriez. The strategic implications of being able to induce an Element within an Elementalless adult or visiting non-citizen are discussed in full in the following briefing.

Elixir Springs
According to reports from resort facilities and water quality testing agencies, the effective healing benefits from the Elixir Springs as a whole have increased substantially after the slaying of the Rotbeast. The further effects this will have on the next generation of High Elementalists is unknown.

According to the Princess Regent Gisena, the Elixir Springs were originally slated to peak in effectiveness within five years, then decrease in potency throughout the next sixty until being exhausted. While the energies of the previous government were focused more on military defense, this was an unforeseen existential threat to the entire nation due to how intertwined the Elixir Spring waters are and continue to be to the defense and economy. A monitoring agency has been established in order to better foresee future threats of this nature.

Ennoblement refers to the process by which King Hunger is able to permanently enhance key members of the Administration to better do their work. The accompanying bonuses are similar to enhancement by his Element Edeldross, though of much greater duration and with an accompanying half step increase in Rank. When asked for clarification on the name, King Hunger was clear about the fact that no noble title accompanied such improvement. While only a portion of the current Administration staff are currently ennobled, King Hunger has stated that he would spread the effect among a larger group of people upon his return.

King Hunger has indicated that those currently ennobled will live for hundreds of years longer than those who have not been ennobled if they so choose.

King Hunger has indicated that all of these improvements are hereditary.

Temple of the False Moon
King Hunger first was spotted by Armor Prototype Patrol unit stating he wished to take a vacation from his current endeavor. After a period of two days he left the then named Elixir Sovereignty to parts unknown despite widespread acclaim for his Rotspawn defeating abilities and the offers of substantial payment to stay. After approximately five days past his departure, he returned in time to stop the recently activated Foremost Armor Prototype and slew the Rotbeast.

Within this five day gap King Hunger conquered a second civilization. All political envoys are to be done under the understanding that King Hunger may invoke the structure of a second polity if needed.

The details are sparse aside from the set up of multiple contingencies that Lord Hunger had developed in the case of dire emergency, however it is known that the Temple civilization consisted of a group of mages who extended their own lifespans via unfathomable torture of some sort of sentient being.
Upon the overthrow of this government and the installation of a more amicable one, King Hunger took up the moniker of "Ring Lord" that all communication should be changed to reflect should ambassadors meet.

The Temple civilization numbers a population of ten million inhabitants and answer to an entity known as "Sten" who in turn answers to King Hunger under his Ring Lord moniker.

If contact is made with this civilization please refer to the information within the next packet.
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This was 646 words somehow.
I've been thinking about this and I put together a chart.
Wow, I'm pretty happy my omake has sparked so much discussion! That's quite a nice spreadsheet.

You're not the first to say the Geas of Labor is far too harsh in it's current incarnation. Maybe I just needed to massage the language a little more? Maybe put "Challenging" there instead of "very difficult"? Or maybe just lose the intensifier. I can't deny that it's a Curse that appeals to me though, so I was quite surprised at the negative reaction! Doing cool things is the very reason I read these quests, so it's something I don't mind much.

Apostle is getting a bad rep here; time-reversal options just have no luck! It's an additional 3 Lesser Remittances, arguably far more due to the companion coming with the Accursed's defenses, plus three rewinds! Compare this in value to something like Regalia and it blows it out of the water. Most of the Curses on offer would also be greatly mitigated by a stalwart companion. It's a steal.

If you get Parabellum you will be immediately safe no matter what Curses are chosen. And you seem to think you still need to do the ritual? No, you just need to kill them; an incredible advantage for sure! But, and I said this in the discord already, its powers are not well suited to tackling the top-tier threads of this world; it's possible if you get TSH on all three of them, but it's a longer road for sure. However, it's possible to use them to jailbreak yourself into better systems, especially with your knowledge of Alchemy; in fact, a transition into Alchemy fully might be viable too, even if you pick something like Primitive. There's also some possible synergies between the Curses you select and certain Alchemical paths, though they are a ways off.

Hmm, I couldn't exactly put in any fight scenes to directly show her power, but unlike Hunger I can still say she remains a fearsome combatant. There's tons of similarities between Embroidery and Worm tinkertech; especially when it comes to dangers of giving a powerful Embroiderer prep-time if you don't want to get hard countered. She's just without resources right now, a tinker without her equipment. There's a reason why the Embroidery part of Parabellum is mostly potential focused; a partial restore of one her Tassels is power enough, especially in more esoteric departments!

I also already said this on discord but I guess I will repeat it here: stealing Karma is not exactly taking their fate, but more like the consequences of their actions. If you Sangria a banker who just before his death made a number of smart investments that haven't payed off yet and steal that part of his Karma, fortune will come your way. The better it fits the more benefits you will reap; so while you will get pretty incredible benefits if you have made some smart investments yourself, even a homeless man can get quite a pretty penny to come his way depending on the magnitude of the payoff.

This can be pretty blatantly supernatural if the Karma is a bad fit, and even if it's a perfect fit there will still be supernatural evidence; whoever inherits those investments from the banker will see quite the ridiculous set of circumstances to either make them fail or stop them from benefiting from it. It can also be countered by Alchemy if you know how. While I haven't introduced the concept of Judges yet, their Normative Alchemy is quite key in protecting the Government from any Karma snarls from dead agents; don't want other people stealing the success of your organization, after all.

Anyway, next update (If I ever actually make it) will be the Saint tutorialization, so look forward to it. However, if you want to drop some comments now, feel free! They can read the thread, after all.
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Empyrean sign tactics - 1077 Words
So! Let's talk some Tripartite Evening tactics. Well, rather, for the first two since aside from Astral Cat I have zero idea what the baseline rules are for summoning.

Nightmare Flight's potential to get out of dodge during a fight is remarked upon in the update itself, so that's useful to know. However I'd like to talk about two other potential uses of it aside from just transportation.

1) Alpha Striking
Alpha Striking with the power of ruin and Thousand Fold/Cut Through is our most damaging method of attack by far. The ability to start off a fight against an opponent leaking not just blood but also battle intelligence and magical power is great when we can't just shut them down with the Crimson Ring's blood casting. Aeria was supposed to help us in this regard, but by the time we had brought her over to the Temple fight we were already facing people too strong for her shadow cloaks to properly help us with in this manner.

Now that she's True Shadowcord her cloaks partially scale with us, which makes them much more viable for alpha striking. Not that this would help against someone stronger than us with better utility in detection, like the Lord Protector is hinted to be, but you take what you can get and hopefully this helps make his underlings much less dangerous than 'maim us forever' Astral Cat.

Wait, wasn't I talking about Nightmare Flight? I was! With it's instantaneous usage time and the ability to keep it charged up beforehand, as well as it's ability to pierce magics lesser than it, we can use it to pop into an enemy location and get the drop on them augmented by attention defeating Shadowcord cloaks.

Granted this might not work the best against the Lord Protector who likely has magics that are on par with the one or are literally the one that we're taking with when we steal the Tower for our cloak. But 'Scry and die' magic tactics are a staple of magical combat everywhere for a very very good reason. Against anyone unprepared with the specific counter measures for such a strategy just, uh, well look at the second half of the phrase.

2) Dragging people away
There might be a resistance check to this, so its something we'd have to test lest we basically abandon a fight and leave any allies at our opponent's mercy, but the ability to instant transmission someone away from the battle field and onto either a barren or actively hostile environment shouldn't be discounted. And unlike Goku we could survive Cell blowing up!

3) Bastion of Myth's actual effect
Now, people have basically mono focused on the synergy effect with Hero Defeating Stance. And for good reason, that's where the meat of this spell comes from if we're being honest. What's not to like?
But let's remember the spell's actual effect, 'Hunger is now mostly immune to gravity effects against him'
We can leverage this. There was a magic back in the Temple by the Librarian who basically one shot Hunger with a gravity multiplication effect. We would have died right then and there if Gisena did not undo the magic with her nulity. And as we saw with Sten, even hyper powerful people can be ruled by something as simple as gravity when there's no leverage.
While probably not the best thing to pull out while we have allies on the field, a very heavy gravity effect seems like it would compound with our pressure to truly pin our enemies down. Hey, the walls of Myth are rank upon rank and this spell is literally called Bastion of Myth. Whose to say we can't just ignore/make use of Rank pressure in this way.

Additionally this might combo with point number 2. If we can drag people to certain locations with Nightmare Flight against their will, then areas with hostile gravity are an easy go to place that would tip things in our favor much like how if we were immune to heat we would drag them into lava.

Setting up an area of significant gravity ahead of time before the fight, or merely just noting where one would be on the planet, could lead to any easy victory against unprepared opponents even if it means sacrificing our teleportation for the day.

4) Summoning dos and don'ts
I lied, I do have some summoning tactics!
Namely, jeez, I know it was helpful to us but did you catch the sheer amount of help Astral Cat was able to give to someone she was hired to kill in order to guard someone important before she was forced to explode as one does?
Because it was a lot! Five different information nuggets, the empowering(? if that's the right term here?) of an enemy, and she didn't even take a single swipe at the enemy party. She just exploded.

Now imagine that, except it's a summon we hired in order to protect someone we cared about. Instead of protecting Liz while we go slay a Huntress target, it tells an assassin a bunch of our weaknesses and then dies without ever fighting it. Imagine how salty we would have been, especially if it got paid up front in binding agreement! The Lord Protector is probably pretty salty right now to say the least.

So, don't trust them. Limit their information in take as much as possible. The spell calls them out on being unaware of certain things when summoned, and even more powerful ones can just learn the information they don't come pre aware of what's going on and what's important.
That's good, leverage that. Trade what you must, aim for short term deals or work in mutual interests for anything longer than that. Ideally the trades would be more literal than that since we can get what we want and move on, but 'combat summon' is a nice fallback option as well.

If worse comes to worse Gisena has the Ring of Truth. Making a lie detector and simply being thorough before we set them on any important task is a decent way to go about things with minimal risk.

Maybe we'll be be able to get regents that let us summon specific Astral beings. Maybe we could summon someone nice like Astral Cat. But we don't know yet so there's too many unknowns to be clear right now.
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556 Words of enthusiasm about omakes

This was 637 words somehow.

Wow, I'm pretty happy my omake has sparked so much discussion! That's quite a nice spreadsheet.

You're not the first to say the Geas of Labor is far too harsh in it's current incarnation. Maybe I just needed to massage the language a little more? Maybe put "Challenging" there instead of "very difficult"? Or maybe just lose the intensifier. I can't deny that it's a Curse that appeals to me though, so I was quite surprised at the negative reaction! Doing cool things is the very reason I read these quests, so it's something I don't mind much.
The trouble isn't doing cool things, or even doing a lot of cool things. The trouble is that if the MC is sent on different (potentially unrelated) quests each day then there's not as much room for personal plans and goals. I think the Geas of Indenture feels toothless on account of 2500 years being too long for questers to comprehend (especially when 4 months IRL advances the plot barely 1 month in-universe). But the Geas of Labor overcompensates in the opposite direction: if there is a new task every single day and a severe punishment for failure then where is the room for our MC to do exciting things that we decide? This curse cedes too much narrative agency to the Accursed imo.

As it stands, the real curse is that we never get a break. Like how it was Always Winter but Never Christmas in Narnia: Always Monday, never the Weekend. I'd be fine if the tasks were weekly, with punishments leading into monthly tasks. But being buried day after under an unending pile of new work sounds much too close to my IRL conception of Office Space hell. (Plus, tbh, would you really want to be forced to generate a new quest hook each day if you were writing this quest for real?)

Apostle is getting a bad rep here; time-reversal options just have no luck! It's an additional 3 Lesser Remittances, arguably far more due to the companion coming with the Accursed's defenses, plus three rewinds! Compare this in value to something like Regalia and it blows it out of the water. Most of the Curses on offer would also be greatly mitigated by a stalwart companion. It's a steal.


Hmm, I couldn't exactly put in any fight scenes to directly show her power, but unlike Hunger I can still say she remains a fearsome combatant. There's tons of similarities between Embroidery and Worm tinkertech; especially when it comes to dangers of giving a powerful Embroiderer prep-time if you don't want to get hard countered. She's just without resources right now, a tinker without her equipment. There's a reason why the Embroidery part of Parabellum is mostly potential focused; a partial restore of one her Tassels is power enough, especially in more esoteric departments!
Time loops are indeed broken. I missed the divination / scrying defense for The Apostle, that is another major bonus. This option was why I asked about the MC's short-term combat capacity: I'd be happy to take Apostle with almost any given Curse loadout if I wasn't so focused on immediate combat power.

Pitching Embroidery as tinker tech makes me want it even more, but doesn't Parabellum boost Embroidery more than The Apostle? In a proper build vote I'd be clamoring for details about the magic system that the MC would already know. Is it important to have an errand-boy to collect reagents / input materials for our existing Embroidery talent? What kind of effects can alchemy accomplish in the hands of someone who hasn't been awakened? A small push of Devil's Advocacy would have me all-in for The Apostle, but you would have to provide that push.

If you get Parabellum you will be immediately safe no matter what Curses are chosen. And you seem to think you still need to do the ritual? No, you just need to kill them; an incredible advantage for sure! But, and I said this in the discord already, its powers are not well suited to tackling the top-tier threads of this world; it's possible if you get TSH on all three of them, but it's a longer road for sure. However, it's possible to use them to jailbreak yourself into better systems, especially with your knowledge of Alchemy; in fact, a transition into Alchemy fully might be viable too, even if you pick something like Primitive. There's also some possible synergies between the Curses you select and certain Alchemical paths, though they are a ways off.
I was thinking that the ritual would be a useful way for the discerning murder-hobo to decide whose Karma gets stolen. Like, I would not want Sangria to activate if we kill a drug addict. Maybe this is one of the ways that our knowledge of Alchemy would come in handy. Or we could let The Apostle take the finishing blow for those whose Karma is worth avoiding.

I also already said this on discord but I guess I will repeat it here: stealing Karma is not exactly taking their fate, but more like the consequences of their actions. If you Sangria a banker who just before his death made a number of smart investments that haven't payed off yet and steal that part of his Karma, fortune will come your way. The better it fits the more benefits you will reap; so while you will get pretty incredible benefits if you have made some smart investments yourself, even a homeless man can get quite a pretty penny to come his way depending on the magnitude of the payoff.

This can be pretty blatantly supernatural if the Karma is a bad fit, and even if it's a perfect fit there will still be supernatural evidence; whoever inherits those investments from the banker will see quite the ridiculous set of circumstances to either make them fail or stop them from benefiting from it. It can also be countered by Alchemy if you know how. While I haven't introduced the concept of Judges yet, their Normative Alchemy is quite key in protecting the Government from any Karma snarls from dead agents; don't want other people stealing the success of your organization, after all.
To be honest, this has only pushed me more into ravenous Parabellum partisanship. Like, The Apostle would be a desperately needed character to talk to, would demonstrate three cool new magic systems, and comes with Groundhog Day timeloop option (which I absolutely love).

But your description here puts the MC in a covert struggle to steal Karma from government agents. It's very cyberpunk. We could plan a heist!

Anyway, next update (If I ever actually make it) will be the Saint tutorialization, so look forward to it. However, if you want to drop some comments now, feel free! They can read the thread, after all.
Please do! I haven't been able to predict any of the worldbuilding elements that you have introduced and they are all very interesting and evocative. You've echoed the Rihaku style without copying his aesthetics, which basically makes me go feral about the possibility that you'll keep expanding different setting elements.
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It looks like both (Into/Hide Behind) and (Priority Two/Long Voyage) are very highly contested! The latter vote especially is quite important, so you guys should consider carefully what path Hunger will commit to... events across the universe are continuing to percolate even as Hunger & Co spend their precious hours on tasks within the Voyaging Realm.
Hm, the field's narrowed a bit. Of the remaining viable options, I'll go with these:

[X] Into the Breach
[X] Priority Two

I think ignoring the Human Sphere entirely would be a costly mistake in the long run, not just for Hunger and Letrizia but for us, because the bulk of the 'planned' plot is there. QMs plan and questers laugh, sure, and no doubt Rihaku could spin no end of entertaining tales in the Voyaging, but I want to get to the actual meat of the story and learn more of this sci-fi setting, something we haven't seen in any of these quests before.

Do you really want Letrizia to abandon her father Archduke Artriez to his death? Because that's what the Long Voyage effectively does, though it takes place entirely off-screen and thus is psychologically easier to grapple with. She's procrastinated a while, enjoyed her romp in the Voyaging Realm, the freedom from station and expectation. But as my Discord avatar should know, one can't live in the park forever; Monday waits at the end of every weekend. The weight of the Empire rests in part on the shoulders of its nobles. Letrizia's talked so much about noblesse oblige and is now in serious danger of not living up to her words.

Speaking of duty, when you see a friend about to make a life-ruining mistake, you have one to intervene. If we care about Letrizia as a person and not just a source of entertainment, this is the right choice. If we were still playing Seram, I could justify telling Letrizia to live for herself and shuck all obligations, but for Hunger to make that argument would be hypocritical. And finally, the Voyaging Realm for all its size is just one piece of the greater Foremost tapestry. We won't be able to see the forest from amongst the trees; go then, there are other worlds Realms than these.
[X] Into the Breach
[X] Priority Two

Orm makes good points, and I care more about Letrizia then any of our other companions.
[X] Priority Two

What Orm said.

Also, we can go back to the Voyaging realm whenever we want and things will be basically the same, but things in the Human Sphere are time limited.

Also also, we're (hopefully?) a lot less likely to die in the human sphere, which is nice.

[X] Into the Breach

Cut Through is losing badly and when the choice is between Gisena and Breach I'll take breach. If Adorie takes him to the cleaners that's fine, I don't care much about all these nations we keep conquering and it'll be good practice.
Adhoc vote count started by Rah13 on Aug 20, 2020 at 12:41 AM, finished with 220 posts and 53 votes.
there are other worlds Realms than these
I can't tell you all what to like, and I don't usually have the natural persuasion of Orm's posts.

But after the thread tore itself apart about the exposition cementing Hunger's rulership style as "reckless" and "greedy" I can't help but notice that we are once again voting to leave behind Hunger's rulership obligations. We are given millennia to accomplish our task in the Human Sphere. By contrast, the Temple Remnant has had about three weeks to reorient itself after we decapitated its ruling body and told Sten to do his best. The Sovereignty has had about two weeks to begin adapting to an entirely new system of government, backed by a class of citizens formerly subject to a back-door draft. The Realm of Myth is on the brink of civil war - we haven't even opened hostilities yet, let alone completed the overthrow of the Lord Protector.

Despite the Geas task, Hunger has made connections and put down roots here over the past 31 days of adventure in the Voyaging Realm. We've been given blurbs indicating that Hunger and Gisena will quickly get tangled up in the intrigue of the Human Sphere; leaving the VR is a one-way trip for the foreseeable future. I think it would be a shame to turn our back on the allies (and resources) that we've cultivated in just a single month of travel through the VR.
I can't tell you all what to like, and I don't usually have the natural persuasion of Orm's posts.

But after the thread tore itself apart about the exposition cementing Hunger's rulership style as "reckless" and "greedy" I can't help but notice that we are once again voting to leave behind Hunger's rulership obligations. We are given millennia to accomplish our task in the Human Sphere. By contrast, the Temple Remnant has had about three weeks to reorient itself after we decapitated its ruling body and told Sten to do his best. The Sovereignty has had about two weeks to begin adapting to an entirely new system of government, backed by a class of citizens formerly subject to a back-door draft. The Realm of Myth is on the brink of civil war - we haven't even opened hostilities yet, let alone completed the overthrow of the Lord Protector.

Despite the Geas task, Hunger has made connections and put down roots here over the past 31 days of adventure in the Voyaging Realm. We've been given blurbs indicating that Hunger and Gisena will quickly get tangled up in the intrigue of the Human Sphere; leaving the VR is a one-way trip for the foreseeable future. I think it would be a shame to turn our back on the allies (and resources) that we've cultivated in just a single month of travel through the VR.
There's currently no appetite to go visit Sten, and we chose the option to ensure long term stability for the Elixir Kingdom so we could duck out for a while, and Adorie is supernaturally good at being an administrator.

If the political situation outside of the Voyaging Realm explodes then that's going to have negative effects on us and our claims, due to the fact that we're harboring not yet at the dereliction of duty but steadily getting there Liz and Vershe.