Vote closed. Well, this should be interesting...

EDIT: It looks like you want to learn 'Self-Cleaning', 'Stealth'' and... uh, either 'Insulated', or 'Colour-Changing'. I suppose you could practice all four of them now, but I will press you to select only three of those in your next Alchemy lesson when you actually get around to making the cloak. And I'll have you talk to Icharium about each topic which got at least five votes, mainly so that the votes actually mean something. Thank you, I'll try to update within the next couple of days.
Adhoc vote count started by Chandagnac on Aug 11, 2020 at 3:04 PM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.
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Vote closed. Well, this should be interesting...

EDIT: It looks like 'Self-Cleaning', 'Insulated', and 'Colour-Changing' are the three enchantments you're interested in. And I'll have you talk to Icharium about each topic which got at least five votes. Thank you, I'll try to update within the next couple of days.
Insulated and color changing have 4 votes each, stealth has 7
Insulated and color changing have 4 votes each, stealth has 7
Appropriately, I didn't see 'Stealth' listed as an option... :p

EDIT: I've since changed it. Thank you.

EDIT 2: I'm going to roll some dice to determine how well your Alchemy practice went.

Self-Cleaning enchantment: 2d6+2 = 8 (fail)

Stealth enchantment: 2d6+2 = 11 (pass)

Insulated enchantment: 2d6+2 = 9 (fail)

Colour-Changing enchantment: 2d6+2 = 9 (fail)

Basically, your practising the 'Stealth' enchantment was so successful that you will get a bonus to your dice rolls when the time comes to add it to your cloak.
Chandagnac threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Self-Cleaning enchant Total: 6
5 5 1 1
Chandagnac threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Stealth enchant Total: 9
4 4 5 5
Chandagnac threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Insulated enchant Total: 7
5 5 2 2
Chandagnac threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Colour-Changing enchant Total: 7
4 4 3 3
Chandagnac threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Fourday mental defences Total: 11
5 5 6 6
Chandagnac threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Level up Mental Defence? Total: 3
2 2 1 1
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Week Four (Part Three)
Week Four (Part Three)
'Maybe today is your lucky day,' says Icharium, his grin growing even wider.

'What if we've had enough and we decide we don't want to play anymore?' Phil asks suspiciously. 'Can we cash in our chips and get money back?'

'Sure. I wouldn't cheat you. This is a respectable business, you know.'

'No, it isn't,' Venta tells him flatly. 'If it was, you wouldn't be doing it under a mask of secrecy.'

'It's all part of the excitement,' says Icharium with a shrug.
'What's that golden demon statue in the corner?' you ask, squinting at it.

'Noticed that, did you?' Icharium raises an eyebrow at you. 'That's our patron. One of Simony's little fancies.'

'It's Achamat, isn't it?'

He nods. 'I would have preferred Zanaster, myself. But it seems to have worked out for us.'

'Isn't that dangerous?' Venta squawks.

Icharium wears an expression of unbelievable innocence on his face. 'Why would it be dangerous?'

'Because… demons want to destroy all of reality, don't they?' Glancing up at him fearfully, Venta looks suddenly uncertain.

'Depends on the demon. Some of them want to destroy everything. Some of them want power, influence, and mastery of their own small corner of Creation. Achamat is one of the latter. Patron of gamblers and chancers everywhere."

'Why are there illusory tapestries depicting hunters on horseback chasing a human being?' you ask.

'Someone has a nasty sense of humour.' He shrugs. 'Nothing to do with me.'

You reach a decision. 'I don't think it's a good idea for us to get involved in anything which has been dedicated to a demon lord,' you say, glancing around at your teammates. They mutely acquiesce, so you continue, 'We'd like to cash in our chips right now, actually. One silver shard for each of us, please.'

'Clever,' says Icharium, looking amused. 'Of course, that's the kind of trick that only works once, you realise.'

'Are you going to give us the money or not?' asks Phil.

'Why not? I have plenty of money,' says Icharium with a careless shrug. 'I can afford to be charitable to little first-years sometimes.' He hands each of you a shiny silver shard in exchange for the wooden gambling chips he gave you earlier. 'Don't spend it all at once!'

'Great. Free money!' you cry, exiting the makeshift gambling hall. Your teammates hurriedly follow. 'Well, that was worth it. What shall we do now?'

You gain 1 silver shard, which I will add to your current total. It will be useful for paying your Gardening Club membership fees for next month, if nothing else.

You end up hanging out together for a few hours, practising your Bladderwrack plays, reminiscing about your recent adventures in the tomb of Garanhedd the giant, and discussing you've seen and heard of Simony Bidwell. None of you can figure out what his plan might be – why did he dedicate the Apathy Society to his father's demonic patron?

'What if he's trying to undercut the old man?' Phil suggests. 'I mean, Achamat is the one who gave him fancy magical powers in exchange for worship and so on. Maybe Simony's plan is to say to the big bad demon lord, "Give me those powers instead and I'll give you a better deal." What do you think?' He glances around at you and the others, looking for your approval.

'That would make sense,' says Venta with a nod. 'Risky, though.'

'I never thought I'd be involved in any of this stuff,' says Isolia, sounding rather shaken.

'Well, what can we do?' You heave a frustrated sigh. 'Keep our heads down and try to keep out of trouble, that's all.'

'The problem is, it seems like trouble has a way of finding us,' Phil says sagely.

It seems that all of you agree with that.

You gain 1xp towards Ritual Magic and 1xp towards Social Skills from this impromptu team meeting.

The next day, during the morning's Ritual Magic lesson, you work through a series of exercises designed to test how well you are able to create and maintain a variety of different illusions. Apparently, from next week onwards, you'll be taught the basics of force magic. Since Wing Commander Vancien already taught you some simple force magic spells for use in games of Bladderwrack, you've made a start already.

After lunch, you have a study period during which you half-heartedly practice your literacy skills together with your team. Now that Isolia can read and write well enough for Professor Witt to praise her, it seems much less important than it did before.

From your lessons on Fourday, you gain 2xp towards Ritual Magic and 1xp towards Literacy.

Also, I rolled a total of 14 for your Mental Defence training during mealtimes, so you get an extra 1xp for that. You had enough xp to gain a level of Mental Defence, but I rolled 2d6+3 = 6, which isn't enough. The roll will be easier next time.

In the evening, you're alone when you head to the latest meeting of the Explorers and Archaeologists' Club. None of your teammates want to go with you. They are wary of getting any more involved in Simony's schemes than they already have.

You head to the same outbuilding as you did before, with its plush furnishings and dim lighting. Now that you're a member of the club in good standing, no one disputes your right to be there. You were able to trust Phil's wayward brother that much, at least.

In a gloomy alcove, close enough to the fire to get the benefit of some of its warmth, but not facing it directly, you find Simony himself, haggling with another young man who is furtively trying to sell him something.

'It's worth five hundred shards at least! Do you know how much trouble I had to go through to get this?'

'The last breath of Sharhedron the dragonlord,' Simony muses, examining the ruby-red gemstone which is being proffered to him. Even some distance away, you can see that it glows with inner fire. 'I'm not sure I want to buy that from you. It's rather too hot to handle, if you get my meaning.' He smirks at his own joke. 'Did you steal it from the Sagittarus Estate?'

'What if I did?' says the other boy, putting on a show of indifference.

'Dangerous enemies to have. I admire your bravery, but perhaps you would do well to temper it with a measure of… ah, caution.' Simony sighs heavily. 'This is one of the most famous and valuable gemstones anywhere in the Sambian Empire. In the entire world, probably. I can't pay you its true value, I won't be able to sell it, and if I take it off your hands, I'll only be putting myself in danger. On this occasion, I would recommend that you go out and find yourself another fence."

'So you won't buy it? Not at all?'

'I'm afraid not.'

'I… I could go as low as two hundred,' says the other boy, looking frantic.

Simony laughs at that. 'Two hundred shards to cut my own throat? Not on your life, my friend. Be off with you!'

Still grumbling, the young man, who has in his possession a legendary gemstone which he stole from the estate of a rich nobleman, puts his stolen property away in his pouch, turns around and hurriedly exits the premises.

'I thought this was a club for aspiring archaeologists, not a den of thieves,' you snidely remark.

'Archaeologists, thieves… what's the difference?' Simony gives a careless shrug. 'How nice to see you, young Master Valens. Is there anything I can do for you?'

'You mentioned that… uh, you might have some jobs available, from time to time.'

'So I did.' He gives you an appraising glance and a nod, then points to the door to one of the backrooms. 'Go through there, tell them that I sent you, and they'll explain what they need you to do.'

Feeling somewhat anxious about what this might lead to, you follow his directions, entering a smaller room in which three young men – no, two men and one woman – are standing around a ritual circle, arguing with each other. You only get to hear the tail end of their conversation, but it seems that they're upset about something.

'–perfectly safe!'

'Tell that to Xim,' says the young woman, shaking her head.

'Look, he'll be fine. It'll just take him a little while to recover, that's all,' says one of the men, holding an old leather-bound grimoire in his arms and speaking in a calm, soothing voice. 'It could have been a lot worse.'

'The plan can still go ahead,' says the other man. 'We just need a fourth person.' He indicates you with a pointed finger. 'Happily, I think our "fourth person" just arrived.'

'Uh, Simony sent me,' you say, looking around nervously. You don't understand any of the symbols they've inscribed into their ritual circle. Or why they need a sea urchin shell, a pile of sand, or a handsome piece of much-weathered driftwood.

'I'm Philomond,' says the grimoire-holder. He indicates the woman next to him. 'This is Xanthippa.'

'Regimander,' says the other member of their team.

'We have discovered the fabled grimoire of Galadan the Mystic, in which he describes the principles of portal magic,' Philomond says grandly. 'It takes all three of us to open a portal, but we can do it! We just hit a slight snag with one of our practice runs, nothing to worry about!'

'Ximenon nearly got himself killed,' Regimander mutters.

'Yes, but he didn't! It's fine! We have everything ready this time,' says Philomond. 'Look, we only need this to work once! Just one time, then we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams!'

'What are you planning to do?' you ask, feeling some trepidation.

'You've heard of Mishrak, right? The dragon-god of the deep sea. Everything which falls into the deep sea, he claims as part of his hoard. Well, he's got a vast amount of wealth which he isn't using, so he's not going to notice if we take a few sacks full…'

As his voice trails away, Xanthippa takes over. 'We have figured out a way to open a portal into Mishrak's private pocket dimension. It'll take the three of us to hold the portal open, so we need a fourth person to go through the portal and grab as much loot as possible.'

'We'll split it four ways,' says Regimander. 'Like the man who couldn't pronounce his effs or tees, I can't say fairer than that.'

'Just think about it. Enough gold that you'll never have to worry about paying tuition again," Philomond says dreamily. "What do you say?'

How do you answer? (Choose one)
[] "I'm in!" (Wait for them to open the portal, then jump through.)
[] "No way!" (Flee as quickly as you can.)
[] "Uh… I have some questions first." (Write in: what questions do you want to ask?)
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Simony is spreading demonic influence in a way that is starting to make me very worried...
Though part of me wonders if that demon Azamat is somehow drawing/stealing power...
As for Mishrak...Hrrm. I like the idea of going through, and yes, taking something, but also conjuring an illusion of an angry Mishrak nearly killing Dorian before we throw our ill-gotten gains to the Storm Dragon.
Basically giving them nothing for their efforts but proving their work functions. Maybe suggest we take it to the Headmaster for ideas on how we can sell it if they want money so much.
Are the Archaeologists not required to report findings of certain artifacts and information?
Or, are we with the illegal side of this club?

It is just weird that these guys can go unchecked.
Boy, activities involving Simony sure are... something.

[X] "No way!" (Flee as quickly as you can.)

I guess we can use Fourday evenings as rest periods.
I think it's that the Headmaster won't step in unless some student is going to do something dangerous for the school or so.

If they go splat that's them being dumb. If they could say, get Mishrak angry enough to waste the town, THEN the Headmaster steps in.
[X] "No way!"

Yeah, no. Screw that. Dorian isn't that physically strong so we wouldn't be able to loot a lot.
Also, we have no idea whether or not the Sea God has contingencies or tracking spells on his loot. I mean, his pocket dimension could have a direct connection to the Sea and we can be immediately harmed by water pressure.
They probably can't even hold the portal that long either, so we may get trapped.
I think it's that the Headmaster won't step in unless some student is going to do something dangerous for the school or so.

If they go splat that's them being dumb. If they could say, get Mishrak angry enough to waste the town, THEN the Headmaster steps in.
Maybe we can convince him. I imagine the Headmaster doesn't want the government and noble houses on his case because he didn't acknowledge a godly threat in his own School.
We just need to prove that this can go horribly wrong or rely on lucky rolls.
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[X] "Uh… I have some questions first." (Write in: what questions do you want to ask?)
[X] "Why are we risking someone's life and limb trying to rob a God when say, I could use this to undercut other flowersalesmen in the city via flowers portalled directly to their doorstep? we could split the profits between us? Or if you're feeling ambitious, we could try selling this magic to the military? Suddenly being elsewhere seems like a pretty major boon for the army, depending on how far we can push this portal thing."
The thrust of it, is that instead of them trying something ambitious and stupid, we offer them better alternatives then pissing off a God just for enriching their pockets. Plus, hard work for a profit might not be sexy but it's a far better means of getting out from under the Sinner man's influence then trying to one-up him in risky stupid short-cut taking.
'Did you steal it from the Sagittarus Estate?'

'What if I did?' says the other boy, putting on a show of indifference.
Nothing. Best of luck to you, selling the world-famous diamond in the same city it was stolen. It's the second dumbest thing you could do after trying to sell it to its owner.

Have fun finding a buyer, and I hope you are protected from scrying.
'We have discovered the fabled grimoire of Galadan the Mystic, in which he describes the principles of portal magic,' Philomond says grandly. 'It takes all three of us to open a portal, but we can do it! We just hit a slight snag with one of our practice runs, nothing to worry about!'
Oh, sweet! We dabble in time magic; if something doesn't work we can always turn the time back. Glad to have you on board, together we'd be unstoppable.

...why are there so many stupid people around SImony when the guy himself is no fool? He should know that stupidity is contagious.

'Great. Free money!'
Fair enough.

[x] "I'm in!" (Wait for them to open the portal, then jump through.)
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Nothing. Best of luck to you, selling the world-famous diamond in the same city it was stolen. It's the second dumbest thing you could do after trying to sell it to its owner.

Have fun finding a buyer, and I hope you are protected from scrying.

Oh, sweet! We dabble in time magic; if something doesn't work we can always turn the time back. Glad to have you on board, together we'd be unstoppable.

...why are there so many stupid people around SImony when the guy himself is no fool? He should know that stupidity is contagious.


Fair enough.

[x] "I'm in!" (Wait for them to open the portal, then jump through.)
I feel like Simony is somewhere between the Sinner Man's Hans and a mini-me to the corrupt noble.
Like, of all his brood Simony might be the one he has the greatest hopes for.
Someone who can sit on the throne while he is the power behind said throne.
Maybe we can tell the noble where the thief is. And I like a good idea to offer the portal people a better way to make money with portals. Maybe offering sevice to traders, it could make a lot of money if they can make it reliable
Maybe we can tell the noble where the thief is.
What for? The most precious gemstones tend to find their way to the most ruthless of people who are willing to go to lengths to obtain and hold on to them.

I am sure they are all decent folks who do not engage in cutting hands off thieves and other wonderful activities.
I want to get rid of Philander

But even assuming you meant Simony, what does the gemstone he refused to touch have to do with him?
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Being in the same club is supposed to be incriminating now? What about the same class? Walking the same street?

Essentially, you want a man killed to inconvenience a guy you don't like.

Simony's hands are clean. He knows his gambling, and when the game is not worth playing.

If you wanted to, you'd have a stronger case with him not reporting a tomb, but then again he also did nothing to awaken the giant, so he'd only receive a scolding, if that.
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If this town could be sorted by raw martial power I imagine Green Flame could do so herself.
What we need, is something to change the flavor of the town away from being in the thrall of the Sinner man.
He has to constantly spend his power JUST to keep his grip on it. If we can make it too hard for him to thrive for too long...Well.
For that matter, IDK if he does or does not have demonic influence powers or something, but it doesn't escape my notice that his patron has powers over the superstitious...Or in other words, if he can make you THINK he has power, he might gain power, and vice-versa.
[X] "Uh… I have some questions first." (Write in: what questions do you want to ask?)
[X] "Why are we risking someone's life and limb trying to rob a God when say, I could use this to undercut other flowersalesmen in the city via flowers portalled directly to their doorstep? we could split the profits between us? Or if you're feeling ambitious, we could try selling this magic to the military? Suddenly being elsewhere seems like a pretty major boon for the army, depending on how far we can push this portal thing."

I doubt this Portal magic is going to be useful, but maybe they'll let us study it.
This may be a dumb question, but is there anyway to "translate" a cantrip into a ritual?

I'm wondering if we can learn how to do that, we could do something unique with the portal magic later on in the game. Like, some form of space-time spell or ritual.
Though part of me wonders if that demon Azamat is somehow drawing/stealing power...
Darn, I know it's a misspelling, but I like the name "Azamat" better than "Achamat". I wish I'd thought of it first.

Are the Archaeologists not required to report findings of certain artifacts and information?
Or, are we with the illegal side of this club?
They're not required to do anything. It's an entirely amateur operation, set up and run by students at the academy.

Boy, activities involving Simony sure are... something.

...why are there so many stupid people around SImony when the guy himself is no fool? He should know that stupidity is contagious.
Simony: "A fool and his money are often parted."

I feel like Simony is somewhere between the Sinner Man's Hans and a mini-me to the corrupt noble.
Like, of all his brood Simony might be the one he has the greatest hopes for.
Someone who can sit on the throne while he is the power behind said throne.
Interesting thought. We'll see how close your prediction is to the actual plot twists which I will eventually reveal.

For that matter, IDK if he does or does not have demonic influence powers or something, but it doesn't escape my notice that his patron has powers over the superstitious...Or in other words, if he can make you THINK he has power, he might gain power, and vice-versa.
More generally, that's a big part of how divine power works in this setting. If a god claims part of Creation as their own (whether that 'part' is a natural force, or a geographical feature, or an abstract concept, or whatever), and is able to defend their claim/get people to accept their claim, they become very powerful. If enough people think a god has power, he does.

This may be a dumb question, but is there anyway to "translate" a cantrip into a ritual?
In this setting, a cantrip is a ritual, just a very simple one. (So, the ritual involved in casting a cantrip might only consist of a thought and a hand gesture, or something.)

Therefore, it's easy to 'scale up' cantrips to turn them into more complicated spells.
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Well, stealing from Mishrak is an objectively bad idea. He's one of the nicer gods in the setting, but getting on his bad side would be really incredibly bad. He's still a dragon and you know how it is with dragons and their hoards.

On the other hand, meeting Mishrak could be positive depending on how it goes. He wouldn't be impossible to get as an ally. Not sure how good of a first impression breaking into his realm with a portal would be. We definitely don't want to be caught stealing.

...I wonder if we go through if we can meet Elys.
A very interesting update, I'd be intrigued to go on another adventure and would love to see Mishrak again, but am unsure I can justify it in character.

For now will go with this:

[X] "Uh… I have some questions first." (Write in: what questions do you want to ask?)
[X] "Why are we risking our lives and maybe more to rob a God when we could pick less dangerous targets and ways to to make money? Magic like this sounds like it could change the world if we use it smartly sneakily, but we don't get the chance if a dragon god eats us or we get stuck in one of his traps and, I dunno, drown forever or something."