Well, if Aabcehmu's vote is getting called, I'm just going to go for

[X] The Scenic Route
[X] Save

given that that's both what I want to actually win and what he was originally voting for.
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Mhm. I don't think scenic route will be that effective without the stats from all defeating stance and any potential artifact or magic might require arete better saved for an power type EFB. Why not get the power to have an good chance against these folks first? We can loot artifacts and magic later the proper way!
The Vote Marker bubble will burst soon. We need to regulate these subprime markets!

I'm announcing a limited time offer: In exchange for the low low price of 1 (tradable, no-veto) vote marker today, investors will receive 0.1 Tier 0 Zampano Vote Markers per (IRL) calendar day, for the next 14 (IRL) calendar days. Tier 0 Zampano Vote Markers are tradable and may be divided continuously (in as small of a fraction as you like).

To redeem a Tier 0 Zampano Vote marker you must possess a complete Tier 0 Zampano Vote Marker (i.e. one (1) entire Tier 0 Zampano Vote Marker).

One (1) Tier 0 Zampano Vote Marker can be used, without veto, to direct my vote for any build decision OR plot choice. In an update with a build vote and a plot vote, redeeming one Tier 0 Zampano Vote Marker would allow you to specify a build vote OR a plot vote.

Tier 0 Zampano Vote Markers can not direct me to vote against Philosopher's Wreath. Tier 0 Zampano Vote markers can be superseded by Zampano Vote Markers of Tier 1 and above. In the event that your Tier 0 Vote Marker is overrun by activation of another Vote Marker, you will retain possession of your Tier 0 Vote Marker.

Zampano Vote Markers of any Tier with positive integer value are not redeemable by Sharkey_smt or agents acting on behalf of Sharkey_smt. To take advantage of this investment opportunity, you must affirm that you are not Sharkey_smt, you are in no way affiliated to Sharkey_smt, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Sharkey_smt or an associate of Sharkey_smt.
Zampano Vote Markers of any Tier with positive integer value are not redeemable by Sharkey_smt or agents acting on behalf of Sharkey_smt. To take advantage of this investment opportunity, you must affirm that you are not Sharkey_smt, you are in no way affiliated to Sharkey_smt, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Sharkey_smt or an associate of Sharkey_smt.
You know, I felt bad for portraying you as a sleazy vote lord in my AST noir story The Big Debt, but now I don't feel so bad anymore.

I have planned to take a day off and spend some quality bonding time with a couple of friends. My buddies travel light and they are fun to have around. One travels in a holster and the other in a hip flask.

The rain was coming down like all the angels in heaven decided to take a piss at the same time. The city of AST had weird weather – 20 hours of acidic rains that salted the earth, 3 hours of thunder and one hour of sunset. Only [Most High] knew how it all functioned. Walk down the right back alley in AST and you can find anything. Anything! It was the kind of town where they spell 'salt' S-L-T and if you try to correct them they will beat you up.

Coming Soon(TM)
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Come on people, no need to get those lame Forebear EFBs! The Praxis is better than anything else we could get. Why settle for something inferior when we could get closer to the Accursed himself? Plus it gives us more Interludes! Don't you want to know more about our party members? This is a good opportunity to do so! And it's safe, absolutely safe! We just need to get power to take thins Realm on, and all our worries will be in the past!

And most importantly, we might get an opportunity to meet the Accursed again! Just need to get that EFB! Don't you want to really do out uttermost after all this time! It's gonna be worth it!
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DkArthas on Aug 4, 2020 at 3:29 PM, finished with 333 posts and 49 votes.
You know, I felt bad for portraying you as a sleazy vote lord in my AST noir story The Big Debt, but now I don't feel so bad anymore.
I have a special Tier just for you:

Today only, you may invest in Tier (-1) Zampano Vote Markers. For just 1 Sharkey_smt vote marker today (tradable, no veto) you will receive 0.1 Tier (-1) Zampano Vote Markers for the next 14 (IRL) calendar days.You may invest up to two Sharkey_smt Vote Markers. Payments will be concurrent.

Tier (-1) Zampano Vote markers may be superseded by any Zampano vote marker of Tier 0 or above. The use of a Tier (-1) Zampano vote marker invites veto by all holders of any quantity (fractional or otherwise) of Zampano Vote Markers of Tier 0 or above. If any holder of Tier 0 or above Zampano Vote Markers decides to veto your activation, you retain possession of your Tier (-1) Vote Marker.

Tier (-1) Vote Markers may be traded freely and used by anyone.

Tier (-1) Vote Markers may not be converted to nonnegative Tier Vote Markers, though tier (-2) Vote Markers, if issued, may eventually be converted to Tier (-1) Vote Markers.
It looks like the Scenic Route and Save are somewhat in the lead at the moment... while this isn't a disastrous combination, you'd definitely be giving up some potential gains compared to Scenic Route + All-Defeating! If Hunger is going to engage in social combat himself, best to ensure he's got those extra Mental and Social stats with which to fully capitalize on such.
I don't think that supersedes that gains we might get by just winning by getting Once and Future. Or even the gains we might get from a Praxis EFB! So really, Saving is by far the better choice. Scenic puts us in little danger, so passing up on those gains for our long-term plan is totally fine!
[] formalAI

I know you're voting for what I was voting, and it's faster than fiddling with a quote!


[X] Scenic Route
[X] Save
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Did our last interaction with choosing a Praxis training option engender some dislike I wonder? We are much more prepared for gaining those Picks now then we were before then, especially with that doubled Arete gain! If you worried about our safety in this realm, it's the choice that best addresses that by getting an EFB immediately. Even if we get enough Arete for Once and Future, we won't get it unless we can get ourselves a pick. Entrench gives a pick on it's own however, so no need to worry about needing more power and not having it. It's just the safer choice here, really.
But haven't you said surviving is all we need? We have an opportunity to grow stronger than ever by just saving up, it would be silly to pass up this opportunity!
Live and grow strong means you need to survive in order to grow strong, not that you'll auto-magically grow strong by merely living! Hunger with his Ring especially has no mechanism to grow stronger by achieving nothing!
[ ] The Decimator's Affliction - You will naturally absorb the total fundamental life force of the realm you currently inhabit at a rate of 10% per year. Area affected is exceptionally large and scales with your own power; a weak Progression-type might only affect half a continent, while a Combat-type would affect an entire solar system. In the absence of sufficient life force, you will begin to bleed essence, losing components of your powers, skills, identity, memories, and ontological veracity at a proportional rate. Though there are many paths of mitigation available, none of them are pleasant or easy.
As everyone knows, Decimator's Affliction kills people. It drains 10% of the life force in the area every year. With 8760 hours in a year, that's .0011415% an hour. Not much, right? Wrong.
"Holy shit," Aobaru said breathlessly. "There must be billions living here. Tens of billions, maybe."
.000011415*1,000,000,000 is... 11415 people worth of life force nommed per hour, at the low end. Three to thirty people-worth a second. That's a lotta damage, and we don't have any flex tape. This is assuming this place is the only inhabited area in the radius.

The distribution of the damage is better than grabbing a sword and going to town, probably. Fairer. I imagine few people will be on the border of the border of life and death, which helps. But geeze, guys. Decimiation is awful.
It doesn't matter if you go over time if you're powerful enough to solo this realm.
And it definitely does matter. So between "cutting it close" and "go over time," I have a clear preference. ADS is too far behind, I think, but vote Scenic Route for love and justice!