Forgive me but do we have an archive of the advancements we've been offered and or know about? I have no idea what once and future actually does and trying to search the thread has been...difficult.
[ ] [Once And Future] I - 25 Arete. Channel a fraction of the Forebear's true might, and glimpse a small fraction of his true history. +1 Astral Rank, applied externally after all other factors. Does not raise the difficulty of improving Rank. +2 Astral Rank in matters military.
Forgive me but do we have an archive of the advancements we've been offered and or know about? I have no idea what once and future actually does and trying to search the thread has been...difficult.

I am kind of surprised nobody volunteered yet; Advancement-library is pretty much free arete, just like Fanwork Index and Character Sheet.
I'll comb the threadmarks and put together a spreadsheet tomorrow or Tuesday.
Oh boy. Temple 2.0 here we go.

So let's talk about that golden hero magic.

Some reminders:
-The orcs are associated wtih this magic, see their glowing gold eyes and the fact that they call themselves The Heroes.
-The Elixir EFB would have given us this Hero magic, we know this because it is called out as being equal to Findross in power but with themes of heroism and sunlight.
-The Fairbrights are associated with this magic, we know this because the Elixir is Hero magic and it lets us make Fairbrights. Also they're very heroic.
-The Elixir would have discounted final form by a decent amount of Arete, meaning that Hunger, who is the Thousand-Faced Hero, has very strong resonance with Hero magic. Not surprising!
-That kidnapping Armor had golden eyes and thought that it was a good armor.
-The Rotbeast and its minions had golden crystals and such, and were oddly beautiful and powerful for monsters.

Conceptually and power-wise it's like Findross but for heroes, it (sometimes?) gives you eyes that glow gold, and based on the first Simple Transaction it allows for infinite physical stats. So let's give this hero magic a fitting name.

Findross: Fin means an ending, so "Findross" means an ending of dross.
Edeldross: "The prefix 'edel-' refers to ennobling or improvement, especially in the context of something traditionally bad becoming good."

So I'll call Hero magic Acrodross, as Acro means "highest, topmost, at the extremities". Now let's see where that gold color is mentioned here.

past lands surreal and prosaic, ripped from fable or fever-dream, into the true depths of Realm's Heart where the air itself was laden with mythic portent and the sky grew pale and limned with gold.
Verschlengorge stared at the thin golden circlet above. "The Outer Halo itself. We must be only a couple thousand light-years from the Realm's center."
manned by a company of men in glimmering plate, their stature great with eyes of dusky gold.

The whole world is encircled by a ring of gold, which implies that Acrodross was used to construct this universe (among other things). And the men have glowing gold eyes, just like the orcs in the original AST, just like that armor. Of course they're not orcs they're humans, so it would seem we've finally met some Fairbrights in their natural habitat!
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With the power of The Accountant, Forgestar, the Obliterating Spiral, Sequencing, and the Repository, all at my beck and call, few things are beyond my scope.
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After seeing it again, I just realized... Channel is a very curious word here that could be used to support some kind of Hunger Forebear direct connection. If we're the seal on the Forebear or some other shenanigans are in play, wouldn't that mean the Forebear is relaying his power through us, in a similar manner to a Warlock and their patron, or a Cleric and their deity?
Wouldn't it make more sense to save up before spending Arete on Praxis picks?
we can just go for a budget option, but yeah after review the argument that they're a pair like that doesn't hold up.

on reflection I have utterly no idea how to not get us killed here, so I'll pass the buck to someone reliable
[X] Sara
One should probably include the full context when quoting stuff from the Discord...

The whole world is encircled by a ring of gold, which implies that Acrodross was used to construct this universe (among other things). And the men have glowing gold eyes, just like the orcs in the original AST, just like that armor. Of course they're not orcs they're humans, so it would seem we've finally met some Fairbrights in their natural habitat!

You could always go into space and examine the Outer Halo yourself! Hear the Human Sphere has plenty of starships these days!
Forgive me but do we have an archive of the advancements we've been offered and or know about? I have no idea what once and future actually does and trying to search the thread has been...difficult.

I am kind of surprised nobody volunteered yet; Advancement-library is pretty much free arete, just like Fanwork Index and Character Sheet.
i was under the impression that it was not allowed b/c it competes with the Patreon Blurb Library

@Dream Logic if you're ever looking for something in the thread, click "reader mode" at the top right of the first post on any page. Then you only have 8 pages to do ctrl+f, instead of 1300+
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i was under the impression that it was not allowed b/c it competes with the Patreon Blurb Library

As Talace said!

That was all that was said when I posted it. You added more later that changed things some. Don't go blaming me for this.

It's your fellow players who may or may not blame you for any such misleading quotations, especially when the addenda you refer to were included in my giving you permission to post!
R'Today at 3:30 AM
remember that Bearic was only about to finish his initial leveling at the end of this month

R'Today at 3:30 AM
while it's possible he's fully leveled his prestige class as well, it's not highly likely

R'Today at 3:31 AM
You probably still have a week after Decimator recurs, possibly a few weeks, before Bearic is likely to appear

R'Today at 3:31 AM
shrug Go ahead, it's still possible he shows up ASAP

R'Today at 3:31 AM
just not very likely
Okey dokey, our objective is to destroy the tower. Secondary objective: Do not destroy everything else. Zeroth objective: Live.

What do we know about the tower already? Ctrl+F.
The Opalescent Tower itself could be seen faintly on the horizon, a shimmering speck of sky-folded stone plunging upwards as if in challenge to the Walls themselves.
Right, not much. It is a tower. It shares the name of the Evening Sky upgrade we never take. Also "sky-folded" Perhaps it shares its weaknesses? Rihaku mentioned at one point that a nuke counted as "slightly magical" not because of sheer power or general myth, but specifically because it disrupts the sky and that conceptual link was important.

So, if we can't grab a Tower-Defeating Stance, we could go with the Sky-Splitting Blade. If we had one of those. Or storm powers! What else do we actually have that has a type advantage over "sky?"

We just bought it. Sky Veil. Thonk about that for a bit, if you please, because my brain went "aha!" and is now refusing to follow through. Extend the veil over the tower and Imprison it? Not that we have that upgrade, buuuut who knows what could happen?

The Evening Sky gives a lot of +Protection, so... what kind of attacks did we face that gave us most trouble? Gisena's Nullity, for sure- Opalescence is even a prereq for the upgrade that resists it, an excellent sign! But Gisenabombing the tower would be way too easy, so while we should certainly try to poke at it I'm not hopeful.

Vanreir thrust right through it, but that's his thing. Rotbeast AoEd it away, but that's also its thing. Can't tell which would be the better option. Ah! Ruin was a large contributer to Hunger's victory over the pirate. Not that that changes any plans, since that's the default strategy. But really do consider buying ADS here.

Also, the Librarian's Soul-based attack seems like a good contender, but again that's the default strategy.

"Sky-folded" means something, but it isn't enough for me to be sure. What can be folded can be unfolded, maybe?

It's compared to the walls, which we have a bit more about. Lots of the below probably applies to the tower as well.
They arrived at last at the Walls of Myth which encircled their destination realm. The Walls seemed a nigh-impassible barrier: semi-translucent battlements reaching limitlessly skywards and spanning to the horizon, their wavering distortion-surface thick with runes of golden azure. Raw magic, sheer conceptual weight seeped from the surface of the walls, a heady denseness of reality that stultified mind and spirit, Pressure more comprehensive than even that of Astral Rank.
A wall to match the Endless Sky? They got the runes for it, I suppose. I'm not actually sure we can Cut Through with our Praxis, since this work might be on a similar or greater level. But that's an excuse, the Forebear would Cut Through anyway! ...but really, it'll be a challenge.

And I had been interpreting the "Walls of Myth" to mean "mythical walls," but it bears consideration in this supermagic awesomeplace that these walls are, in fact, made of myth. How do you destroy a myth? With the Truth, of course. I can't tell if I'm on to anything or just playing word games. The other option would be out-mything the walls, whatever that means.

Rihaku heard that we liked Rank, so he put Rank on this wall's Rank so it can debuff us while it rebuffs us. What is this intense pressure!? I'd say we should just get OaF and bully it right back, but if it's "more comprehensive" even that might not work. What could be more Ranky than Rank? Luck, maybe, as Rihaku even calls it out as useful for tower destruction/getaway. if I'm not just looking for an excuse to splurge here, 'cause the applicability to the latter is more obvious.

The suspect mechanism for this phenomenon (other than the runes lol) is that there's more reality per reality here. Which... would suggest Cutting Through might be more effective rather than less?

Now, all this is based on the assumption of similarity between Walls and the Tower, so I may have wasted brainstorming on demolition plans for the wrong target. Now, to go back to the thing itself, what do we know about it from the blurb?
[ ] The Opalescent Tower - Deep in the fastness of a hidden valley at the furthermost reaches of the Voyaging Realm is a kingdom whose princess was imprisoned in a tower of opalescent sky by a Tyrant of unfathomable malice. The magic of this place is the stuff of foundational myth, its lidless Arcanist's walls piercing earth, cloud, firmament and vastness to sunder its borders clear of the greater Realm. Yet to a voyaging warrior of Hunger's legend, even such obstacles as these may be overcome.
The [ and the O appear to be different shades of pink. Not that color-divination has been more useful rather than a fun diversion most of the time, but if I may. princesses are pretty and pink. Source: toy advertisements. Therefore, twice the pink, twice the princess. The Tyrant is also a princess- well, before she captured her rival and changed class. End colormancy.

Valley, reached, kingdom, yep. We're here. Depending on if the kingdom gives a hoot (/knows) about their princess or not, we may actually have allies in our goal. But we won't know without snooping.

Unfathomable malice? Common hyperbole, sure, but concerning if not. Hunger can fathom quite well, thanks. The only ideas I have are those Lunacy Cursebearer suggestions (that were really interesting!) or some eldritch thing that would make the Shadow EFB real nice about now.

Ah, the walls (whoops, so much for going back to the tower) are made of myth, I'm not super clever for thinking that, it's explicit. Foundational myth, what determines what qualifies? Google corrects my train of thought: a myth of foundation makes more sense than, like, Gilgamesh (too much Nasu). The magic was here before the people, then, but I'd already been assuming that.

The Arcanist is singular. And lidless. What the fuck does that mean. Any cool wizard could go without sleep or blinking, why note it? Other than Sauron references. Aaand now I'm looking for deeper meaning in Gisena's Galadriel quote, that's too deep, go back.

(eye)Lids stop you from seeing when you blink, but if you don't have lids, your eyes are unprotected. A weakness?

Four things are pierced. Two of them are expected. But as the rune-colors suggest, it can pierce through the Firmament like Hunger's Cut can. Yikes, but comprehensible. "Vastness," I'm assuming has more meaning than "walls big lol." What's the other direction from underreality? Spaaace, I guess, or eldritch gribblies. What do we do about that? Don't poke it with the Shadow, otherwise focus on the other parts.

Can't see any tactical secrets in how it's cut off from the Realm. Except Cut.

Which we want to do. Or do we? Our goal is-
*Huntress' Moon Target: The Tower of Sky. Neither princess nor Tyrant must be slain, but the tower itself destroyed, ground into earth and rendered into ash and dust.
Cutting would likely suffice, at least in sufficient quantity. I'm pretty sure the language here isn't a contract, any destruction should be okay? Even if it isn't, if we can figure out the best way to break it, we can just do more of that until the Affliction is satisfied. But take note of it anyway. How do you grind something into the Earth? From above. To get above the tower, we would have to climb infinitely high. That sounds so badass that I want to do it regardless of tactics. We'd be the Sky above the Sky, too. Thonk about that, fellow questers.

The second part is ash and dust. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust? Implying the tower was once these things. Which, rock, so I guess. Before it was woven with Sky. +1 for the untangling idea.

So, the plan. Step one is to get suuper high, all the best plans start this way. We can fly because Edeldross, in case anyone forgot. I don't know exactly how to get infinitely high... well, we may not have to, if the tower is only "as if" challenging the walls, which are described as limitless. Either way, see what the view's like from up there. Consult the Evening Sky for any funny intuitions throughout.

I have one plan to get infinitely high. Refinement of Quickness can elevate Agi on the ISH, which is not infinite speed. But maybe, in relation to this tower, "fast enough to go higher" will suffice.

Failing this. Cut through space. Refinement of Position if needed, but hopefully we can just tell it to knock that infinity shit off so we can T-pose above the tower finitely.

Step 3: ???

We are now infinitely high. Grind the tower into the earth. With Sword. Wait, fuck. We didn't even evacuate the thing, thank goodness I'm not writing an official plan yet and just brainstorming. No irresponsible destruction, only recon for now.

When we're ready to destroy the thing and not before, cut down from above. Unveil the Evening Sky above the Sky while doing so.

1360 words of wacky tactics, in need of more sane supplements like "talk to potential princess-faction members" and "actually look at the tower from ground level."
open question for the thread:

If Winter Moon was offered at this juncture for no picks and 2 Arete, would you take it?

Blurb as a refresher:

[Winter Moon] - 2 Arete. The cold bright orb which presides above all nocturnal wisdom. Gain access to the wearer's [Soul Evocation], though no especial talent is guaranteed.
open question for the thread:

If Winter Moon was offered at this juncture for no picks and 2 Arete, would you take it?

Blurb as a refresher:

[Winter Moon] - 2 Arete. The cold bright orb which presides above all nocturnal wisdom. Gain access to the wearer's [Soul Evocation], though no especial talent is guaranteed.
Assuming it's Imprisoner, rather than a not-True Soul Evocation (I think Azure Moon used that specific wording?), absolutely. It's vital for my idea to cover the Sky Tower in a veil and conduct the greatest heist of the millennium.
Rihaku heard that we liked Rank, so he put Rank on this wall's Rank so it can debuff us while it rebuffs us.

How... redoubtable!

Assuming it's Imprisoner, rather than a not-True Soul Evocation (I think Azure Moon used that specific wording?), absolutely. It's vital for my idea to cover the Sky Tower in a veil and conduct the greatest heist of the millennium.

If you steal it, how could you destroy it!?
open question for the thread:

If Winter Moon was offered at this juncture for no picks and 2 Arete, would you take it?

Blurb as a refresher:

[Winter Moon] - 2 Arete. The cold bright orb which presides above all nocturnal wisdom. Gain access to the wearer's [Soul Evocation], though no especial talent is guaranteed.

I'm not sure if I would. Soul Evocatinons mainly grow through training which the ring nerfs. Obviously we can still grow through combat but at this juncture we have so many other things to spend picks on. I would personally rather take Honing. Though if we ever complete the blood tree I could consider getting it.
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Hmm. Entrench even gives us forebear lore without taking OaF, the best path here might just be to get Praxis EFB and Cut Through. An EFB that has synergy with Rank might probably be even better than OaF and I am not sure if we will get a better chance at one again.

It also doesn't require us getting an Normal pick to take like Once and Future.