Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Kachuusha and Others Character Sheets
HP: 11/11
FP: 13/13
Base Dodge 9

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 15
IQ: 14
Constitution: 13
Perception: 11
Will: 12

Acting: 11
Aerobatics: 13
Aesthetic Appeal: 16
Blinking: 13
Dancing: 12
Damage Control (Social Media): 10
Diplomacy: 13
Energy Blasts: 14
Fast Talk: 15
Gambling: 14
Muay Thai: 14
Public Relations: 12
Singing: 14
Social Media Promotion: 16
Teleportation: 14
Trash Talking 13

Hard To Kill
Stage Confidence

Fame Seeker
High Profile
Rivals: 30Down, B*Friends

Collateral Coverage
Does not like when people look at the camera/camera crew when filming.

Name: Morphic
HP: 11/11
FP: 9/9
Base Dodge 10
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 13
IQ: 10
Constitution: 11
Perception: 14
Will: 12

Brawl: 13
Gunner (Plane): 13
Guns (Pistol): 11
Guns (Rifle): 10
Hobby (Swimming): 10

Parachuting: 12
Piloting: 14
Piloting (Stealth): 12
Substance Mimicry: 15

Combat Reflexes
Power (Substance Mimicry)


Former Vigilante
Has a Dartboard with his Nemesis' face on it

Name: Carlos Alvo, Maximillian Eagan, Ramona Alvo
HP: 10/10
FP: 10/10
Base Dodge: 9
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 13
IQ: 10
Constitution: 12
Perception: 14
Will: 11

Shot Composition: 14
Stealth: 13


Daredevil (Carlos)
Enhanced Dodge (2)
Luck (Max.)
Steady (Ramona)

Flat Affect (Ramona)
On the Edge (Carlos)
Social Media Addict (Max.)
This thing is heavy!
For the spells, you roll Mystic Arts. To make a new weapon, you roll Metalworking. To train your existing skills, you don't have to roll.

In that case, I want to boost our Mystic Arts.

[X] Just train the skills you have.
-[X] Mystic Arts

This is one of our most used skills and I feel it will be the most valuable choice here in the long run.
I'm thinking we should think flashy, at least a little. We're a Tank, we want eyes on us. But I also realize we will need an emblem of some kind...
-[]Have a brainstorming session with Jessica and/or your daughter. You could use a recognizable emblem on your shield...
I might swap over to a skill vote if we can't do that AND the emblem thing though.
[] Research a new spell.
- [] Bluescreen: Temporarily shut down electronic devices. You take penalties the more complex the device is.

Maybe not now, but absolutely and most definitely soon. Cameras, phones, jet instrument panels...

How would this work, exactly, @Agent 99 ? Mystic Arts vs. some kind of set DC--would it be easier if we said we just wanted a phone's _screen_ to fail vs the phone itself? Is it an all-or-nothing sort of thing (the whole fighter plane or not even the signal lights?) Does it require a certain degree of "electronicness" or could we, say, make a car fail to start by disabling the spark plugs or the engine computer? Could we snap it off quick enough to stop a started car before they got out of range, or does it have a longer-ish casting time?

This is that brand-new world-altering spell we've been needing. As I recall, Harry Dresden calls it "Hexus".

That said, if it's really slow, or really finicky, my bid would be to stick to simple and go Mystic Arts.
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[] Research a new spell.
- [] Bluescreen: Temporarily shut down electronic devices. You take penalties the more complex the device is.

Maybe not now, but absolutely and most definitely soon. Cameras, phones, jet instrument panels...

How would this work, exactly, @Agent 99 ? Mystic Arts vs. some kind of set DC--would it be easier if we said we just wanted a phone's _screen_ to fail vs the phone itself? Is it an all-or-nothing sort of thing (the whole fighter plane or not even the signal lights?) Does it require a certain degree of "electronicness" or could we, say, make a car fail to start by disabling the spark plugs or the engine computer? Could we snap it off quick enough to stop a started car before they got out of range, or does it have a longer-ish casting time?

This is that brand-new world-altering spell we've been needing. As I recall, Harry Dresden calls it "Hexus".
I'll get into more detail tomorrow, but quick answer, it is an all or nothing spell. Targeting specific parts of a device requires more control, so you'd need to master the all or nothing spell first. It's like opening a door with an axe vs a key. It does require a certain degree of electronicness but most modern vehicles fall into it. Casting time is short though cooldown prevents it from being rapid fired.

Anyway, good night everyone. See you in 20 or so hours.
[X] Focus on learning more about Hapkido

Look if we get an additional + 1 to Hapkido we'll succeed the checks 50.1% of the time rather than 37.6% of the time. I'm all for new tools in our tool kit but let's have them be usable.
[X] Just train the skills you have.
-[X] Broadsword

We a weapon user as much as a magic one, we need this .
[X] Just train the skills you have.
-[X] Mystic Arts

Making Reflect work makes us do what we do better.
[X] Just train the skills you have.
-[X] Broadsword

We get up close and personal in pretty much every single fight we've been in. The use of sword and shield would be a huge force multiplier for us. Let's not forget that we are a knight, in armour...with super strength. Magic is great, it's useful, it's really helped us so far...but being able to hit things with a bar of metal or a plane of metal hard and skillfully is both thematically important (to our image) AND the thing we need to do most often in our fights. Look how useful our magic was in the last big fight--it came down to tanking hits and dishing them out.
[X] Just train the skills you have.
-[X] Broadsword
Fine - I do want to see what happens with sufficiently high level skills.
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"...so that's about the size of it."

Adrian looks at you as you explain the situation to him. Gwen's been put to bed and you're both in your bedroom. The show "Renegade Cops" is on in the background, but neither of you are paying attention to it. You've been talking about your plan to to to Traveler. As you explain your plans, to Adrian, he looks concerned for most of it. But when you get to the end, he breaks out in a mirthless smile. A few seconds later, he even starts chuckling. "Honey. I really want to play up the 'normal spouse' married to a vigilante cliché right now..." He says. "Scream, cry, threaten to move to Siberia or Colombia or Morocco or something and take Gwen with me." Adrian chuckles to himself. "But, I can't..." He shakes his head. "These guys, they stole a fighter jet from Baxter. A city surrounded by more military bases per square mile than sports teams. Whatever they stole, it must've been a hell of a jet."

"Or a hell of a pilot" You say.

"Whether it's the jet or the pilot, we can't let one of the biggest villains in the country get her hands on a jet. But shouldn't the army handle this? No matter what Ordince sends, the army's gonna have bigger guns"

You shake your head. "I want to do that. I really do. And if there was more time, I would. But you know that they'd have to verify the information. By the time they do that"

"Yeah, and if they just sent in the troops without verifying anything... that's how you get another Silver City" Adrian says. For a moment, neither of you say anything.

"Just be careful. And I don't just mean with those guys down south. You don't really know Kachuusha. Chances are, she knew about the jet earlier and she didn't tell the army"

[] I'm sure she didn't know until recently either. And it wouldn't make a difference either way.
[] Maybe you're right. I'll keep my eyes open. But I don't think she's gonna stab me in the back.
[] Kachuusha seems like she's on the up and up to me.
[] I'm just trying to figure out how she manages to keep her camera-people alive during her streams. After that, I'm cutting ties.
[] Write in
The next day, it's Sunday afternoon. You've just gotten out of church, still wearing your dress in fact, when you walk into Jasmine's apartment. You told Gwen that you were just having lunch with Jasmine. Though you both are discussing your upcoming mission down south. You knock on the door and she lets you inside. You spend a few minutes catching up, just talking about life. You talk about how you've finally gotten Gwen that bunny she wanted and that she named the rabbit Bob. Jasmine talks about how her cousin is graduating from college this semester.

Eventually, you get down to business. "So, have you looked up anything about Traveler? Or the theft of the jet?" You haven't been able to find anything more than what Kachuusha told you. But then again, Jasmine's seems to have always been better at scaring up information.

"Yeah. You know, Sunny, if I keep doing this, I'm gonna have to charge you for this. I was planning on doing nothing this weekend and this really messed up my plans." She said with a chuckle. "But about the theft, I haven't been able to find much about it in the news"

"Really? Nothing?" You ask. "I mean, how much does a jet cost? A couple million? Something like that doesn't disappear without anyone noticing."

"I know" Jasmine says. "Thing is, I haven't been able to find anything about it on any of the major news sites, minor news sites, local news sites or anything." She said. "The most I have are posts on social media talking about jets flying, a guy who says his brother's friend was working on the base when it happened who says that there was a blackout in the area when it happened, some conspiracy theories about how this is the beginning of the President invading Texas." She started laughing.

"...What? You mean our President?" You ask. "But... he's already... I mean the federal government..."

"He also said they were doing it on behalf of Israel. Guy's crazy." Jasmine says. "Now that I think about it, that guy may have been a troll"

"...You know what, never mind. So you said that there was nothing about the theft"

"Yeah. The army isn't even acknowledging anything happened. 'Routine training flight as part of the ongoing training exercises in the area' is all I was able to find from the spokesman in there." Jasmine says. "But from what I've been able to piece together, the jet may have been taken by a soldier on base. A blackout probably messed with the bases radar system to keep the army from tracking them, though that still doesn't answer how the thief lost the jets chasing him, or avoided the other bases in the area..."

Your shake your head. "Well, I guess we aren't gonna find out anything else right now. So, what about Traveler? Did you find anything out about it"

"Mostly what Kachuusha told you. It's in the boonies. So isolated that you could set a horror movie there, even today." She said. She pulls up a map of the area. Sure enough, there were a few smaller towns about 30 miles away, but other than that, there was nothing."

"Doesn't seem like a good place to set up any sort of criminal enterprise." You say. "I mean, who are you gonna sell to? The dirt?"

"Not quite." Jasmine says. "Guys call themselves Bullet Farmers. There isn't much about them in criminal databases, but from what little I've found, they mostly sell guns to survivalist nutjobs and some anti-government militias. You know, the kind of guys that have a bunker, 30 years of food, waiting for the end of the world." She says. "Though they also sell weaponized vehicles, though those seem to be custom jobs, not their bread and butter"

"Well, if they believe that kind of stuff, I guess that explains why they isolate themselves. I saw some reservoirs from the map that Kachuusha showed me." You say, "So, what exactly do

"Fuck if I know" Jasmine says. "They sell guns, so chances are, they're packing, but it could be anything from an assault rifle to a missile launcher.." She paused. "There isn't that much info on them. Local PD is investigating them, but they haven't come up with much."

"Any enforcers? Any with powers, I mean?" You ask. "There had to be at least one Powered person to pull off something like that."

"Maybe I should just make a sign that says 'I don't know'" Jasmine says with a mirthless grin. "Only so many ways I can say it out loud. Besides, the army is perfectly capable of fucking up. These guys may have taken advantage of that."

"So, a lot of unanswered questions..." You muse.

"Life has a lot of unanswered questions. It's not like there's an itemized list of what you need to know just lying around." Jasmine says. "You still making the trip?"

"Of course." You say. "Though

"Here's hoping that Kachuusha has things covered on her end, cause I don't think I'll be able to help you down there." Jasmine says. "Don't think comms would work a few hundred miles away."

"True." You say. "And I didn't see a single traffic camera or anything you could see the action through"

"At least I can root for you from here." Jasmine says. There is a brief pause as neither of you have anything to say. "So... what did you tell Adrian and Gwen? Did you tell them about... you know..."

You sigh. "I told Adrian the truth. Gwen... I don't know. I have some family in Killeen and Waco. Maybe I could say I'm visiting"

"True." Jasmine says. "Well, either way, good luck down there."

"I'll see you when I get back" You say.
[X] Maybe you're right. I'll keep my eyes open. But I don't think she's gonna stab me in the back.
[X] Maybe you're right. I'll keep my eyes open. But I don't think she's gonna stab me in the back.

Is Kachuusha aiming for bigger and bigger draws, greater and greater spectacles? Sure. Being on her side, as someone on the "right side of history" is one of the safer places to be though.

Well, among other things, especially at this level? With how much work we've been doing to try to cultivate this relationship and how she's been giving us reasonable advice to try to help us survive things? She wants us to succeed, to triumph and appear 'unstoppable'.

Besides, if we left this thing in the hands of survivalist nutjobs who knows what they'd do with it? I mean...should the thing end up destroyed in the fighting, that would be tragic. Call it a training accident. If we could deliver it back to the army...they'd say we were the ones that stole it. Probably for the best to destroy the thing. Better in nobody's hands than the wrong ones.
[X] Maybe you're right. I'll keep my eyes open. But I don't think she's gonna stab me in the back.

@Agent 99

What is the rule with the upper limits of skills? Do we hit 17/18 and just stop or is there a roll over skill function like with our Constitution?