[X] Laissez-faire
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Honing (2 Arete)

Tactically switching to Tower since Change is ahead, though it's terrible in combination with Laissez-faire. Bit early, but no reason to let that gap grow when we could run out of time if the vote goes wonky.
[X] Be the Change
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Feat: Crown

Great and thematic vote. We can't escape the responsibilities of rulership forever, so getting acquainted with them now is a good thing. Also this might be the best way to make them stop wasting that goddamn Elixir water, that still makes me cringe a bit. Tourism economies are not sustainable if they rely on a limited resource!

Speaking of that, if we are voting for this we probably would want to alter their economy significantly. It seems it's leadership relies on economical exploitation to continue it's corrupt schemes, something all the easier considering they are basically trapped in the middle of the wilderness with low transit capacity to other polities given the nature of the Voyaging Realm. It's really possible they would have suffered a Surgecrafter revolt if we hadn't killed the Rotbeast, really.

In fact, that little tidbit and the Rotbeast invasion both demonstrate why Change might be necessary here. Just like realpolitik in real life, the freedom of your nation in the Voyaging Realm is decided by how much power you have. The primary source of independence is the guarantee of your well-being. And when power's concerned, there are few things better than a Progression-type Cursebearer! Our existence as a deterrent for both internal and external threats might do a whole do more good for the Sovereignty than just having a friendly family around. As long as we keep our daily interference low, it's likely they will have substantial increase of their guarantee of their rights, which is ultimately the whole point of this exercise. It's a good test for when we will need to do similar things in the Human Sphere. And we will need to do it.
Yes, it's a promise. You can trust this bet-rayosaur.

Friendship ended with Gisena, GPT-2 is my best friend.
To sell yourself so cheaply...
Urg, didn't think about how much I hate civ quests, Pass.
Our goal is to conquer the Human Sphere, a civ part for this quest is inevitable. And this isn't even permanent, we will still leave after a few days anyway. It's a good thing to get out of the way now, and it gives us access to a incredible Feat!
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Great and thematic vote. We can't escape the responsibilities of rulership forever, so getting acquainted with them now is a good thing. Also this might be the best way to make them stop wasting that goddamn Elixir water, that still makes me cringe a bit. Tourism economies are not sustainable if they rely on a limited resource!

They're not wasting it, the Elixir Springs are being used to heal travelers from near and far! And profiting handsomely in the process, of course!
By the way, if you are concern about the safety of Towers, Crown gives the largest power-boost available this update while still advancing our Rank build! It's greatly synergistic with both future and immediate endeavors, really.

They're not wasting it, the Elixir Springs are being used to heal travelers from near and far! And profiting handsomely in the process, of course!
They're using it to improve the taste of beef, you can't tell me that's efficient usage! If they want sell their healing, centering that around a series of resorts is by definition wasteful. Imagine the despair of future generations when they remember they had whole pools of Elixir water available for three people! That's not good at all!
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[X] Intervention Mk. I
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

Has everyone forgotten about goddamned Ber? With Walls of myth + Be the change + Crown, we wouldn't have enough arete for Once and Future and Ber would come after us before we even reach the Tower. That means we are fucking dead. Don't get distracted by an shiny. If you want to reform shit, do it when Hunger actually has time to do so instead of being forced to half ass it and potentially failing.

With Walls of Myth + intervention, we might very well have enough arete before reaching the Tower for Once and Future, than means we likely become powerful enough to beat both Ber and the Tyrant confidently.
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By the way, if you are concern about the safety of Towers, Crown gives the largest power-boost available this update while still advancing our Rank build! It's greatly synergistic with both future and immediate endeavors, really.

They're using it to improve the taste of beef, you can't tell me that's efficient usage! If they want sell their healing; centering that around a series of resorts is by definition wasteful. Imagine the despair of future generations when they remembered they had whole pools of Elixir water available for three people! That's not good at all!
Clearly they just need to find a High Elementalist whose Imaginary Element is Elixir.
Man. On the one hand, 0.25 Rank for just 12 Arete. On the other hand, just 0.25 Rank for 12 Arete..

[X] Be the Change
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] The Walls of Myth

Still undecided, but boy if this combination is not just really damn cool..

Arete tho..
[X] Intervention Mk. I
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

Tactical voting time. To those voting for Crown, fair enough, it's very shiny. But might I encourage you to vote for The Tower Itself instead? With restructing their civilization taking several days and the Walls requires ten full days to reach, we'll likely end up interrupted by Bearic in the middle of a climactic duel against the Tyrant or something similarly inconvenient. Moreover, we'll be unlikely to spend what we have given our imminent need for Once and Future, at which point why should we even bother?

Meanwhile, The Tower Itself would give us I Am the Danger for the confrontation, supply picks to spend on our shiny new unlocked DA (or Stranglethorn as the case may be) and save us a significant amount of in universe time (and thus minimise the time spent under the Decimation or the risk of an inconvenient Bearic interrupt prior to getting Once and Future). The +0.5 Rank is quite significant at this level and would do a lot to mitigate the risks involved, to say nothing of the Pay to Win rerolls we'd have at the end of the month (heaven forbid we need them).

It's not like we can't visit the Walls on the way back, assuming we manage to survive. And when we do, we'll be free to spend everything we have on what we find, secure in the knowledge that, at least for now, the Apocryphal has been kept at bay.
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[X] Intervention Mk. I
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

We can always go to the walk afterwards people. Unless we do so something insane like Versch's ultimate the wall will survive.
@Projectile first sample came out from the oven. Enjoy

There are some differences between this and the Voyaging Voyagers that I'm not entirely certain about. Their weapons are the same! Letrizia is absolutely brilliant as a mercenary; I was surprised that there wasn't a bit of backstory given to the upgrades, though those aren't really spoilers for Gisena. They do have their own headpat in the next section, with Hunger showing mercy instead of rampaging around needinglessly.

I am amazed that the Council was less cagey, since the Voyaging one started an hour ago. We don't have such a high-level separatist as the Knight Captain, that our best guess is that the Sovereignty's more concerned with getting the Knights out of Imperial territory rather than keeping them is surprising.

Also, the idea that the citizens wouldn't be here before the encounter is a bit unlikely. The Empire has a huge presence in the Inner Sphere, they're based out of the Foremost, so it would make sense that they'd be there. The Council is also heavily based out of the Inner Sphere, I'd bet, so there would be less reason to delay.

Even without the Voyaging citizens, the merchants are booming! I love how optimistic they are about what they'll find on the Inner Sphere front, they're just that expensive. That's the kind of thing that can happen in an Inner Sphere with a high-tech library, eh Mr. Republic. The Council should act fast, to make them wait at the library until someone from the outside comes along, and give them a ride home. I guess the Council's relationship with Hunger is even more stable, though, and his loyalty to his Republic remains high. That says a lot about his personality, that's another thing entirely. He would, to put it slightly, be a bit foreign to the likes of us from out of the future, but I have no idea why he'd be opposed. He seems to be on the cusp of an interstellar connection with himself, I'd expect him to try some unexpected things, but in the mean time I admire his passion for life and his desire to see the universe grow. Though he might have to fight the Einhander himself. It's getting old to say that I'd like a better representation of every person I meet, because they all seem to be so tragic. Of course, there are many better depictions, I'll try to keep this in a separate post.

And I would love to meet more people like Hunger, but I'm so incredibly glad we're here. If the Voyaging people don't have a Prime Rank of 4 Ruincurse, and the Inner Sphere hasn't been around since the Second Age, that would be an auspicious start. Of course, they're from different cultures, so it would still feel like cousins rather than a coincidence. I doubt the Council approves of that, but Hunger's home country is apparently closer to the Star-Scaping Empire than the Independent Autocracy of R'lyeh. Still, it's convenient that he's being pushed into it, and Hunger, too, so maybe we can fill him in on what he wants out of life-ending mutations.

I didn't hear about the Merchants needing to spend money on their own healing powers, because that would be just too risky, but the Voyaging do have power, even if it cannot reach us in size. We'll need a good source of XP if we want to get to level 60, but since we're here I don't care.

I'm now curious about Hunger's motives, and the difference he makes between being stuck in the Temple and becoming the hero he is. His current dilemma:

1) Don't let him become the hero he is, or die. There's no "Yes, I'll do it" kind of solution.

2) Escape if necessary, because we're going to the temple.

3) Or kill him, but that'd be worse. We still have more XP, so I'd better get back to Hunger before he starts grabbing a life preserver or we'll... get killed. Fuck.

4) We can't get back to him if he kills us somehow, how fucking cruel. We don't have to die to survive. Fuck.

5) I'm still pissed about his missing finger, and his missing eye, but that's the kind of thing that gets you Gabrielle'd. Like a giant sphinx, with six eyes. Wait, no, we didn't actually have the finger.

6) I'm terrified of ghosts. They all seem pretty, so there.

Also, it's not like he has the ring to actually take care of his family, or something, is it, Gisena! You and I just want to kill each other, no need to worry about the others being killed!

EDIT: Surprisingly coherent, congrats
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I suspect we will need Once and Future to beat the Tyrant, these people might have an magic that is potentially comparable to Noble Praxis, if that is indeed what foremost used to create this place.

With Walls of Myth + Intervention, we would in in perfect place to defeat both Ber and the tyrant, that also means artifact and ancient magics we might be able to get after our victory. Let's keep to the plan and win this in relative safety instead of taking an massive gamble.

Don't forget about Stranglethorn either, it's an 4 pick special advancement that is very suited to us. Instead of chasing another trinity, we should complete it first, we can chase after shinies in safety after that!
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[ ] Feat: Crown (12 Arete) - Requires Be the Change. Unlocks the potential for Feat: Saber and Feat: Orb. You may find an opportunity to acquire this Feat again, but it is rare and dependent on circumstance...
Goddammit, I can practically feel OaF slipping away for a bit.

[X] Be the Change
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Feat: Crown

But still, Crown is just too good to not take. 0.25 base Rank is more than we could get from a 3-pick Errantry, you just do not pass numbers like that up in a Rank build. 0.5 difference in High Ranks is enough to be overwhelming just on its own, after all. And, if Changing stuff takes a few updates, we can likely recoup the Arete cost. But, I think I'll follow the option I'm voting and be the change in our Arete generation I want to be - time to go write some reactions.

Picking Walls in addition to the Crown is just a good way of ending up fighting Ber and Decimation in the middle of it, though. We should get enough power to make it pretty safe, especially if we do get a positive condition.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Jul 28, 2020 at 3:43 AM, finished with 214 posts and 45 votes.
I was trying to figure out why someone would build a giant tower and imprison a princess inside and the Geas of Lunacy fits perfectly. Relevant quotes:

[ ] Doom of Lunacy - The large majority of your power (75%) is sealed within a monstrous battle-form that forcefully emerges under conditions of extreme duress. You may voluntarily enter this form, but doing so causes you to go absolutely berserk, attacking without regard to friend or foe until everything in your vicinity is destroyed. Affected area scales with your power, but is always very large. Anyone who perceives the form is afflicted by terror and hatred as if by a Brand-type Curse; all but the most stalwart of allies will turn upon you in the face of it.

This Curse can be only be effectively mitigated by one means. Very occasionally you will encounter certain individuals that are highly compatible with you in some way. It is highly likely that any such individual(s) will be substantially weaker than you in most regards. In their presence the Doom will begin to shift to the Geas of Lunacy, if you do not suppress the change. The Geas of Lunacy does not limit your power in any way, but afflicts you with an unhealthy level of devotion to the individual in question. Their happiness and safety are certainly more important than your own and you will find it difficult to refuse even their slightest whims. It is always surprisingly difficult to augment their power beyond its natural rate of progression.
[ ] The Opalescent Tower - Deep in the fastness of a hidden valley at the furthermost reaches of the Voyaging Realm is a kingdom whose princess was imprisoned in a tower of opalescent sky by a Tyrant of unfathomable malice. The magic of this place is the stuff of foundational myth, its lidless Arcanist's walls piercing earth, cloud, firmament and vastness to sunder its borders clear of the greater Realm. Yet to a voyaging warrior of Hunger's legend, even such obstacles as these may be overcome.

"Tyrant of unfathomable malice", the Tyrant is a Cursebearer with the curse of the wretched, so regardless of his actual behavior he's hated.

He also has the doom/geas of lunacy. We've been told that the doom can only shift to the geas with certain individuals; princesses seems like the perfect qualification. It would mean that Hunger's wife would be a valid target, which makes for a good story. And princess kidnapping is fun. Anyways this Tyrant got himself a princess to obsess over then built her a giant perfect tower to protect her forever.
Goddammit, I can practically feel OaF slipping away for a bit.

[X] Be the Change
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Feat: Crown

But still, Crown is just too good to not take. 0.25 base Rank is more than we could get from a 3-pick Errantry, you just do not pass numbers like that up in a Rank build. 0.5 difference in High Ranks is enough to be overwhelming just on its own, after all. And, if Changing stuff takes a few updates, we can likely recoup the Arete cost. But, I think I'll follow the option I'm voting and be the change in our Arete generation I want to be - time to go write some reactions.

Picking Walls in addition to the Crown is just a good way of ending up fighting Ber and Decimation in the middle of it, though. We should get enough power to make it pretty safe, especially if we do get a positive condition.
0.5 rank is something Rihaku has already said we can get from Errantry for free while taking far less risk in comparison. 12 arete is an massive amount to pay frankly. 3-pick are fairly risk free compared to going into an fight with Tyrant/Ber without Once and Future potentially.

Let's all remember that the tower itself is fairly risky, we would lack useful information about the tyrant and his magic, that is an recipe for disaster. It also likely lowers the amount of updates we might get to generate arete in comparison to Walls of myth.
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0.5 rank is something Rihaku has already said we can get from Errantry for free while taking far less risk in comparison
We really can't. Just to remind you, 2-pick Errantry provides maximum 0.075 base Rank and 3-pick provides x3, to a maximum of 0.225 base Rank. 2.5 is beyond even that, and I really don't want to pick a 4-pick Errantry fight.
Let's make this more interesting:

I'm willing to gamble one marker that the Tyrant is a Cursebearer, no restrictions. I win, I get one marker from you. You win, you get one marker from me. Any takers? One person only
Almost no chance they are a cursebearer. If they were combat class they would still have us so outscaled it isn't funny, and if they are progression class they should have been here long enough to paste us.
@Projectile here is your GPT fueled shitpost reaction. Enjoy. I rely on your help when the true enemy appears.

(this is oooof at the first two sentences)
I'm trying to think of cool memes where I think Rihaku isn't actually talking, so the thread is full of lame memes.

I'm having trouble seeing the memes in the title, the title of the thread is full of lame memes, so the thread is full of lame memes.

Myself included, I'd love to play the Amari and kill the monsters, but it's exhausting. That would also be pointless, I'd just use the Elixir I want to make the Amari use instead, lol.

Letrizia is so cute, we're all about the cute ones. We can use her as a base, and if we get too mad we can pull out the shuttles. She's a lovely girl, we love her so much.

I like how Rihaku starts out with an attitude, rather than a face. The banter is almost entirely banter, with Letrizia saying that everything is fine, and Letrizia just saying that she's glad that Letrizia is happy. She's doing her bit for the Republic, having fun along with being a badass.

Hunger says that he is the rightful heir to the throne, so that's what I want. I want Letrizia to be happy, but I don't want her to be mad at Hunger for not having the guts to give her a raise. It'll be worse than that, she'll regret not giving Hunger a better one, and he'll regret it anyway.

I like how Letrizia's "Thank you" to Hunger after we killed him just before the end, but then she says "Thank you to Tyrant, who was so persuasive that he gave up" and then he continues to fight. I wonder if Letrizia's "Thank you so much" to Hunger after Letrizia's "Thank you to Tyrant" is sincere enough. Hunger could have just said "Thank you" three more times, but he didn't give up until after we killed him. I think Letrizia's "Thank you" to Hunger after we killed him just before the end is sincere enough, too, but he didn't give up until after we killed him.

The Tyrant buff really is the only thing Letrizia's happy after we killed him with, so her happiness is slightly lowered.

I like how Hunger displays his selflessness even in the face of overwhelming odds. Even the arrogant ones have selflessness, Letrizia is the one showing it.

And Hunger shows his selflessness even after the overwhelming odds proved him wrong. He's fighting a high-powered, high-pitched cheerleader, he should be ashamed of himself for showing such a poor showing.

Hunger: Let's not do this again, it hurts us.

Letrizia: It hurts him, though. He's so confident, so confident he evens out any misdeeds with ease.

I like Hunger's optimism even if it's tempered by a tiny bit of worry. He's still going strong after the Accretion, and if I were him we'd be stronger than him even after accounting for the cost. He's just so focused on winning now that he's losing so quickly, I'm starting to feel like Hunger's exhaustion has more to do with him than Letrizia's.

I think Letrizia's description of herself is the most accurate. Saying that she's so confident that "none of the monsters have a better pilot than me" is like saying that you can still beat the Rotbeast by the scariest possible margin.

The lack of previews is more impressive, it's no surprise that the game has one. And Hunger's being so ridiculous at previews that we're losing track of what to expect.

And I'm not even going to count how many times I use the word "annoying," I just figured that it would be more visually interesting to compare Hunger to other opponents rather than comparing him to himself.

The description of the power of the Praxis is pretty self-explanatory, it just so happens that Verschlengorge is the most powerful. That's a pretty powerful title, I'm sure. We haven't started a new Praxis already, so the specifics don't bode well.

I didn't realize that Hunger was the only one scared, but it's a shame, he's still so terrified of Gondor that he's using a toy, it was the same for us.

As always, Hunger is the one scared, but he is the one that gets scared. I hope Gondor is less dangerous from this guy.

We've seen him fight before, he blocked the R-Type CurseBEHAI RECKONER!

This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: We're going to Costa Rica, the tiny outpost that was left uninhabited for more than a few centuries. It's part of an enormously impressive empire, the Voyaging Realm. After all, that's where the founding nations were or were not. We want to go to the other side, but the Empire and the Realm have diverged.

Let's go to the Imperial City, because these guys have the Inner Temple and the Temple isn't it. Let's go to the Imperial Legion, because these guys have the Inner Temple and the Temple isn't it.

Ooh, that's gotta be too much, man. I'm just enjoying the moon-related shenanigans, as the moon-related shenanigans go.

We're going to the Imperial, but the Empire is not here. They're both very important, so putting the moon-related flags before the star-spangled entreaty is no biggie.

The Empire and the Republic are in a bad situation, because they're both in this mess. The Republic is fighting a giant robot invasion, while the Hunger and Gisena don't know it at all. The specifics of the Armament are still up in the air, but I think the basic idea is that it'll be a heavy machine gun-based invasion force and they'll be fighting a giant robot-only one-against-one fight. And the Armament is gonna be built on top of the other, which I already knew was gonna be fun.

The problem is, the groundswell of anti-Imperialist politics is growing every day. Take that, Gisena, you already know this is coming.

It's ironic that the Praxis is already so unpopular with the general population, but it does serve the same purpose. If the Empire is the most powerful one, and the Republic the least, the Praxis could be the only one worth fighting.

The problem is, there's still the politics. The Praxis is a separatist movement, and the people are obviously pissed. But the movement hasn't been completely wiped out, so there's that.

There's still the separatist fight, which is more entertaining than the Empire-only one-against-one fight.

The Republic is winning, but the fight is still for the Republic.

It's too bad that the Praxis isn't being used against Hunger, because he'll just kill himself to get more benefits. It's even more entertaining if Gisena is willing to take the risk, since the payoff is obvious.

Hunger's first use of the codex is to contest the Empire. I'm glad he accepted it, he's already killing himself to get more benefits.

Hunger didn't even think of using it, but it's going on the Curses' support him! Cut.

I wonder if the Accursed actually reads the codex when it comes to philosophy. Or if it's just a tool for those who value power little by little, to see if it works for them.

The Sovereignty probably does, but the Praxis is much more powerful than Gisena's Nullity.

The distinction between his thought and Hunger's is interesting, it makes sense that his desire for power would be limited to a limited sphere, but the way that Hunger's Nullity does target makes Nullity much more of a bully than a good guy is interesting too.

In conclusion: I'd rather die than have my life be to Gisena's satisfaction.

Hunger's Nullity is good. It's not a hammer, so it shouldn't be a problem for a Nullity-busting instinct to clash with a Praxis-busting instinct. It's still a good Nullity that inflicts mortal wounds, which is more interesting than the hammer, but maybe I should have expected that.

There's a reason Gisena's name is on the t-shirt. I'm glad we got to see her again, and I can't say enough how happy we are that we got a Praxis.

Gisena's doing a super hero thing, apparently for the sole purpose of getting Hero Rank so that we can buff her more. It's a shame that the competition was so low-key, because I think we kinda lost by having the Praxis in the first place. We got a sword, and a mace, and we're both going for 1,000 Rank. And she's only going 1k XP, so she was doing it for XP instead of just XP.

Gisena is obviously far behind, but that's because we didn't have the Praxticioners

Hunger: It's fine.

I'm at Rank 10, so I can't spam my Thousand-Year Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging Voyaging

Letrizia: Only problem is, we don't have any food for a fight.

Gisena: You're the boss, Hunger.

Here's the revised form of the Form the Lord opened, here's the revised form of Hunger opened

We're getting ready to fight the Rotbeast, we can feel the heat between us. We can feel the crunching of teeth, let's not get swept away.

It's not the first time Hunger's prey has come through. We took a hit from the Rotbeast, but it was so big that Hunger didn't have to move his body. The Curse of the Vigor must have been tearing through his soul to heal it, but Hunger is a big guy so that's not a problem.

I'm thrilled that Hunger is having a good time here, we need to do something nice for him.

Hunger: *sigh*

Ha, no, it's not like we lost any speed as a result of the Curse.

Letrizia: You know what I like about this fight, Hunger Letrizia: Reckless Beast Ruling Ring Give it to me, Hunger! (Intuition says it could have picked you up, but Guile counters it and continues)

We didn't die because of this one, we just want to go kill zombies sometimes.

Hunger: *sigh*

I was planning on healing him, but it's actually less bad than I thought. I don't think we even needed to heal after we lost any speed, and he only has one arm. Gisena would probably suggest using Thousand-Year Crystal, but it's too painful to do so.

Letrizia: Even without Hunger's Grace, that's enough healing.

We're still underleveling against zombies, but we're getting close. The Lord's Slaughter is a bit of a novelty, and we already knew that. We should probably try spamming the Curse again, because we didn't do anything to deserve it.

Letrizia: We didn't die because of Letrizia's Grace, but Hunger's Rage is much more impressive.

Letrizia: The same for Letrizia's other magic, she just didn't get far against us.

We underestimated Gisena, but she's already over us. We can still spam our Curse after we kill her.

Letrizia: If we kill her, we win. If we don't, we lose.

It's too bad that we didn't get another kill against her. You know what I'd do if I ended up with nineteen people instead of the current ten, because the number of people would've been overwhelming. Hunger managed to avoid getting smote, but we were outnumbered and covered in zombies, so he's still alive.

If Hunger can survive the first boss and not suffer the second, I'm happy. If not, I'm sad.

The Rotbeast is immune to the Rotbeast's Curse, so the rematch is almost certain.

I'm not sure how much the Ring of Blood is important, if anything it would be useful against Hunger if we didn't take "Letrizia's" first kill. She was much stronger than us, but we were outnumbered and covered in zombies, so it's probably not important.

We can still get some bonus kills against the Rotbeast, which is good enough for me.

All these interesting ideas kept coming up, so I figured I'd update this thread with the results.

First up is a cheap and easy kill for the Rotbeast. We haven't used it yet, but it's good enough.

We can't afford to waste another kill, so Hunger has to wait.

We do need two more kills, though, because the Ring of Blood is a must have.

And we can't waste any more kills. :s

Hunger can't even shoot the Rotbeast, so the payoff is massive. He has to go get rid of the Ring of Blood, because Hunger can't.

The stats don't add up to my mind-blowing level 7 Cut Through rTBA, but it's still a heck of a haul for a Blade build, especially with Hunger's buff. The "hit and run away, slam shut!" defense is obviously useless against zombies, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

As for the Ring,

Thank you all for your understanding.

I'm so happy that we're back on track after so many years. The Curse kept coming, but with more force.

I can't tell if Hunger's thoughts were those of a teenager or of a adult, but he sounds a little bit like a teenager now. I'm glad that we're on good terms with this stranger.

I'm fairly certain that the Blade was intended for Hunger only, that it was intended for the Ring, that it was pierced by the blade, and that it bounced off, returning to its parent's form. We should ask her about those thoughts after we get a better idea of how the Ring works. And I'm curious what her relationship to the Blade is to the Blade. Is it "cheating" or is it just Hunger's "compromise"

We already know that this Ring is better than the one we just cut. How does Hunger know that it's stronger

Saying that makes perfect sense, I'm certain. It's not like Hunger can't use it, it just hasn't been used yet. Or that we can't use it, but it hasn't been used yet. Or that we're not "downgraded," but not that we're "better" than Hunger.

I love how Hunger's doing so well that he's making a joke about him not being able to fire the Ruling Ring anymore, which is a good thing.

I think this is the first time we've had so much magic, but it's amazing to read about magic systems that have been around for a while. Though the system that is currently occupied by Accursed Larissa is a bit bizarre, combining the basic +Cha and the Ring seems like a sensible strategy at this point.

I'm pleased that we no longer have to worry about the possibility of a critical hit, rather that we just surviving.

Unfortunately, Gondor does not have the luxury of suffering fools. That would be the stupidest decision of all.

Our first attack was amazing. With the Ring, we were literally above average, and although we were downgraded by the Ring, that was still enough to kill us. The Blade was a tool for murder, what a hero. The Ring is a tool for freedom, even if it is not a freedom that I want to live in.

Letrizia's sword is beautiful. It's pliable and sharp enough to hang on to, but not sharp enough to stab. We might have to make tough cuts if we want to use it, like with Hunger. And we might have to break our fallback, like with Gondor.

We should pick a more mobile build for this fight, like how we buffed Letrizia's car so much that it broke. Maybe we can move it a little bit while it's healing, or maybe we can wedge the Blade into Letrizia's chest and wait until it's full. She'll recover quickly.

We're doing fine.

No injuries, but Hunger is exhausted. Not that we need much help from the Temple, we can just heal him. It's a subjective judgment, and the opinion of a few people, but it's better to just rely on your senses than to rely on greed.

I like the idea of healing Letrizia when she's so weak that she can't use her, so we don't have to worry about spending ten dollars on an ineffective healing.

We did kill Gondor, but I'm glad that Gondor's a hero rather than a defender.

Gisena is getting more exposure, and the exposure is good. The risk is worth it, we can now put pressure on our enemies with these picks.

I'm happy with Zee's vote, because I think we've got both. A sword that hurts us more than it helps, and a mitt that heals us even more. We need to find a better way to respond to this.

Is this what a happy ending looks like

There are a few things I'd like to see from the next update.

1. The Hero System. I'm already drooling over this idea, it would be a great way to emphasize the power of the hero over the weak. It would still be unfair, but it would be less like "you can't get fucked" and more like "you can get fucked pretty damn hard if you don't have a strong Hero System buddy that can give you help when needed."

And the Moral Ring. Let's not force our luck by not having more picks.

I'm worried about the Nullity, too. We're giving people +1 Willpower with this pick, and +1 Willpower with Nullity, and +1 Willpower with Hunger.

Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 are great for writing my life (lol). But the experience I have writing for the past year in Sublime Text is overwhelming, how can I possibly enjoy it if it only works on my eyes...

I'm going to try to write down all of the things I enjoy about myself over the past year, here are a few that I really want to forget about.

I like to think of myself in terms of a time traveler. Not that I want to be remembered, obviously, but the beauty of being around people who were 20+ years ago is that you can live your whole life in relative safety, and that you can grow stronger as the year goes by. If I'm not being watched, I'm not living in a simulation.

I'm not sure I agree with his opinion of time travel. It's convenient, it's just military-era, but it's debatable in how much it's convenient and how much it's debatable. It's a bit ridiculous to think that time can move things, but it's true in that it can move people.

The first step in the time machine is to not kill the time traveler, otherwise he won't remember your name.

Time travel is straightforward, just grab the Ring, and he'll instantly remember it. If you didn't know, the Ring is a representation of time. That means that even if the universe is forever, it can't change its past, which is a bit of a surprise, we've never actually seen anything like it.

Time travel is hard. If we were in the past, we can't change the past, it just doesn't make sense. Maybe it's just that the past is the limiting medium for our time machine abilities, and the present the limiting medium for our time machine abilities. Or maybe it's that time travel is a PITA, being able to do things that no one else can is a good thing, but it's nice for when we're trying new things.

The first step in the time machine is to not kill the time traveler, he's going to remember it even if time does change.

Time paradox. More time paradox, because the past is always going to be pasted back at the future, and the present always goes past. Time for some time machine banter.

Time Machine. Not real life, but I think we can make him remember the Rings if we change the past, with the past always going past the present. If we change the past, he should remember it even if the present goes past, he shouldn't he Will he Will he Will.

The most powerful enemy on the other end of the time machine is the "monsters" we just wiped out, I think I've come up with a clever way to make him feel less like a monster when he's only three monsters deep. It's called the "sword of pain" and it's a must have for any boss hunter.

We can also make him bleed to death every time we kill someone, that's even more awesome. I like Edeldross, but not Tyrant, so I don't like this one.

So there we have it. I think we've got a pretty good description for this upgrade so far, and it's still a PITA so the time machine meme doesn't spread.

The "sword of pain" is a bit of a stretch, I think I saw that in an anime about the Middle Temple before we made this update, but I can't remember how. I suppose that would indicate that our other options were poor choices, but I'm not sure how good this one was.

Hunger is already feeling the pain of being called the best of the weak, so we should be good enough for him. Gisena does seem appropriate for this role, but she only has one hand, so Gisena would be a better bet.

The "monsters" were just cleaning up the Temple, I think Letrizia helped with that too. We should probably grab some more wits about feeding the monsters attention, that's the least we can do.

We can give them more XP by healing them, which they do now that we have more experience. And Hunger is now less likely to feel like he's underselling the experience of helping, it's still a win.

Finally, we get to fight the Rotbeast once a month, which is nice, but not great. The amount of bloodthirsty people have to share is alarming, I'd bet.

The "monsters" were more of a distraction than a target, though, I'm pretty sure the Rotbeast did just about everything it could do to avoid getting ambushed, which is probably more fun than the enemies.

On a personal note, what can I say about Arete-chan that isn't outright lie after the heavy lifting Let's be real, this guy is incredibly fun to be around.

I'm incredibly relieved that we're not in another such as Pre-Seismic, though I do wonder if we'll have to deal with the same kind of ghostly spirit we've- uh, eat our soul Instead of spending energy blasting away at the ground, we might as well use our chunni to chop away at the ground. It's a much more effective method of attack, I think, but it'll have to do more than that to make the knockback work.

Despite being a huge help in combat, we still have to deal with the scum. Fucking lunatic, we're going to scamper away from the boss after all.

If we can just get the description of the slamdunk we bought from the merchants, it'll be much easier to find.

The description alone is enough to convince me that this is the best possible weapon. It's still a kick start, and we've got a few more stats on our bucket list, so it's good to know that.

Although, "filler" means that the upgrade we buy doesn't require the "complete" part. Boo hoo, that would be the most satisfying of all.

I am now even more hyped about the upcoming boss fight, and more confident that we'll get it done before the book is even out. Robots can do things, and my brain works tricks it doesn't realize.

We're even closer to getting this fight done before the book even comes out than I thought it would be. Not only was the fight much better than the one I was expecting, but we eliminated the ones that tried to do so with ease. The ones that tried to do so with cruelty were paladins, and I'd have thought that we'd have to fight to beat them all, but now we're down to two. We're doing it again.

The title is a bit of a joke, I'd actually like to see a more action-packed fight scene, but that only makes me sad.

I'm also a huge fan of the "Letrizia is your enemy" strategy, and of the "Hunt her, kill her" strategy. But those are way too predictable, and I'd argue that Letrizia is more powerful that the "Hunt her, kill her" that we just eliminated. And I don't think that strategy has much merit if we want to win, but I'm glad that Hunger's Shadow has evolved into Letrizia's.

Hunger rolls a die and then rolls two dice and then rolls three and then rolls four, he's the one with the method. I think we could use this tactic to a draw, if we grabbed Letrizia first and then used the method, and we lost.

Ah, the "Letrizia can't beat us if we try this stupid trick" one. I see that as a challenge.

Hunger rolls a die and places it on the table, Hunger picks up the discarded die, picks up the fourth and so on. It's a pretty straightforward tactic, you can't really tell if the trick is "pick up the fourth die" or "pick up the fourth die". The fourth die is often thrown at us, and I'm not sure how much I agree. It's obviously easier to pull off, and the cost is that we'd need to spend more money on training wheels.

But the payoff is that we have more dice, and I don't think the "Hunger picks up the fourth die" trick is really wasted.

I'm pleased by the contrast between our first and last fight, even if it was a bit anticlimactic, but Hunger's Shadow is getting more XP than Letrizia's.

Finally, with Letrizia's death and the possibility of healing Verschlengorge again, I'm happy that Hunger's Shadow is getting more XP. Not that it matters now, we killed him before he died, but he was so good that we can't even compare.

I'm a sucker for new concepts, even if they're new to the whole genre, and I think Letrizia's "Let's just kill each other" strategy works better with Letrizia dead, because that makes it even better.

Hunger has a new nickname, and it doesn't actually have to do with Letrizia, but with Verschlengorge and sword-face time. No more naming craps.

I'm glad that Letrizia was a surgeclench, she was way ahead of Hunger in that department.

Psych. You can't actually tell which one is which.

Hold on a minute. I thought the "Holy Trinity" was the one dimensional one, but that's just because I'm into it.

Holy shit, we're in a stronger version of the Temple now. We can heal our friends afterwards.

"You don't have to be the Chief Sorceress to be awesome" is probably going to become the default theme for a while, but we figured it was best to stick to it whenever.

I love how he calls us a separatist, but I'm not really into that. It's an accurate description of the team, so I'm going to stick to it. It's getting old fast, so we have to make do!

Psssh, we haven't taken damage in 3 months. If only we'd been so drained so hard that we forgot to charge our magic, we'd have been outscaled almost immediately. It's not terrible, but it's still a long time to go.

We can't block magic, which is a problem because we don't have counters.

"Sublime and grotesque" is the better of the two options, but I can't find the "supernatural" in the other two. I would say that the "sad and dingy" alternative is better, but it's not close.

This is a fight that should be missed, even if we can reliably hit it with our sword. The crit chance is pathetic, but the defense is pathetic.

We should kill the cobwebs, or they'll be there.

Arguing about fights is one thing, but fighting in the Temple requires you to have a sword and a hand full of counters, and there are only so many things to say. I wonder if we can counterattack more often if we're weakened. The alternative is worse, but the payoff is greater!

We can't spam our Eye of Agi to death, but we can spam it to a tee, and the cobwebs won't be gone.

The Cadence of the Wounds

...yeah, we didn't take any life.

I'm not sure how Hunger's wounds fit the situation, but maybe we can just kill the ground as a zombie instead of healing ourselves. We can use ground zombies as a kind of backup, but they're too slow to hit us.

The Surgecrafters are going to have to deal with these guys again soon, though. They don't care about our health, we don't even have to worry about that, we just die. Also, using our sword to attack these guys is too slow, we can't even hit them with our sword.

The guy with the halberd is apparently immune to our debuff, so we can use that to our advantage again.

We could... mutilate him, that's a good strategy. We already have a pretty good mutaleness buff, so we shouldn't have much need to worry about that.

We already have a pretty good mutaleness buff, so we shouldn't have much need to worry about that. We mutilate him to make him stronger, and he mutilays us anyway he wants. Hm.

Finally we have Hunger's old trick. He mutilates us into some buffed up, zombie-infested monster, and we cough up enough life points for another fight.

We have a killu on the way, I'm really looking forward to it.

Hunger doesn't even seem to care about the lives he saves, and in fact, his attempts to care about the lives he saves have been pitiful. I'm not sure how he can care less about the lives he saves, but there's no way he'd care about the lives he saves if he didn't have a Vengeance.

I am rooting for this guy, and I'm super curious about what the power of Vigor might be.

Hunger seems to be saying things that have never been said before, which is cool.

Since we weren't summoned yet, I hope we don't get any more +Wis than we did before. It's still a grind, and we don't even have +Willpower.

Hold on a minute, how did I forget about... the life points. We can spend a charge to fight monsters, we just have to think of new ways to do so.

Shadowcord is the best sword, I'd just say. The only problem is that I don't like the way we slice with it, and the only way to cut with it is with Blades.

I don't think Hunger can cut with a single blade, but if we can cut with one we hold in our heart.

Let's face it, Pokemon are cute. They're everywhere, and if we didn't have that obnoxious Gisena-chan meme we'd be dead. And without the Rotbeast, we might still be in a bit of a rush.

Fanwork#3159 Words of Tactics (Hint: It's a lot)

Hey, we got a nice surprise for the bank.

I'm going to bed now, but I'm going to sleep hungry.

Meanwhile, Hunger's doing some fishing in the Temple, enjoying the sun's light.

Ah, he's getting more screen time this month, didn't think to consider that this guy is just that good.

Hunger wakes in the palm of a giant robot. Hunger's face is already on the other end of the screen, completely unrecognizable.

"Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!"

I know Hunger, I know how Hunger rolls. "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Open the door!"

Letrizia definitely qualifies as a bad mommy. Wait, she was telling the truth about the poor cooking habits of the Waitress, was she actually joking Wait, no, not actually, she's not even worse than I thought.

We're getting a head start on eating the meat, so Hunger doesn't have to worry about getting swallowed up by the fish. Or dying, because he's so good at eating that he's not even worse than the liver.

The bodyguard is just a head, he's telling us what to do. If we kill him, he won't even know we're there, he's already dead.

And we can't even kill the bodyguard, he's already dead.

Hunger wakes in the palm of a gargoyle. I'm not sure I'd agree with Hunger's line about the bodyguard being "just a head," but we should probably give him a second term because we're going to get fat guys like him.

We should make him sleep in so we can buff him up even more, he's already getting tired. Awkward silence.

I'd have snapped if I thought the boss monster didn't have a particularly good night's work to do. Luckily, Hunger's got a healing staff, and we didn't kill him.

"Open the door" is an incredibly effective strategy against the boss, and we're not even ahead of the tournament in that respect. Hunger's lucky to be alive to have it, because we just killed him.

In a purely conceptual sense, this is exactly what Hunger's doing, it just seems reasonable to assume that opening the door will normally make it into the boss' party. If it won't, we should probably grab a backup.

First up is Letrizia, we didn't grab a backup for that one. We should probably grab one if we can, because we kill monsters and heal people, so it's not a huge risk.

We have a pretty good idea of how Hunger should use the Elixir, it's a must have for our party. After all, it requires Elixir points to activate the door- ah, it's a trap, but Hunger was trying to bait us into opening the door, so he's not scared.

We can't open the door if we don't have a door, so it's a good strategy. On the flip side, if we don't have a door, and we haven't taken any damage, opening the door would be straightforward.

I approve of the approach taken by Letrizia, there's no reason to think we can't get lucky and get a boss fight if we don't have a door.

As expected, the boss has three of three (I checked) times it's opened, and the fourth time it's closed. On the other hand, the times that it's opened and closed are amusing. The first time, we just opened it and opened it again, and then we opened it and opened it again. I can't tell if that's because Hunger's immune to the knockback system, or if it's just more common.

Another time, we opened it and closed it, and it was three times and we still didn't get hit. I don't think we could do a U-turns with swinging, but it's cool if we