OOf. Tally.
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Jul 16, 2020 at 6:15 AM, finished with 205 posts and 49 votes.
Man, I wish a 4~ pick option had this much enthusiasm when we were voting for destinations.
So 100% Rotbeast is a 3.5 pick fight. I don't know exactly what that means for the risk of 80% Rotbeast, but it puts it at a level I'm comfortable with.
The 80% pick value would be 2.8 picks. Hmm, I guess we can take that.

[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing

Upon reflection, I like it. Again, we can take a 3-pick fight without too much trouble and more picks would be helpful against Ber. And it would give us an incentive to save Arete for EFB while weakening him a significant amount.

I think this actually a better plan than One + Ber even, because it basically gives an extra 3-pick fight for wekening Ber; that's basically no downsides! It can greatly enhance our Rank gain efforts too! And we'd finally defeat the Rotbeast, how cool is that.

If we take Rotbeast+One, then it's basically going to be a 4-pick fight, something the thread was very testy about before. We have a good chance of at least picking up a significant Affliction with such a fight. And again it's better than One+Ber because it gives us additional picks while having Ber fight at 90%, which helps a lot!

I think this is legit good right now.
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If we don't win. Early interception would be key I admit, but we can take a 3-pick fight. Even the option says that we only lose our Rank gains if we don't save them.
If we don't intercept it fast enough, you mean. Winning is irrelevant if the fight takes place inside the city because we'll level it in the process.

Unfortunately this is apocryphal. It is going to trigger this to start right after we engage Mizuku and can't back off until that finishes.
If Rotbeast ends up winning though, then damn dude.


Better get those Limit Breaks ready.

[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing
A mountain-sized creature can't be that fast and we are Mach 50+ right now. We can make up a lot of time.
I think this is rather dismissive of the concerns inherent to the problem. What if it can move that fast? What if the Rotbeasts it spawns are way stronger and faster? What if we're forced to retreat by Mizuku, and have to stay longer in the encounter? If that happens, we really don't have an answer. Why risk it?
I think this is rather dismissive of the concerns inherent to the problem. What if it can move that fast? What if the Rotbeasts it spawns are way stronger and faster? What if we're forced to retreat by Mizuku, and have to stay longer in the encounter? If that happens, we really don't have an answer. Why risk it?
If it could move that fast, we'd have no chance to save the civilians. Since the option deems it a possibility; we must account for it, especially since the severity of it will be weaker than normal.

We could kill Rotspawn with our barest exertion while we were here last time, and we've become vastly stronger since. I don't think they will be a problem.

I think if we end up having to retreat; we just let him go for now and kill the Rotbeast first since it's the far more dangerous to the Sovereignty; Mizuku isn't even in Elixir territory yet. Maybe the picks we get from it can even help. But if we can't that's fine, he is far less time sensitive.
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[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing

Kill team + Keeping it simple would have been problematic because we would be forced to deal with multiple serious problems and probable Tyrant's proc at the same time, resulting in the Rotbeast potentially blindsiding us.

This combination doesn't have this problem on that level and indeed tries to get maximum value out of Triumphal Gleam. We can carve our legend in this place and gain R A N K by first dealing with the Foremost AI and than the Rotbeast. They will never forget us after we save there civilization from certain destruction and we can use the influence we gain to make the higher ups stop being such shits.
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What if the Rotbeasts it spawns are way stronger and faster?
They don't even need to be stronger and faster. "Just" Elite and Prime rotspawn moving against Sovereignty en masse in a non-singular vector of attack is already a slaughterhouse scenario, given that Sovereignty has issues dealing with Elites and is basically SOL against Primes. Their territory lies right there on the Sovereignty's border and Hunger can only ever be in one place at a time.

Like, maybe if we can omakestorm now and then tomorrow for 14 arete and then get silver (and, consequently, trinity) immediately we'll be able to minimize losses simply by being that fast and strong, but otherwise, Rotbeasts are going to get their fair share of Sovereignty's blood.

But hey, I am up for omake-storming tomorrow. Friday is probably a good day for that kind of stuff, too. Starting off the Silver+ADS longterm solution to Ber with immediately getting Silver would be pretty hilarious.
The way I read the situation before today's update, Meizen is on the edge of ES territory and Hunger, since he doesn't intend to recruit local help for this one, is headed out to meet him now and have the confrontation as far from the city as possible - and Versch moving with purpose is much faster than the genocidal amble the Prototype is doing.
After that fight the most efficient thing for Hunger to do is head straight for the Rotbeast and kill it. There are no picks to be had as far he knows but there is orders of magnitude more Sovereignty goodwill to be had than from the rogue armour regardless of difficulty because the Rotty is the existential threat that's hung over the whole country for years. This lets him consolidate the propaganda actions which are far more time consuming than fights or even travelling a few hundred miles - interviews and appearances with people who think at human speeds etc. Even passing through the city between Meizen and Rotbeast costs time from walking at non WMD pace and Versch avoiding stepping on people.

A Choice of Import

Remember, your goal isn't to kill him directly, though a tragic (or unexpected!) death is quite fine. But rather it's to make him say, your most favorite and dearly-desired phrase, Fuck these so-called interesting times!

[ ] Two - Feint with the jab, then catch 'em with the right hook!
[x] One - You've got some power stored up, despite that buzzkill of a Nullity Sorceress. Land a real haymaker.

[ ] Wait and Hope - The Apocryphal Curse shall merely bide its time, waiting and hoping for a perfect opportunity to introduce delicious complication! A perfectly cute and prudent decision. Patience is a virtue for a reason, you know! Fighting, Apocryphal~ !
Already been waiting too long *snarls*

[ ] Republic Kill-Joys
A kill team brawl in the city would certainly piss Hunger off regardless of how hurt his own party gets. Enough collateral damage to mess up the Rank farming would be a major blow to our current plans. If I were actually on the Curse's side this one would be shortlisted.

[ ] Prestige Classing
A power-up to an already scheduled fight. Hunger won't even know the difference IC. Meh.

[x] Keepin' it Simple
Hunger thinks he's going to put down an immobile enemy when suddenly it's mobile enough to be dangerous and he's on a clock to stop it reaching the city - that should be enough of a scare to have him shaking a fist at the sky and cursing the Curse.
Especially if he has to rush buy Thorn to stop Rotty in a timely manner there's plenty of salt to be mined.
However there's every chance that he will stop it before mass civilian casualties and the details of Praxis are not essential to our current build or action plans.
We're happy, Curse is happy, Hunger is covered in Rotbeast gunk!

[ ] Lucent Thorn
Could be hilarious.
Fairbrights don't get to have screentime in this quest.

[ ] Ring War
Being forced into the human sphere now fucks us over the most. Too much for me.
A Ring War will still be disruptive in the future - Apoc can keep this in reserve for future picks.
If it could move that fast, we'd have no chance to save the civilians. Since the option deems it a possibility; we mus account for it, especially since the severity of will be weaker than normal.

This point is logically unsound. It is possible that we save civilians, my claim is that it is exceedingly unlikely we will be able to save most civilians.

We could kill Rotspawn with our barest exertion while we were here last time, and we've become vastly stronger since. I don't think they will be a problem.

I think if we end up having to retreat; we just let him go for now and kill the Rotbeast first since it's the far more dangerous to the Sovereignty; Mizuku isn't even in Elixir territory yet. Maybe the picks we get from it can even help. But if we can't that's fine, he is far less time sensitive.

If we give up fighting Mizuku, that'd be even worse since Mizuku grows stronger and his rampaging comes nearer to the Sovereignty. Beyond that, the point isn't that we can wreck Rotspawn, it's that this is a needless loss of life given we already have a path to win. This way takes unnecessary risks when we can just do the Rihaku-sponsored thing, take our picks and EFBs we were gonna pick anyway, and just shoot Ber.
This point is logically unsound. It is possible that we save civilians, my claim is that it is exceedingly unlikely we will be able to save most civilians.

If we give up fighting Mizuku, that'd be even worse since Mizuku grows stronger and his rampaging comes nearer to the Sovereignty. Beyond that, the point isn't that we can wreck Rotspawn, it's that this is a needless loss of life given we already have a path to win. This way takes unnecessary risks when we can just do the Rihaku-sponsored thing, take our picks and EFBs we were gonna pick anyway, and just shoot Ber.
I mean the picks and R A N K gained from killing the Rotbeast will also help us in catching up to Ber and increase our overall chances. With Rihaku's recommendations and Ber actually becoming and worthy opponent, it should be relatively easy to convince people to S A V E.

We choose this course of action to gain Rank, I would very much like to take full advantage of that.
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My initial thoughts were to go with One and Keepin' it Simple. Would allow us to condense plotlines and keep the story driving forward while tossing in some cool fight scenes against a Rotbeast returned to relevance. 4 picks and increased power? Swell! Chance of death served along a side of sick fights? Yes please! That the Rank gains would only be reduced if we didn't save the Sovereignty (which I'm frankly ok with not doing, since it just decreases Rank gain to maybe ~0.15 instead of 0.3 Rank) which is an acceptable trade-off to me. Bite the bullet of Apocryphal right now so we don't face a more dangerous threat in the wings.

But then I realized, if we beat the Rotbeast, we get 4 picks. And what does that mean? Another opportunity for the thread to burn 7 Arete or more! If we survive the Apocryphal now and slay the Rotbeast, I can guarantee a significant portion of the thread is going to pivot to the next available shiny, pushing back Trinity further once more. The MAEG Gang has been quiet lately... and if they rise up on a tide of good-feeling after surviving a 4 pick fight, we might find ourselves throwing away another 7 Arete for magic systems of all things. After MORAL Gang and SOCIAL Gang having risen up to become such a force in the last vote, I have little desire to fend off more attacks on our precious Arete reserves. So...

[X] One
[X] Prestige Classing

This literally forces the thread to concentrate their Arete towards Trinity and All-Defeating Stance after that, because if we don't give EFBs, we just die against powerleveled and Apocryphal-boosted Bearic. It's a sad day indeed when I have to join hands with Not Dying Gang but ultimately, I must fight to SAVE at any possible opportunity (barring of course, when the Praxis comes again, because I am a devout acolyte of the Accursed way before all else). We've already spent at least ~70 (?) Arete on FB-equivalents so we need to start focusing on grabbing more powerful EFB effects. ADS isn't my first pick for EFB, just like Silver of Evening isn't my first choice for Evening Sky EFBs, but I'm willing to compromise as long as we get Trinity. Man, I would be so sad if we somehow don't get Trinity after mining like 100 Arete. So, I guess I'll throw my lot in with the Not Dying Gang's plans so that we can make some progress to more EFBs and oppose all other Gangs' desire to burn away Arete in chasing 'morals', 'magics' and ever present 'unique' 7 Arete options. I'd even pledge to not spend any Arete on Praxis until we somehow manage to cultivate a stockpile of 25 Arete, just to maintain the goal of SAVEing, no matter the cost.

I'm not actually that opposed to any of the current vote combinations though, even the Two options though I think I'd rather bite the bullet of 1 stronger Apocryphal event than two of these things. I'm voting with minimizing Arete expenditures in mind though, so committing to Trinity and ADS beforehand is kind-of okay with me.
What might be a useful strategy for picking our fights then might be delaying the actual combat update for until we've had accrued enough Arete to get the necessary stuff. So the more updates we can put between Now and, say, One-Prestige Class or One-Rotbeast, then we'll at least be able to not burn ourselves out too much from trying to mine.

But, like Kuro said, that opens up to spaghetting our Arete out of our pockets.

And if we end up wanting for Arete, then the chances of burning our Praxis Picks at an inopportune moment rises even further.

Keep these things in mind when moving forward with our expenditures.
A combo of One and Keeping it Simple or Republic Kill Joys is prob the easiest and fastest way to deal with the AC and not have to worry about too much collateral damage.

Kaiju for valuable Armament Fish fighting practice and Republic for better loot. Either one should give a boost to prestige as long as enough people survive (Killing their Hated enemy RotBeast or saving them from the evil empire).

Picking one of these two options is much more likely to help us advance than picking both cause that just risks too much damage being done to the community.