Alright, lets talk about Rank and stuff, yeah?
Te begin with, some of you might remember Rank focused build I've talked before. I've promised Armament in rather short order. Alas, Rihaku has reworked Trinity and we can't get tons of Rank for FREE, but here is how it looked like:
[ ] [If at least Rank 5.5] Set the wielder's Rank .1 above that of the Tyrant's
It had prerequisite of getting 5.5 Rank before we get Pillars, but once we do it would put us at Tyrant+0.1 Rank. Given that Tyrant was at about 7.8, that would mean a jump of 2.4 Rank(!) which, with Crimson Flare, would mean that we can blood cast at rank 9.8(!!).
Of course, fun only starts there. Afterwards, we can get SUJC to increase our Rank by 17.5%, going from Rank 7.9 to Rank 9.3 for all purposes(!!!) with our blood casting working at Rank 11.3(!!!!). And then you can get Once and Future and similar Rank boost effect for even more oomp..
But, that's just a pipe dream now. Still, Rank build lives on, even if it's not as hilariously powerful as it once was. Right now, we can get Shameless and either HDS or WDS, both of which offer 0.2 external Rank, to put our blood casting at very respectable 7.55 - almost at level at which we once were! On top of which you get relevant effects those Stances provide too.
So, why should you get Rank right now:
- It has direct synergy with both Uttermost and Crimson Flare. Synergy? In your Rihaku quest? More likely than you think
- SAVE. Not spending Arete means that we can afford a Stance for a burst in power, which can directly stack with Rank/Crimson Flare thanks to their external Rank. Even more synergy? In your Rihaku quest? What is this world coming to..
- Building up our Rank. Outside of obvious benefits, getting to Rank 6+ means that our Bloodcasting will enter High Rank territory, massively increasing it's value. Remember, Crimson Flare offers constant +2 Rank, unlike weaker options which scale down once we hit Rank 8. As such, it will benefit greatly for hitting that level
- Most of you prefer Pillars, and farming Feats within is very difficult. As such, every Feat we can get is that much more valuable..
- Finally, there's a theory that Feats unlock Defining Advancements. There's also the fact that we need Evening Sky DA to go along Stranglethorn in other to unlock that particular Special Advancement