Indeed, if you are not worried about the upcoming fight/social(which you shouldn't be, especially if we have that reroll(?)) SAVEing so we can buy some powerful 7AP stuff next update is likely much better.
I wonder though, if it was so useful how come Rihaku didn't offer it to us when we had to make the Greed/Safe/Maximum Safety choice? We don't know much of how Avecarn fights, and though Magic Defeating Stance certainly won't be useless I'd rather only spend 7 Arete if we're increasing our chances with the best possible outcome (diplomatic victory) and conserve at least a bit of the Arete otherwise.

Also, Guile will be seriously useful if we don't plan to reach the Inner Temple guns blazing and fighting everyone that comes our way. Especially now that we've discovered there's hints of some inside turmoil, we need to uncover the schemes of those who will most certainly oppose us to make them lose approval and more easily bring the rest of the Temple residents to our side.
Probably because before taking the extra rank from Crimson Flare the rank disadvantage was more overwhelming so Hero Defeating was better. Now that we've narrowed the gap we can afford to take Magic Defeating which is useful against a broader range of opponents since it seems like all the inner residents have a soul evocation but they might not all have overwhelming rank.
I wonder though, if it was so useful how come Rihaku didn't offer it to us when we had to make the Greed/Safe/Maximum Safety choice? We don't know much of how Avecarn fights, and though Magic Defeating Stance certainly won't be useless I'd rather only spend 7 Arete if we're increasing our chances with the best possible outcome (diplomatic victory) and conserve at least a bit of the Arete otherwise.

Also, Guile will be seriously useful if we don't plan to reach the Inner Temple guns blazing and fighting everyone that comes our way. Especially now that we've discovered there's hints of some inside turmoil, we need to uncover the schemes of those who will most certainly oppose us to make them lose approval and more easily bring the rest of the Temple residents to our side.

I mean, I don't think Rihaku offering an option or not is indicative of the option's direct use. He didn't offer World-Defeating here, but he offered it in the last vote!

I agree that Guile is useful, but I would like to more weightily resist esoteric effects in general, especially as we get closer to the Ring.
I mean, I don't think Rihaku offering an option or not is indicative of the option's direct use. He didn't offer World-Defeating here, but he offered it in the last vote!

I agree that Guile is useful, but I would like to more weightily resist esoteric effects in general, especially as we get closer to the Ring.
Guile's better at straight social, Hero's better at straight combat but Magic is good at both since all the really strong social effects are likely to be soul evocations like the one Zea's cousin would of had.
If Magic-Defeating isn't as immediately useful, why do we need to take it now at all? We can buy Stances whenever, but rewards for important fights are much rarer.
If Magic-Defeating isn't as immediately useful, why do we need to take it now at all? We can buy Stances whenever, but rewards for important fights are much rarer.
Because we might not have enough arete when we need it. It's an pretty good combo of power and greed right now.

Apocryphal free period will be ending soon so mitigation will be very helpful. Add in the ability to nullify soul evocation and other Ring derived magic shit they might have, it's becomes an pretty good option. We are badly in need of defensive ability..
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Or, better yet, don't spend on prefight so you can spend on fight rewards!

Imagine getting some awesome 3 pick 7 Arete Defining Advancement.
All I'm saying is that we might or might not have 7 Arete after buying a Stance for the fight reward, - I'm still a bit burnt out personally, - but it likely won't take more than one update to get another 7 Arete for the Stance afterwards. So we're just being prudent with the order of our spending, the result is largely the same.
Or, better yet, don't spend on prefight so you can spend on fight rewards!

Imagine getting some awesome 3 pick 7 Arete Defining Advancement.

I'm actually feeling pretty good about our chances here, don't really care too much when Stance wins if any since their all decent, and since a fair amount of power in most stances is discounting their EFB, i'm willing to back Savegang here. Have to start saving for our Evening Sky EFB eventually anyhow.

[X] Combat

[X] No
- S A V E.
I mean, I don't think Rihaku offering an option or not is indicative of the option's direct use. He didn't offer World-Defeating here, but he offered it in the last vote!
He offered World Defeating as a 14 Arete option alongside Guile while stating that it was a clearly inferior combination for this fight but that at very least it would have made All Defeating Stance easier to get.

Probably because before taking the extra rank from Crimson Flare the rank disadvantage was more overwhelming so Hero Defeating was better. Now that we've narrowed the gap we can afford to take Magic Defeating which is useful against a broader range of opponents since it seems like all the inner residents have a soul evocation but they might not all have overwhelming rank.
Well about about other inner residents you're probably right, but for Avecarn we still have a 1.5 flat rank difference so I don't think it will helps us much. And for defensive purposes I'd rather get A King Stands Alone honestly:
[ ] The King Stands Alone - 7 Arete
So long as you wield a sword, then when outnumbered, you may treat conflict as a succession of one-on-one duels against each individual opponent. So long as you wield a sword, cap the effects of Rank higher than yours at 'overwhelming advantage' in any direct contest. You may cut through mental and spiritual attacks. +++Willpower.
The ability to sord not only physical but also esoteric attacks means we can use Praxis to outright deny any direct offensive Rank advantage our enemies may have. I'm still surprised we still haven't taken it honestly, it utterly trivializes being ganked up on (and the Inner Temple will stop sending one opponent at a time once they realize the risk we represent), puts a cap on the Rank bullshit our opponents can throw at us, and even gives us great stats (+3 to all Physicals thanks to the Willpower boost). Not surprised of how overpowered it is honestly, considered we unlocked the option out of an ESB.
I'm actually feeling pretty good about our chances here, don't really care too much when Stance wins if any since their all decent, and since a fair amount of power in most stances is discounting their EFB, i'm willing to back Savegang here. Have to start saving for our Evening Sky EFB eventually anyhow.

[X] Combat

[X] No
- S A V E.
Indeed. I understand that some people might want additional security given that Flare was weakest option among the three, although I am not sure if the investment is justified - still, I do think that buying MDS is somewhat of a mistake, as getting more focused picks afterwards will likely give us more value.

And if we feel like we're in trouble, well, that's a beauty of Stances; as long as there's an update and we have enough Arete we can buy them.
Today is a slow day, so I'm starting to doubt that we'll earn 7 Arete in time to spend it on the post-Avecarn build vote. Given that I'd really like to get some good stuff there, I'm swapping to Save mode.

[X] Combat
[X] No - S A V E.

Need to have enough Arete to get Gardener's Hallow/Rune King/Philosopher's Wreath/Azure Moon after all! Start getting those cross-system interactions - we've already had one with Edeldross Adept, but we need more.
My justification for Arete expenditure is this: MDS is a fairly strong pick, given the value of curse mitigation. Beyond that however, collecting complications as well as Apocryphal procs will make life harder for us in the future, and divert both picks and Arete in order to be resolved. I would rather minimze the risk not just of death (which I think is fairly low) but also the risk of being forced to spend later on.
[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance
[X] No - S A V E

My justification for Arete expenditure is this: MDS is a fairly strong pick, given the value of curse mitigation. Beyond that however, collecting complications as well as Apocryphal procs will make life harder for us in the future, and divert both picks and Arete in order to be resolved. I would rather minimze the risk not just of death (which I think is fairly low) but also the risk of being forced to spend later on.
A better suited (and just more powerful) pick after the fight backed by 7 Arete would offset the penalties even if we get a complication. Still, my hopes of a diplomatic victory are also high so approval voting for now.
My justification for Arete expenditure is this: MDS is a fairly strong pick, given the value of curse mitigation. Beyond that however, collecting complications as well as Apocryphal procs will make life harder for us in the future, and divert both picks and Arete in order to be resolved. I would rather minimze the risk not just of death (which I think is fairly low) but also the risk of being forced to spend later on.
MDS is half-hearted option, here. You basically don't want security offered by HDS or GDS, but want to spend Arete on something relevant. If that's the case, go full on your greed and just don't buy MDS and save for next choice point - even if we end up taking pick only options, there's nothing stopping your getting MDS there.
[X] Combat
[X] No

I think it looks more and more like we'll end up fighting, so Combat it is! I see this as a decent option for keeping Aeira alive, less so than Stealth but more so than Business. Healing our liver is great, too. Perhaps more honest to say that I hope she'll be keeping us alive.

Travel to and fro between the Voyaging Realm and the Human Sphere seems like an extremely profitable endeavor. To that end I think keeping Aeira back home in the Sovereignty could actually work out well. We need Letrizia to meet and become friends with Aeira's contact back in the Sovereignty, or else we need to find another convenient means of communication and/or travel. Letrizia is a big girl, and can handle having her friends live far away.

As for the stance vote, I feel the power of SAVE running through my veins. We seem to have decent odds in both combat and social confrontation with Grandpa, so I'm banking on spending that Arete more efficiently alongside picks. The dream is to go for Evening Sky's EFB, but we'll see.
What does good odds look like, in numbers? I can be convinced that 7 Arete post-fight is useful, but I'm pretty wary of the risk of flat out losing the fight and needing to run (thereby losing all the picks).
We still have no clue what our % for complication, major complication, and death are! We can presume from Rihaku's statements that death is low, but I figure complications are still quite likely against M.C. Grandpa.
We still have no clue what our % for complication, major complication, and death are! We can presume from Rihaku's statements that death is low, but I figure complications are still quite likely against M.C. Grandpa.
I'll pore through the posts and see if he mentions "good odds" in a previous encounter. We can probably extrapolate from there.
Renaissance Woman

Not merely a genius of one generation, nor of one era; hers is a greatness of mind and spirit that arises perhaps only once in the lifetime of a species. All-conquering talent that bestrides all fields and masters them beyond compare: only this genuine polymath can be said to embody the complete essence - the true quintessence - of humanity in the Maiden's image. Only so exalted a paragon can glimpse the mortal facings of Heaven's Lathe and depart with mind unshattered.

A singularity of findross births a Sorceress. A meta-singularity of findross, births a Maiden.
By the way Rihaku I was distracted arguing at the time but this blurb was amazing. The idea of someone equaling a progression curse bearer and gaining the abilities of someone as powerful as the maiden through raw intellect alone was incredibly inspiring.

Gave me flashbacks to the Sun King option from Seram's unnamed quest when he went from a novice to a master magician in the span of a single day.