I'll make a more detailed post later but goodness am I tired.


[X] Renaissance Woman

I love Gisena and giving our companions more narrative focus in general, plus her mimicking retinue should be valuable for all of their growth, including ours while greatly mitigating our curses. Hunger's going to get more powerful fast no matter what, but other companions keeping up is well worth it in arete. I'm also really wanting to not go for a second Sword EFB, no offense to people who like the stance option.
[X] Forbear's Blade: All-Defeating Stance



The SWORD GANG has maneuvered me into a vote that delays Evening Sky upgrades even longer, in the name of enhancing our protection suite. What a masterstroke of Machiavellian conniving. I haven't always liked the tone / output / posts coming from SWORD GANG but I've gotta admit that they have perfectly executed a political coup against the Evening Sky.
Allstance vs Crimson Flare? I expected.

Suddenly EFB Gisena, OTOH, came out of nowhere. Not that I mind, it's actually kind of hilarious. LordOfMurder is going to flip.

I have to wonder, does that Nullification of Curses apply even to Tyrant? If yes, I don't think we can pass up the Gisena Beyond. If no, then it's down to Crimson and Allstance for me.

Allstance can possibly solo the entire Temple, but might make us so powerful we don't get as many picks from it. OTOH, if we want to just end Temple already and move on, it's the pick of choice.

Crimson Flare has "Very good odds of survival," so it's safe to pick. It does not, however, allow soloing of the entire Temple. Ring and Mantle lovers will want it regardless, because 3x Forebear EFBs has been an enemy of theirs for a while.

Anyway, I really should be sleeping, so I'll decide what I support in the morning. Night ya'll, excellent work getting us to the point where we're picking between EFBs.
Man it's gonna he great when we can essentially mind control people.

Next time we meet Ber we can even force him to commit sudoku!
[X] Renaissance Woman

Actually, fuck it. This is ridiculously good and doesn't come with the thing I dislike about ADS.

...Also, hilariously, Hunger still gets as many picks as if he was fighting alone. it just causes problem for his Rank growth.
Except probably Tyrant.

On the one hand, yeah, probably not Tyrant immediately.

On the other hand, we know that some effects can get past the "Tyrant can't be mitigated" thing, so between Retinue and True Quintessence I wouldn't bet against Gisena being able to mitigate it anyway eventually. Would obviously take more effort than the others, though.
I am sorry Ring gang, we are the architects of our own destruction. We fought too well yesterday and today the loot provides even better value. I am againts taking Gisena EFB now, because that mans we rely on her rather than on ourselves. We are the protagnonist god dammit.

[X] Forbear's Blade: All-Defeating Stance
@Rihaku would Undead Chimera mess up the three EFBs special advancements or do only the ones properly associated with the Artifacts count? I'm currently voting assuming the former.
Yes it would, but you'd have to unlock ++++++++++Letrizia first so I don't think it'll be a practical concern once momentum gets going. You already have one Artifact EFB, after all.
I don't think Renaissance Woman avoids us committing unless we don't want that Trinity advancement. Voter should be aware we stand to lose that if it wins.
[X] Forbear's Blade: All-Defeating Stance

Yoooo what the fuck, this thing's broken
[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare

I'm sticking with the plan. I don't want to see a steamroll one way of another. This being a challenge would feel interesting. I also feel like it is pretty easy to underestimate the value of flare because of all gated behind the temple. With our Arete we can take flare then ennobling to gate our foot in the door and go from there.
I must say, I am... actually tempted by Renaissance Woman.

It got a whole lot more effective value than just 25 arete.

Like, goddamn. There is, like, 50 Arete worth of piecemeal advancements packed into it?

Companion-buffing Advancements have to be more powerful because they're not compounded by all your existing Advancements! So it is good, but consider the synergy inherent in your existing arsenal.
Jokes aside, Renaissance Woman provides:

• Stage 2 Mitigation of every single Curse.
• A super-combatant on par with Hunger
• A free bonus Lesser Remittance
• Autosuccess against the Temple

... aaaand Total Eclipse, which is an EFB by itself.

Even if we don't pick it up right now (which I wouldn't mind at all, both of the other options are sweet in their own ways), the obscene value of Renaissance Woman all but demands we pick it up eventually.
... CAN we buy Renaissance Woman later? She's having her evolution /apotheosis (?) *now*
[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare

Ah, so Gisena was secretly the protagonist the whole time. :p

Everything is good, and this time we can actually (almost) afford any one of them! Still going for Flare, though, despite the temptation of +++++All Stats, daaamn. Or we can just push the Gisena button and watch the glorious carnage. I slep.
Don't think of it as a second Sword EFB, think of it as the second of Four Bear's.
See, that's the problem. The road of extreme ruthlessness, heedlessness of consequences, of being the edgy loner with an eyepatch, of obsessing over murdering and winning at all costs... To some extent it's a necessary element of what Hunger has become, but the more aggressively we dig into the legacies of the Blade and the Forebear, the more we've been reinforcing that.

The guy is thinking "what would the Forebear do" in situations already. That is not a good sign.

I really really think Hunger should relax and digest a more balanced diet of superpowers from multiple sources.

He literally says it avoids us commuting in the blurb.

Are you saying it will disrupt our special advancement options, or won't do so? Sounds like 'won't.'
I'm happy with all the options! I believe that all of them sufficiently meet the danger threshhold for this point in the Temple as well as the next few updates, so I will be selecting based on aesthetic instead! And on that front, Crimson > ADS > Renaissance.