the character sheet and fanwork index give arete so it likely does!!
It did in EFB, I'm not actually sure the same's true here! ...possibly because updating it over the hiatus + commissioned fanart resulted in an ungodly BP total going into the final stretch. Still, if it's useful to people it's worth maintaining anyway.
I am a failure! I have utterly lost the spark for the idea I had before. I can only hope that maintaining the Quester Magics sheet (still being updated!) has provided some small modicum of Arete, even though it involves no actual creative achievement on my part.
No worries, I'm just glad my half-baked idea has gotten so much traction. We ought be able to furnish all the regular participants with blurbs of their own at this rate.
Not anywhere close to Crimson Flare + Stance, but we can get just Crimson Flare easily enough. That does have somewhat lower odds of survival then Maximum Safety, but everyone likes Crimson Flare a lot better then double stances.

Well, whatever happens I'm sure Rihaku will manage to make it cool!
If your Arete gets high enough, sure. But which one would you guys actually take?
In a vacuum, I'd most prefer guile or magic, out of the Stances on offer. That being said, I'd rather save Aerete for getting a 25 Aerete Evening Sky advancement, and the special advancement with it.

However, given the nature of this encounter, it may be that Hero Defeating Stance is a better panic button, if things do not go well with Crimson Flare alone, and presuming that said absurd quantities of Aerete are on offer.

I suppose I should update my vote:

[X] Unacceptable
[X] Maximal Greed
[X] Crimson Flare
It's a shame a majority of the thread is so categorically opposed to getting the Triple Forebear EFB because taking Unacceptable would let us buy the All-Defeating Stance, which would completely solve all of our current problems and be an enormous help in resolving the Temple as a whole. But then, I suppose Not Dying gang has never had the strongest of mandates!
If Greed wins we better buy Flare! It's kinda the whole point and also without Flare or stances we probably die.
But not enough to buy All Defeating Stance, darn, was hoping for a run off
If the vote were to somehow pivot from Fine to Unacceptable, we'd have 27.5, putting us within Arete debt range of flash buying All-Defeating Stance. We're only 0.3 Arete away as it is; the A-DS was said to stomp Avecarn, so it might work even with the added condition... but at this point it's pretty much settled. Even the tie-manufacturing magic of devil's advocacy can't conjure up a stalemate at the literal eleventh hour.
It did in EFB, I'm not actually sure the same's true here! ...possibly because updating it over the hiatus + commissioned fanart resulted in an ungodly BP total going into the final stretch. Still, if it's useful to people it's worth maintaining anyway.
perhaps he's just more hesitant to commit to an explicit rate!
Hey, we have Uttermost boosting Arete increases by 30% right? Does that apply to the +0.7 rank from Crimson Flare, or was it already applied, or does it not apply?
If we do have enough without the Arete bonus from telling our Ninja to screw off, I do think it's worth it to bring her along then. As she said, she's not as good of a fighter as we are of course, but stealth is a novel capability that extends a lot of what we can do.
It's not the same as having it as part of Evening Sky, but alpha strikes of Fell Handed Stroke boosted by Cut Through and Ruinous Valor, fired off while we're basically invisible to an enemy for a vastly increased critical hit chance would seriously increase the range of beings that Hunger could challenge safely and reap great benefits from regardless.

Plus Gisena would be under the same protection! She could fire a blast of nullity that hits in tandem with Fell Handed to rip away any ablative defenses, allowing even greater damage to be done as the suddenly non-magical flesh has to cope with mind and soul bleed.
Hey, we have Uttermost boosting Arete increases by 30% right? Does that apply to the +0.7 rank from Crimson Flare, or was it already applied, or does it not apply?

It's factored in already.

If the vote were to somehow pivot from Fine to Unacceptable, we'd have 27.5, putting us within Arete debt range of flash buying All-Defeating Stance. We're only 0.3 Arete away as it is; the A-DS was said to stomp Avecarn, so it might work even with the added condition... but at this point it's pretty much settled. Even the tie-manufacturing magic of devil's advocacy can't conjure up a stalemate at the literal eleventh hour.

Are you sure?
If the vote were to somehow pivot from Fine to Unacceptable, we'd have 27.5, putting us within Arete debt range of flash buying All-Defeating Stance. We're only 0.3 Arete away as it is; the A-DS was said to stomp Avecarn, so it might work even with the added condition... but at this point it's pretty much settled. Even the tie-manufacturing magic of devil's advocacy can't conjure up a stalemate at the literal eleventh hour.
But what if he writes a really cool blurb for it!?
I say go for All-Defeating Stance.

We don't know what it does, so maybe we need a run-off.

ADS + EFB Sword vs CF + EFB Mantle

Well I guess CF would win that one, there's a big ring and mantle faction both.