Interestingly enough, Maximum Greed is currently leading in the build vote, followed closely by Maximum Safety! This is likely due to approval voting, but approval voters should still try to coordinate their spending plan preferences if Crimson Flare doesn't become viable in time!
Yeah. Maximum greed support is heart-warming, and there is a number of people explicitly commiting to doing a lot of work to make it viable, but - people shouldn't treat this one as if we have it in the bag, really.

There are a lot of really hopeful signs this far, with Orm already contributing respectably and a lot of people like Talace and Microwave who regularly bring a thread's lion share of arete commiting to working hard, but we still got a pretty long road ahead of us.

4.5 maybe is not crazy numbers of omakestorm, but it is still a lot of work. So, if people are commiting to Maximum Greed, I'd ask them to also actually commit to making it real; even a mini-reaction of like, 500 words would go a long way to making this real, or at least mitigating the arete bleed should we fall into abyss of stances.

And on this note, I am commiting to the mines.
Your risk calculations can't stop me cause I can't understand math, so nyeh.

but jesus Christ, the math needed to generate even more arete is oof.
i actually looked into the idea of trying to get Thread Participation credit by reverse-engineering the Wordcount:Arete formula (if there is one). Applying some statistics wouldn't be terribly complicated but data collection is difficult. You animals have generated 784 pages of content and Rihaku only gives intermittent updates on how much Arete is available.
Meanwhile, in the Forsaken Mask negaverse, questors are going Unlimited Comfy Works.
Meanwhile in Sword that Ends the World Negaverse, we have reached 2500 pages of content to generate enough Arete to survive the first few encounters, and we haven't even met Letrizia yet. And yet, the Praxis lore. There are at least 32 concurrently running omake quests, each rejoicing over a different facet of the full Praxis.
So that name comes up again. I wonder what it is with that? Clearly the Accursed himself does not consider us mere implements. He bothered to order us to be careful to not become what it was we hated, which he certainly didn't need to do. Not to mention we know he is willing to take action for his cursebearers if they have sufficient favor with him. Which is not something he would bother with if we were just tools. So what does it mean to call us implements? And why did the foremost do so? Perhaps there are more layers at work here than there seem to be. I am unsure.

Letrizia had decided she was going on a self-proclaimed 'undercover' mission to investigate colony's magic, while Gisena was happily examining each and every technological advancement Human Civilization had made since the Renaissance. While they did so, he studied the blade.
The magic academy thing worked out much better than I expected it to, I have to be honest here. It's kinda unfortunate Gisena spent all that time examining advanced tech but didn't end up getting any for herself, but what were we to do about it? Not be greedy? As if we would ever make that kind of silly choice!

And you'd think these people would have security for the magic academy they are pretending is a secret. Did they all completely fail opsec training or something? Or perhaps they just don't know what to do about an armament pilot poking around. I mean... how are they supposed to stop her? If they hurt her who knows what kind of hell will rain down on them!

And, of course, Hunger goes hunting. ...We managed to roll off the table, which is kinda ridiculously impressive I have to admit.

The power of his ring hampered low-stakes training while enormously amplifying improvements made in actual conflict, so naturally he asked the soldiers if there was any mercenary work available.
Makes sense to me! If you can't grow through normal training grow by fighting, and if you can get paid for it in the process? Well, all the better. All the better indeed. It's kind of interesting we didn't get told this until we directly asked, though. You'd think they would mention the problem to a party that looks like it might be able to seriously assist them. Perhaps they have very odd security concerns and didn't want to bring it up with letrizia around? Very strange. Or perhaps they just got rejected enough times they don't bother bringing it up to people who don't come to them. It doesn't matter very much, I suppose.

"Well yeah, we've got Rotspawn coming in every day of the year. It's not totally out of control, but we've been losing ground week by week." The man looked warily at his sword and cloak. "If you're some sort of... sword-based wizard, we could probably use your help."
Ooh, work. Sad that this little civilization seems to be doomed, though. Slowly being overwhelmed by the Rotspawn as they just keep coming, wave after wave. Interesting they assume Hunger is a wizard, but I suppose he really is, given the power of Accretion is a system of magic. A bit of an unfair one, really, given just how much a rank difference matters even if you are otherwise entirely superior.

"I'm not cheap," Hunger warned, "And I don't work well with others. Don't expect me to integrate into your command structure."
Tyrant striking? Or is this Hunger trying to avoid a Tyrant proc? Impossible to be sure, but probably the latter. Well, hopefully they won't have any problems with an annoyingly independent mercenary. Probably not, though. They sound like they need all the help they can get and more.

"That's all acceptable," the officer said, "We just care that Rotspawns are destroyed. If you're willing and able to deal with the Rotbeast itself, that would be even more ideal. We can pay in goods and services, or precious metals at a 20% discount."
Yay! And yeah, being entirely practical about thing. They must be truly desperate for aid. Hopefully what we ended up doing was sufficient to buy them significant time, at least. It is kind of a shame we never sent Hunger against the Rotbeast, considering the encounter here was actually more dangerous in many ways.

He tapped a device on his wrist and small leaflet printed from the VTOL's side cabin. "Here, these are the rates we pay to all wandering mercenaries. On the back you'll find a map of the region. We're here, at the border, and the Rotbeast's invasion is alongside this other border, here, with enemy territory beyond. This mountain-range shaped area is the actual Rotbeast."
I missed the first time that the Rotbeast is literally the size of a mountain range. No wonder it isn't attacking them directly. it probably can't actually get any closer due to it's sheer size! I wonder how often they have to update that map, or is this a region small enough the area stays properly contiguous? Or is the rotbeast's attack forcing it to remain so somehow? That's something to look into later if we ever have time.

"Fine. I just need to bring back proof of my kills?"
Always with the practical questions, Hunger. Seems reasonable. I doubt they actually care what happens to the bodies, just as long as the rotspawn are destroyed.

"That's right. Scalps for ordinary spawn, while Elite and Primary Spawn have cores made of golden crystal. Those are a bit easier to transport."
Interesting. I wonder why the elite and Primary rotspawn have golden cores? Are they a larger concentration of the rotbeast's power? If so does that mean that regular rotspawn have a tiny core too small too notice, or are they powered entirely by ambient power instead of needing a core at all?

"Sounds simple enough."
Agreed. Annoying, though. Dragging all that stuff everywhere.

The contested border was well to the opposite side of Sovereignty land, a semi-mountainous region of rocky hills that sloped downwards into an immense swampy forest. It was from that direction that the Rotspawn invasion occurred, a steady flow of weaker beasts intermittently disrupted by the emergence of an Elite. Elixir troops had access to decades-old Imperial surplus, but it was all decommissioned gear, meant to be sold to civilian organizations. They could maintain what they'd purchased, manufacturing munitions to a limited extent, but outright replacement of high-grade gear like Armor Prototypes was beyond them.
So the civilization is slowly being defeated by an unending tide of fairly weak monsters because it's an unending tide. Hunger can't really do that much about it, he doesn't intend on killing the rotbeast and as long as it lives the unending tide is going to stay unending. If we survive the temple we really should stop by there and kill it on a lark. I kinda want to see how Accretion would react to that. Probably not much, given how local it is, but... it's the start of a story, and a powerful one.

The front line was a series of heavily fortified trenches 'manned' by automated turrets and anchored by mid-sized Armor Prototypes. From Letrizia's earlier remarks, Hunger had gathered that unmanned autonomous craft like bomber drones were adequate for weaker foes, but severely underperformed against peer-level enemies due to a lack of Astral Rank. Though their weapons encampments were more than capable of raking the valley with plasma fire, any group of Elite Rotspawn risked breaching the lines with their focused Pressure.
So rank basically completely screws over unranked equipment, even though it's book stats are far more than sufficient to handle things otherwise. Perhaps we should have paid more attention to that, given we're walking into the equivalent of it ourselves. Especially after the fight at the end of this chapter. People just didn't listen.

For the most part, the Rotspawn were a ragged and motley lot, corpse-grey limbs twisted and disfigured by the necrotic force of their progenitor, each beast an unnerving medley of animal parts. Their jerky movements and eerie relentlessness made for a disquieting aura.
Regular rotspawn are basically just like the Trolls over in the webcomic Stand Still Stay Silent. A twisted mess of semi-living beings. Not really a threat to Hunger. At all. Kinda embarrassing, really.

With the average Rotspawn weaker than Verschlengorge's usual attackers, Hunger was unconcerned by their numbers and took the time to experiment with his sword technique. He mimicked Amarlt's thrusting stance, attempting to capture the intangible purity of that unadorned thrust, but while his strength was more than sufficient to slay Rotspawn in this manner, no special insights came to him in the doing.
Yep, no threat at all. Hunger just plays around while obliterating them, trying to see if he can emulate the Unerring. He can't, of course. We didn't buy that. Still, he's on the edge of something else. Something more... him. Still, against such weak enemies insight is never going to come. Not while wearing that Ring.

It was clear that there were horizons of swordplay far beyond his meagre achievements, and while Amarlt had possessed the soul-based magic of the Outriders, Hunger had the Forebear's Blade, which ought well be capable of surpassing anything the Outrider had done.
And he can, given enough time and effort. And arete. Lots of arete. I'm kinda getting stick of Arete. It just feels like completely unproductive work and isn't enjoyable at this point. This quest would be very different indeed if what was earned was decided entire by Hunger's actions rather than by ours.

An enormous crustacean-like creature thundered abruptly out of the forest, its shell the deep blue of the far ocean, claws rending wood and steel with the schlick of scissors through paper-mache. Between its beady sapphire eyes was a jewel of brilliant gold, the only spot of aberration against a carapace fully blue.
Oh, a boss monster. Cool. I suppose if you scythe down enough regular rotspawn one was destined to show up. That is a function of rank, after all.

Hunger leapt to its left flank, plunging his blade into that carapace, which folded like a punctured egg before him. With lightning speed it skittered and turned, but he was faster still, darting around to its other flank, dragging his blade to split it widthwise like an oyster. The power of Ruin tore branching seams out from the clean line of that wound, shell shriveling and flaking away all along its thorax.

Not a very strong boss monster, though. Not very surprising, this choice didn't have too high a chance of going wrong. ...of course we managed to roll it doing so anyway so...

The creature reared back as if to bellow, but he sprang towards its front, leaping onto the clacking claw-arm to strike directly at its core. As the jewel shattered the creature swiftly went inert, a golden mist like faerie dust spilling from the gem.
One down. Not a very hard fight, but still it actually required some effort, unlike the regular rotspawn.

That was anticlimactic. He was not Vanreir, but the power of his blade sufficed to dispatch these things with a minimum of fuss. Shaking his head he plunged deeper into the valley, past the plasma-pocked slopes of the grassy hillside and into the territory of the Rotbeast proper. Down into the fetid mist he ran, past the cloying outer perimeter into the heart of the forest, where the ground was soft and putrid but the fog was thick as steel wool.
Unfortunately we've made Hunger into a serious adrenaline junkie, and now he's seeking fights of every increasing danger. I suppose we've probably lost the quest even if we win, unless we correct this somehow. Which given our regular choices I don't see happening any time soon.

And now Hunger enters the rotbeast's territory. It isn't going to take that well. Hunger is actually a threat to it.

It pressed down upon him, a slightly damp heaviness, a noxious fullness in the lungs. Were he an ordinary man, movement would be impossible under such conditions, but his strength these past weeks had increased by great bounds, and it troubled him little. A pair of crossed slashes dispelled the fog around him, small tempest of wind carving a clearing in the mist. Creatures emerged from that pale soup of fog, half a dozen disjoint monstrosities each bearing a golden jewel upon their brow. Eagerly he set to work.
The fog itself has a heavy weight to it. Interesting. I suppose that's the rotbeast's residual pressure. And even that is enough to crush an ordinary man. That's scary.

Of course Hunger breaks it, which immediately agros everything in the area...

Their speed was explosive, their movements so erratic as to be unpredictable, but that mattered little against him. The complete Forebear's Blade could channel his techniques with perfect efficiency. The windup and exertion associated with his sevenfold strike were reduced to a minuscule fraction, so much so that he could apply the technique to every flick and lash of the blade.
Yeah, at this point even elite rotspawn are basially just chaff. Unfortunately the gap between elite and primary rotspawn is just as large as the gap between regular rotspawn and elite, it seems. Still, for now the fight it rather trivial.

Each humming blade-wind dispatched from its edge struck now with murderous force, a staggering crescent of sheer devastation that toppled the Rotspawn, power of Ruin tearing them limb from limb. And yet it was not enough. For all his terrifying speed and force, his was still not the equal of even Vanreir's technique, much less the power of the Forebear that lay slumbering within. What was he missing?
You're trying to become the equal of two people that were committing joint suicide in order to combine their techniques into an ultimate power, Hunger. That is not something an ordinary person can accomplish! Then again you aren't ordinary at all. ...Though even you would have failed if we hadn't happened to have saved up 18 arete during this update.

Hunger frowned. One hand was inadequate to the task of handling the restored Forebear's Blade, though its immense destructive force more than compensated for the slight unwieldiness. As he grew in strength, would his lack of limbs become a progressively greater limitation on his technique?
Yeah, swords are hard to use with one hand, even if the sword was made for it. Which the Forebear's blade was not. I don't think many things could have rendered the Forebear one handed, let alone had it stick.

Dozens of Elites fell before a greater monster emerged, the fell wind of its Pressure forcing down his shoulders at its approach. The ground beneath him gave way, muck and grime hollowing out as if pressed by an industrial stamp. He leapt back, launching downward blade-winds to go airborne, but every movement felt stilted and slow in the grip of that Pressure, and he was not able to clear the fog as he would've liked.
Primary, and a real threat. We rolled... poorly, and got an enemy very good against us. Basically the same as the current situation in some sense. We should have made different choices back here.

It emerged at last from the mist, a golden-eyed creature whose skin was bleached pale, its face an uncanny mix of sublime and grotesque, fine-angled bones above a tusk-bristling maw that drooled syrupy blood. Three meters tall at the very least, with four powerful arms, each holding a curiously curved halberd-like weapon.
Interesting that it uses a weapon when previous rotspawn did not. I wonder if there is a meaning behind that or if that's just a thing that Primary rotspawn do.

It was no Tyrant, but this was the greatest disparity of Pressure he'd felt since coming to this Realm. Hunger attacked without hesitation, knowing that the only way out was through, three dozen blade-winds in the blink of an eye sent screaming towards the foe. One arm snapped forth, halberd twirling, each successive arm taking a guard position behind the last. It weathered the storm of his attacks with sullen indifference, though the one projection that got through tore a deep strip of flesh from its cheek.
Wonder what our relative pressure differences were. Hunger's is slightly crippled at this time because of the Call, but still.

Interesting that hunger going all out was only able to give it a single wound. Rank is scary.

No visibility on the ground, and the earth was unsteady. Too difficult to change directions in midair. He parried the thrown halberd that was the thing's counterattack, jolt of the impact sending cruel shivers down his arm, hurling him backwards. All of a sudden the monster blurred, closing distance with furious speed, and scarce had his arm recovered that he was forced to parry fourfold whirling strikes, the creature having casually recovered the copy thrown as it charged.
And rank works to your advantage in a lot of hidden ways, like its weapon happening to be in the exact correct position that it could retrieve it without effort or diversion.

This was unsustainable. His stance would break or his bones would. He tumbled to the side, attempting to get within the monster's reach, taking a searing cut to the sternum as he moved. His blood sense gave him a good idea of its future movements, but its overwhelming Pressure prevented much direct influence. He whipsawed his blade as he rolled, firing sword-projections towards the creature's wrists, buying him an instant to move freely.
I'm surprised it's this strong, the gap is truly impressive there. Hunger can only buy moments at a time. Still, that will be enough. Because we have a card that Hunger is just starting to grasp. For he must.

Sprinting away, he cleared distance, Evening Sky shuddering behind him as it partially absorbed the impact of a thrown halberd, casting him to the ground. Even as he fell he conjured more blade-winds, intent on pressuring it, furiously burning his well of energy to keep it at bay.
Even on retreat it's causing us serious problems. This was quite the enemy to run into on what was supposed to be a relatively safe choice.

Some vacation this was. In a way this situation mirrored his fears of the Inner Temple: fodder he could basically ignore, commanded by a guardian that was well above him.
Oh neat, Hunger mirrors my thoughts on this one. This sort of thing is exactly why I want Pillars, by the way. Once we calibrate it properly we can ensure we face enemies in the acceptable middle range there, instead of stupid easy or stupid dangerous fights.

If only he had two arms, blocking would be so much easier. A melee exchange would be more feasible, and in the chaos perhaps he could find an angle, take out its eyes and search for its core...
Oh look, Hunger's requesting his arm back again.

He knew what he had to do. Cut through, even if it could not be cut. But what did that mean here? Scheming and tricks weren't useful against an inhuman enemy, and unlikely to work given its greater Rank. A single, fulsome attack guided by absolute purity of technique, paring away all that was inessential, mind and blade become void, the path of its stroke an inevitability?
Title Drop, of sorts. Not for the chapter but for the power we are aiming to pick up. And the mindset that fuels it.

That was Vanreir's art, which he'd tried and failed to imitate. At last he could fire no more blade-winds. Exhausted, he fell to a knee, supporting himself with the Forebear's Blade. It would not take long for this supreme Rotspawn to clear away his swarm of projections, and then it would come for their originator. He could not outrun it for long.
Well, this is a serious problem.

The Forebear's Blade had endured untold eons of conflict in its master's hand. Was there some shadow, some imprint of those battles upon its spiritual essence, as there had been for Verschlengorge? He was the Blade and the Blade was him, but even he was not aware of every psychic shadow that swam beneath the waters of his conscious spirit. Desperate as it was, and uncertain, still he had to try. What would the Forebear do?
You know, I really, really want to avoid thinking like this if we can help it. The forebear is not a good rolemodel. At all.

Was there some secret? Some trick of the blade? Some hidden technique? Some forbidden art? What did the Forebear draw on, when the hour was dire and death approached like the fall of night?
Death. He drew on simple death.

He remembered, for a moment, the cruelest hour of his life, his victory over the Tyrant.
That is a painful memory indeed. To have saved it while burning so many others... Hunger you poor, poor thing.

Catherine with hair of gold had thrown herself before the Tyrant's blade. He remembered the cornflower blue of her eyes, bright with unshed tears, her smile of forgiveness and absolute conviction, spill of her hair like a saintess' halo. He remembered his body moving automatically, exploiting the rare opening the Tyrant had presented him, culmination of ten thousand drills and desperate fighting retreats.
For a moment even the Tyrant was shocked. He certainly didn't intend to kill his daughter with that stroke, and he was not entirely uncaring. So for a moment he had an opening. And Hunger took it.

"Win." She'd whispered as he passed her by, her final words on this earth. "Win. That's all that matters."
That's... a poor sentiment. A very poor sentiment. Let's see if we can scrub that out of Hunger's mindset before it kills him.

He remembered the final upward stroke of the Blade as it shattered against the Tyrant's flesh, shards like shrapnel rounds tumbling out and through, the excruciating fire as his soul splintered alongside his weapon. He remembered the final gasping moments as the Tyrant expired at last, body reduced to a slurry of blood and ruin, shell of his murderer standing wide-eyed and broken above him.
Too much power, channeled into a single broken act. The blade had done far more, and far worse, but Hunger was broken by the action, and so the blade was as well.

He would never discard that memory. He would never cut it away in the pursuit of mere strength. That memory was his strength. It was the reason he'd chosen vengeance when the Accursed had offered happiness instead.
Yeah, that choice was... a mistake, on our part. If that's what drove Hunger into it. That memory deserves to be consigned to nothingness, for it teaches the wrong lesson.

Vanreir's path would never be his own. The Forebear's Blade demanded something else. Something heavier. Something crueler. He recalled - the heft, the mountainous solidity of the Blade in hand, the terrible crushing momentum of its falling stroke, the sharp bitter bite of its edge like ice against marrow -
And this is why I do not want to emulate the Forebear. The forebear was a monster to end monsters. He is not one that should be emulated. Not if you have any other choice.

Grief. Fury. Regret. And the indestructible resolve created thereby. That was its well, the tenor if its strength, wrapped heavy around the limbs like a funeral shroud, such weight and horror that it felt as though he were sinking into the world, sinking down beneath it, tearing through the meager filaments of its foundation to the impossible blue beneath -
I didn't realize, at the time, just how Heavy Cut Through would be. If I had I probably would have been much less inclined to want it.

Cut. The Cut of the Forebear was not a thing of separation. Its purpose was not so shallow and feeble a task as the mere division of one object from another.
Of course. The Blade's job is to Cut. Anything and everything.

The Forebear used his cut to murder his enemies. That was its purpose. The avalanche force of his Blade bearing down, the pure inevitability of its falling arc - this was not a thing of beauty, nor grace to be admired; not a technique of prowess and certainly no way of life. It was merely, and nothing less than, a thing that took lives.
Oh boy. Oh boy indeed.

There was no treachery here, merely Age, merely the hammered-down experience of a billion brutal eons made a single blade of steel and hate. Failure to imitate was only an excuse. Lack of arms was only an excuse. Enemy Pressure was only an excuse. The Forebear had no patience for excuses. Neither did his Blade.
So Hunger discards excuses and is made all the worse by the experience.

Murder, even if it cannot be murdered. That was the essence of his Cut.
Well, that's... not a good message. Especially given Imperial Sword Praxis, which this unlocks, also allows some ridiculous protective abilities.

Slowly he advanced, a juggernaut building momentum, Blade aloft and pointed at his enemy. The muck beneath sucked and pulled at him, threatening to drive him under, but sheer inertia kept him in-line as the foe stupidly lunged to meet him. Down came the halberds, but he did not bother blocking. They transfixed him, skewering him four ways, but could not stop him, could barely slow his advance as he tore through, himself impaling, torso falling away, streaming contrails of blood as he finally entered range.
All the Rank in the Universe is nothing compared to the inevitable Cut of Cut Through. Nothing at all.

He struck at last, calling to mind all the wretched moments of his long insurgency war, hate and sorrow weighing him down, giving him heft, heft become force, force become might, and the might of his cut split reality at the seams, smashed through the eye-wall of his enemy's Pressure and into its guts and back and through and beyond and further beyond.
And indeed, in a single blow Hunger completely broke it's overwhelming pressure and obliterated it.

He twisted the Blade, an upwards diagonal cut, separating its head and right shoulder from the mass of its body. A downward strike of the pommel, and that body became a morass of flesh and shattered bone. At last his Ring could keep him alive no longer.
Such an action came at the price of his body, though. Unfortunate.

The wake of his blade was a cold fathomless blue, like the eyes of the Armament that day at the lake.
Interesting. I wonder what that means?

Praehihr, it'd called him. Accursed Implement. His wraith form stepped free of his corpse, staring at what he had wrought, the blue fading slowly from the plane of this world, leaving scars of mere reality in its wake.
We have done a great deal of damage here. A great deal of damage indeed.

Sparing nothing, he'd charged into his enemy's attack, charged until he could cut through. Perhaps Vanreir had taught him something after all.
Indeed, and it worked.

Hunger smiled. This was turning out to be a great vacation.
That's more than a little concerning. ...It already too late to make sure Hunger actually survives, regardless of if he makes it to the end of the quest, isn't it?
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Meanwhile in Sword that Ends the World Negaverse, we have reached 2500 pages of content to generate enough Arete to survive the first few encounters, and we haven't even met Letrizia yet. And yet, the Praxis lore. There are at least 32 concurrently running omake quests, each rejoicing over a different facet of the full Praxis.

Arete won't help survive encounters without Advancements to buy with it!
Meanwhile in the Unshattered nega-verse, they probably never had a % death encounter. All bask in shame of their idealized universes...
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But seriously, rereading that and writing that up... we really need to change our behavior.

This is... more than a bit ridiculously suicidal that even picking a relatively safe option Hunger somehow managed to become so ridiculously depressing.

And the constant conversion of these things into memes is... really irritating, to me. I suppose I think everything too seriously, though.
1755 words reaction to Force of Nature. English is not my native language so excuse some mistakes.

They convened at an Elementalist training grounds the next day, Letrizia alongside her ostensible classmates and Hunger with Gisena. The grounds themselves were no more than a rectangle of densely packed dirt, but there was an almost celebratory air to the proceedings - the high schoolers gawked at the two of them, turning to bombard Letrizia with questions, while Gisena set up a one-person cheer section.

Bread and circuses – the oldest and second most efficient way to gather teenagers. The most efficient way is of course the waifu bait and we have two prime candidates here. A real Ojou sama that is the same age as them and also a pilot of a giant sentient mech. Prideful and manipulative and most importantly tsunderish, but some people like that. And for the more adventurous types a supernaturally beautiful Onee sama that likes to tease people. I am surprised that Gisena is not surrounded by high school simps that are giving her money. Poor Hunger is deluding himself that the kids are there for him. No one wants to meet an old guy with scars (except some high school girls with a very niche taste in men)

Letrizia temporized, deflecting the interrogation with a mysterious flip of her hair, then began to explain the rules of engagement. There would be one warm-up and one serious match per challenger. At stake was, on part of Hunger, both a considerable sum of money and a substantial amount of time; on the part of the students, a massively smaller sum.

All involved understood that the main objective was to familiarize Hunger and Letrizia with their Elements; to facilitate this, a bonus payment would be made at the end, amount depending on Hunger and Letrizia's own assessments as to how they performed. Letrizia had assured the children that Hunger would score them generously.

Letrizia used noble flipping of hair. It is super effective. She used bribery. It is also super effective. Poor kids, they don`t know that a pair of experienced heroes want to take their lunch money. The classic scheme – two fights, the first one Hunger will throw the towel and when the kids wager more money on the second fight Hunger stops holding back and collects the rewards.

We have resurrected the Tyrant himself to have his comment on the situation.

Tyrant: I might have been a tyrannical overlord that exploited the world but I drew the line at scamming young teens and stealing their lunch money.

Letrizia: *puts on a hat and turns it backwards* I choose you Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera.

Hunger: I feel violated.

"Alright, guess I'm up first! Nice to meetya, mister! Heard you killed a lot of Rotspawn yesterday." The first contender was a loud-mouthed redhead by the name of Aobaru, whose Element of Vigorflame could increase the strength of an person or object up to a set point, after which it caused them to explode. He was notable for his iron control over the Element, capable of inducing explosions seemingly without the intermediate step of strengthening his foes.

Generic shounen anime protagonist #3435 enters the battle. As expected our legend of killing Rotspawn is spreading far and wide. I am wondering if Hunger spends a year fighting in the spa resort killing Rotspawn, will he have enough Accretion legend to kill the Rotbeast itself. After all if your legend is that you are very good at killing Rotbeast the next logical step is to kill the source.

Hunger carefully set aside the Forebear's Blade and walked to the center of their makeshift arena. Aobaru offered him a fist bump which he neglected to return, but gave the boy a nod of acknowledgement.

Hunger, what the fuck!? No seriously, what the fuck? To deny a fist bump is a grave offense. I want a refund on Ruinous Valor. Hunger does not deserve two hands. Until he learns the importance of fist bumping he is not allowed a second hand. He may think that a stoic nod of acknowledgement is a suitable substitute but he is wrong.

"Er... okay! Well, you've got a buffing-type Element like me, right? I've got some tips and tricks I could show ya."

"That's right."

"Hm... okay, so if yours is anything like mine, it helps anyone that touches it, which is the main problem. You've got enemies in melee that would love to steal your buffs and equalize."


"I've got a couple ways around that... but telling you would be boring. Best if I just show ya."

Hunger smirked. "Be my guest."

Generic shounen anime protagonist #3435: Just don't let your element touch your enemy bro, it is that simple.

Hunger: Such an insightful training tip. I bet you are the only one that actually figured this trick out and it will be the cornerstone of your fighting strategy.

Generic shounen anime protagonist #3435: Dattebayo!

They retreated to opposite sides of the arena, and the first spar began. Aobaru immediately launched a pillar of Vigorflame at the ground, which bounced up and struck his body: the quantity of Element summoned was no less, but by focusing it into a vertical emission, enemies outside touch range would fail to benefit. Clever.

Hunger immediately tried the same, even as Aobaru rushed him. The boy was a surprisingly capable warrior but no match for Hunger's speed. He dodged the child's strikes, blasts, and grapple attempts easily as he tried to figure out how to make the pillar technique work. His first attempt had merely sent Edeldross into the ground, hurling himself skyward. Subsequent attempts spilled out into an explosive dome, nothing like the precisely controlled column of energy that Aobaru had manifested.

Aobaru is showing Hunger some advanced maneuvers to help with circumvent some of the limitations of his Element that does not distinguish friend from enemy.

Hunger`s first attempt is to literally shoot himself at the foot and is hurled skywards. Of course this is a clever ruse to not arouse the suspicion of the high school kids and appear more inept.

He frowned. Perhaps the warm-up spars were a mistake. The stakes were so low his Ring was unsatisfied. No power to be gained from such conflicts.

He fell to a hundredth of his normal speed and finally the boy caught up. They briefly exchanged blows and Hunger allowed the boy to prevail, hopeful it would entice more tricks out of him when they fought the second time.

We think that our "hero" has a spark of moral left, but it is actually just remembering that he has to throw the towel the first time or else the kids will not raise the stakes. The Ring excuse is for Gisena.

Also the anime virus is our hero.

Hunger: Not bad kid, you made me use one percent of my power.

"Well done. I concede."

The boy looked shocked for a moment before an overjoyed expression came across his features. "Holy shit, I won! I beat the Reckoner!"

"The Reckoner?"

"Yeah, the Reckoner of Rotspawn! It's what we've been calling you, Lord Hunger."

With mental reflexes capable of tracing a bullet in mid-flight, Hunger stopped himself from cringing. This... was a good thing. Notoriety could only improve his Astral Rank when he accomplished substantial feats, though he suspected his fight against the lesser Rotspawn did not qualify. "I see. An interesting name."

As befitting a master baiter, Hunger concedes the match. The generic anime protagonist suspects no deception and is rightfully prideful of his accomplishment.

Unfortunately a chuuni name has started circulating amongst the zoomers and Hunger is not happy. Still he is a positive and cool guy. Eh kills Rotspawn and doesnt afraid of anything.

"Wo-hoo! Go Lord Reckoner!" Gisena called from the sidelines. From somewhere she'd produced white cloths that she and Letrizia had tied as headbands. His name was written on them in bold red ink. "Good match, have a drink?"

He rolled his eyes and took the proffered water. "It was a tough match, but I'm confident I can come back in the second round."

Aobaru was walking boastfully among his compatriots, fielding them questions with indifferent aplomb. "No big deal, I'm sure he was holding back like, massively..."

"Why'd you throw the match?" Letrizia pouted. "I had good money riding on you, Lord Reckoner!"

"Oh yeah? Is it for the warm-up or the fight itself?'

"Both!" She grumbled.

Meanwhile two the female companions of Hunger are distracting the kids so they don`t think much about how a guy that can kill an elite Rotspawn alone lost to a kid. To be fair Gisena`s Gisenas are pretty distracting.

Aobaru tries to play it cool but the vigor of youth is preventing him from discovering the Age and Treachery of experience.

Letrizia is playing her role of a dejected supported that is disappointed in her pokemon Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera. But underneath the words the hidden message is received. The kid has been fattened, now comes the slaughter. The trap is ready, prepared by a cunning Duchess with gambling problem and her pokemon bodyguard.

"I see. Then, if you don't want to lose the rest, I suggest you drop both parts of that title when addressing me in the future."

"H-hmph! Whatever you want. 'S not like I think it's cool or anything..."

"Good." He smiled, took another sip of water and returned to the field.

Some tsundere actions from Letrizia to ignite the jealousy of her (fake) classmates and to make them want to humiliate Hunger. I bet they will want to put some money to see their rival defeated.

Before Aobaru returned, Hunger spent a long moment in contemplation. The Ring would disqualify any contest that was insufficiently challenging or lacked real stakes. In that event, he couldn't use his full power, or even one-tenth: the greater his chance of actually losing, the more quickly he would learn. One-fiftieth power ought to give him an edge while still retaining that essential element of risk. If he miscalibrated, so be it. Even this method would likely fail if he repeated it too many times against a given opponent. Luckily there was quite a variety here.

Remember people, this is from an outside perspective. Hunger is laying it thick that he is concerned that he lost and is thinking how he can beat such a powerful opponent.

Meanwhile in reality our hero has a different problem. How can he defeat his schmuck but make it seem that it was just luck that helped him. If he effortlessly defeats him, the other suckers victims opponents will most likely not offer enough lunch money. I think this effort to outsmart some kids deserve at least 1 pick.

Aobaru walked back from the stands, his cocksure swagger replaced by serious determination. "Alright, let's do this. I've got a month's worth of part-time wages on the line, so don't expect me to go as easy as I did previous."

Hunger nodded, taking a low stance. As Letrizia's arm fell to indicate the match's beginning, Hunger immediately sprang forwards, catching his foe in a grapple before he could fire anything. He then emitted a thunderous blast of edeldross, saturating them both; with his speed and strength much the superior of his enemy's, the absolute difference in parameters merely grew. If Aobaru attempted to summon any of his own Element, Hunger could defeat him with a submission lock fairly trivially. His Ring flared slightly, a steady trickle of power which he fed into his mantle, willing it to increase his proficiency with Edeldross.

Before Aobaru could tap out, Hunger released him and withdrew to the edge of the arena. That had worked well, but it was a tactic to be kept in pocket against a physically inferior opponent. For general use he needed to master the pillar technique.

Aobaru thinks he is hot shit for beating our scam artist hero in the first bout. And as expected the bet is higher the second time.

Hunger easily manages to subdue a kid that is hundred times weaker than him. For this mighty feat his rank increased by at least five, maybe six.

Of course, he just wanted to give him a wet willy, but probably thought better in the last second. Perhaps a wedgie would have been more practical and more sanitary.

"That... was fast..." Aobaru said shakily. "Hm, guess you could beat me at any time, so my only chance is to get a great bonus. Alright, well, I think I see the problem in your technique."

"Oh?" Hunger waited patiently.

"Yeah. Looks like you have a force-based Element. Usually those can be solidified into a semi-inert state. While inert, they'll lose most of their unique properties and act as a generic solid. What you really want to do is form a lip of solidified Element at the bottom and sides of your blast. That way it'll bounce off the earth and hit you instead of seeping in or spreading everywhere. Why don't you give it a shot?"

"This isn't fair, you're getting all the instruction bonuses yourself!" Another boy heckled from the sidelines.

I have to hand it to the boy, he learns fast. He understood that he is no match for Hunger and he was played but he devised a cunning plan in the moment of defeat. He would not reveal the scam because he wants to see his classmates be scammed as well. At least he will collect the instruction bonus for himself. The kid knows the golden rule of scams – you if are not the only one that fell for it, the blame is lessened. Also the tip is to make your element bounce back at you. What the fuck is wrong with this magic honestly? We sacrificed InkSky for that. And yes, I am still salty about it.

Aobaru made what appeared to be a rude gesture in response.

"I learn best under pressure. Take me out while I'm attempting it."

"Are you sure? I mean, that's-"

"Yes, and don't hold back. Otherwise it won't work as well."

Aobaru leapt forward, streams of fire launching him at radically higher speed. Hunger barely ducked out of the way, forming a frantic shield of edeldross that deflected the boy. Ah. The solidified edeldross that he used to make shields. That was what the kid was talking about. If he produced a thin amount to contain the pure Edeldross, the "pillar" technique was much simpler.

He fired downwards again and was gratified to feel a nearly-vertical column of his Element surrounding him.

Aobaru is all fired up. The kid has potential and with a lot of effort he might even be a secondary anime side character in our seinen series.

Hunger tries to sound cool in front of the kids but we all know that without pressure he cannot learn at all.

"You've got it. Sheesh, that was fast," Aobaru panted, 'spent' after going all-out. Hunger raised an eyebrow. The kid was a good actor, but had a whiles to go before he could fool Hunger. "Alright, the next level is density control. The pillar technique's good if you want to fire off a blast to buff one of your companions, but for solo buffing you really need to master density. Almost all buffing Elements have greater effects at higher density, so if you can compress an orb of it and hold it in your chest, you should see some noticeably improved effects. The boost will be strongest wherever you hold the orb, but should radiate out to the rest of your body."

"How do I compress it in the first place?" He frowned.

"Well, the best way is to just summon it compressed. Takes a few tries but that's the safest to avoid enemy-buffing. You have to summon lots of Element at one time, right?" He called forth a torrent of flame. "But there's nothing saying you can't summon a lot of Element in one space, as long as your fundamental control's good enough."

Aobaru gestured with his open palm, summoned an orb of searing brilliance. "Like this!"

Aobaru tries to scam Hunger, but he is an experienced isekai hero and such trivial tricks do not work on him. If Aobaru threw some fish outside the fighting ring rectangle that might have worked better.

Also the pro tips continue -"Just summon more element bro"

He swiftly launched the orb at Hunger, following up with a spirited charge. Hunger ducked the orb but felt a line of boils form along the exposed side, the flesh bubbling up as if on the verge of eruption. Terrifying.

He attempted to do as his opponent had done, summoning an orb of concentrated edeldross. Though his sphere was much larger than his enemy's palm-sized orb, still it ended up considerably smaller than the tank-sized blasts he normally produced. Tucking it into his body, it melted seamlessly into his chest; a steady, glowing warmth that vivified and exalted every fiber of his being.

Firing wide columns of Edeldross to deflect his opponent's attacks, Hunger charged in again, only to be forced back as Aobaru finally stopped holding back. The boy produced a broad, deep wall of livid fire, crackling golden tongues stretching full to sky. Aobaru emerged from the wall similarly coated in flame, a set of densely focused orbs whirling about his head. One by one they flew at Hunger, who was forced to endure two blows to the leg and one to the torso, flesh rupturing raggedly as it exploded.

Shocked at the gruesome display, Aobaru faltered a moment, and Hunger sent him to earth with a quick chop to the back of the neck. He placed his palm gently but menacingly upon the boy's head. "Do you yield?"

"Uh, yeah, I yield. Holy crap that was hardcore. Do you just like, not feel pain?"

With the spar over, his other magics were unsealed. Hunger quickly repaired his wounds. "I do, but you learn to ignore that in combat. Perhaps my sense of pain has dulled over time."

Damn, impressive display Aobaru. I am raising my estimations of you. You can become a legendary outpost commander in your spa resort, your flames are hot enough to even hurt Hunger. Too bad is that we have specced into regeneration rather than prevention of damage. Those kids are too squeamish and once they see a bit of blood and burns they falter, a critical weakness.

Hunger uses his normal spiel of "I ignore physical pain because the emotional pain is stronger" and tries to impress the kids.

"Jeez. As expected of the Reckoner, I guess. You're pretty cool for an old guy!"


Aobaru with a critical hit that is super effective at the last moment. Hunger might have taken his money, but Aobaru took his joy. Absolutely brutal, savage, rekt. I felt that one myself. Aobaru is lucky that there is no third fight or Hunger would have probably break him in half. No matter how powerful he is, Hunger will always be old. To be fair when you are teenager anything above 25 is old and above 30 you might as well retire.

Aobaru got up. "Anyway, there's one stage of enhancement beyond even density, but I haven't mastered it yet. We call it suffusion. You create a highly-dense construct of your Element in the exact shape of your body, and move it exactly as your body moves. That gives the heaviest augmentation of all, even better than just saturating yourself with a pillar of highly-dense Element, but it's really hard and requires continuous maintenance. The orb method is a lot stabler."

Interesting. He wondered why that was. Intuitively, a 'highly-dense pillar' ought to offer the greatest exposure possible to one's Element. Perhaps it was psychokinetic in nature, some aspect of the concentration itself focusing the Element's effect? "Good to know. Thanks."

"Hey, don't thank me. Just pay me well! I gotta make up for this lost lunch money." Aobaru grinned cheekily and handed over a pitiful sum.

So basically if you pretend you will stay in one place and bait opponents to attack you, you can increase the density of your element. Seems reasonable.

"YEAH!!" Letrizia cheered wildly. She fired off a column of Pressure into the air. "I'm the best! I love gambling!!"

Letrizia is happy that she can scam her classmates. What a noble Duchess, I am sure the Empire is not corrupt at all with such shining examples of nobility.

After that came a succession of considerably less impressive 'High' Elementalists, though Hunger's self-imposed restrictions nearly caught him out from time to from. Nonetheless by the end of the day he had gained an impressive competence in Edeldross manipulation without having lost a single (real) bout. Happily he paid out the students' bonuses, and was just about to leave when one final student arrived at the grounds.

More victims for the pile. Hunger notes that he have not lost any real bout so probably the strategy of feigning defeat was effective. Hunger`s Dickish Rank increased by at least five as well.

She was a girl of about Letrizia's age, pretty and slender but not as tall as the Armament pilot, with eyes of dark violet in a similarly dark outfit. In her left hand she carried a slightly curved sword in a scabbard of polished wood. Her dark hair was drawn up in a ponytail spill of ink, stark contrast to her unhealthily pale skin. Her stance was light, alert; a fighter of professional skill, despite her nervous demeanor.

"Hope... I am not... too late," the girl said shakily, as Letrizia came over to greet the newcomer.

"Aeira!" Letrizia said happily. "I didn't think you'd be able to make it. Did your parents give you permission?"

"Ah, yes." Aeira replied. "It took much of the night, and today as well, but they have finally agreed to allow me to become a mercenary!"

She bowed deeply to Hunger, and then to Gisena. "Lord Hunger and Lady Allria, please permit me to travel alongside you! Letrizia has informed me of your mission and I would bring much in the way of novel capabilities. My Element, Shadowcord, dims light and deflects attention, allowing me to cloak you from detection even against automated systems. I am also a capable fighter with the sword, and can defeat most Sovereignty Armors in direct combat."

"Fascinating," Gisena remarked. "The information-theoretic implications of that attention-deflecting ability..."

"Aeira's really strong!" Letrizia gushed. "Maybe not as powerful as you, Hunger, but we could really use her stealth capabilities, and we've got plenty of money left over to pay her! Her family could really use it, and she can definitely take care of herself!"

Pale girl that has violet eyes and a wooden sword. Does this high school creates their student with 'Just add anime' instructions to the template. What is going on in this spa resort? I am thinking that the Rotbeast has the right idea and so much concentration of anime is not healthy for the Voyaging Realm. Also she is underage and a mercenary that wants to travel with some weirdos and murderhobos. Remember kids, too much anime rots the brain. Letrizia wants a girl her age that she can bully, Gisena wants another victim to tease and Hunger is wondering if this is another of the curses of the Accursed – gather anime girls in your group.

[ ] Fine - She can guard Letrizia while you're away, and the outrageous output of every experienced Elementalist means she can even cloak Verschlengorge from detection. Perhaps it'll even work on Astral Beasts? If necessary, she may also be able to take the field against some weaker foes, or support Hunger from a distance with supplemental stealth. [7 Currency units / month]

[ ] Unacceptable - Proficient as she might be, it's nowhere near safe for her to adventure with the likes of you. Hunger is a Progression-type Cursebearer, Gisena is a (soon to be) High Sorceress with an extremely powerful and broad anti-supernatural defense, and Letrizia is a superweapon pilot. There's no room for an ordinary High Elementalist among your ranks, no matter how talented. [+.8 Arete, +1 pick to upcoming Experience]

We don`t need another kid in the group, especially one that is not focused on fighting and is more of a stealth support role. Apocryphal curse is bound to kill her to make Hunger feel awful for recruiting a child soldier. This is the real reason and not a pretext that I just want the sweet +.8 Arete and additional pick. Scout`s honor.

[ ] Maximum Safety - Buy Hero-Defeating Stance and Guile-Defeating Stance (below).

*Combines high Charisma with a Rank nullification effect, vastly reducing the effectiveness of his greater Rank upon yours. Safest social option.

*Hero-Defeating Stance feeds into Foe-Defeating Stance, whereas Guile-Defeating Stance feeds into All-Defeating Stance. Not very synergistic in the long run.

*Expensive, but minimizes death %.

Anti-synergy and expensive, so I am pretty sure the thread will vote for it. Also who needs Charisma when you have Might? Also spending 14 Arete, how scandalous!

[ ] Somewhat Safe - Buy Guile-Defeating Stance and World-Defeating Stance (below)

*Both feed into All-Defeating Stance, so this is considerably more efficient than the above at the cost of reduced safety.

*You can only have two Stances active, so it won't make sense to buy Magic-Defeating Stance with this arrangement until you can afford All-Defeating Stance or have 6 Rank...

*Still expensive.

All-defeating stance sound nice but I am leaning to completing our Trinity EFBs first. Also I want Magoc-defeating Stance to shore up our defense and this is basically choosing to disable one of them until rank 6(with our rate of Rank advancement, it will be a long time till we are at it)

[ ] Kinda Safe - Buy Hero-Defeating Stance.

*It's not really that safe, but way better than Maximal Greed.

*Hero-Defeating Stance is almost always pretty good.

Seems like the budget option and Hero-Defeating Stance is relatively useful.

[ ] Maximal Greed - Don't buy anything.

*You will probably get rekt. He's 2.2 Ranks higher than you, literally everything you do will experience massive pushback from the universe itself.

*However, getting rekt does not mean you will necessarily die. You might still be able to retreat and limp away.

Time to get our keyboard boys and start mining for Arete. We will get the EFB Ring. Also if somebody has money to spare check Rihaku 900 dollar tier. I am waiting for a Nigerian prince to route me some cash so I am not able to do it at the moment. But after the millions come I promise this is like first thing I am going to spend the cash on.

3245 more to go.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Jun 30, 2020 at 2:57 AM, finished with 135 posts and 23 votes.

Well, it's 2785 words counting the quoted Rihaku excerpts, but that's not the real issue...
Broke out a separate app, and it's 1105 words of my own, I think.

They convened at an Elementalist training grounds the next day, Letrizia alongside her ostensible classmates...
I know it's only been a few days, but I'm honestly surprised Letrizia has been able to keep up plausible studentosity this long. She's a terrible liar once you recognize her tell. I may be misremembering something.

...while Gisena set up a one-person cheer section.
I would say "never change, Gisena," but I want her to change, but only to evolve into her Giseniest self.

Letrizia temporized, deflecting the interrogation with a mysterious flip of her hair...
OK, so that is how she deflects from her tell. Maybe. Honestly I don't know if the huffiness fools anyone for more than five minutes, tops?

...then began to explain the rules of engagement. There would be one warm-up and one serious match per challenger. At stake was, on part of Hunger, both a considerable sum of money and a substantial amount of time; on the part of the students, a massively smaller sum.
Given the way Hunger works, this is actually pretty smart. He gets one warmup fight to learn fast from fighting, then one serious fight to learn more from his opponent going all out, then on to the next round.

Letrizia had assured the children that Hunger would score them generously.
Hmmm, so far I feel like Hunger has been largely a man of his word, except to enemies with this scheme to maybe social our way into the Inner Temple or maybe not.

"Alright, guess I'm up first! Nice to meetya, mister! Heard you killed a lot of Rotspawn yesterday." The first contender was a loud-mouthed redhead by the name of Aobaru, whose Element of Vigorflame could increase the strength of an person or object up to a set point, after which it caused them to explode. He was notable for his iron control over the Element, capable of inducing explosions seemingly without the intermediate step of strengthening his foes.
Another protagonist-flavored character from Central Casting, but as you pointed out in a previous update, I think, a great choice for Hunger learning how to use edeldross. I'm not surprised you put him first and spent by far the most time on him.

Hunger carefully set aside the Forebear's Blade and walked to the center of their makeshift arena. Aobaru offered him a fist bump which he neglected to return, but gave the boy a nod of acknowledgement.
Ahhh, the Doom of the Tyrant making itself known in small ways. He wants to greet Aobaru, and he can tell how Aobaru expects to be greeted... But Aobaru's custom of fist-bumping means nothing to him, as this entire settlement's border means nothing to him. I like these subtle little hints of the curse affecting his behavior; frankly I think they're more interesting than the possibility of him occasionally getting into a roaring great battle because of the Doom. They make Hunger that little extra bit more alien.

"I've got a couple ways around that... but telling you would be boring. Best if I just show ya."

Hunger smirked. "Be my guest."
Definitely a good match for Hunger's learning style. :D

They retreated to opposite sides of the arena, and the first spar began. Aobaru immediately launched a pillar of Vigorflame at the ground, which bounced up and struck his body: the quantity of Element summoned was no less, but by focusing it into a vertical emission, enemies outside touch range would fail to benefit. Clever.
As long as you're fighting in two dimensions and not against, say, a flock of swarming flying enemies, yes. So under most situations that's helpful. And it fits a general pattern of using the geometry of the battlefield to reduce the chance of accidentally buffing the foe.

Hunger immediately tried the same, even as Aobaru rushed him. The boy was a surprisingly capable warrior but no match for Hunger's speed. He dodged the child's strikes, blasts, and grapple attempts easily as he tried to figure out how to make the pillar technique work. His first attempt had merely sent Edeldross into the ground, hurling himself skyward. Subsequent attempts spilled out into an explosive dome, nothing like the precisely controlled column of energy that Aobaru had manifested.
I suspect that overwhelming Strength or Constitution could also trivialize Aobaru's melee fighting abilities, but Agility certainly does it with the most style and panache!

He frowned. Perhaps the warm-up spars were a mistake. The stakes were so low his Ring was unsatisfied. No power to be gained from such conflicts.

He fell to a hundredth of his normal speed and finally the boy caught up. They briefly exchanged blows and Hunger allowed the boy to prevail, hopeful it would entice more tricks out of him when they fought the second time.
Hm. Come to think of it, this may have to do with why Hunger allows himself to die and become a wraith so often, and (trying to in-character justify OOC decisions) why he seeks out options with a risk of death so often. Letting himself lose, or almost lose, brings him close to the edge and gives him the most of that Progression boost that he... Hungers for.

Awkward to have that trait while trying to survive for nine hundred octillion years.

The boy looked shocked for a moment before an overjoyed expression came across his features. "Holy shit, I won! I beat the Reckoner!"

"The Reckoner?"

"Yeah, the Reckoner of Rotspawn! It's what we've been calling you, Lord Hunger."

With mental reflexes capable of tracing a bullet in mid-flight, Hunger stopped himself from cringing.
Honestly yeah, "Wrecker" would have been better. "Ruiner" is even thematically aligned with one of our abilities. But, eh, guess with backwoods types like this you take what you can get!

This... was a good thing. Notoriety could only improve his Astral Rank when he accomplished substantial feats, though he suspected his fight against the lesser Rotspawn did not qualify. "I see. An interesting name."
I have to wonder what gambits warriors and despots have attempted, to ensure that their expanding fame enhances their Rank...

"Wo-hoo! Go Lord Reckoner!" Gisena called from the sidelines. From somewhere she'd produced white cloths that she and Letrizia had tied as headbands. His name was written on them in bold red ink.
Wait what how. And is that Hunger, or Reckoner, she has... HOW DID SHE KNOW!? :D

Aobaru was walking boastfully among his compatriots, fielding them questions with indifferent aplomb. "No big deal, I'm sure he was holding back like, massively..."
At least he's self-aware enough to not just charge out and try to destroy the Rot all by himself, thinking he must be invincible.

"Why'd you throw the match?" Letrizia pouted. "I had good money riding on you, Lord Reckoner!"

"Oh yeah? Is it for the warm-up or the fight itself?'

"Both!" She grumbled.

"I see. Then, if you don't want to lose the rest, I suggest you drop both parts of that title when addressing me in the future."
He'll put up with the goofy name from the townfolk (who he doesn't care about, see Doom of Tyrant, and this might actually be an advantage in some ways- no self-consciousness!). But not from party members (who he does care about as people even if he's constitutionally incapable of being bound by their rules).

"H-hmph! Whatever you want. 'S not like I think it's cool or anything..."

"Good." He smiled, took another sip of water and returned to the field.
She is SUCH a terrible liar, and moreover her method of covering for her true feelings just leaves her hilariously vulnerable to the trick you use on a small child who has discovered the word 'no' and is reveling in its power:

"Do you want A?" "NO!" "Do you want B?" "NO!" "Should we go do C?" "NO!" "Would you like a cookie?" "NO... wait... waaah!"


I wonder how many times someone's gonna pull that on Letrizia before she learns to just be forthright about what she wants.

Aobaru walked back from the stands, his cocksure swagger replaced by serious determination. "Alright, let's do this. I've got a month's worth of part-time wages on the line, so don't expect me to go as easy as I did previous."

Hunger nodded, taking a low stance. As Letrizia's arm fell to indicate the match's beginning, Hunger immediately sprang forwards, catching his foe in a grapple before he could fire anything.
Yeah, exploiting physical superiority is definitely a seriousface maneuver. Notably, Lord Hunger can actually grapple now! He has two arms! With only one arm he was just functionally impossible as a grappler except against enemies so weak that a 'grapple' is more like a 'barge into them so hard that they splatter,' move or something. Now that's more tenable.

He then emitted a thunderous blast of edeldross, saturating them both; with his speed and strength much the superior of his enemy's, the absolute difference in parameters merely grew. If Aobaru attempted to summon any of his own Element, Hunger could defeat him with a submission lock fairly trivially. His Ring flared slightly, a steady trickle of power which he fed into his mantle, willing it to increase his proficiency with Edeldross.

Before Aobaru could tap out, Hunger released him and withdrew to the edge of the arena. That had worked well, but it was a tactic to be kept in pocket against a physically inferior opponent. For general use he needed to master the pillar technique.
Yeah. Definitely. I like how he's blatantly stretching out the match to learn his new abilities, not just trying to win. A competitive streak isn't really Hunger's problem.

"That... was fast..." Aobaru said shakily. "Hm, guess you could beat me at any time, so my only chance is to get a great bonus. Alright, well, I think I see the problem in your technique."

"Oh?" Hunger waited patiently.

"Yeah. Looks like you have a force-based Element. Usually those can be solidified into a semi-inert state. While inert, they'll lose most of their unique properties and act as a generic solid. What you really want to do is form a lip of solidified Element at the bottom and sides of your blast. That way it'll bounce off the earth and hit you instead of seeping in or spreading everywhere. Why don't you give it a shot?"
And it gets Hunger exactly what he needs, in the process of getting Aobaru what he needs, in the middle of a fight that bears a partial resemblance to a tournament... No wonder Aobaru gives off faint vibes of shonen protagonism.

"I learn best under pressure. Take me out while I'm attempting it."

"Are you sure? I mean, that's-"
Aaand here, we see it again. It's at least useful that Lord Hunger knows this is how he works, and isn't just trying to withdraw into a library or a meditation chamber and study the way he might have done in the past, before the Ring called Hunger.

He fired downwards again and was gratified to feel a nearly-vertical column of his Element surrounding him.

"You've got it. Sheesh, that was fast," Aobaru panted, 'spent' after going all-out.
And, indeed, that 10x Progression in fights is very much expressing itself here- and good on Aobaru for using his head to do more than hold up a big pile of red hair.

Hunger raised an eyebrow. The kid was a good actor, but had a whiles to go before he could fool Hunger. "Alright, the next level is density control. The pillar technique's good if you want to fire off a blast to buff one of your companions, but for solo buffing you really need to master density. Almost all buffing Elements have greater effects at higher density, so if you can compress an orb of it and hold it in your chest, you should see some noticeably improved effects. The boost will be strongest wherever you hold the orb, but should radiate out to the rest of your body."
The same basic technique should logically extend to projecting denser, tougher shields, more forceful pressure and battlefield control tactics, and so on.

Aobaru gestured with his open palm, summoned an orb of searing brilliance. "Like this!"

He swiftly launched the orb at Hunger, following up with a spirited charge. Hunger ducked the orb but felt a line of boils form along the exposed side, the flesh bubbling up as if on the verge of eruption. Terrifying.
Oooh, that's a nice attack, then! Formidable. And he's got more of them. Good kid. Shaping up promisingly.

Shocked at the gruesome display, Aobaru faltered a moment, and Hunger sent him to earth with a quick chop to the back of the neck. He placed his palm gently but menacingly upon the boy's head. "Do you yield?"

"Uh, yeah, I yield. Holy crap that was hardcore. Do you just like, not feel pain?"
Yeah, I think Hunger's insensitivity to injury is definitely starting to shock people, which is an occupational hazard when you're a casual regenerator. Reminds me of some of those family sparring sessions over in Dynasty of Dynastic Alcoholism where the whole family is constantly getting into fights with live blades and casually maiming each other because they all know they have easy access to healing magic.

Aobaru got up. "Anyway, there's one stage of enhancement beyond even density, but I haven't mastered it yet. We call it suffusion. You create a highly-dense construct of your Element in the exact shape of your body, and move it exactly as your body moves. That gives the heaviest augmentation of all, even better than just saturating yourself with a pillar of highly-dense Element, but it's really hard and requires continuous maintenance. The orb method is a lot stabler."
Hm, sounds counterproductive in a fight unless you git gud, but it might be useful for cognitive and charisma enhancement for when we're sitting on a throne or something even at lower levels than that.

She was a girl of about Letrizia's age, pretty and slender but not as tall as the Armament pilot, with eyes of dark violet in a similarly dark outfit. In her left hand she carried a slightly curved sword in a scabbard of polished wood. Her dark hair was drawn up in a ponytail spill of ink, stark contrast to her unhealthily pale skin. Her stance was light, alert; a fighter of professional skill, despite her nervous demeanor.

"Hope... I am not... too late," the girl said shakily, as Letrizia came over to greet the newcomer.

"Aeira!" Letrizia said happily. "I didn't think you'd be able to make it. Did your parents give you permission?"

"Ah, yes." Aeira replied. "It took much of the night, and today as well, but they have finally agreed to allow me to become a mercenary!"

She bowed deeply to Hunger, and then to Gisena. "Lord Hunger and Lady Allria, please permit me to travel alongside you! Letrizia has informed me of your mission and I would bring much in the way of novel capabilities. My Element, Shadowcord, dims light and deflects attention, allowing me to cloak you from detection even against automated systems. I am also a capable fighter with the sword, and can defeat most Sovereignty Armors in direct combat."

"Fascinating," Gisena remarked. "The information-theoretic implications of that attention-deflecting ability..."

"Aeira's really strong!" Letrizia gushed. "Maybe not as powerful as you, Hunger, but we could really use her stealth capabilities, and we've got plenty of money left over to pay her! Her family could really use it, and she can definitely take care of herself!"
She sounds cool and I'm honestly unsure whether we're going to end up taking her along or not. I voted against because if we want to pursue our original plan of hitting Crimson Flare we need all the Arete we can get... but I respect anyone who wants her along.

[Also, her being a stealth specialist means that her not being able to keep up matters rather less, because she brings something unique to the party and while she's using it she's very unlikely to run into trouble she can't handle, despite the strength of our opposition.

As you will likely be facing the High Marshall soon, you may wish to pre-buy Stances, ensuring availability for the entire encounter. He outranks you significantly and has a powerful Soul Evocation. An abundance of caution would not be remiss here; Rank gaps of such size are dangerous to contest directly.

Tactics can also help, of course, but his Rank makes him difficult to deceive. You have 18.7 Arete with 1 put towards Crimson Flare.
If we work up to 24 Arete before the battle, can "hit Crimson Flare before the fight" still be an option?
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You can get Crimson Flare if you hit 24 Arete and Maximum Greed is one of the top options. However, if it's the top option and you don't have 24 Arete, you'd be shit out of luck, so I recommend approval voting despite the inefficiency if that's your plan. And to hedge with a 14 Arete spending plan as a backup, to be extra safe!
Unshattered really was great value. Over 1 Rank per pick!
My favourite part is that it's likely that our Hunger, almost 50 updates later, would still likely get his ass kicked by base Unshattered Hunger. Admittedly, much less so with either King Stands Alone or Hero-defeating, but still amusing to think about.
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Am slepi, but tension and fear and greed and guilt form a hurricane of motivation within me. P U S H!

Elementalists are arguably this, although the way High Elementalists recklessly force concepts together would more accurately be called unnatural. They receive the screen time, here, but the way being thoroughly outranked sets the world against you makes me think that Avecarn is more of a force of nature than even the most volcanic of the high-school wizards Hunger's sparring with. World-Defeating Stance might be helpful in any case!
They convened at an Elementalist training grounds the next day, Letrizia alongside her ostensible classmates and Hunger with Gisena. The grounds themselves were no more than a rectangle of densely packed dirt, but there was an almost celebratory air to the proceedings - the high schoolers gawked at the two of them, turning to bombard Letrizia with questions, while Gisena set up a one-person cheer section.
"Holy shit, you didn't tell us that your bodyguards were so hot!" Or maybe they just recognize Hunger from the much more expansive cheer section that he's been doing his best to ignore during his "sword training".

Gisena doesn't have to set up anything, her cheer is innate to an almost obnoxious degree, and she's not selfish about it. Hopefully she's developed her cheers past the point of "Go, Hunger, feed us, yay," but she isn't a Progression Cursebearer. We should be respectful of her limitations.
Letrizia temporized, deflecting the interrogation with a mysterious flip of her hair, then began to explain the rules of engagement. There would be one warm-up and one serious match per challenger. At stake was, on part of Hunger, both a considerable sum of money and a substantial amount of time; on the part of the students, a massively smaller sum.
Letrizia practiced that hair flip for hours until it looked perfectly casual and spontaneous, no evidence will persuade me otherwise. She's having the time of her life: school shenanigans (mysterious [giant robot pilot subtype{rich version}] transfer student edition), magic, showing off, and now she gets to organize her very own tournament arc!

The time is almost certainly doing more for the Hungerring boost than the money that Hungerman sneers at. Also, time is money, and it didn't take much to earn it.

I am rooting for these kids to kick Hunger's ass so they can make him fight the rOtBEasT, but at this point that's more of a meme than a sincere desire. Besides, since we bought Edeldross Adept he's going to make a good accounting of himself here, not that his mental +'s and experience wouldn't make losing unlikely anyway (Jesus, was that a quadruple negative?)
All involved understood that the main objective was to familiarize Hunger and Letrizia with their Elements; to facilitate this, a bonus payment would be made at the end, amount depending on Hunger and Letrizia's own assessments as to how they performed. Letrizia had assured the children that Hunger would score them generously.
At this point, the bet isn't a bet, we're just trading money for XP. That's hardly a bad thing, we're setting a good non-gambling example for Letrizia. Who is also sparring, she could probably benefit just as much from simple training, but there's no way she's getting left out of her own tournament arc! It's just more fun even if she wasn't tragically anime.

I'm not sure where her certainty of Hunger's grading tendencies comes from. Is she saying "oh, he's a total softie," following up on her hotsprings musings, or is she taking the opportunity to throw shade at her new friends? If anything, I'd expect Hunger to be a fairly critical 'teacher,' with the attitude displayed in the Unacceptable blurb. Yeah, I think she's just lying, how naughty.
"Alright, guess I'm up first! Nice to meetya, mister! Heard you killed a lot of Rotspawn yesterday." The first contender was a loud-mouthed redhead by the name of Aobaru, whose Element of Vigorflame could increase the strength of an person or object up to a set point, after which it caused them to explode. He was notable for his iron control over the Element, capable of inducing explosions seemingly without the intermediate step of strengthening his foes.
Can we adopt Aobaru? I realize he isn't one of the options and would probably die, but he's incredibly charming and the contrast between his boisterousness and his control gives him depth. I hope there wasn't a tragic people-exploding accident in his past; normally I'd be certain that the Sovereignty had a better handle on things than that, but Surgecrafting is new. I wonder how he manages to just explode people, it looks like more than just speed. The word Vigor keeps coming up, but it's a good word so I probably shouldn't get paranoid about it. It's a good power, if we didn't have a better one I'd be jealous. :S
Hunger carefully set aside the Forebear's Blade and walked to the center of their makeshift arena. Aobaru offered him a fist bump which he neglected to return, but gave the boy a nod of acknowledgement.
A sword is a tool for killing, do not use it against friendly teenagers who are helping you out. He knew this before he had his Cut Through epiphany (or he wouldn't have been called a Hero, lol), but I like to think that he took two lessons from it. Cut Through, or do not cut. Especially now that we have a nonlethal option, it's beautiful.

I'm not sure what Hunger's aversion to fist bumps is. Surely Tyrant isn't so pedantic as to shun it as a social rule, right? He's not touch-averse in general, with all the headpats he gives out and cuddles he accepts. Obviously his boundaries should be respected, but I'm just curious. Touching a strange wizard can be dangerous, as a common precaution, and as a strange wizard himself he's not touching Aobaru because he could Ruin him? Nah, this is overthinking, he's probably just being standoffish. Aided by Tyrant, actually maybe, because I just realized that a fistbump from a stranger might be like .00001% uncomfortable, but social pressure would overwhelm that, but that tiny nudge might be enough for Hunger to reject it. It's so bizarre to think of that conformity instinct as completely gone in some cases, rather than just minimized.
"Er... okay! Well, you've got a buffing-type Element like me, right? I've got some tips and tricks I could show ya."

"That's right."

"Hm... okay, so if yours is anything like mine, it helps anyone that touches it, which is the main problem. You've got enemies in melee that would love to steal your buffs and equalize."


"I've got a couple ways around that... but telling you would be boring. Best if I just show ya."

Hunger smirked. "Be my guest."
Unlike him, we're never going to explode people with the element of not hurting people, seems like a design flaw to me.

I doubt people that weren't familiar with the quirks of Surgecraft buffing would be eager to grab onto an enemy's magical energy in the hopes that eating the energy field would also power them up, but as it is our buffstuff just goes everywhere so they wouldn't have to try. That gives me an idea, actually. If an enemy did expect that, could we give ourself a Ruin aura that's visually similar to punish that? Even if it's only concentrated in our hands, it might be nice, but it's a bit of a marginal strategy at the level of SORD Hunger currently has.

Normally I don't approve of 'speaking with your fists' nonsense, but it's mechanically optimal for Hunger and exactly what he asked for so all I can do is sigh.
They retreated to opposite sides of the arena, and the first spar began. Aobaru immediately launched a pillar of Vigorflame at the ground, which bounced up and struck his body: the quantity of Element summoned was no less, but by focusing it into a vertical emission, enemies outside touch range would fail to benefit. Clever.

Hunger immediately tried the same, even as Aobaru rushed him. The boy was a surprisingly capable warrior but no match for Hunger's speed. He dodged the child's strikes, blasts, and grapple attempts easily as he tried to figure out how to make the pillar technique work. His first attempt had merely sent Edeldross into the ground, hurling himself skyward. Subsequent attempts spilled out into an explosive dome, nothing like the precisely controlled column of energy that Aobaru had manifested.

He frowned. Perhaps the warm-up spars were a mistake. The stakes were so low his Ring was unsatisfied. No power to be gained from such conflicts.

He fell to a hundredth of his normal speed and finally the boy caught up. They briefly exchanged blows and Hunger allowed the boy to prevail, hopeful it would entice more tricks out of him when they fought the second time.

"Well done. I concede."
Reading this is a bit painful compared to the srsbsns Hunger who outsmarts hours of tactics brainstorming in a second, he's just kind of exploding himself. Surgecraft buffing is weird in that the amount summoned seems to have an effect rather than the amount absorbed. We already knew this even when the Edeldross blurb was offered, the buff applying to people in the area of release, but apparently it's not just for our Element. It really is the surge that's important, huh. Why does Vigorflame bounce off the ground rather than burn it, obviously because Aobaru wants it to, but at that level of convenience, why do you need the ground? Well, answering these questions is why Hunger's here.

The warm-up spars are clearly not a waste of time, Hunger's already learned to fly! That wasn't the goal, but airtime is cool even if it comes from flailing around.

I'll have to revoke my thought that Hunger would be a harsh grader, but it makes sense that this guy, at least, would be a good fighter. If I had superpowers that could buff my strength and explode stuff I'd base a whole lot of my life around that first part. He's a good sport, too, and I'm happy that he's playing nice with Letrizia's friends. At a hundredth of his speed... uh, we were at 50x after Bloodmight, I think? That was like 16+Agi ago. At this point 1% of his true power (chunni level increasing, it's the eyepatch that does it) should be fairly superhuman so Aobaru's buff isn't a joke.
The boy looked shocked for a moment before an overjoyed expression came across his features. "Holy shit, I won! I beat the Reckoner!"

"The Reckoner?"

"Yeah, the Reckoner of Rotspawn! It's what we've been calling you, Lord Hunger."

With mental reflexes capable of tracing a bullet in mid-flight, Hunger stopped himself from cringing. This... was a good thing. Notoriety could only improve his Astral Rank when he accomplished substantial feats, though he suspected his fight against the lesser Rotspawn did not qualify. "I see. An interesting name."

"Wo-hoo! Go Lord Reckoner!" Gisena called from the sidelines. From somewhere she'd produced white cloths that she and Letrizia had tied as headbands. His name was written on them in bold red ink. "Good match, have a drink?"

He rolled his eyes and took the proffered water. "It was a tough match, but I'm confident I can come back in the second round."

Aobaru was walking boastfully among his compatriots, fielding them questions with indifferent aplomb. "No big deal, I'm sure he was holding back like, massively..."

"Why'd you throw the match?" Letrizia pouted. "I had good money riding on you, Lord Reckoner!"

"Oh yeah? Is it for the warm-up or the fight itself?'

"Both!" She grumbled.

"I see. Then, if you don't want to lose the rest, I suggest you drop both parts of that title when addressing me in the future."

"H-hmph! Whatever you want. 'S not like I think it's cool or anything..."

"Good." He smiled, took another sip of water and returned to the field.
Volcanoboy is happy, throwing the fight was the right decision. I love how he's being all humble while he's peacocking, it's super cute, we need to take him with us.

Hunger's nickname is also a joke, but it's less of one that what he chose to call himself. I was going to say that it's painfully generic (impeding the rank gain boost?), but a theme of counting is appropriate for a bounty hunter, he's got a scary aura even outside of combat, +Willpower, actually this one's growing on me! Sorry, Lord Reckoner Hunger, you can bully Letrizia into not calling you by your earned title, but I'm safely on the other side of the screen. We might actually get a Feat based on that... when we kill the Rotbeast (I refuse to apologize).

Headband of Hunger gives +1 to morale and inflicts confusion on enemies who don't know his name. If I saw that in the wild, I'd definitely be asking myself if it was some kind of threat. This level of multitasking is nothing for a genius.

Hunger won't let anything delay his rescue of the ring, except being petty to his principal. Is good joke. Zee's tsun level is increasing, one day soon she will be able to challenge the master.
Before Aobaru returned, Hunger spent a long moment in contemplation. The Ring would disqualify any contest that was insufficiently challenging or lacked real stakes. In that event, he couldn't use his full power, or even one-tenth: the greater his chance of actually losing, the more quickly he would learn. One-fiftieth power ought to give him an edge while still retaining that essential element of risk. If he miscalibrated, so be it. Even this method would likely fail if he repeated it too many times against a given opponent. Luckily there was quite a variety here.

Aobaru walked back from the stands, his cocksure swagger replaced by serious determination. "Alright, let's do this. I've got a month's worth of part-time wages on the line, so don't expect me to go as easy as I did previous."
The difficulty in calibration is itself part of the challenge, I'd say. It's not exciting if you can beat an opponent by the slimmest margin at 1/55 of your power if you'd barely win every time, so the diminishing returns make a lot of sense. Maybe you could get more benefit from repeated spars against one opponent if they had wacky diceroll powers like the ones being tossed around before the update. All the variety, none of the... variety.

Poor poor people, just kill hordes of Elite Rotspawn for pocket change, it's that easy. Even if the absolute wagers are heavily tilted, he's putting a lot more time on the line, huh. Actually, I'm impressed that somebody with superpowers has a shitty part-time job rather than running around calling himself Volcanoman, but I shouldn't project my lack of sense on other people.
Hunger nodded, taking a low stance. As Letrizia's arm fell to indicate the match's beginning, Hunger immediately sprang forwards, catching his foe in a grapple before he could fire anything. He then emitted a thunderous blast of edeldross, saturating them both; with his speed and strength much the superior of his enemy's, the absolute difference in parameters merely grew. If Aobaru attempted to summon any of his own Element, Hunger could defeat him with a submission lock fairly trivially. His Ring flared slightly, a steady trickle of power which he fed into his mantle, willing it to increase his proficiency with Edeldross.

Before Aobaru could tap out, Hunger released him and withdrew to the edge of the arena. That had worked well, but it was a tactic to be kept in pocket against a physically inferior opponent. For general use he needed to master the pillar technique.

"That... was fast..." Aobaru said shakily. "Hm, guess you could beat me at any time, so my only chance is to get a great bonus. Alright, well, I think I see the problem in your technique."
Hunger no! Now he won't be able to strut anymore. Also, indiscriminately buffing to widen your stat advantage seems to be completely missing the point of the exercise. Yes, Hunger, the pillar technique is what you need. You already knew this, so you could have... practiced it? And given that you're limiting yourself, I don't even think plan bulli makes sense, though to be fair I am sleepy.

More importantly, it doesn't actually matter if he misses the point or not, with the power of Hunger he just has to win and everything is gravy. You know, I think I recall reading that one of the downsides of the ring is that it reduced the flexibility of our advancements, and while that's definitely true in the sense that studying magic a crapshoot, we could just have easily shunted the Edeldross practice boost to Echoes. I really appreciate that wackiness.

I misread that last line as "I think the problem is in your technique," which, no shit, Sherlock. Luckily I looked again.
"Oh?" Hunger waited patiently.

"Yeah. Looks like you have a force-based Element. Usually those can be solidified into a semi-inert state. While inert, they'll lose most of their unique properties and act as a generic solid. What you really want to do is form a lip of solidified Element at the bottom and sides of your blast. That way it'll bounce off the earth and hit you instead of seeping in or spreading everywhere. Why don't you give it a shot?"

"This isn't fair, you're getting all the instruction bonuses yourself!" Another boy heckled from the sidelines.

Aobaru made what appeared to be a rude gesture in response.

"I learn best under pressure. Take me out while I'm attempting it."

"Are you sure? I mean, that's-"

"Yes, and don't hold back. Otherwise it won't work as well."
Despite being unique to each wielders, Aobaru's proving that Surgecrafting really is a magic system and not just a collection of superpowers. The most forbidden of abilities, civilization.

Let's all agree to ignore my shit-talking of the bouncing technique, it turns out that was backed up by primo magibabble. Babble that lots of people could've shared, so heckler A has a point, but if he wanted to take advantage of our primacy bias he should have been spunkier!

Hunger be like "hit me, do it coward." His srsface is almost on, now.
Aobaru leapt forward, streams of fire launching him at radically higher speed. Hunger barely ducked out of the way, forming a frantic shield of edeldross that deflected the boy. Ah. The solidified edeldross that he used to make shields. That was what the kid was talking about. If he produced a thin amount to contain the pure Edeldross, the "pillar" technique was much simpler.

He fired downwards again and was gratified to feel a nearly-vertical column of his Element surrounding him.
The difference between this Hunger and the warm-up version is almost painful. Insights that eluded him for a minute come in a second. That eluded me for days, too; I had wondered what "impure" Edeldross was, but if it's a liminal, half-real thing, existence itself could contaminate it. Or destroy it, it will break if it doesn't bend. If impure Edeldross is still less real than reality, can we make multiple layers of increasing purity, could we- well, I don't know what that would help us do, more finely shape the pure stuff? Might be helpful for Gracecrafting.

Hunger just vrrooooms as soon as danger happens, as all protagonists do. But he turns it up to 11, it's cool when it happens and annoying otherwise.
"You've got it. Sheesh, that was fast," Aobaru panted, 'spent' after going all-out. Hunger raised an eyebrow. The kid was a good actor, but had a whiles to go before he could fool Hunger. "Alright, the next level is density control. The pillar technique's good if you want to fire off a blast to buff one of your companions, but for solo buffing you really need to master density. Almost all buffing Elements have greater effects at higher density, so if you can compress an orb of it and hold it in your chest, you should see some noticeably improved effects. The boost will be strongest wherever you hold the orb, but should radiate out to the rest of your body."

"How do I compress it in the first place?" He frowned.

"Well, the best way is to just summon it compressed. Takes a few tries but that's the safest to avoid enemy-buffing. You have to summon lots of Element at one time, right?" He called forth a torrent of flame. "But there's nothing saying you can't summon a lot of Element in one space, as long as your fundamental control's good enough."

Aobaru gestured with his open palm, summoned an orb of searing brilliance. "Like this!"
Greenhorn, you are much too young to trick Age and Treachery himself, but that you try only makes me want to adopt you more!

I wonder if the buff-level being highest where an orb is located in the body applies to Edeldross. Does it still boost all attributes equally if we hold it in our brain? Probably. The explanation for how to reach the appropriate level of density isn't that helpful, "just do it lol," but the line about how power depends on density, and density depends on control, is interesting in light of the choice between Magnitude and Control we were offered for this training session. Both are important, but it feels like we're getting two for one, since self-buffing was what I was most interested in anyway. Well, that's what we paid Arete for!
He swiftly launched the orb at Hunger, following up with a spirited charge. Hunger ducked the orb but felt a line of boils form along the exposed side, the flesh bubbling up as if on the verge of eruption. Terrifying.

He attempted to do as his opponent had done, summoning an orb of concentrated edeldross. Though his sphere was much larger than his enemy's palm-sized orb, still it ended up considerably smaller than the tank-sized blasts he normally produced. Tucking it into his body, it melted seamlessly into his chest; a steady, glowing warmth that vivified and exalted every fiber of his being.

Firing wide columns of Edeldross to deflect his opponent's attacks, Hunger charged in again, only to be forced back as Aobaru finally stopped holding back. The boy produced a broad, deep wall of livid fire, crackling golden tongues stretching full to sky. Aobaru emerged from the wall similarly coated in flame, a set of densely focused orbs whirling about his head. One by one they flew at Hunger, who was forced to endure two blows to the leg and one to the torso, flesh rupturing raggedly as it exploded.

Shocked at the gruesome display, Aobaru faltered a moment, and Hunger sent him to earth with a quick chop to the back of the neck. He placed his palm gently but menacingly upon the boy's head. "Do you yield?"

"Uh, yeah, I yield. Holy crap that was hardcore. Do you just like, not feel pain?"
Damn, no wonder Hunger's getting XP for this fight. The Flame is much more powerful than the Vigor, apparently, we've got Con out the wazoo and we're still cooked. I'm reminded of Sun King Seram, with the cloaked in fireballs aesthetic going on here.

It looks like Edeldross does still boost everything despite being stuck in Hunger's chest, nice to know.

If this was Hunger from thirty updates ago, it would be a great opportunity for Tyrant PTSD. What with the "hesitating at the last second because his own attack's cruelty shocked him." But he didn't even feel that pain!
With the spar over, his other magics were unsealed. Hunger quickly repaired his wounds. "I do, but you learn to ignore that in combat. Perhaps my sense of pain has dulled over time."

"Jeez. As expected of the Reckoner, I guess. You're pretty cool for an old guy!"


Aobaru got up. "Anyway, there's one stage of enhancement beyond even density, but I haven't mastered it yet. We call it suffusion. You create a highly-dense construct of your Element in the exact shape of your body, and move it exactly as your body moves. That gives the heaviest augmentation of all, even better than just saturating yourself with a pillar of highly-dense Element, but it's really hard and requires continuous maintenance. The orb method is a lot stabler."

Interesting. He wondered why that was. Intuitively, a 'highly-dense pillar' ought to offer the greatest exposure possible to one's Element. Perhaps it was psychokinetic in nature, some aspect of the concentration itself focusing the Element's effect? "Good to know. Thanks."
Hunger, when I was needling you about the 1% of your power thing, it wasn't an invitation to embrace the chunni. "Sealed" my ass, it's technically the truth but I don't like the way you say it. You should seal away your wrinkles, then maybe people won't mistake your 30-year-old self for 60. And don't say things like "over time," it's not helping your youthful image.

Creating an Element overlay, huh. I suspect that true mastery of suffusion leaves behind the manual control of the Element and the body and the soul move to the same thought. Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking, because that sounds exhausting. Hunger needs Wits for this one. If Edeldross is a holistic enhancement, a holistic covering should give more benefits, the logic checks out. I wonder if Hunger's accumulated injuries will hinder him in this endeavor.
"Hey, don't thank me. Just pay me well! I gotta make up for this lost lunch money." Aobaru grinned cheekily and handed over a pitiful sum.

"YEAH!!" Letrizia cheered wildly. She fired off a column of Pressure into the air. "I'm the best! I love gambling!!"
Your month's wages are a pitiful sum, Hunger is showing is trashy noble credentials. Letrizia is even worse, taking advantage of her employee's labor to call herself the best when clearly it was Hunger who is best boy. Well, I thought that, but he's doing a terrible job raising his daughteru, she's yelling about how cool gambling is and shooting cannons in the air, totally out of control. <3
I love her.
After that came a succession of considerably less impressive 'High' Elementalists, though Hunger's self-imposed restrictions nearly caught him out from time to from. Nonetheless by the end of the day he had gained an impressive competence in Edeldross manipulation without having lost a single (real) bout. Happily he paid out the students' bonuses, and was just about to leave when one final student arrived at the grounds.

She was a girl of about Letrizia's age, pretty and slender but not as tall as the Armament pilot, with eyes of dark violet in a similarly dark outfit. In her left hand she carried a slightly curved sword in a scabbard of polished wood. Her dark hair was drawn up in a ponytail spill of ink, stark contrast to her unhealthily pale skin. Her stance was light, alert; a fighter of professional skill, despite her nervous demeanor.
Volcanoboy was the best of the lot, which is a bit disappointing, but then again his showing was so impressive that there's just not enough wordcount for anyone to follow him up. Am I dreaming or does "time to from" not words in my brain.

He better have given everyone at least as much money as they lost, bullying kids out of their lunch money is too much even for a tyrant. There is a new arrival, she has many adjectives but can be summed up the word "ninja." As expected of Letriziasuka's new friend. It probably doesn't have to be specified that the high school student is about the age of a high school student, but she wasted her allotted adjectives on having speshul eyes so that's what she had left.
"Hope... I am not... too late," the girl said shakily, as Letrizia came over to greet the newcomer.

"Aeira!" Letrizia said happily. "I didn't think you'd be able to make it. Did your parents give you permission?"

"Ah, yes." Aeira replied. "It took much of the night, and today as well, but they have finally agreed to allow me to become a mercenary!"

She bowed deeply to Hunger, and then to Gisena. "Lord Hunger and Lady Allria, please permit me to travel alongside you! Letrizia has informed me of your mission and I would bring much in the way of novel capabilities. My Element, Shadowcord, dims light and deflects attention, allowing me to cloak you from detection even against automated systems. I am also a capable fighter with the sword, and can defeat most Sovereignty Armors in direct combat."

"Fascinating," Gisena remarked. "The information-theoretic implications of that attention-deflecting ability..."

"Aeira's really strong!" Letrizia gushed. "Maybe not as powerful as you, Hunger, but we could really use her stealth capabilities, and we've got plenty of money left over to pay her! Her family could really use it, and she can definitely take care of herself!"
Ironically, after one of the impetuses (that doesn't look like a word) for my vote for Aeira was how guilt-free a ready made mercenary would be, it looks like The Rotspawn Reckoner might have inspired a career path in her, so it's still our fault! And the parental permission is lookingmore grudging than I'd like. : o Not that I can fault her taste in role models, we're fantastic.

Part of being a mercenary is making a good first impression, which showing up late doesn't do, but even badass mercenaries have parents and getting a recommendation from a Duchess more than makes up for it, so you're off to a great start! Her pitch is good is a bit desperate... how the heck can she beat up an Armor with a sword? That's amazing, she's less squishy than I feared, Letrizia is right to say she's good, and now I feel bad about rejecting her for Arete. Gisena would know more about information theory than me, but is this really the first such ability she's come across? It feels like they're all over the place, but I guess automated recording systems were less common in Joania, so I'm glad she has a new toy.

Way to pull the guilt trip about her family needing the money, Letrizia. You're using your powers for evil and I approve.

Fanwork#2737 Words, I sleep.
But seriously, rereading that and writing that up... we really need to change our behavior.

This is... more than a bit ridiculously suicidal that even picking a relatively safe option Hunger somehow managed to become so ridiculously depressing.

And the constant conversion of these things into memes is... really irritating, to me. I suppose I think everything too seriously, though.
I'm on your side about this, and am really hoping we can balance out Hunger's abilities. More actual strength from the Ring that doesn't come from drawing on the specific personal example of this single legendarily brutal conqueror, the Forebear. Because even having a Ring of Power jerking you around is better than specifically emulating the archetypal ancestor of the Tyrant, the man you lost and sacrificed everything to destroy.

And then, well, this is why I keep talking up the Evening Sky, because it represents a kind of power that while literally dark, seems much less metaphysically dark. It gives him a chance to rest, a chance to grow wiser and more enlightened, a chance to transcend mortal limitations on the mind and spirit and not just mortal limits of the body and of warrior skill.
[x] Fine
[x] Maximal Greed

Aeira was pretty great in this update and I'd love to see her again.

Unfortunately, while I don't think investing in stances is bad, it's just really not appealing to me as much as comparable choices. Especially since I don't really like the idea of gaining All-Defeating or Foe-Defeating stance and would really rather not go for three blade type EFBs.

Taking Aeira should maximize our chances of getting away from this fight due to her concealment.

However, I understand that this is a big risk at a critical time that doesn't really fill people with confidence. Were I to go for the options I think would maximize our survival and chances of success, I would obviously take Maximum Safety @Xalvitor has pretty much made every argument I would have made for this much better then I could, though I'll still say Aeira stealth capabilities could potentially make up for the extra pick and extremely small amount of Arete. Our buffs also make each companion we get even more useful, which is only going to get better if we manage to flashbuy flare.

I can't say i'm not a little sad about the possibility we might be dumping a bunch of arete into non EFB stuff just to survive, especially after arguing with people about how Selune was a unacceptably high arete expenditure rather then a investment in not having to buy a bunch of non EFB stuff like stances to survive. This isn't meant to be a a cheap 'I told you so' though. If anyone voted for it thinking it would help us save more in the long run, I totally understand why you thought that. Hindsight is always 20/20, and a lot of smart people I respect had some really well made arguements for doing so.

So, might as well focus on positives, liiiiike- God did the High Marshall's make me fall in love with him in the earlier blurb. I cannot wait till we get a chance to meet or fight this guy, especially if it ends up being a hard fought battle, since I imagine the fight scene will be really fun to read. Also, as much as I can sound down on them, Stances are still really cool and say something interesting about Hunger as a character, so going down that path isn't the end of the world. Neither is the flare, I'm super looking forward to healing Verge and Mass Ennoblement stuff.

Also, i'm pretty sure even if Rihaku had worse news to give us then this, it would be hard to feel down after reading that update. Aobaru is up there with Letz with her adorableness and I just want to give her a hug. xD Hope one of these days we end up getting to go back to the Elixer Sovereignty. If not, Roilweft Protag-kun, I believe in you! You can stop the Rotbeast!

So yeah, in a pretty good mood, which I could have used after a rough day like today for other reasons. Hope everyone else who reads this has a great day too. I know the update has left some people feeling defeated or on edge and just want to say I'm sure Hunger will get through this. He weathered the Tyrant and won when that seemed impossible. I don't think he'll do less against the Temple.
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We're at 9656 words. About 50k with a large number of images got up 8 arete, so... keep going.

Or don't. I just don't care anymore. Hunger's probably going to die anyway.
[X] Somewhat Safe

Welp, I really don't like Flare, cant stand it to be frank, and I do like every stance I've seen so far, Mage Defeating, and World Defeating being the standouts, so going full Forbear! Lets get that All Defeating Stance, if not now, then soon ish.

Hurts to give up on the Balanced EFB without even seeing it, but this is where the thread has taken us.

Infiltration rather then Just Shoot Them, Social rather then Stealth, and now poised to waste a EFB slot on an option that does very little for Hunger's power personaly, and probably locks him out of Rune King, my favorite option in the whole quest, by far.
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Halfway done, will finish it tomorrow morning/afternoon probably. Of course, that half is the crunchier side ...