Analysis, my good fellow. Analysis.

There is absolutely no mechanical benefit whatsoever for taking the Kaguya
Somehow I feel...not that we're being offered a test? But more that we already failed the test, and this is just being handed an F by a smug teacher.

Fie, fie I say! There is still time left in the semester to raise our grade to a B!

[ ] 2 Arete Version - Reduce all Attribute/Rank benefits by 70%, remove all Arete discounts, increase by 400% the difficulty / time requirement of esoteric applications and reduce by one half-step the theoretical limits of the Element's abilities. The effectiveness of blasts, voids and shields of the element is largely unaffected.
[ ] 7 Arete Version - As written.
This is tremendously funny. Rihaku, are you spending the rest of your free time reading marketing and psychology books in an attempt to get better at baiting us? This is honestly really clever and absolutely will work on a significant number of the people reading this update, for sure.

Anyways, I like the way the elements are divided (Practicality/Panoply/Relationships). It's great design. Sometimes I wonder if people doing speculation or omakes are reducing the original design space too much, but it never seems to materialize into a problem.

Hot Spring

-The Streamline: Cheaper, of equal mechanical quality.

-The Kaguya: More expensive, of equal mechanical quality.

I guess what we get depends on how useful the nonmechanical differences are, and whether we can find good use for the rest of our money? Obviously it would be nice to be able to pay for a greater amount of usefully specialized goods, but I don't know if we'll get that opportunity. If the Kaguya was meaningfully safer for taking care of our business, then I'd pick it up, but if our weirdness is noticed either way, and either of them are similar as far as Tyrant procs go...choice is obvious, innit?


-2 Arete: Significantly worse mechanically, no future discounts, element's esoterics are much harder to develop and reach their developmental limits sooner.

-7 Arete: Much greater use and development of esoteric utility.

It's save Arete vs. not, which I guess means that it comes down to how useful what we pick will be in terms of utility. I am, of course, tumbling down to the save side. For obvious reasons. But I might be persuaded otherwise!


-Quickwater: Improves our ability to fight in a local area by augmenting one of our most useful stats by a percentage (!). Esoteric effects are widely available, though the potions function seems to compete with Might's Repose in terms of sleep issues. Potions that grant buffs are attractive, because any sort of craftable is useful for companions, extra power in the moment, economics, etc., though the stability problem is an issue. Maybe solvable with Blood effects? Also, craftables open up much larger potential realms of exploits, even if they're unstable. Good in both forms: the +Agi bonus, even as the 2 Arete option, would take the edge off of 75% of the Stranglethorn debuff with no preparation. Power and tactical value are both here! The only problem I see is the contradiction of becoming faster by needing to be in the mist to get effects. It seems

Inksky: Spend an extra 5 arete to make Evening Sky stronger, relevant again, make Surgecraft integrated with our pre-existing build and truly synergistic with Accretion! My guess is that people who wanted another magic system won't like this option as much. Well, it does apparently make Evening Sky offer better magic options in the future, so maybe that's enough of a lure? In terms of aesthetics, synergy, and efficiency, it really helps round out our current build. The 5 Arete bonus to Pillars makes the immediate expenditure feel like more of an investment. Since the plan already seems to be Cut Through->Ruling Ring->Pillars, it just makes this an investment that is payed off later. Of course, all of this comes at the cost of this options being immediately weaker. But...who cares? We have Cut Through to spend time on, and this is the most synergistic element with our preexisting style (and perhaps the most defensive). That makes it more likely to be useful and less likely to result in a split in our development of power. Still good as a 2 Arete pick, but less competitive than the other two.

Edeldross: The widest variety of potential applications, fills the hole of nonlethal dispersion that currently exists in our build. Plus the sneaky +Catherine??? This is strong, but I honestly do not like how aesthetically divergent it is from our preexisting path? It feels like a lot more of a time-spender and wordcount-eater that the other two. I'm not particularly tempted. I think that Quickwater outshines this in the immediate and midterm at both levels of Arete spending. In the long term it has huge potential, but leads towards Total Eclipse, which I do not want. If you like Magic, taking Inksky is probably a better bet than this in terms of long-term Magic aesthetic satisfaction. The only reason I can see to take this is if you really like the aesthetic, or if you're an uncontrollable stan for Gisena or Cath. 😬

[X] The Streamline
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Inksky

This is my aesthetic and ability compromise with the magic peeps. It advances both of our goals at the same time: EFB investment, and a strong Magic option that leads to stronger Magic advancements (from Accretion and from the specific thematic bonus). Furthermore, it's the most aesthetically aligned with our preexisting stuff, which makes sense coming from the Panoply option! Yes, it is weaker in the immediate term. But I think that making Evening Sky relevant again in the long term after our advancement history + Uttermost is really, really necessary. Yes, dodging and healing from attacks is good. Extending your health bar by Danny Fenton-ing out of your body is good. But pure soak without damage is also super valuable to a sword build, even if it isn't as large of an immediate boost. Now, it is true that the other options give much more power right away, but consider that their paths of useful development are more divergent from our already existing setup, and will take more time and resources away from Cut Through, which we just went to great effort to get! Now's the time to pick a passive bonus with huge value for later gains, and sit on it so we can spend most of our time on Royal Sword Praxis.

The other option I considered was Streamline/2 Arete/Quickwater. I don't think 7 Arete is worth taking away from our current sequential EFB path if it's not going to be payed back later, and simply getting a little bit faster and getting a little bit more room for Treachery is a good small boost.

As an aside, does anyone else feel like the airborne fog from the last update was Surgecraft? Do the Rotspawn have the ability as well?
Vote Edeldross, since we might just be able to learn more about findross than we managed in the original Simple Transaction... like how to mine it! We can definitely mine it this time...!

More realistically: adding on even more willpower synergizes nicely with Cut Through, Flight means we can go skyfishing, and the all-around stat improvements will only gain more value as we deepen our understanding and mastery of Edeldross- something we can partially unload on Gisena, which could potentially get her out of Hunger's hair for entire moments at a time... these are but a few potent benefits!

Not to mention the graces! We really want to aim for the big winners here down the line; you know what I'm talking about!

Grace; unasked for, undeserved. (+hella sick dodge chance)
oops this isn't drawing either
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Comparing the immediate benefits of each is super unfair to Inksky since most of it's power is in its advancements. Yeah, it's better right now, but the Evening Sky is much easier given it progresses with our picks! And not dying gang may not want Quickwater anyway given advancing with is inherently risky, so much so it benefits from Hunger...
Agility bonus that scales with both our AGI and our WILL.

Rank bonus that does not scale with our rank; even at high rank we still gain +.1 Rank inside of the mist; +.25 Rank with preparation. At mid Rank and above that is a dramatic power differential.

Enemies inside the mist take a symmetrical penalty; this means with preparation our mist adds +.5 Rank compared to any target EVEN AT HIGHER LEVELS
Current vote count?

I think I'll change to this. One question, @Rihaku will we be able to spend any leftover currency units on guns in the Gisena update?

Or you could simply take what you need, with fire and sword!

Don't forget the sweet, sweet, highly efficient advancements! The blood advancements are ridiculously efficient, I can only imagine how good the Evening Sky ones would be for making us Not Die.

They won't be as good as Blood Advancements overall, as much of Inksky's power is diverted towards the Pillars discount.

Conjunctional Advancement for Creation of Bloodmist Exists: A Simple Transaction I Original

Yup! Which boosts Quickwater's long term potential immensely!

Comparing the immediate benefits of each is super unfair to Inksky since most of it's power is in its advancements. Yeah, it's better right now, but the Evening Sky is much easier given it progresses with our picks! And not dying gang may not want Quickwater anyway given advancing with is inherently risky, so much so it benefits from Hunger...

As previously mentioned, they're not as good as Blood Advancements.

Not Dying gang can simply take the +50-100% AGI and versatility of Stealth/Blinding Effects/Rank Debuff!

Vote Edeldross, since we might just be able to learn more about findross than we managed in the original Simple Transaction... like how to mine it! We can definitely mine it this time...!

Edeldross actually does open up a way to generate findross with the tools you have now, though the mechanism is somewhat obscure...
Being Coldbriar is for suckers
i dont know what that means but at higher rank levels being inside of the mist with a peer-level opponent would give us an "overwhelming" advantage.

In terms of actual combat results, it would be something like:

Low Ranks (1 to 3) - A 1 point difference in Rank is noticeable, 2 points is overwhelming (90%+ favored if other stats equal)
Middle Ranks (3.1 to 8) - A 1 point difference in Rank is overwhelming, 2 points is nigh-unwinnable
High Ranks (8.1 to 10+) - A .5 point difference in Rank is overwhelming, 1 point is nigh-unwinnable

Quickwater Mist grants an Overwhelming advantage (with preparation) at high rank.
I'm a little sad that Edeldross is based on 'Relationships' rather than 'People' or 'Party-members'. It would have been nice to have each element be based on a P.
We've been accumulating complications, wounds, and penalties like crazy! We need our defense to start scaling, and step one for that is to buff Evening Sky.
Seriously, Inksky grants us expanded options for just doing what we were doing already! No time split between this Surge and Praxis, just develop the former in battle with picks! It's highly time efficient and has low overhead! No need to waste Gisena's time with research or endanger our companions with highly dangerous Quickmist Research, we can just keep going as we have.

Also, save gang, this is your best opportunity this vote; 2-Arete expenditure has no chance, but paying that are forwards is almost as good!
Agility bonus that scales with both our AGI and our WILL.

Rank bonus that does not scale with our rank; even at high rank we still gain +.1 Rank inside of the mist; +.25 Rank with preparation. At mid Rank and above that is a dramatic power differential.

Enemies inside the mist take a symmetrical penalty; this means with preparation our mist adds +.5 Rank compared to any target EVEN AT HIGHER LEVELS
Using Blood Advancements as a benchmark Inksky would actually offer all of this. Sure, it's not as efficient as that but if it is in any way comparable we can get stuff like this with just picks anyway, while saving for Pillars! What a great option.

Quickwater Mist grants an Overwhelming advantage (with preparation) at high rank.
At the point we are at high Rank we can have many more effects just as powerful as that; not mention likely more EFBs. There's no use planning for that long in advance...
Quickwater Mist grants an Overwhelming advantage (with preparation) at high rank.

This is only true in the unlikely case that we face a high rank opponent who doesn't have their own sort of esoteric utility. Accretion seems to specifically spec for it, but it's entirely possible that high ranking entities here are a different breed than ordinary mortals, seeing as high rank is beyond the reach of the current large interstellar societies. It's entirely possible that they'd have some sort of resistance or counter to it.

Hell, if you're strong enough you can do what Hunger did literally last update and smack the mist away. And Quickwater doesn't benefit from Accretion like Inksky does, so mundane force would work. That's leaving aside the difficulty of preparing such a battlefield, let alone keeping a high ranker within that battlefield. Someone physically capable enough would just jump out. The problem with Quickwater is what I said in my analysis post: getting faster by staying in a fog you let off is a difficult balancing act. Moreso at Mach 4+. Seems like most of our battles are incidental or running anyways, despite our tactics-oriented initial build.
Well! That didn't disappoint! As if any Rihaku blurb could! Unfortantly we can only take one of these beauties so lets break them down

[ ] Quickwater: The moon-graced elixir of formless clarion, whose dewdrops are stars and mist the constellation, its falling rain the cosmos come plunging to earth. In its simplest form, a fog of quickwater conveys pitiless, whimsical speed, swiftness like an ink-blur trail. Dimmed, it conveys the quiet speed of an assassin's moon; heightened, it scours vision away like ten thousand blazing suns. Congealed into tenuous solidity, its potions may confer all manner of transformation, many of them swiftly lethal. Take care when wielding its ten thousand variations, for it acknowledges neither liege nor master, only the primacy of the moment.

Very esoteric, vividly worded, and highly conceptual. I love that time is a central element here, as we have seen in most Rihaku quests speed, and more importantly time, is life. The water element here though is troubling, implying a very physical element to it's applications, and effects, AOE, and potions, the latter of which I have issues with.

Quickwater mist grants +50% AGI, +.1 Rank, and a degree of concealment to its creator when within its bounds; increasing density over time can improve this to +100% AGI, +.25 Rank with preparation. A symmetrical Rank penalty is applied to others inside, including allies. Bonuses can be further developed with training.
~Quickwater potions can be imbibed for similar effect, but require constant effort to stabilize in coherent liquid form.
~Variations currently available: Assassin's Mist provides ++++Stealth instead of Rank; Blinding Mist grants exceptional "concealment" by outputting enormous quantities of light. Mist type may be switched every moonrise, or potions concocted in advance, though with the usual stipulations. Some means of overcoming sleep may be necessary to keep potions stable through the night...
~Experimentation can yield vast varieties of different mist with varying effects. The transformations of Quickwater are as endless as the realm of dreams. Take care that you do not wander into the distaff plane of nightmare.

Now we get to the mechanics, and frankly I'm left wanting. One of the major draws of Surgecraft over it's alternative was it's comparable ease of use, instinctual nature, and input, output effects.

This Element is highly evocative, but also highly demanding, this will require effort, resources, and more importantly time, to become useful.

It has Ten Thousand Variations, their will be gems in there to mine, especially with time as an aspect, but we only get three to start with, and none of them are remotely worth 7 Arete.

We get a AOE buff/debuff, but even the 7 Arete version the numbers are weak comparatively to more focused buffs we've seen, looking at you stances.

We get a stealth field, useful, but also AOE, and a flash bang. To top it all off, we can only use one type of field a day.

Plus potions, unstable potions, providing the same mediocre effects, that we have to experiment with, and craft, further eating into our time.

This would be an amazing time skip power, it has high concepts at its core in time/water/moon, and with ten thousand variations their must be something good in there, something worth the effort, but we dont have the time, or the resources to devote to it half way through the temple.

The time/resorces used to master this would be better spent developing the sword praxis, it is simply on a higher level both conceptually, and mechanically, 7 vs 25.

[ ] Inksky: Nothing less than the semi-sentient symbiotic substance of the Evening Sky itself. With this, the mantle's power is amplified threefold: suffused at a greater density, it provides more overall benefits; with its master capable of healing it, it can swiftly regenerate from depletion; and through the crude manipulation of High Elementalism it can be brought to bear as lash or aegis against one's enemies, curling around to stifle, trip, smother and crush.

This is more boilerplate, compared to the language used to describe Quickwater, and seems much more limited in scope, though looks can be deceiving, as this is a built in synergy between Surgecraft and Accretion, and synergies are massively powerful in Rihaku quests.

Single Receptacle: Rather than firing blasts of inksky himself, Hunger manifests all instances of High Elementalism through the vessel of the Evening Sky, allowing it to benefit from Accretion. +100% to the Protection and Charisma granted by the Evening Sky. Unlocks a number of highly efficient Evening Sky Advancements dealing with the domains of space, night, majesty and magic.

Discounts Pillars of Creation by 5 Arete.
-Hunger may take an action to repair the Evening Sky; amount repairs depends on the total +Protection granted and his own ability in High Elementalism
-Hunger may directly manipulate the Evening Sky as an extra appendage, though control is crude until trained.
With time, the cloak could expand to truly cosmic size: become the evening sky in truth!

And now we see the power of synergy, wow, this is much more immediately satisfying. Ties directly into the neglected part of our panoply, it both massively buffs the evening sky, and allows our surgecraft to benefit from Accretion directly, meaning we may get options to directly buff the system itself.

As a down side, this is not at first glance a separate magic system, most of the benefit we will get out of this will come from picks, and Arete, though it does say that it will offer efficient options in that regard.

The domains it touches on are vast though, Space, and Magic are standouts here, though Majesty should not be underrated.

I especial like that it turns the Evening Sky even more into a symbiote, there is some real potential there, and in the mean time, more limbs is good!

Finally, it discounts Pillars by 5, almost refunding the entire cost of the option into another EFB equivalent.

This is very strong, it is also not what some among us are looking for out of a magic system. I think there is enough versatility here, as well as the buffs to evening sky magic picks, to warrant it selection as both an investment in future magic systems, as well as an increase in our immediate power, though I would understand if some disagree.

[ ] Edeldross: This precursor component of findross embodies redemption, perfection, restoration and the renewal of cycles. It is the liminal gloss between real and ideal, whereby the purposeless matter of the corporeal world becomes the refined substrate of supernal augmentation. Blasts, voids and shields of solidified edeldross convey the principle of 'transference without harm,' allowing the character to re-position allies and scatter enemies with minimal possibility of collateral damage. Kinetic flight is possible through continuous burst releases, but its greatest benefits are found in augmentation. Pure edeldross is semi-corporeal and swiftly fades beneath the withering indifference of the real, but contained within a person's body it holistically augments all elements of the self, supernal excellence beyond the reach of the mundane.

Though mastery is a long and arduous process, precise configurations of Edeldross can be arranged so as to replicate nearly one-tenth of all Sorcerous Graces.

This seems interesting, as a participant in the original simple transaction I love me some findross, the external uses sound rather dull, but the internal ones sound fantastic!

Hunger's Imaginary Element is determined by his relationships. Gisena's art, shaped by Letrizia's language and technique, conferring Catherine's benevolence. +Gisena, +Letrizia, +Catherine (?)

Catherine!? Well, that deserves a second look all on it's own.

Discounts Total Eclipse by 1 Arete
-Solidified edeldross can be used as a form of damage-preventing energy blast, which, while unable to slay enemies on its own, can be actively spammed due to its negation of harm. Pacify a city undergoing a zombie apocalypse with a minimum of innocent life lost, scatter both sides in a pitched battle without slaying any of their number, etc.
-Beings within the radius of a release of pure edeldross receive a 20% bonus to all Attributes. The magnitude of this bonus can be improved over time. Take care not to buff your enemies as well. Pure edeldross is considerably more draining to use.
-By working with Gisena's mage-sight, Hunger may slowly over time develop specific Patterns of edeldross that can temporary replicate the effects of various Sorcerous Graces. Perhaps even developments even further than this can be achieved in time...

This though, is fairly underwhelming, the active external effects are er, not great, they are certainly useful, but not necessarily for Hunger, I don't see the need for nonlethal combat options anytime in the near future.

The self buff is frankly disappointing, the fluff sounded like a permanent internal, and possibly growing bonus, instead we get another AOE effect, one that specifically does not differentiate friend from foe, and is notably draining.

The possible graces could be huge, but require considerable prep, and even worse are also temporary, at least for now. They could be huge, if we could slowly build them into permanence, but that requires time, lots of time, and resources, and I can't in good consciousness argue for that here when I was so critical of that fact when disusing quickwater.

Frankly this is also a good time skip option, graces are a big deal, and a synergy with sorcery is fairly obvious, but what it provides to us in the short term is frankly lack luster, the only immediate benefit I see is locking down Total Eclipse as a future option, as that was my favorite of the original EFBs we saw. And that is not enough. To much of the benefit of this choice is tied up in it's eventual synergy with sorcery, which takes more time, picks, another 7 Arete, and the opportunity cost of using the wreath on sorcery, rather then something else.

Of the three options, Quickwater is a nearly full magic system in it's own right, it is a high concept style, but apears to be gated behind a significant cost in time/Arete, and like beginners cantraps, the starting spells are of questionable value. And I hate potions, cant forget the potions.

Inksky is immensely tied up in it's synergy with Accretion, that offers it tremendous efficiency in the power on offer, but it is more like Rune King in that outside of Accretion it buffs future magic systems more then it offers a new one here. The utility effects it adds to the Evening Sky are great, but not equal to a magic system in and of themselves.

Edeldross is also tied up in it's own synergy, only we don't have sorcery yet, it could be huge, but I don't think we can wait for it, and whats on offer here is not worth 7 Arete.

As things stand, I have to vote for Inksky, I love the concepts it embraces, I love the efficiency, and I am a sucker for symbiotes.

There are arguments that exist that could sway me, Quickwater is incredibly evocative, and I love time magic, unfortunately I also hate potions, and dont think we have the time or resources to invest in the art right now.

I would love to get total eclipse, the full might of sorcery is incredible, and this is a path to that, but a slow one, and speed is life.

These are my first thoughts, unspoiled by any additional discussion, nor clarification on Rihaku's part, now to catch back up and see how wrong I am about everything!

Word count 1163

[X] Inksky
[X] 7 Arete Version
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Btw, to clarify:

Rune King does work on magic systems you already have. At the time it was written you only had Accretion which already has To Shatter Heaven applied...

We've been accumulating complications, wounds, and penalties like crazy! We need our defense to start scaling, and step one for that is to buff Evening Sky.

Step 1 is to stop fighting enemies so far above you! It's not practical to get your Protection to a point where it would actually defend against such conditions; compare your Protection and AGI scores! Even Pearlescence wouldn't always manage it and that's way more Protection than what Inksky offers you!

To be clear guys, the non-Inksky options both offer over fifteen points worth of stats, compared to Inksky's three points. This is not a small power gap we are talking about, and the Inner Temple is coming up.
[ ] The Kaguya - A breathtakingly meticulous recreation of the traditional Eastern hot-springs style, situated amongst the most extravagantly opulent accommodations to grace the entire Sovereignty. You may choose to enjoy apex-grade waters fed directly from the root springs while lounging in the sybaritic luxury of your royal-grade suite, or venture into the handcrafted public baths to soak in restorative warmth while drinking in the unspoiled landscape below. Situated upon the slopes of the highest mountain peak, sheltered from wintry frost by the vivacious steam of the core pools, the Kaguya promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience of truly imperial grandeur. Gaze upon the snow-dusted evergreens and crystal-bright streams of this pristine wilderness while savoring the greatest culinary delights that the Sovereignty can bring to bear. 8 currency units for two nights.

There is absolutely no mechanical benefit whatsoever for taking the Kaguya, not even +Relationships, because Gisena and Letrizia aren't shallow like that! Staff at the Kaguya may be somewhat more accommodating of extreme water usage, though it will likely attract attention either way. Take care, this choice may have more implications than are immediately apparent.

Players: I must have it!

In all likelihood it probably establishes Hunger as someone who spends lavishly. Seems like a mostly negative thing, though maybe it helps mitigate the Tyrant with people if we walk the walk. The most curious thing is how can Zea not be moved by the exquisite cuisine of the Kaguya? Has her entire character up until this point been an elaborate facade? Please @Rihaku at least give her a half a plus in relationship for the food alone, anything else ruins the entire story!
To be clear guys, the non-Inksky options both offer over fifteen points worth of stats, compared to Inksky's three points. This is not a small power gap we are talking about, and the Inner Temple is coming up.
But I just want to make the Evening Sky better, have you though about that, huh?

Inksky just seems much easier to develop than the other two even with the gap in power and we want to save for Pillars anyway. After getting Cut Through and Zweihander, isn't it fine to take an option that doesn't pay off immediately? Especially since Inksky improves with picks! The more we fight, the better it gets without the need for research and stuff. It just makes progression better which is valuable on its own as well. All that saved time can go towards the Praxis! And really, isn't more Praxis what we all want?
Edeldross' comprehensive buff would also totally negate the penalties from Soul Puncture!

Has her entire character up until this point been an elaborate facade? Please @Rihaku at least give her a half a plus in relationship for the food alone, anything else ruins the entire story!

Why would her enjoyment of its food cause her to like you more? It's not like she couldn't afford cuisine of this level back home!

It just makes progression better which is valuable on its own as well.

But you already have Blood Advancements which are better value for picks! The power of Inksky is great but much of it is contained in that 5 Arete discount. Not 5 Arete worth, but enough that it's noticeably weaker than its competitors...
Ruinous Valor was not really an great option anymore for us in terms of immediate power, so we need more power to beat the Rotbeast and than go back into the temple!

We have yet to face the strongest fucks in the temple! The inner residents might be more broken than thrust dude.
But you already have Blood Advancements which are better value for picks!
But Evening Sky would provide things that Blood Advancements don't; indeed with their respective themes it's hard for them to overlap. Blood+Uttermost just debuffed the Evening Sky enough its picks weren't worth it even considering this, but with Inksky's improvements...
[X] The Streamline

Hunger is a poor lad, with naught but the Artifacts on his back, not even a planet or two to his name. Time to engage in fiscal responsibility, a pennymedian quarterly wage a day, and eventually you're talking real money!
Step 1 is to stop fighting enemies so far above you! It's not practical to get your Protection to a point where it would actually defend against such conditions; compare your Protection and AGI scores! Even Pearlescence wouldn't always manage it and that's way more Protection than what Inksky offers you!

To be clear guys, the non-Inksky options both offer over fifteen points worth of stats, compared to Inksky's three points. This is not a small power gap we are talking about, and the Inner Temple is coming up.

As much as I really like Evening sky stuff and especially the pillars, this plus a lot of other arguements have convinced that Edeldross might actually be more worthwhile at the moment, especially considering Quickwater's most potent ability require set up which might not be possible in the Inner Temple. Gisena can help a lot with the grace advancement so it might not even eat up Arete and gives a lot of useful power up front, both to us and our ally in the form of extra stats and defensive abilities for them.

Considering this is going to eat up a lot of our Arete intake at the moment, i'm willing to change my vote.

[X] The Streamline
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Edeldross