reading comprehensionAlso if you re-read Friends in High Places it does state he's a progression-type
According to Rihaku Ruin scaling is... not nearly as valuable, now that we have Cut Through. The name is apparently rather literal.Zweihander scales Ruin to our strength score. Uttermost allows us to spam blade projections without end. Thousand Cuts multiplies the speed and power of each blade projection by 7, with a 10% chance per blade projection of amplifying the Ruin effect & tripling the base damage. Fall of Night lets us manipulate those blade projections. This adds up to a constant outward pressure doing AOE damage and slowing or parrying incoming ranged attacks. Zweihander's +++++STR is just icing on the cake.
It's also 7 arete I'm not willing to spend.I think people that are ignoring Valor focus purely on the Strength and the power of Ruin scaling. While good you are sleeping on the stances. Magic defeating stance will buff our magic defense considerably.
Stances cost Arete and Praxis offers better shit anyway. King is just straight up better Hero-Defeating Stance, for example.I think people that are ignoring Valor focus purely on the Strength and the power of Ruin scaling. While good you are sleeping on the stances. Magic defeating stance will buff our magic defense considerably.
Our current build lacks magic defence and the thread is weirdly againts buffing Evening Sky. I hope Gisena can keep up in the Inner temple.
Wait, what?Praxis does offer stance-equivalent effects. We actually got one now.
Gisena is explicitly capable of keeping up in the middle temple now. We spent arete on it, even.Our current build lacks magic defence and the thread is weirdly againts buffing Evening Sky. I hope Gisena can keep up in the Inner temple.
The King Stands Alone
Sorry, available for purchase I meant.
{x} A Mirror, Endless
{x} Brand of the Addled
{x} The Prophetic Doom
I am contractually obligated to vote praxis even in quests that do not exist
And kind of tired of taking geas in every transaction so I guess just grit those teeth and mitigate, mitigate, mitigate
I've fixed my vote so Tally should do fine now.Oh right, Wolfy would you mind specifying which dominion in your vote? Vote merging is a bitch when I'm not sure which you want.
According to Rihaku if we want that we can just get all 4 Vigor+Quickening boosts we have left to buy and probably be safe as long as we don't pull a stupid.
So King probably isn't a needed expenditure.
I can be talked out of the ring purchases but not into spending Arete for anything else at this point. I'm mostly getting them because we keep putting off taking them and being 4 picks away from completing the ring bugs me.
You're completely right, but also consider that this will always be the case, and taking the domains is about paying towards future power acceleration and not immediate power. I get your case about balancing power and potential, but given how hard we've unintentionally gone recently (between Vanrier and this last update), this is a good, Apocryphal-Free time to dump into potential-type EFB progression if we're planning on taking it. Any other time, taking less than maximum power puts you behind the curve. Here, it doesn't, since Apocryphal will come back outscaled and then readjust to whatever level of power we have. It might even be worth purposefully putting off taking the strongest efficient options, so that we can take them during Apocryphal to scale better.
Not that situational +rank is no power, but it won't compete with basic blood advancements. And that makes sense.
Difficult does not mean impossible, and, for once, we do not seem to be thrown right into hell right of the bat. Just, grind arete/bp whatever and break out eventually. Temporary humiliation is better than basically eternal servitude, I think.Sounds like that combination is going to make leaving the hospital rather difficult\
Praxis does offer stance-equivalent effects. We actually got one right now, and Rihaku WoG'ed that we theoretically do not even need to spend arete if we are willing to wait and assemble an equivalent.
It is true that just rushing MDS still has pretty good benefits tho, yeah. Temple aside, it also offers minor mitigation against every curse that is possible to mitigate.
If we buy 2 Fierce Quickening & 2 Vigor Itself then we will have the maximum possible short-term enhancement from the Ring of Blood. Even better, it doesn't cost any Arete!
However, I'll apply a 20% bonus to Arete generated for the next sixteen hours.
I have learned that I will never be sastisfied with Hunger's hair.
If we buy 2 Fierce Quickening & 2 Vigor Itself then we will have the maximum possible short-term enhancement from the Ring of Blood. Even better, it doesn't cost any Arete!
I feel massive regret about my inability to reaction mine today.Eh. At least I won't have to justify why killing something with four arms leads to Hunger regrowing his arm. You guys should consider your Arete consumption in light of this. However, I'll apply a 20% bonus to Arete generated for the next sixteen hours.