For the people rating my offer of an Arete bounty funny, is it because I need a bigger reserve for an offer like that to have value or is there some other funny quality to what I'm doing?
I gave you an Informative, but a Funny would also be appropriate in an "I'm impressed by the amount of effort you're putting in" way. Plus it was unexpected to see that somebody was sitting on that much power. Doubt they're being mean.
@runeblue360 While I think you added the ++Might of Vigor Itself I think you forgot the Charisma, and you should probably list that we have taken it just like you do with Echoes, especially since Vigor is limited.

Yeah, my bad. Thank you for the reminders, stuffs been happening IRL, which is why Index updates are like 10 days behind. I'll try be more on point at least regarding the sheet though.
I would like to really quick mention that the specific text of Cut Through is very relevant to everyone.

The character may develop a set of techniques that are equivalent to those of the Sword Praxis, that sliver of the Royal Praxis focused on techniques of the blade. If a Cursebearer, the character may eventually develop techniques equivalent to the Imperial Sword Praxis instead.

This is not the Praxis.

We are not getting the Praxis from this.

It is allowing the creation of techniques which achieve the same equivalent effects as what could be achieved with the part of the Praxis which interacts with using swordsmanship. Because we are a Cursebearer, we will be able to develop techniques which achieve the equivalent effects of the Imperial Praxis, so we can imitate the higher forms.

This is why they're suffering the same limitations the Praxis does; not because they are the Praxis, but because they are imitating the Praxis.

Bear this in mind when salivating.
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Though, they imitate Praxis really goddamn well. These are effects of the equivalent power, unless I can't read shit.

And if they are that similar so it has the equivalent power, equivalent drawbacks, equivalent everything, well. What is the difference lol
[X] Hot Springs And Go
[X] Slice Fate
- 7 Arete

Cut Through lives up to my expectations, and the SJUC EFB is pretty cool, too! It's a shame that the Ruling Ring and Once and Future are higher priorities (at least for me), because using SJUC to boost Willpower would have amazing synergy with Cut Through.
Noble Titles being a thing that at some point was present in the entirety of the Human Sphere tells us that at some point it was a single big policy, or at least something reminiscent of such. How human sphere formed, and how they found/where Armaments and why Armaments are compatible with them is still a question.

Since it seems like their history on earth was relatively similar to Hunger's I wonder discovering Armaments was the big divergence, with it functionally leading to an age of warlordism carving up the sphere, the vestigial remnants of which are the current noble titles.

[X] Lift the Siege
[X] Fierce Quickening

I think we should either take this or Hot Springs and Blood Dominion.
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I would like to really quick mention that the specific text of Cut Through is very relevant to everyone.

This is not the Praxis.

We are not getting the Praxis from this.

It is allowing the creation of techniques which achieve the same equivalent effects as what could be achieved with the part of the Praxis which interacts with using swordsmanship. Because we are a Cursebearer, we will be able to develop techniques which achieve the equivalent effects of the Imperial Praxis.

This is why they're suffering the same limitations the Praxis does; not because they are the Praxis, but because they are imitating the Praxis.

Bear this in mind when salivating.
Yeah, like I said, there is something fishy going on with Cut Through.

But it's nearly 7 am and I need to sleep. It may just be my imagination.

Edit: We are also not getting Praxis equivalent as a whole, only the Sword Praxis equivalent .
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Though, they imitate Praxis really goddamn well. These are effects of the equivalent power, unless I can't read shit.

And if they are that similar so it has the equivalent power, equivalent drawbacks, equivalent everything, well. What is the difference lol
Hmm, they might lack the omni-dimensional that the Praxis is known for, though.
I would like to really quick mention that the specific text of Cut Through is very relevant to everyone.

This is not the Praxis.

We are not getting the Praxis from this.

It is allowing the creation of techniques which achieve the same equivalent effects as what could be achieved with the part of the Praxis which interacts with using swordsmanship. Because we are a Cursebearer, we will be able to develop techniques which achieve the equivalent effects of the Imperial Praxis.

This is why they're suffering the same limitations the Praxis does; not because they are the Praxis, but because they are imitating the Praxis.

Bear this in mind when salivating.
It let's us advance our techniques one step along the infinite singularity husk. When denied the Praxis Hunger apparently said I'll make my own Praxis with Swords and Fishing!
People. My Strategic Omake Reserve exceeds 10,000 words right now. I'm using it to put an Arete bounty on Investigate the Schools. If Investigate the Schools wins this vote, I am going to release all of it.
10k words is sadly, less than 7 arete. If you drop Slice Face for whatever else, preferably something that does not waste arete at all, I'll commit to Investigating The School.
The options does say it uses the Imperial Praxis as a canvas, so I don't know how seperate they really are. Really just feels like splitting hairs to me.
Yeah, my bad. Thank you for the reminders, stuffs been happening IRL, which is why Index updates are like 10 days behind. I'll try be more on point at least regarding the sheet though.
Actually I was wrong; I confused the ++ from Uttermost with the ++ from Vigor. So we should have two more might in blood form. Sorry for being bad at this. Should be correct now.
I should mention that I've un-signature'd this thread. Some of the negativity around Inheritor was just too much, I was actually nauseated by some of the assertions.
I actually agree with you, i just hope that there is less salt all around in the future. It's an enjoyable quest, and a mostly cool community, but sometimes it gets an bit too negative...

It was the Praxis all along??? Why does the Forebear have that.

On the one hand, more SORD. On the other hand, magic system.

Eh. Ah. Hmmm.

...It is still a magic system.

...I'm willing to accept this if we agree to not lock ourselves out of other, non-sword magic systems later.
I'm personally voting for schools right now! More magic!

Honestly, at this point i am all in in sword praxis. I prefer magic, but i also am a fan of swords, now we have a magical system that is based around on being so good with swords that we can change reality. That's really badass.

Also, while true that's not really the praxis, it's equivalent of the praxis, and for someone whom never expected to actually use the praxis, that's awesome.

And there is likely sinergy between taking it and getting the noble praxis later.

On that note:

[X] Investigate the Schools
[X] Slice Fate - 7 Arete.

Slice fate doubles our chances of not dying horribly. That's...immense, really. Also, makes Letrizia an sorceress, which is awesome, and likely increases the odds of Investigate the schools.
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10k words is sadly, less than 7 arete. If you drop Slice Face for whatever else, preferably something that does not waste arete at all, I'll commit to Investigating The School.
While Slice fate is not a part of the bounty, only Investigating the School has to win, sure why not.

[x]Investigate the Schools

Context for those Just Dropping in: I'm trying the concept of an Arete Bounty given the current size of my strategic omake reserve. I will put out at least 10,000 words of omake power but the actual result will be more, if Investigating the Schools wins this voting round.
[X] Cut Through

this is now the highest thing on my list of priorities and has jettisoned every other long-term plan out of the water
Slice Fate would supplant the role of FOR as risk reduction, but even better since it doesn't only apply on death. Cut Through is enticing, though... and really, we can only pick one to have at the end of this trip.
"Too bad, if only I had some way to capture this moment forever..."
There's probably a circle of hell just for the person who introduces Gisena to the concept of selfies.

I'm sure I had other thoughts, but the blurbs must've swept them from my mind. Stranglethorn would have godlike synergies with Cut Through, doubling the effect of willpower effectively negates its only downside! Plus 50% total Rank gain! Access to a sliver of the Imperial Praxis! Sorry, Vanreir, you were a cool guy but there go the last of my regrets: unlocking this was the objectively correct decision.
Though, they imitate Praxis really goddamn well. These are effects of the equivalent power, unless I can't read shit.

And if they are that similar so it has the equivalent power, equivalent drawbacks, equivalent everything, well. What is the difference lol

Oh certainly, they imitate it well. They achieve the same things, essentially. The difference is that they are going to lack the foundational properties of the Praxis; they're magic, but not Praxis magic.

If Hunger, or Seram, or any other Cursebearer got dropped into a 0% magical universe where outside magic didn't work, the Praxis would still work. The techniques from Cut Through would not, because they aren't the Praxis.

There are likely some other stipulations as well that aren't immediately apparent, but that's the most major one I can currently see. I'm not at all trying to dog on Cut Through, but I want to make sure that nobody is misunderstanding what it's actually offering us.

The options does say it uses the Imperial Praxis as a canvas, so I don't know how seperate they really are. Really just feels like splitting hairs to me
It's very much not. The differences matter.
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For the people rating my offer of an Arete bounty funny, is it because I need a bigger reserve for an offer like that to have value or is there some other funny quality to what I'm doing?

I personally was impressed that you'd accumulated such a large reserve. That takes serious dedication, props!

Undead Chimera is actually very powerful, and would plug most holes in our build, but it's an pure power EFB. It might give us enough power to win the temple though, depending on how powerful an Armament Shroud is.

It's got some potential aspects as well. +% Stats applies to future +s.

There's probably a circle of hell just for the person who introduces Gisena to the concept of selfies.

I'm sure I had other thoughts, but the blurbs must've swept them from my mind. Stranglethorn would have godlike synergies with Cut Through, doubling the effect of willpower effectively negates its only downside! Plus 50% total Rank gain! Access to a sliver of the Imperial Praxis! Sorry, Vanreir, you were a cool guy but there go the last of my regrets: unlocking this was the objectively correct decision.

Yes, now that it doesn't lead to an effective decrease in AGI, you can finally safely take Stranglethorn!!
[ ] Cut Through - 25 Arete

Elevate the character's sword techniques by one step along the Infinite Singularity Husk.

...develop a set of techniques that are equivalent to those of the Sword PRAXIS (!)...Royal PRAXIS (!!) ...Imperial Sword PRAXIS (!!!).


Welp, change of plans: goodbye Ruling Ring, it was nice knowing you! Hello there, Cut Through, you beautiful EFB you! Rihaku did not exaggerate when he said that the sick power of Cut Through's blurb would sway votes - pretty satisfied I voted for Uttermost now.

The union of SWORD and MAGIC, bound together as the Praxis with the power of DEEP LORE. How could any other option be more compelling?

S A V E Gang! S O R D Gang! Even Magic System Gang, let us unite under the banner of Cut Through!
I don't think a single reroll a day will actually solve the problem of the likely immense gap in cumulative power breaching the inner layer might force us to face is the issue. There's also basically no chance we recoup the cost in addition to what's already needed to pick up an EFB. So it's pretty much committing to going in without one.
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While Slice fate is not a part of the bounty, only Investigating the School has to win, sure why not.
I already see people leaning toward Slicing Fate, and 7 arete pick right on the precipe of actually getting things had been saving, sacrificing and arguing is a goddamn nightmare.

Maybe it is too early, to trade votes, but what the hell. Anyway, I saw this, I am committing now.

[x]Investigate the Schools
[x]Fierce Quickening
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Also, if we take Stranglethorn and Super undead Chimera to double our willpower, would it be an 200% increase, or would it simply quadruble it? If it quadrubles, there is some insane sinergy between the three.
[X] Investigate the Schools
[X] Slice Fate - 7 Arete.

Slice Fate is stated to be unique to this update. It's also really, really good for not dying. Seriously those 10% chance of death things we keep running into at the temple? Now more like 1%. Not Dying is still technically my number one priority.

Investigating Schools because hey there's magic. Magic is good.


On the topic of Sword Praxis... Is there a word for being simultaneously angry and amused? Because I'm definitely feeling it right now. We Frikken SORDed our way into a magic system. Which uses swrods.

Like, it manages to be exactly what I want, but also the worst thing ever, and also genuinely hilarious. I'm going to focus more on the positive emotions to avoid damaging my sanity.

At least I can be pretty sure we're finally getting another magic system.