Going all bendy curvy on the straight line guy seems like a good idea in combat, but when talking to him seems like the wrong approach. We should approach the guy whose all about shortening distance with a pitch where we offer to shorten the distance between himself and his goals more than his current path of actions.
"The last person I fought offered terms only after he was stripped of all means of resistance and held at swordpoint. I would offer terms to you before either of us is forced into a position of weakness."
"You believe that you can kill me, even if it costs you further serious and crippling injury on top of what you have already sustained. I believe that I can defeat you, even if it costs me much the same."
"In exchange for temporary passage I am willing to heal you of your injuries, as well as discuss empowering either yourself or those you care about in a myriad of ways."
"Further, if such does not interest you then I would be willing to listen to political or social aims you wish to achieve that may be in my purview to accelerate immensely, due to my own specialties."