That's likely it actually. We only got it after Age and Treachery and it's literally that feat made manifest, fitting in well with both Repose and the fight we got it in. Damn, that makes Apex ever neater. C'mon guys, don't you wanna see the other Defining Advancements that might be offered?
[] Forebear's Blade - Sovereign (4 picks) - Only one may rule supreme.
The sword is more than just an implement of battle, holding ceremonial and symbolic meaning to all manner of sultan and tsar. As power flows from the tip of a sword, so too can power flow into it. Only one can be king, to wield the Sword of State and all regalia. Render therefore, tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Such is the right of the Lord Hunger.
Defining Advancement - You may currently have no more than three Defining Advancements.
Once an opponent has been meaningfully wounded by the Forebear's Blade, gain the ability to
Decree a binding rule that both combatants are forced to obey. Disobeying in either letter or spirit will sunder soul from body, casting them into the
Outer Darkness.
Double the value of Charisma +s.
Other abilities can now be reinforced by one's Sovereign Authority, allowing their scope and magnitude to scale upwards depending on one's Charisma.
Double the value of Willpower +s.
Worsen the Doom of the Tyrant, making it more difficult to mitigate by 10%.
Authority: Whether by force or charisma, gain conceptual weight by having other sentient indivduals recognize your authority over them. Gain increases in Rank proportional to the amount and total strength of followers submitting to your rule as their Sovereign. A single, influential individual brought to heel may grant Rank equal to a large mob of peasants.