Meh. Gisena is a Bro and I would greatly prefer to keep it that way. Let's not forget our dude eventually wants to revive his wife and companions so that doesn't make sense.

Hmm. That gives Hunger another reason to go for Rune eyes, he wants cross dimensional ressurection eventually.
I mean it might ultimately be a kindness to destroy the hidden masters and then resurrect everyone and Hunger leaves never meeting them.

Hunger isn't exactly the man he once was, and having them follow him on his near endless quest might not be the happiest outcome for them. Let his child grow up, get old and have children of their own. Let his wife marry the divorced blacksmith down the street with the heart of gold underneath his gruff exterior.
I mean it might ultimately be a kindness to destroy the hidden masters and then resurrect everyone and Hunger leaves never meeting them.

Hunger isn't exactly the man he once was, and having them follow him on his near endless quest might not be the happiest outcome for them. Let his child grow up, get old and have children of their own. Let his wife marry the divorced blacksmith down the street with the heart of gold underneath his gruff exterior.
That sounds weird. Why wouldn't he give the choice to his companions instead of deciding for himself? Ressurecting them will also probably what will heal a good chunk of Hunger's trauma.
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Press functionally requires taking either Dreadnought or Strong Sword-Arm. Sweep can be done with any build, but is better with either Dreadnought or Strong Sword-Arm. Search can be done with any build, but benefits from either Dreadnought or Apex.
In conclusion, Dreadnought should be everyone's second pick just based on benefits to the action chosen. Apologies to Stranglethorn but really, it doesn't benefit any of the actions better than the other votes do. It's got great potential and some short-term power but is definitely still a greed vote.
More seriously bringing Gisena with us and Searching is a good trial run to see how badly the Tyrant's Doom impacts social interaction with strangers and how well Gisena can help us with it in a relatively consequence free setting. It would be good to find this out now rather than in a city where if we go ballistic it'll have pretty terrible downsides.

That's where you're wrong, Lord of Murder! We don't have two hands.
You only need one hand for hand holding!
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King
[X] Apex
[X] Don't Bring Gisena
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Push in Further

I want us to do a warrior-mage build, and I'm worried that if we keep skipping the magic options every time that we'll stop getting offered them. Apex is my favorite because it doesn't sacrifice the eye, and sword-arm is my second favorite, but I've decided to put my foot down and go for the mage options. So Rune King it is.

I wish Gardener had made it to consolidation. It had so much potential, and we could have made jokes like "Came for the eternal quest for vengeance, stayed for the fishing and gardening" and "A Simple Transaction: Unlimited power, mechas, monsters, and... Gardening?"
Maybe I'm remembering those events differently than you, but the actual reason we didn't get King of Thieves was we didn't have enough Arete to get both it and Evening Sky. So you may have the playerbase's build desires a bit off because you're forgetting it was one one time option or the other, and Evening Sky was more appealing.

Nope, King of Thieves didn't even make it to consolidation.

Disagree! Rihaku mentioned the ability to levy Strength into conceptual power in a previous thread (assuming the two Strengths represent the same abstraction) and even here we see the ability to use Constitution to resist Exotic Attacks in Dreadnought's Bearing. So, I disagree that they're inherently early game stats. Rank plus is actually not boring, if you like reaching Rank 10 and smashing puny NPCs very hard!

I agree, you should take Apex as your second vote! Why not, after all, it's free real estate I mean approval voting!

Seems much more likely that we will resurrect our wife and she will just replace Gisena immediately as Hunger's soulmate kind of like how the elf waifu did in EFB. Though I think resurrecting her and having her decide to go her own way and parting amicably would be a pretty cool and somewhat realistic change. She did say til death do we part, not death, resurrection and 937 octillion years afterall!

Aurelia was just unfairly OP. The hero's wife is pretty awesome, but in a way different from Gisena. It wouldn't be an overwhelming advantage like Aurelia vs Xiaoling / Suizhen would be.
Press functionally requires taking either Dreadnought or Strong Sword-Arm. Sweep can be done with any build, but is better with either Dreadnought or Strong Sword-Arm. Search can be done with any build, but benefits from either Dreadnought or Apex.
In conclusion, Dreadnought should be everyone's second pick just based on benefits to the action chosen. Apologies to Stranglethorn but really, it doesn't benefit any of the actions better than the other votes do. It's got great potential and some short-term power but is definitely still a greed vote.
Those are some pretty bold assertions you're making! Stranglethorn offers both defence and offence compared to the other options going all one way or the other and Apex is better off taken after Stranglethorn so we get more rank.
The combo of you saying that above me talking about throne of stars makes this twice as funny and twice as sad.

imagine using the diagram for literally everything with a character arc tied in deeply with its themes and then swerving at the last second for some random shit that can do everything and requires nothing, letting you stay the same spoiled, lazy, indolent brat that you were as a literal child

and then end up spending everything on the diagram anyway lol


Fucking All Paths.

Meh. Gisena is a Bro and I would greatly prefer to keep it that way. Let's not forget our dude eventually wants to revive his wife and companions so that doesn't make sense.

Frankly, I think by the point that we can actually resurrect our wife and companions, there's no way that relationship can really continue. The kind of deity that Hunger would be at that point would make it impossible for any level of equality to exist between them in any value. He'd be more charismatic, intelligent, wise, willful, manipulative and just plain powerful across every possible spectrum.

Moreover, he'd have lived longer than her by several orders of magnitude. The time they spent together would be less than a rounding error compared to how much he's been through. She probably wouldn't even recognise him at that point. That would be a recipe for a deeply, painfully unhealthy relationship.

Better instead to love and let go. Time spent with someone is no less meaningful for being impermanent.
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Nope, King of Thieves didn't even make it to consolidation.
Because it was two arete so it couldn't fit with the 7 arete Evening sky, which was it's primary competition for a voter block.

There's a reason the moment you allowed us to split our votes two ways this time Sword, which was at 2 votes, jumped up to join the leaders.
Nope, King of Thieves didn't even make it to consolidation.
King of Thieves giving skills and not stats is what killed it for me, that and it limiting future mage options. I also didn't think Thief skills would be that important in most fights.

Though of course, now that we are in a super hard dungeon the thief skills would be ridiculously useful.
Little bit, yeah! Hunger has an actual wife. We don't know her name, or much of anything about her, but she did die to save him.

...still hoping for a Form of Rage flashback sequence, probably in vain.
Yeah, I'm hoping for more about his lost comrades and wife as well. I like Letrizia and Gisena well enough (since this one's not the team-killing nerfbomb so there's no reason not to), but I'd like to know a little bit more about the important people that aren't sitting around the campfire with him anymore.
Yeah, I'm hoping for more about his lost comrades and wife as well. I like Letrizia and Gisena well enough (since this one's not the team-killing nerfbomb so there's no reason not to), but I'd like to know a little bit more about the important people that aren't sitting around the campfire with him anymore.
To be fair to original Gisena she blew up on dying in order to save the lives of all the soldiers and citizens who otherwise would have been helpless against the giant army of orcs.
In regards to Gisena and wife...

I think it's likely that Hunger doesn't remember his wife. She was likely a very important thing to him, so his memories of her would have burned first. That's why in my omake I had him crying over her corpse but not knowing her name or why he was crying.

Also I'd imagine that an indefinite lifespan and infinite power would have a substantial impact on marriage, the neccessity of monogamy, and even what it means to be human.
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Current vote count?

Because it was two arete so it couldn't fit with the 7 arete Evening sky, which was it's primary competition for a voter block.

Nope, El Stats had plenty of 2 Arete options and was offered in the same consolidation. King of Thieves was explicitly rejected by the voters because they wanted mage options.

Frankly, I think by the point that we can actually resurrect our wife and companions, there's no way that relationship can really continue. The kind of deity that Hunger would be at that point would make it impossible for any level of equality to exist between them in any value. He'd be more charismatic, intelligent, wise, willful, manipulative and just plain powerful across every possible spectrum.

Moreover, he'd have lived longer than her by several orders of magnitude. The time they spent together would be less than a rounding error compared to how much he's been through. She probably wouldn't even recognise him at that point. That's would be a recipe for a deeply, painfully unhealthy relationship.

Better instead to love and let go. Time spent with someone is no less meaningful for being impermanent.

It depends on how powerful your magic will be on a reasonable time scale... resurrection across dimensions with these constraints is quite difficult, but certainly it wouldn't be impossible for Hunger to reach that point within this Geas task alone if he plans wisely or extends the task.
Yeah, I'm hoping for more about his lost comrades and wife as well. I like Letrizia and Gisena well enough (since this one's not the team-killing nerfbomb so there's no reason not to), but I'd like to know a little bit more about the important people that aren't sitting around the campfire with him anymore.
I actually like the idea that the hero's companions and wife are Isekai'd like he is, either from his world or all different worlds.

Makes them a bit more interesting in my mind, and I don't think there's yet to be anything that rules it out.

Though his wife being the Tyrant's daughter would also be kind of fitting.
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King
[X] Apex
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Push in Further

I'm a simple man - I see mage options, I vote mage options. Except when I see something shinier, then all bets are off.

Compounding magic systems are one of the holy grails of these quests, so it's time to start developing that capability!
Fucking All Paths.²

Still want to know what an EFB true diagram of essence built on top of an tower of ivory would be like. Probably will wonder for the rest of my life too.

On Gisena, personally, i'm quite all right with things going either way. Even if i think Hunger neesd more companions too, and more choices. SV has an tendency to monofocus towards one particular waifu.

And now for some Imperia flashbacks too!
Those are some pretty bold assertions you're making! Stranglethorn offers both defence and offence compared to the other options going all one way or the other and Apex is better off taken after Stranglethorn so we get more rank.
I don't know, when you get told that certain builds are explicitly short term power and others are greedier, those tend to be flat-out better for the riskier options, which are the combat ones. Even Sweep, though it is less risky, runs into the risk of rolling a high encounter but rolling low on the combat roll. And Stranglethorn gives nothing for social.
Also, unless you expect to be able to tank every encounter with minimal damage from the doubled con, Agi's still pretty important in combat.
Not denying that Stranglethorn isn't great potential, but for the actual next action? Every pick has a build that benefits it more.
Hunger could have ressurected his wife with just an lesser wish. I bet with Rune King and an magic system that allows ressurection, we can pull it off relatively fast.
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Frankly, I think by the point that we can actually resurrect our wife and companions, there's no way that relationship can really continue. The kind of deity that Hunger would be at that point would make it impossible for any level of equality to exist between them in any value. He'd be more charismatic, intelligent, wise, willful, manipulative and just plain powerful across every possible spectrum.

Moreover, he'd have lived longer than her by several orders of magnitude. The time they spent together would be less than a rounding error compared to how much he's been through. She probably wouldn't even recognise him at that point. That would be a recipe for a deeply, painfully unhealthy relationship.

Better instead to love and let go. Time spent with someone is no less meaningful for being impermanent.
In regards to Gisena and wife...

I'd imagine that an indefinite lifespan and infinite power would have a substantial impact on marriage, the neccessity of monogamy, and even what it means to be human.
I tend to agree; I do think that resurrecting his wife and his companions is a worthwhile thing to do for Hunger's emotional well-being, but I also think that his relationships with them can't feasibly survive the changes he'll have had to undergo to be able to achieve their revival, on top of the memory loss he will have undoubtedly experienced in regards to a significant portion of their time together originally. It would really be the best thing for all of them to be able to get some closure and then move on to live as they can.

I think that last part is really the thing that would be most important to Hunger; letting them get to live out the rest of their lives, like they should have gotten to, if the Tyrant (and the Hidden Masters pulling his strings) hadn't cut those lives short.
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I think it's likely that Hunger doesn't remember his wife. She was likely a very important thing to him, so his memories of her would have burned first. That's why in my omake I had him crying over her corpse but not knowing her name or why he was crying.
Your omakes are enjoyable and that one was no exception, but I had the opposite impression. Hunger seems to have had some amount of control over what he fed to the pyre:
All those memories he'd sacrificed in order to hold more tightly onto what truly mattered. The names and faces of those who'd fought besides him. Who'd given themselves so that he could live, shell of a man that he was. Those he'd befriended. Those he'd admired. And those he had loved.
That his memory of Earth's little more than a hazy impression, that he burned his own name rather than abandon his recollections of them? That speaks to both Hunger's nobility of spirit and the depth of their bond. Whether it can survive the eons to come and the inevitable gulf in power following any resurrection's another question, but he does remember.