[X] Fierce Vigor
[X] Spend No Arete
(top 2 picks)
[X] Decimator - Direct Mitigation: Reduces drain rate by 12.5%, now 8.75% per year.
[X] Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation: Reduces the difficulty of encounters by roughly 10%.
[X] +0.5 Arete

Either Nullity Gality will be around in 50 years, or she won't. We need to survive the ramp up before we have to deal with what's towards the tail end of this world.
My interest in Hunger was seriously linked to how he could justify Decimator, but the in narrative weaving of it in the quest as well as the ring's options for mitigation have won me back, so let's slay this beast a little bit.
Apocryphal curse's 10% reduction in difficulty basically amounts to an 11% increase in ability against the most difficult enemy you'll face regularly, which is hard to undersell.
[X] Fierce Vigor
[X] Spend 2 Arete
[X] Decimator - Direct Mitigation:
[X] Tyrant - Direct Mitigation
[X] Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation
[X] +0.5 Arete

Consistent timing of relevant enemies + Hunger Sated procs more often seems better to mitigate Decimator. Blood is less relevant when we can afford to not be healed due to surety that Apocryphal will not proc while Exhausted. Was a bit of a toss-up between Tyrant mitigation and Indenture, Tyrant mitigation is more relevant now however.
Also a toss up between basically Echo clone and (very) minor Rank increase, but in this case I think Echo, since we just took Rank. No Apocryphal proc while Exhausted due to Tribulation, but that doesn't rule out encounters.
E: well, damn, apparently Tribulation doesn't trigger right now, and is also not as consistent as expected? Hm. Echo clone more important then, no change there. Apocryphal difficulty reduction may be better than Tribulation in that case as well. And if not taking tribulation, perhaps swapping to Decimator direct would be better, since Tribulation means the foes are relevant, if spaced out, while regular apocryphals may not be as relevant.
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Hm... a tight vote so far!

That said, since it's a part of mitigation as opposed to an implicit part of the curse itself... @Rihaku, if we do eventually get to a point where we think getting 40% better conventional mitigation is more useful to us than being able to hunt things down to Sate Hunger, can Gisena undo this mitigation? And if she does, would that "reset" mitigation process on the curse by one degree, or would that stage of mitigation be lost forever with no long term benefit?

You're not certain, but Curses being what they are, it would probably be optimistic to think so.

If you don't spend the 2 Arete here, it means Gisena is still working on the un-mitigated Curses in the background, but she's not making good progress on them for one reason or another. Time taken up by greater priorities, or just finding the Curse resistant to mitigation (Tyrant, Apocryphal). If you do, it means Gisena has a flash of genius and makes good progress on mitigating all three immediately dangerous Curses.

I'm not quite clear on what the second choice does. What does "tolerate it for a time" mean? That we'll only follow it for a relatively short period? But that seems at odds with the "may not be changed once your mind is set" statement - or is that meant to imply that this mitigation only applies to one single custom, ever?

The latter, yes, but the custom can be worded in a general way, even if not overly broad. ("Showing weapons in public is offense and provocative" is fine, "you should follow the law" is absolutely not)

I thought there was a mitigation option which shortened the amount of time the Apocryphal Curse has to prep?

There is one that has a smaller minimum proc duration than 1 month, bu as to whether that's better is arguable.

I stand by my choice of Fierce Vigor for the fish power; since we have no Pressure right now, Might and Agility form the core of our fighting power. This should make us significantly stronger while Exhausted is active.

The choice of fish power is rather crucial...

Finally, since I cut Tyrant mitigation due to a more conservative Curse mitigation philosophy, I'm no longer taking an option that makes +Gisena tactically necessary. In light of that, I find Abstraction's point that it's better to get the + from choosing to interact compelling. Let's try to keep our relationships supported by on-screen scenes so our hero's sentiments and ours can grow together!

Hm... what the +Gisena bonus actually does is re-interpret the scene that happens this update to be ++Gisena instead of +Gisena. If you are interested in Gisena's character, it's a rather substantial difference.

This is a bit curious, was he just putting on a strong front when he first started using the title due to the uncertain situation which he can now relax on due to knowing them better, or has his mindset actually changed? His egalitarian values poking through once more perhaps, or just the shame of bearing such a tryhard name.

The latter.

The fact they have the same "Green-eyed" phrase but not this (Or maybe they don't and she just new it was a dig and responded appropriately?) as well as the anime thing probably isn't all that important for anything to do with Hunger, but it does sort of prick my interest about how and why the background mechanism functions.

Consider the cultural origins of each phrase and where Gisena originates from.

@Rihaku, does Vesch count as part of our company for the purposes of King's Blood? Getting its(his?) wounds healed immediately could be amazing.

No, but even if he did, he didn't eat any of the fish, and so wouldn't benefit!

My interest in Hunger was seriously linked to how he could justify Decimator, but the in narrative weaving of it in the quest as well as the ring's options for mitigation have won me back, so let's slay this beast a little bit.

The reason he took it is because the Accursed told him this one had some of the most varied Mitigation options. "So I just have to TRY HARDER? I can do that."

What a tryhard.
Hm... what the +Gisena bonus actually does is re-interpret the scene that happens this update to be ++Gisena instead of +Gisena. If you are interested in Gisena's character, it's a rather substantial difference.
Ah. Rihaku has found my weak point.
Aight, last vote change!
[X] Fierce Vigor
[X] Spend No Arete
[X] Indenture - Companion
[X] Apocryphal Curse
- Direct Mitigation
[X] Extra +Gisena

If we're going to invest time, resources, and word count into having a companion, shouldn't we have a meaningful and close relationship with them? We certainly won't get the chance to buy trust and vulnerability for half an Arete and perhaps having someone we can open up to will help us heal.
Idly he wondered if claiming the ring's title had affected his cooking in any way. On the run for years on end, he'd developed a competence at preparing his own meals, though his skills in that area paled compared to his wife's.

He stopped eating for a moment, looking into the distance. As Letrizia continued to feast, Gisena intercepted her chopsticks with her own.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to talk about it at times like this?
If we're going to invest time, resources, and word count into having a companion, shouldn't we have a meaningful and close relationship with them? We certainly won't get the chance to buy trust and vulnerability for half an Arete and perhaps having someone we can open up to will help us heal.
It's one +, we will have plenty of chances for more that are less expensive.

Also Just as a general thing but I don't think Indenture is a good pick. We've got at least 50 years here. Realistically we're going to take hundreds to thousands. Plenty of time to pick up a way to drag companions with us, if we've got a way to stop them from dying by then.

@Rihaku you missed my question: If we take both Decimator mitigations at once right now does the hunter one reduce the effect of the direct one, or does that only apply to future efforts?
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Ah. Rihaku has found my weak point.


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to talk about it at times like this?


@Rihaku you missed my question: If we take both Decimator mitigations at once right now does the hunter one reduce the effect of the direct one, or does that only apply to future efforts?

You can't, that would be 2 stages of mitigation. Gisena's not that strong. If she could Nullify the whole universe...
It's one +, we will have plenty of chances for more that are less expensive.

Also Just as a general thing but I don't think Indenture is a good pick. We've got at least 50 years here. Realistically we're going to take hundreds to thousands. Plenty of time to pick up a way to drag companions with us, if we've got a way to stop them from dying by then.
I don't know what kind of life you've lived, but personally I have not found it to be true that I can keep putting off an opportunity to do something important or get closer to someone and have it still be there years later. We've been directly told that it's a rather substantial difference and it changes how we interact and what experiences we share over the course of this adventure. Last update a + was 1 Arete by the way, so I don't know how you imagine it will be even cheaper later when we have gotten used to seeing each other a certain way.
The only mitigation that helps keep us from dying in the short term here is one I'm already taking, Direct Mitigation of the Apocryphal Curse. Anything else is at least medium term. Tyrant is inefficient to mitigate due to its difficulty and it would be premature to mitigate Affliction of the Decimator since we've been told there are myriad ways to do so and we haven't seen many of them yet.
it would be premature to mitigate Affliction of the Decimator since we've been told there are myriad ways to do so and we haven't seen many of them yet.
This is a cheap mitigation for it, we're only giving up a mitigation to tyrant or the ability to drag a companion with us when we world hop.

But the world hopping isn't for a long time.
This is a cheap mitigation for it, we're only giving up a mitigation to tyrant or the ability to drag a companion with us when we world hop.

But the world hopping isn't for a long time.
These are major mitigations; that means per curse the next one costs the energy output of a whole universe while the first can be done by a skilled archmage like Gisena. It's very important we take the right one because we won't be getting a second any time soon. We're moderately delaying our first major/permanent Decimator mitigation to explore our options, not giving up a bargain.
[X] Fierce Vigor
[X] Spend No Arete
[X] Decimator
- Huntress' Moon
[X] Apocryphal Curse
- Direct Mitigation
[X] Extra +Gisena

I like Huntress Moon, but my personal opinion on it is not yet. We've got options, we can grab it in a mitigation round or two later, for now I want Apocryphal Curse Direct Mitigation above all else. After Apocryphal Curse, I don't want to grab either Decimator mitigations as I'm not sure what else is available and may want huntress moon later, and we don't need a companion yet. As such, my second is Tyrant. Trusted Council is far above the direct mitigation(unfortunately), so I'll go for that. Extra Gisena because I liked that scene and am already saving Arete by not going for 3 mitigations.
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The reason he took it is because the Accursed told him this one had some of the most varied Mitigation options. "So I just have to TRY HARDER? I can do that."

Welp, I'm convinced to take Huntress' Moon.

[x] King's Blood
[x] Spend No Arete
(top 2 picks)
[x] Decimator - Huntress' Moon
[x] Apocryphal Curse
- Direct Mitigation: Reduces the difficulty of encounters by roughly 10%.
[x] +0.5 Arete

Expanding on my vote picks:
• King's Blood is somewhere between a 9 and 18% boost to our immediate combat power: We're at 82% Health, and could theoretically have fought at 91% capacity, but that was with the ability to use Pressure. That's almost certainly a larger immediate boost than Vigor.

• Gisena will keep plugging away at the other Curses over time. I don't see much reason to spend 2 Arete just to shift the timetable up a bit, since either way she'll almost certainly achieve Stage 1 Mitigation of each of our Curses long before she gets the universe spanning power needed for Stage 2 Mitigation.

• The situation we are in is perfect for Huntress in the short term, and in the long term hunting down a quarry once a month is a waaaaaaay more manageable Curse for a potential ruler than draining their ostensible citizens and territory into nothing.

• Direct Mitigation of the Apocryphal Curse is crazy good.

• Arete gives us power, and we need power to survive in the short term. Save up just a bit more and we can nab another 7A bonus, with the obvious accompanying spike to our ability to shape the world.
There probably won't be a major update tomorrow, so now is a good chance for you to get that compounding Arete bonus for extra discussion!

These are major mitigations; that means per curse the next one costs the energy output of a whole universe while the first can be done by a skilled archmage like Gisena. It's very important we take the right one because we won't be getting a second any time soon. We're moderately delaying our first major/permanent Decimator mitigation to explore our options, not giving up a bargain.

The Decimator's does have means of mitigation that are adjacent to the mainline mitigation, as seen with A Hunger Sated and Feast of Lives. It's "easier" to mitigate in that you can combine those with mainline mitigation to get a good result if you're willing to put in the time / effort.

[X] Fierce Vigor
[X] Spend No Arete
[X] Tyrant
- Direct Mitigation
[X] Apocryphal Curse
- Direct Mitigation
[X] Extra +Gisena

I like Huntress Moon, but my personal opinion on it is not yet. We've got options, we can grab it in a mitigation round or two later, for now I want Apocryphal Curse Direct Mitigation above all else. After Apocryphal Curse, I don't want to grab either Decimator mitigations as I'm not sure what else is available and may want huntress moon later, and we don't need a companion yet. As such, my second is Tyrant. Trusted Council is far above the direct mitigation(unfortunately), so I'll go for that. Extra Gisena because I liked that scene and am already saving Arete by not going for 3 mitigations.

You're voting for Tyrant Direct Mitigation because it's losing? To be clear, the Tyrant votes aren't added together or anything, it's just every option for itself. If two mitigations of the same curse are somehow the most popular, then the more popular one will win that contest.
Remember, we're at 91% Combat Strength and 82% Health right now. In the immediate term, restoring both of those will do much more for our current status than some +stats.
I disagree! I think the +agility to land a clean Fell-handed Stroke is irreplaceable in some encounters and suspect that +might +agility improves us enough that the new 91% is better than the old 100% when we don't have access to Pressure.

The Decimator's does have means of mitigation that are adjacent to the mainline mitigation, as seen with A Hunger Sated and Feast of Lives. It's "easier" to mitigate in that you can combine those with mainline mitigation to get a good result if you're willing to put in the time / effort.
Then I should say we should fish for mainline mitigation option that synergizes with the adjascent means we have well. Since we have leads on more adjascent means through Veschlengorge, it's of some value to delay.
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[x] King's Blood
[x] Spend No Arete (top 2 picks)
[x] Decimator - Huntress' Moon
[x] Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation: Reduces the difficulty of encounters by roughly 10%.
[x] +0.5 Arete
You're voting for Tyrant Direct Mitigation because it's losing? To be clear, the Tyrant votes aren't added together or anything, it's just every option for itself. If two mitigations of the same curse are somehow the most popular, then the more popular one will win that contest.
accidentally put the wrong one, fixed that after a minute to think, if you look again direct mitigation has been replaced.
I disagree! I think the +agility to land a clean Fell-handed Stroke is irreplaceable in some encounters and suspect that +might +agility improves us enough that the new 91% is better than the old 100% when we don't have access to Pressure.

While +Agility would help us better land the Fell-Handed Stroke, I think the improvement in agility represented by being at full strength and not anemic from bloodloss would do more for us, to say nothing of getting another fifth of our health to work with before we die, to say nothing of ensuring Gisena is also operating at 100%. While her CON will heal her, it's only been a few hours, she's still suffered significant injury that hasn't had the time or treatment necessary to recover fully.
We need a major way to mitigate Decimator's Affliction anyway if we are supposedly running territory; the same argument which can justify taking Companions now also applies to Moon. In the short term, we still have a month of travel in which we must protect Verchlengorge plus whatever Apocrypha does during that time; giving it ample opportunities for more mitigation. We have named ourselves Hunger in the exact hope that it would help us control the Decimator's Affliction, and here we are. Let's take this opportunity.

But most importantly of all.

@Orm Embar why didnt you take the option with moon in the name i thought you were better than that
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[X] King's Blood
[X] Spend 2 Arete
[X] Decimator - Direct Mitigation
[X] Tyrant - Trusted Counsel -
[X] Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation:
[X] Extra +Gisena

Very cute update! Healing is a must considering our current situation, won't deal with exhaustion, but mitigates our lack of healing.

Direct mitigation in decimation Is ultimately the best long-term, especially as we get stronger, and counsel is very useful once we reach civilization.

Direct mitigation for Aprocyphal is a must in my opinion. For all of those that want bigger challenges to grow stronger, that's a unnecessary risk. We are a progression type Curse-bearer, we don't need worthy oponnets so thrive, merely survival is enough to attain power.

And ultimately, +Gisena, because frankly, I just like her.
Now I'm leaning back toward Moon after some thought...

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Thomasfoolery on May 29, 2020 at 12:27 AM, finished with 89 posts and 28 votes.
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[X] King's Blood
[X] Spend No Arete (top 2 picks)
[X] Decimator - Direct Mitigation: Reduces drain rate by 12.5%, now 8.75% per year.
[X] Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation: Reduces the difficulty of encounters by roughly 10%.
[X] +0.5 Arete
If tribulations provide valid targets for Huntress' Moon at least half the time, and hunger is sated for a month each time (all reasonable assumptions) this combo means Hunger is half-mitigated, which is huge.
[X] Decimator - Huntress' Moon
[X] Apocryphal Curse - Tribulation
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She laid her fingers against his new cloak. Her eyes flashed, changing color, become emerald green instead of blue.

Hunger and Gisena's flirting is too powerful for me. So, Gisena turned on her Sharingan after poking the cloak, noticing its defenses. But... were they actually having the conversation about the curses when they were talking about her eyes... no, that's stupid. But why was Hunger playing so hard to get? Am I reading way too much into the banter, or not enough?

More importantly, did we not give the robot any fish? He worked hard to be that pier! Or, did he offload his Affliction on his pilot? Would explain her appetite.
Am I reading way too much into the banter, or not enough?

There's a couple levels to the banter, I think a lot of the way it goes is both of them knowing Hunger might flip the fuck out if approached the wrong way, so both have to tailor their interactions to work around that. On top of that is just their personalities shaping the ground they're forced to work with.