Yeah, Gisena needs to know in a way Letrizia quite simply doesn't. The Orcwaste makes it less of an outside context problem for her, even if the associations are unfavorable, and it's not her world we're eating (Jotarun's got that covered). Hunger can put two and two together on his own time.I think it'd be deeply unwise to reveal the Decimator's Affliction to Letrizia even by accident. It dies our life and death to her in a way that is not worth getting more knowledge about the mech.
Broad-spectrum protection and additional charisma, all under the same blanket. But can the Evening Sky compare to the Endless? The darkness behaved almost like a symbiote, abandoning the pirate in his final moments. Can't shake the feeling we killed someone with a backstory; he got a fair amount of description, we even learned his eye color, and all that was cut short by the Forebear's Blade. Not the rewards aren't impressive or we're in a position to allow narrative loose ends. The outcome isn't regrettable, there's just a sense of roads not taken.Of course, if you can take Evening Sky it's a different story!
Also, the line separators are still present, curious how many others see these. I can edit them out of story posts if you'd like.