[X] Necklace
[X] One of the forbidden gods?
-[X] Nerya Fair-hair (grants increased protection from anything which might harm you, until you come of age)
necklaces are cooler and also harder to lose or break than bracelets.
i am ashamed to have doubted my lady lissa. i believed that she was losing so i should vote for the lesser of the evils. i was wrong milord. i shall not fail yee again. MY FAITH WILL NOT WAVER!!! coughcough....uh...anymore that is.
[X] Necklace
[X] One of the less approved gods?
-[X] Lissa (grants increased protection from fatigue and illness)
How many necklaces/bracelets can we wear at a time? Like, assuming we were willing to spend the actions for it, could we get blessings from all the gods?
'Within your garden and the surrounding area, to a distance of three metres in any direction, there is no more bindweed. I thought that would be sufficient.
I do like how absurdly powerful she is, that is a good quality in a mentor whom we would like to resist the typical fantasy mentor quality of being taken out in the end of the first act by the villain to remove adult supervision and demonstrate the power and seriousness of the villain!
'Isn't Tebhol dead? I heard that he'd died when his city was razed by the Rhuzadi,' says Philander, who is sitting next to you.
'Even so, he is still able to grant his blessing to those who ask for it, which suggests that he still exists in some form. Who knows? Gods can die, 'tis true, but not in same way that mortals do. Perhaps by favouring him with your prayers, you can help him to someday rise again.'
There is silence for several moments while you and your classmates consider that ominous statement.
'Isn't that forgery?' says Myrelle Orchus of Cadre 1D, looking uneasy. 'That's illegal, isn't it?'
A broad smile spreads across the professor's face, underneath the yardbrush moustache. 'My dear girl, I'm not telling you what to do with your life, or how you should use any of the techniques I've shown you in this lesson. All I want is to open your mind to… possibilities.'
I am not regretting my choices of favorites here either. Super hoping he is not racist to Green Flame, I would be very dissappointed.
[x] Bracelet
[x] One of the forbidden gods
-[x] Achamat (grants increased protection from misfortune)
I will state my case for Achamat succinctly: we live and die by dice, so fortune is a reasonable investment. If you have incredibly high fortune, and you are a reasonably competent individual, there is little you cannot do!
How many necklaces/bracelets can we wear at a time? Like, assuming we were willing to spend the actions for it, could we get blessings from all the gods?
The Defence bonuses wouldn't stack, but other benefits might. However, you'd need to bear in mind the relationships between different gods. For example, if you tried to wear two necklaces dedicated to two gods who hate each other, they would probably withdraw their blessings entirely. In which case, you'd lose the beneficial effects of both necklaces until you re-enchanted them.
[x] Bracelet
[x] One of the forbidden gods
-[x] Achamat (grants increased protection from misfortune)
I will state my case for Achamat succinctly: we live and die by dice, so fortune is a reasonable investment. If you have incredibly high fortune, and you are a reasonably competent individual, there is little you cannot do!
Finally, you have to imbue your string of beads with an enchantment which will protect its wearer. Kunrath explains the ritual to the entire class, writing out the steps on the blackboard so that they can be easily referred to. Since it includes prayers to the god of your choosing, you suppose that this counts as alchemy, not ritual magic, though there is perhaps less difference between the two subjects than certain people would care to admit. You haven't had much difficulty with the other rituals you've had to perform in this class, so you're quite confident in your abilities. However, you have a dilemma which causes you to hesitate: which god should you invoke while performing this ritual?
You come to a decision. While you are casting the spell to enchant your necklace, you mutter a prayer to Lissa, a goddess of youth, health and new life, asking for her protection.
At first, you're not sure if the spell worked. How would you go about testing something like that, without deliberately bruising or cutting yourself? Then, almost as soon as you put the necklace on, you feel invigorated: full of energy, rested and ready for action. You're not entirely sure that it isn't just in your imagination – do you feel better because you think that you should feel better? – but, whatever the reason, you're grateful for it.
Dorian has gained a Necklace of Protection (+1 Defence; blessed by Lissa, grants the wearer +1 Durability for the purposes of resisting Fatigue and illness).
Although you are happy with your necklace – its magic seems to be working perfectly and you fondly imagine that the smooth, polished glint of its dark grey beads looks much more manly than jewellery made from prettier metals would – you are quite keen to make another one, dedicated to a different god or goddess, which would give you better protection from the hazards of laboratory work.
Venta has started again. She says that asking her goddess to bless the ugly, blobby mess she made of her first attempt would be "an insult". So, instead, she is enchanting a simple set of rounded wooden beads. You ask Professor Kunrath if you can do the same.
'By all means. That's what the beads are for,' he says. 'Keep in mind, you only have half an hour before the end of the lesson, so don't get too elaborate.'
What do you want to make? (Choose one)
[] Necklace
[] Bracelet
Which god/goddess do you want to invoke while you are enchanting it? (Choose one)
[] Achamat (grants increased protection from misfortune)
[] Nerya Fair-hair (grants increased protection from anything which might harm you, until you come of age)
[] Tebhol (grants increased protection from fire and injuries incurred while crafting)
[] Vistander (grants increased protection from criminals and lawbreakers)
[] Zora Alishanda (grants increased protection from evil dream spirits)
Instead of giving you an extra action slot this week and asking you to vote on what you want to do with it, I've decided to speed things up by allowing you to make a second necklace or bracelet in Professor Kunrath's lesson. I hope that's all right.
This time, I've limited the vote options to those gods/goddesses who received at least one vote in the previous round of voting.
EDIT: As a result of the vote below, it was decided that Dorian would make a Bracelet dedicated to Tebhol, which will give him +1 Defence against most threats, or +3 Defence against fire and/or injuries incurred while crafting.
After an indifferent meal and your usual attempts to assist Isolia with learning to read, you head outside to your garden plot. You spend some time pottering about, uprooting a few weeds and generally tidying up, but your mind is on other things. Nearly a third of your garden area is still unused, rich with possibilities but empty of any plants you might want to grow, and you're not entirely sure of how best to fill that space. You go looking for Fenella Ortens, the president of the Gardening Club, in the hope that she might be able to help you, but she isn't available. Instead, you come across Amarin dan Zahl, the perpetually scowling fourth-year pupil who helped Isolia with her garden last week.
'You want something?' he asks as you approach.
'Um… I'd like to buy some seeds. For my garden. But I'm not sure of what to buy,' you say awkwardly. 'My family isn't rich, so it would be good to make some money. At the same time… I've heard that there are some plants which are useful for spells and potions, so it would be useful to know what they are.'
'S'pose I could help you with that,' Amarin says pensively. 'This is a good time of year to start planting, gives 'em time to get their roots nice and deep before springtime, so long as you're willing to wait that long. Every year, we lose a few new members who couldn't be bothered to wait.' He sighs. 'All right, well… if you want to make some money selling pretty flowers to rich folks who want to be admired for their wealth and good taste, I'd recommend daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, marigolds… that sort of thing. Of course, roses always sell very well. Lovesick swains tend to be very silly with their money; they're usually willing to pay a steep price if it'll impress their sweethearts. I can get you a little potted shrub, no problem.'
'How much?' you ask, tentatively.
'One silver shard. Yeah, it's expensive, but it'll grow into a rosebush which will last for many years, until long after you've graduated from this school and passed it on to somebody else. And every year it'll produce beautiful flowers which you can sell for many times what you paid for it originally. So long as you look after it, that is.'
'I was thinking of filling my garden with marigolds,' you admit.
'That could work. They tend to sell fairly well. But if everyone else did that, it'd drive down the price. It's better to diversify.'
'All right, uh... what plants would you recommend I grow which would be useful for potions or rituals?'
'It really depends on what kind of potion or ritual you're trying to put together. Every plant has its uses, even if some are a bit more obscure than others. Those which are more commonly used, uh…' Amarin screws up his face with the effort of thinking hard. 'Fennel for strength and courage, yarrow for healing, violets to prevent drunkenness; anemones for luck, ivy for endurance, sage for wisdom; dandelion roots for wakefulness, poppies to promote restful sleep, angelica for inspiration…' His voice trails off. After a moment, he continues, resignedly, 'Henbane, datura, deadly nightshade and mandrake root are used in rituals because they are potent symbols of magical power. They are also extremely poisonous. We're not allowed to sell them. If you find them growing in the wild, dig them up and plant them in your own garden, that's fine, but we're not allowed to sell them.'
'Aren't goblins immune to the harmful effects of datura?' you say, remembering something you learnt when you were first introduced to the Gardening Club. 'Because it's a sacred plant which was given to them by their goddess.'
'Yes, but you're not a goblin, so what does it matter?'
'What if you added… uh, mandrake root to a potion, for example? Would that work? Make it more magically powerful, I mean?'
'I wouldn't recommend it. In order to counteract the poison, you'd need to add a bunch of other things to it, which could get complicated.'
Your mind flickers back to the mandrake plant you saw growing in Isolia's garden. Perhaps she'd be willing to let you take some of the roots from it?
'Do you have a list of prices?' you ask, changing the subject for one last time.
These are plants which are available to buy from the Gardening Club (sorted by price):
Dandelion seeds – free! Please take them!
Gillyflower seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill two spaces.
Marigold seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill two spaces.
Petunia seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill two spaces.
Poppy seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill two spaces.
Sage seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill two spaces.
Sweet William seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill two spaces.
Anemone seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill one space.
Angelica seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill one space.
Fennel seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill one space.
Ivy seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill one space.
Violet seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill one space.
Yarrow seeds – 1 copper bit for enough seeds to fill one space.
Daffodil bulbs – 3 copper bits for enough bulbs to fill one space.
Hyacinth bulbs – 3 copper bits for enough bulbs to fill one space.
Onion bulbs – 3 copper bits for enough bulbs to fill one space.
Tulip bulbs – 3 copper bits for enough bulbs to fill one space.
Rose shrub – 1 silver shard for a potted rose shrub, which will eventually grow into a bush, which may take up multiple spaces.
(To be honest, there are probably lots of other plants which you could buy from them, but these are the ones which Amarin mentioned, plus a few extras.)
I'm going to try to abstract this as much as possible. Let's say that your garden consists of a hundred squares (10x10). In this table, I will represent the plants growing in your garden as squares which have been filled:
Type of plant
Number of squares
Crab apple tree
Here's a link to a Google Docs sheet which automatically counts up the number of spaces you've filled. (So far, you've filled 67 squares in total. That means you have 33 empty squares left over.)
Also, you have 1x spare flower pots (i.e. the equivalent of one square) and 5 jars in which you are growing these cuttings: lemon thyme, peppermint, basil, catnip, sage.
What do you want to buy (if anything)?
[] Write in.
(I think most people will be too intimidated or confused by the sheer amount of choice on offer, but I know that at least a couple of people will be interested in this and will come up with a complicated plan for how Dorian should fill up the rest of his available garden space. This vote is mostly for them.)
From his Alchemy lesson in the morning, Dorian gained 1xp towards Alchemy and 1xp towards Ritual Magic.
As usual, he gained 1xp towards Literacy because during today's study period he was helping Isolia learn to read.
I rolled a Willpower check to determine whether practising Mental Defence during mealtimes would cause him to gain any xp for it. 2d6+3 = 9. Not high enough.
Also, he gained 1xp towards Durability because of his gardening work and 1xp towards Knowledge because of his informative conversation with Amarin.
[X] necklace
[X] Nerya Fair-hair (grants increased protection from anything which might harm you, until you come of age)
[X] 2 roses, 5 poppies
Nerya for big boi protection.
Roses cus they sell super well.
Poppies cus they apparently help a resful sleep. Which i imagine can be used for a super sleep potion which gets rid of our fatigue or reduces our amount of required rest slots. So we can push our selves harder with nissas blessing and bounce back faster with a poppy based potion
Hmm. I only want to take one Rose shrub, they're expensive, take up multiple squares, and most importantly given the time they take to grow I'm not sure they'll be ready by when we need next year's tuition?
Now, for alchemy ingredients we want Yarrow, for healing potions, and maybe violets might make a hangover cure which would be very valuable to certain people if we can find them.
Now the question is do we want more Marigolds? We have 5 squares of them already, and we don't want to overproduce and drive the price down. OTOH is 15 squares of Marigolds overproducing? And do we want to pick up some other types of flowers? Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils were recommended but are expensive. Petunias are really cheap... Maybe grab a few of those.
Fennel for strength and courage, yarrow for healing, violets to prevent drunkenness; anemones for luck, ivy for endurance, sage for wisdom; dandelion roots for wakefulness, poppies to promote restful sleep, angelica for inspiration
I feel like buying one each, and looking at what gets used.
But if not, two of everything having to do with stat boosts,
Rose shrub x1
Fennel x2
Yarrow x5
Anemones x2
Ivy x2
Sage x2
Angelica x2
Marigolds x(Rest)
I'd like to use most of our 38 spaces. Maybe leave a couple squares unoccupied, just in case we find something better, or for the rose bush to grow.
I think wakefulness/restful sleep aren't of much importance. i suppose we could use 1 square each, but are they worth sacrificing money?
Violets could be useful, but I am not sure we want to deal with habitual drunks.
Now the question is do we want more Marigolds? We have 5 squares of them already, and we don't want to overproduce and drive the price down. OTOH is 15 squares of Marigolds overproducing?
Teacher said they are the ones that sell well. We don't really know much about the rest.
...and at this point anything that doesn't have to do with alchemy might as well be one type of flowers so as to not complicate matters too much.
They are decorative, with pretty flowers and a pleasant scent (well, so I'm told*). The flowers are edible and contain an essential oil which is used in perfumery. If the leaves are simmered in water, the water can then be used to clean things, as if it were a soap. The entire plant is supposed to have many varied medicinal properties, but these haven't been scientifically proven. The first part of the Latin name, "Dianthus", means "flower of god", so you can be pretty sure that (in this quest, at least) it has sacred spiritual properties as well.
*I have no sense of smell.
Although, I will admit that my main reason for including it on the list was so that I could make a joke about how the original 'Sweet William' was a contemporary of Nimble Jack. I just couldn't find a good place for it.
Would it be to much to ask to know which gods would interact badly with Lissa? I'm leaning towards
[] Bracelet
[] Zora Alishanda
...but I don't want the blessings to come undone?
Also, we don't know the benefits for Achamat and Vistander...
[] Bracelet
[] Tebhol (grants increased protection from fire and injuries incurred while crafting)
A bracelet can be worn at the same time as a necklace, and protection when crafting is very valuable when we're planning on making money through alchemy.
We have 33 spaces for planting plants and 25 shards (3 bits) for money. I suggest:
3 Rose Bushes (3 silver. Assume 3 spaces taken each for 9 spaces. It's expensive but it ensures a good sources of income for every year that we're at school)
14 Squares Marigolds (7 bits. Professor Kunrath has said that he'd take them so we don't have to worry about flooding the market. Also, marigolds are the only money flower that are in the cheapest category. They also repel garden pests and some species are perennials)
4 squares Sweet William (2 bits. It's a very versatile flower, can stand in for the divine portion of Alchemy, and is cheap. They're also a perennial so we can use them year after year.)
3 squares Anemones (3 bits. Luck is something that people will pay for, and it's another perenial.)
3 squares Yarrow (3 bits. Healing is valuable and it's another perennial)
For a total of 33 squares and 4 silver (5 bits).
We have Sage already, as well as a spare pot we could put in our room so that we have wisdom potion components on hand all winter.
Instead of giving you an extra action slot this week and asking you to vote on what you want to do with it, I've decided to speed things up by allowing you to make a second necklace or bracelet in Professor Kunrath's lesson. I hope that's all right.
We require each student to pay a sum of one hundred and twenty-six silver shards per annum. A very reasonable price, I might add. Only three silvers for each week of the school year, not counting holidays.
'That's a decent idea, but you'll need to very carefully plan for the future. For example, if you want to sell winter marigolds in the spring, you'll need to plant them around about now. But, if you make an effort, it could work out very well for you. Let's imagine that by the springtime you'll have forty marigolds available to sell. You'll need to buy or borrow a little cart and some pots to put them in, which will cost you five or six shards. Let's say you manage to sell all of them, three shards each – you could probably get a better price than that if you're really charming about it, but three is about average, I reckon – then afterwards you'll have one hundred and twenty shards, minus your costs. That's a lot of money you could put towards either paying off your debt or saving for next year's school fees.'
126 shards for tuition
+ 6 shards for expenses, pots, etc
= 132 shards expenses
/ 3 shards per marigold square
= 44 marigold squares.
We're going to have other things we want to buy too. Like vials to make potions in. Sacred spring water to make potions. Stuff to make new alchemy things. Stuff we need to help the rest of our cadre. Fun. Study and practice materials. New clothes?
I think we should keep things simple. Getting to 44 squares is really hard. I think we should plan on paying, at minimum, three-quarters of our tuition with marigolds. So 33 squares. Even that feels like gambling on finding other ways to make tuition, but I think we could reasonably scrape up the difference if we're lucky. Anything less runs a very real risk of getting sidetracked and finding ourselves kicked out after a year.
We already have 5 marigold squares, so that's 28 of our 33 squares spoken for. 5 squares left.
We also have a pot and 5 things in jars, so plan to plant those and put the mint in a pot. 1 square left. Pick up a rose bush. By the time it needs extra squares, we'll have sold the marigolds (they're a spring harvest) and it can have some of their spots.
Down to 0 squares, but we still want lots of stuff on the list, so time to start removing things.
I want a ton of sage, but I'll settle for just 4 squares.
+3 sage
+2 poppies for Dangerkitty
= -5 squares
ImperatorV wants Yarrow and Violets for potentially profitable potions. Seems like a sensible experiment. Worth finding out if we can make more money than we could with marigolds at least. I'd rather sell to drunks than the kinds of violent thugs who need to keep healing or strength potions on hand for sure.
-5 squares
+2 Yarrow
+2 Violets
= -9 squares
Sweet Williams as an alternate source of sacred power than unknown expenses on spring water as a few posters asked about them.
+4 Sweet Williams
=-13 squares
We have 8 squares of nettles. That's probably more than we need. It's way more than anything except lavender gets and lavender is one of the ingredients for the only potion we actually have a recipe for right now.
Root out half of them and sell them if we can.
-4 nettles
=-9 squares
We also have 5 squares of Carrots, Radishes, and Dandelions. Dig up 3 of each set of seed that we just planted and offer them to Isolda. Throw them away otherwise.
-3 Carrots
-3 Radishes
-3 Dandelions
=0 squares
[X] Three Quarters Tuition
-[X] 28 more Marigold squares
-[X] 2 squares of poppies
-[X] 2 squares of Yarrow
-[X] 2 squares of Violets
-[X] 4 squares of Sweet Williams
-[X] 3 more squares of sage
-[X] plant lemon thyme, basil, catnip, sage.
-[X] plant peppermint in spare pot
-[X] sell/get rid of 4 squares of nettles
-[X] give to Isolda/get rid of 3 squares of carrots, radishes, and dandelions each
100 squares & 1 pot (peppermint) in use, total cost 23 copper bits
14 copper for 28 marigold squares
1 copper bit for 2 poppy squares
2 copper bits for 3 sage squares (rounded up)
2 copper bits for 2 yarrow squares
2 copper bits for 2 violet squares
2 copper bits for 4 Sweet Williams
They are decorative, with pretty flowers and a pleasant scent (well, so I'm told*). The flowers are edible and contain an essential oil which is used in perfumery. If the leaves are simmered in water, the water can then be used to clean things, as if it were a soap. The entire plant is supposed to have many varied medicinal properties, but these haven't been scientifically proven. The first part of the Latin name, "Dianthus", means "flower of god", so you can be pretty sure that (in this quest, at least) it has sacred spiritual properties as well.
*I have no sense of smell.
Although, I will admit that my main reason for including it on the list was so that I could make a joke about how the original 'Sweet William' was a contemporary of Nimble Jack. I just couldn't find a good place for it.
That sounds like a Charisma/Appearance/Charm potion:
-Sight - Visually appealing
-Taste - Edible flowers usually tend to be sweet, fragrant and a little sour
-Smell - Used in perfume
-Touch - Used in soap
Every sense it engages with offers positive feedback.
Daffodil - Spring symbolism, treats dementia, mildly poisonous(like, you'd have to eat a bushel to get more than indigestion), skin irritant, trumpet shape may be used to engage associations with amplification and sound.
Tulip - Nothing much that I could find, literally just the shape and aesthetic appeal. Doesn't even have a smell!
Hyacinth - Poisonous, irritant, Spring and rebirth associations plus some general christian virtues adapted from that.
Marigold - Flowers give definite solar aesthetics, edible, usable as dye, protective oils for skin, disinfects(and thus has a reputation as a wound healer)
Marigold sounds like a good base for a healing potion really.
[X] Bracelet
[X] Tebhol (grants increased protection from fire and injuries incurred while crafting)
[X] Three Quarters Tuition
Crafting seems to be a staple of our character so the bracelet seems m9re important then any of the other bracelets which seem more of a one of thing compared to crafting which were going to do a lot.
Would it be to much to ask to know which gods would interact badly with Lissa? I'm leaning towards
[] Bracelet
[] Zora Alishanda
...but I don't want the blessings to come undone?
On the contrary, I think that it would be too much if I expected everyone reading this quest to have read either of my finished quests and have familiarised themselves with the backstories of the various gods and goddesses who make up the setting's pantheon.
Here's a cliff notes version:
Zora Alishanda, goddess of dreams, was the wife of Telthalus, creator of humanity. After Telthalus went to war against the other Elder Gods because of their mistreatment of humans (their kidnapping human children and turning them into elves was a big part of it), Zora Alishanda was captured and imprisoned on the moon, where she has been chained ever since. In dreams, she created goblins as a tribute to her husband.
Telthalus and Zora Alishanda had four children together. They are the Four Seasons: Strashan (winter), Lissa (spring), Astran (summer) and Nyssa (autumn). With the exception of Astran, they are a loving family and you would have no problem combining artefacts dedicated to any two of them. However, a traumatic event in Astran's past turned him into a bitter, paranoid, power-hungry asshole and he doesn't get on well with any of the other gods, not even his close family, although he is willing to tolerate minor gods (such as Tebhol) who acknowledge him as their superior.
Nerya Fair-hair is Lissa's friend and favoured lieutenant. She was once a mortal sorceress whose children were murdered by demons. She joined a band of adventurers who were instrumental in stopping demonic incursions at the end of the Second Age, defeating Kolhinon the demon lord of assassins and imprisoning Daevos the demon lord of portals, thereby messing up the demon army's logistics beyond repair. As a reward, Lissa raised Nerya Fair-hair to godhood. Nerya has dedicated her immortal afterlife to protecting children everywhere. She is on good terms with Strashan, Nyssa, Zora Alishanda, and most of the other gods who aren't complete assholes.
The Forgotten God is the god of death and reincarnation, an essential part of how Creation continues to function, and a surprisingly decent guy. Most of the other gods respect him even if they don't particularly like him. Teryn the Ghostlord, god of necromancy and king of the gods of the western continent, is his most powerful servant, the instrument of his will. Teryn is on good terms with the other gods who are basically nice people. He is on very bad terms with Zanaster (who is a slaving, soul-mutilating asshole) and the demon lords (because he has continually thwarted their plans).
Vistander and Zanaster are brothers. They get on decently well. However, despite being the god of justice, Vistander is a ruthless, tyrannical figure who has systematically wiped out any other gods who might challenge him for his position. Also, some of his rulings have been highly suspect (for example, he put a curse on some evil people in Nehweyr, which made them suffer in terrible agony until they worked out how to subvert it, turning themselves into immortal flesh-eating vampires). Most of the other gods are on neutral or polite terms with Vistander because they'd rather have him on their side than against.
On the other hand, Zanaster is a god of trade, commerce, wealth, and exploration, and he is a corrupt asshole who encourages conquest, slavery, and piracy. He is on bad terms with most of the other gods who are appalled by his actions; in particular, he has made an implacable enemy of Teryn by cheering on the massacre of some of Teryn's worshippers.
Tebhol is a relatively minor god of fire, metalwork, and craftmanship. None of the major gods have any real problem with him. However, the Rhuzadi who destroyed the city of Tebhollion are fanatical worshippers of Astran. Which means that even though Astran might not care about such a minor god, Tebhol might have a grudge against him.
Nimble Jack is a minor god of thieves, gamblers, trickery, and betrayals. He was once a mortal human, a wandering rogue who made a lot of enemies during his lifetime. When he was on the verge of death, he feared that his enemies would hunt him down even into his next life, trap his soul and punish him for all eternity. Because he was afraid to pass on, he became a ghost. When Teryn the Ghostlord came to collect his soul and return it to the Wheel, he begged him for an alternative. Some of the enemies Jack had made were demon lords and other evil beings, so Teryn figured it would be useful to keep him around as a distraction. He raised Nimble Jack to lesser godhood. Nimble Jack immediately showed his gratitude by stealing Teryn's horse. So yeah, none of the other gods are on particularly good terms with Nimble Jack, even if they tolerate him as an enemy of the demon lords.
Achamat is a wannabe demon lord. The other gods are ideologically opposed to the demon lords. Not even the gods who are complete assholes are willing to tolerate any of the demon lords. Therefore, you couldn't combine a bracelet or necklace dedicated to Achamat with one dedicated to any of the other gods on this list. (However, Achamat isn't one of the nine demon lords who sought to destroy all of Creation. He'd much rather rule the world in its depravity and decay than destroy it.)
A bracelet or necklace with a protective enchantment blessed by Achamat will give you +1Defence and enable you to reroll a skill or ability check once per week. However, you must accept the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
A bracelet or necklace with a protective enchantment blessed by Vistander will give you +1 Defence against most threats, but it will give you +3 Defence when you are a victim of injustice or being attacked by criminals.
Here's the full list of benefits provided by other gods which people have voted for, so that you can compare them:
I'm going to explain the benefits conferred by each god/goddess so that you can make an informed choice.
A bracelet or necklace with a protective enchantment blessed by Lissa will give you +1Defence and while you are wearing it you will be treated as if your Durability was 1 level higher for the purposes of resisting Fatigue and illness. (So, you would get an extra action slot each week.)
A bracelet or necklace with a protective enchantment blessed by Nerya Fair-hair will give a solid +2 Defence against anything which might otherwise harm you. Until you come of age, when the bonus will be lowered to +1 Defence instead.
A bracelet or necklace with a protective enchantment blessed by Tebhol will give you +1 Defence against most threats, but it will give you +3 Defence against fire and/or injuries incurred while crafting.
A bracelet or necklace with a protective enchantment blessed by Zora Alishanda will give you +1 Defence against most threats, but it will give you +3 Defence against anything seeking to harm you in your dreams or while you're asleep.
Anyway... I'm enjoying the discussion so far. It seems like your plans are coming together. I'm going to leave the vote open for now. Hopefully, by the time I come back, you'll have reached some kind of consensus.
EDIT: Here's the vote tally so far. It looks like 'Bracelet' and 'Three Quarters Tuition' are in the lead.
Adhoc vote count started by Chandagnac on May 17, 2020 at 1:49 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.