Should i create new mutant creatures to go along with the traditional fallout stuff?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Author's note: We're back! So normally i would have had a little bit of story up in the front of this... but i couldn't think of anything and this had been waiting long enough.
It has been some time and the biggest action last turn was the talk with Bill. That's not really something that lends itself to intros...

Anyway, is there suppost to be a X?
[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)

So, I think I'm going to make my own plan.

[]PLAN Preperations
-[] DIY Looting Part 3: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to put the supplies on in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.) (LOCKED 3 more days)
-[] I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)
-[] TIMBER!: You've got tools to cut them down, maybe clear some more space, and get some more wood out of all these trees. Worth a shot. (Reward: Wood cleared and turned into lumber, Space to expand.)
-[] Carchitecture!: You have a feeling good quality wood is gonna be a rare material in the coming days… you know what won't be rare? Especially here in detroit? The burnt out wrecks of cars and other motor vehicles, you could probably use these in construction… somehow (Reward: Use for the burnt out wrecks littering the roads/??? Time taken: ???)
-[] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)
-[] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)

This is mainly focused on clearing space and getting materials so we can start forting up next turn.

Looting, timber, and Carchitecture get us more tools, space, and material to build up defenses next turn. I Can't Hear You to continue training people so that if we go after Charlie we can leave some guards behind and still have enough people with us to take on a horde of ghouls. I would also prefer it if we finished repairing the securitron before we go after Charlie.

If it looks like a race between Plan Doing work and Plan Ready for any Charlie-Foxtrot, I'm going to switch to Plan Ready for any Charlie-Foxtrot.

Edit: Well, no new votes so, switching.
[X]PLAN Ready for any Charlie-Foxtrot
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Alright then, Plan Doing Work Wins.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ninjafish on May 13, 2020 at 2:04 PM, finished with 16 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X]PLAN Doing work.
    [X]PLAN Ready for any Charlie-Foxtrot
    --[X] TIMBER!: You've got tools to cut them down, maybe clear some more space, and get some more wood out of all these trees. Worth a shot. (Reward: Wood cleared and turned into lumber, Space to expand.)
    --[X] Carchitecture!: You have a feeling good quality wood is gonna be a rare material in the coming days… you know what won't be rare? Especially here in detroit? The burnt out wrecks of cars and other motor vehicles, you could probably use these in construction… somehow (Reward: Use for the burnt out wrecks littering the roads/??? Time taken: ???)
    --[X] I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)
    --[X] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)
    --[X] Forting up: Your current defenses are… bad, you've basically just put a bunch of heavy things behind the windows to keep them from breaking. But you've got at least one thing gunning for you out there… maybe you should use some of those supplies from the hardware store to properly board up the windows. Build some real guard posts. Maybe a fence of some kind? (Reward: Start working on proper defenses, Time: 3/6/9 days the longer you go, the better off you are, this project eats resources.)
    --[X] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)
    --[X] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)
    [X] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)
    [X] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)
    [X] Scavenging for Salvation: There is a lot of rubble lying around out here, a lot of stuff has undoubtedly been destroyed, but there might still be some useful stuff, buried in the dust. (Success Chance ???, Reward: Random objects of varying use and value. Repeatable)
    [X] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)
    [X] TIMBER!: You've got tools to cut them down, maybe clear some more space, and get some more wood out of all these trees. Worth a shot. (Reward: Wood cleared and turned into lumber, Space to expand.)
    [X] Forting up: Your current defenses are… bad, you've basically just put a bunch of heavy things behind the windows to keep them from breaking. But you've got at least one thing gunning for you out there… maybe you should use some of those supplies from the hardware store to properly board up the windows. Build some real guard posts. Maybe a fence of some kind? (Reward: Start working on proper defenses, Time: 3/6/9 days the longer you go, the better off you are, this project eats resources.)
    [X] Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta a be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another working car, maybe multiple cars.)
    [X] I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)
    [X] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down and put it out of its misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
So writing is going well. Hoping to try and get this one out within the next week or so.

As always no promises, but I'm trying and stuff has been written.
Alright my dudes, quick question.

The bulk of the main update (The Results of your choices) is done, a few little tweaks here and there and i could probably post it today.

But, certain choices of yours have started a chain of event's.

That means its time for Adventure turns!

As you might remember from the trip into detroit these work a little differently, and tend to have some bulk to em.

So you have choice.

Do you guys want me to post the results today and just post the adventure turn whenever i get it written?

Or do you want to wait for them both to be done?

Because that will delay the update for atleast a couple more days.

So just post about which one you want below.
As you might remember from the trip into detroit these work a little differently, and tend to have some bulk to em.
It's the Charlie thing, isn't it? Well, during the last Adventure turns we died nearly two... no there was that bear, three times. Let's hope things go better this time.

Anyway, the Adventure turns being separate is fine.
Day 12 Results
Author's Note: EYYYYYYYY.

Its update time Amigo's!

So pretty typical result's, all things considered you rolled... really good.

Surprisingly good actually.

But I digress. Anyways, The first adventure update will be posted... when it's posted (hopefully within a week or two.), so keep an eye out for that.

And remember to read, discuss, all that stuff.

I hope you like it!



DIY Looting Part 3: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to load the supplies in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.) (LOCKED 3 more days)

Roll Results: 86, 1, 98.

Tools: 86,

Resources: 1, Nothing

Special: 100,

The looting continues! By now, you're feeling pretty confident in leaving a few people to manage it while you went off and did other things.

The Old Hardware Store continues to be an excellent find, Among the various goodies brought back this time, there was a belt sander, Several power drills, and A fully functioning Metal Lathe of all things… that one was likely to get a lot of use in the coming days.

While tools had been abundant, no one had found any more useful raw materials on this run, maybe they were just looking in the wrong place? Maybe there weren't anymore to be had, You'd probably find out tomorrow.

But despite the lack of raw materials, there was one more interesting find. A Full Scale Industrial Grade Arc Welder complete with multiple Electron Charge Packs. While it's purpose was welding jobs… a commonly known fact about these things among… certain circles, was that it could be used as a short range directed energy weapon… More specifically as a lightning gun!

You don't really know what to use such a thing for… But you can imagine that the world might give you a reason soon enough. (Obtained everything listed, and then some)

Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another working car, maybe multiple cars.)

Roll Result: 96, 3 working cars.

Today has been a good day for scavenging! Three new cars have been found, and now add to your ability to transport people quickly.

The Crown Jewel amongst the finds was of course the fully analogue Corvega Coupe, with an 800 horsepower fusion power plant, This beauty could go from zero to sixty in zero point five seconds! It was even in good condition considering it had been through an apocalypse and all.

But that wasn't the end of the haul, your people also found two Corvega Atomic V-8's which made sense, they were rugged, dependable and incredibly popular. In this case you've only gotten the four door flat top variant, but that suited you just fine!

I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as shit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)

Roll Result: 90.

The ten men and women you've been putting through a crash course in combat are almost ready… for the basic stuff. They can hit a target reliably at least.

To be honest they're doing pretty well, provided you keep the training up after the crash course, you'll eventually have some fine soldiers to protect the little group you all have built.

In a couple of months…

(1 more day until training completes…???)

Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down and put it out of its misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)

Roll result: 70

Oh you found him alright… . (See Interlude.)

The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, The most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)

Roll Result: 92,

It took some time but the men and women of your little camp (It really needs a name) have finally turned up some actual medical tools! I mean you suspect a lot of them may have come from a chem lab. But needs must, Syringes, Stethoscopes, Bandages, those things doctors use to measure blood pressure, a bunch of IV bags and associated tubing, hell they even managed to dig up what looked to be some basic surgical tools.

It's basic stuff, but it still might save lives. Also, quite frankly if you want anything more advanced you're either gonna have to go loot a proper hospital with the correct equipment, or build it yourself. While the idea of creating a homemade X-ray machine does sound like a fun project… You kind of have more immediate problems.

(Basic medical tools found, for the purposes of diagnosis and simple surgeries)

Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tools lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)

Roll Result: 73

You take some time to yourself to just tinker away at things. You end up scavenging a few thoroughly disconnected bits and bobs from the robot pile, an old broken civilian grade laser pistol you had lying around, and a spare terminal you had found lying around the super duper mart.

The end result is a sort of miniature LIDAR mapping module, you could mount this on a robot, and send into an area you don't want go into blind, and you would be able to get a map of the whole thing! Local Terrain, Elevation levels, even a vague idea of material compositions! Considering the… altered terrain of Detroit, this could be important later.

And it's all thanks to the powers of lasers!

(Miniature advanced LIDAR Mapping Module, can be mounted on a robot or car to map out areas in advanced (Mapping an area gives all future scavenging attempts in that area a bonus.)

Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: You're going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)

Roll Result: 94 Servo's Fixed Entirely, programming Begins.

You don't know what got into you, but you are on a roll when it comes to tech today! With only a few hours to go before you leave to go hunt down Charlie, you've managed to complete the repairs to the robot's Servo's.

All that's left is fixing up the programming, and you should have yourself a nice little guard for the people here!


AN: I'm still kind of getting back into the groove for writing for this quest. The adventure turns should help with that.

Anyways, i hope you liked it, even if im a bit off my game.

C'ya next time!!

If you have questions or speculation don't be afraid to speak up!
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So pretty typical result's, all things considered you rolled... really good.
If it was a typical dice spread then we succeed mostly but had some terrible background rolls that cause long-term problems, like with Charlie or the Samaritan raider gang that got liquified.

DIY Looting Part 3: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to load the supplies in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.) (LOCKED 3 more days)
That went great. Many more tools and we get a great weapon. The Arc Welder is going to be useful once we start looting places with security robots and it could be useful against Charlie because of the close-range firepower. The fact that we can recycle its ammunition, electron charge packs, is great too.
It will probably take one action to figure out how to re-load those without losing packs regularly. Maybe we can use the fusion core or our Mr. handy's?

I'm also curious if we can mode the Arc Welder with some tech and if the Laser Light Show trait applies to it. For it to be able to aim the lighting anywhere it has to use some kind of laser.

Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another working car, maybe multiple cars.)
Three new cars, that should be enough to allow us to loot the Zoo and get that water purifier. Although, we will have to spend some time upgrading them, with how they lack any form of electronics. If we can find something like the grav-plates...

I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as shit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)
They should be ready by the time we loot the Zoo next month. If they all survive the Adventure turns.

Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down and put it out of its misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
How ominous.:confused:

The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, The most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)
So we get the basics of medical treatment. That's going to be useful, given how ominous the Charlie action is.
Anyway, we could reach a tier of medical treatment that is better than what we have now without looting a hospital, it wouldn't be as good as with the hospital equipment buuut...
Well, we could look into army bases or RobCo/General Atomics International factories. With both, we have a chance to find some medical Eyebots or a doctor version of Mr. Handy/Mr. Gutsy.

Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tools lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)
Useful. Sounds like something we want to put on another Eyebot and let it scout everything around us.

Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: You're going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)
Maybe one or two actions more to get that thing fully functional again. Maybe we could have it already follow us around? It could work as a useful distraction and it is way better armored than anyone else.

If you have questions or speculation don't be afraid to speak up!
Yeah, after some wiki walking there is one question. Does our Securitron have an in-built printer?
If it was a typical dice spread then we succeed mostly but had some terrible background rolls that cause long-term problems, like with Charlie or the Samaritan raider gang that got liquified.

That went great. Many more tools and we get a great weapon. The Arc Welder is going to be useful once we start looting places with security robots and it could be useful against Charlie because of the close-range firepower. The fact that we can recycle its ammunition, electron charge packs, is great too.
It will probably take one action to figure out how to re-load those without losing packs regularly. Maybe we can use the fusion core or our Mr. handy's?

I'm also curious if we can mode the Arc Welder with some tech and if the Laser Light Show trait applies to it. For it to be able to aim the lighting anywhere it has to use some kind of laser.

Three new cars, that should be enough to allow us to loot the Zoo and get that water purifier. Although, we will have to spend some time upgrading them, with how they lack any form of electronics. If we can find something like the grav-plates...

They should be ready by the time we loot the Zoo next month. If they all survive the Adventure turns.

How ominous.:confused:

So we get the basics of medical treatment. That's going to be useful, given how ominous the Charlie action is.
Anyway, we could reach a tier of medical treatment that is better than what we have now without looting a hospital, it wouldn't be as good as with the hospital equipment buuut...
Well, we could look into army bases or RobCo/General Atomics International factories. With both, we have a chance to find some medical Eyebots or a doctor version of Mr. Handy/Mr. Gutsy.

Useful. Sounds like something we want to put on another Eyebot and let it scout everything around us.

Maybe one or two actions more to get that thing fully functional again. Maybe we could have it already follow us around? It could work as a useful distraction and it is way better armored than anyone else.

Yeah, after some wiki walking there is one question. Does our Securitron have an in-built printer?

It is a fully functional Securitron, in terms of equipment anyway. It's programming is pretty badly bungled tho.

How it got out here?

Who knows? (I do)
Due to unforeseen complications in my personal life, there will be delay's, i may not post the update this week like i promised, sorry guys.
Alright that kerfuffle with the suspension delayed things pretty badly, but Barring someone dying or me straight up losing the ability to type, I am getting the update out next week.
The Hunt For Charilie Part 1 (Day 13)
Author's Note: Update Time!

Now i know what your thinking. "Ninjafish, we've been waiting for weeks, how is this so short?"

And I'll answer!

I got most of this post written two weeks ago at the beginning of june, then right where the cutoff to the vote starts i tried to keep going... and i couldn't really figure out where to go from there, then i had some personal issues, and the kerfuffle with the suspension and i just didn't have much time or willingness to write... but i started looking at it again over the past few days, and i realized i was already at a pretty good stopping point. So instead i just did some necessary rolls (Teams comp and directions, along with some of the things the teams may find) and then set this up.

So yeah, that's why it's so short.

Make no mistake, this update is kinda important, and I need to you to vote.

So yeah.

Anyways, sorry for the time it took!

Please Enjoy the Fruits of my labor, meager as they may be, and remember to vote and discuss!

Alright lets go!


Welp, There really wasn't much more point in delaying it.

It had attacked all of you, it had killed one of you.

The Thing that used to be Charlie had to be put down. Before it hurt anyone else.

You had shared the plan with Alessandra, with Bill, and with the rest of the little ragtag militia you had been training… although you struggled to call them actual soldiers.

So here it was, all 12 of you, gathered up early in the morning, decked out in whatever sort of protection you could find, and packing whatever weapons your group had managed to scavenge. All of you gathered together in front of the rag tag group of vehicles that had been pulled from the ashes of the old world.

You stood at the front, Alessandra by your side, Bill off somewhere behind you. You had gotten stuck doing the speaking, because for all your issues with people… Bill was worse, and Alessandra had little experience with things like this.

In your hand you clutched twelve little wooden sticks, presumably once meant for arts and crafts… now they served a different purpose.

"Alright everyone, listen up!"

You do your damnedest to imitate your old drill instructor, you don't know if you succeeded that well, but it gets the rookies attention at least.

"You all already know what we're here for…"

"To kill that son'uva a bitch who took Davis!" A young man shouts from the back of the small crowd in front of you.

"Don't you interrupt me!" You snarl out and the boy looks towards the ground, sheepish.

"But your right, We're here to track down the glowing bastard and put him out of his, and our, misery. Here's how we're going to do that."

You stare out at the crowd of trainee's, trying to project the importance of your next words through your eyeballs.

"Here in my hand" You hold up your fist full of sticks and shake it a bit. "Are twelve sticks, you can't see it butt these sticks have a band of color painted on em, 4 colors, 3 sticks for each color, We are one at a time going to draw these, upon doing that, your gonna look at what color you got, and group up with the people who have the same. These people are gonna be your best fucking friends for the duration of this operation! Now it doesn't end there!, I got lots to draw for the direction the teams are headed in as well, four lots, four cardinal directions! Once you have your teams, and your direction to search, your team will be given a car, and you will use that to search every street, every alley, every building top to bottom, for the location of our target! Am I Clear!"

You shout the last three words just a little bit louder, and watch your rookies reactions.

No one seems to be startled by your little test at the end, hopefully that means everyone was paying attention instead of dozing off.

"Now we need to cover the rules of engagement… Do not! This thing is fast, this thing is strong, this thing can take a shotgun blast to the face and shrug it off. If you think you have found our target do not attempt to engage, do not fire your weapon unless you are attacked. If you find our target you are to leave with all due haste, get back in your car make sure the rest of your team is accounted for, and you are to report back here ASAP and wait for the rest of us to return! Then we'll gang up on the sonuvabitch together! Do you all hear me?"

"Yes sir."

"I can't hear you!"

"YES SIR!!!"

"Good! Now line on up and find yourself some friends, you're gonna need'em!"


Four teams, Four directions to search.

Four different outcomes?

Which one do you want to follow first?

[] Team 1: Alexander Tesla, Plinio Banks, Dale Sherburn (Heading South, Towards Detroit proper)

[] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North, Towards Alex's old home)

[] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)

[] Team 4: Bill, Sibylla Frost, Mason Arthurson. (Heading West, Towards Southfield.)


AN: And that's a wrap for this one!

Hope you enjoyed! Remember to vote and DISCUSS!

Insufficient discussion makes me sad.
[X] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)

I guess this one since it seems the least plot armor protected :p
[X] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)
Ugh, we need to get something like a radio, so we can call people instead of needing to wait and hope they didn't get eaten.
We don't really have much information about the different areas. If one of them had a nuclear reactor or one area had a bomb dropped on it, I think Charlie would go there because of the radiation.

I'm currently torn between going South (because Charlie could be attracted by other Ghouls coming from Detroit) or East (because with the radioactive rain the lake should practically glow).

[X] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)

Screw it, they don't have a named character.