Should i create new mutant creatures to go along with the traditional fallout stuff?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Plan: Focus on the People

And vote change. Talking with Bill should be less risky than trying to hunt a Glowing One, that might or might not have a pack of ghouls with him, with three trained people.
Alright vote called.

Focus on The People wins.

Anyways just FYI, I'm gonna take the next few days off of writing actively.

I'll start up an update for one of my quest's on monday.

My muse is still running hot on the Warhammer quest, and i think my interest has started to swing back towards the RE quest as well, so I'll probably give you guys the results for this turn, then go and focus on those two for a bit.

Anyways hopefully something for you all sometime next week.

Feel free to ask questions or discuss and the like.
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Alright work started yesterday, but I'm feeling a bit sick lately, some sort of stomach bug or something, so Progress will be a bit slower than normal for a day or two.

Still working at it though! Just a bit less than I normally would.
Day 11 Results.
Author's Note: Alright, here we go, It a was a bit of struggle just to get my mind to cooperate with writing this and i've been a bit sick too, so forgive me if its shorter than you'd like.

I'll get all the informational stuff up on the front page eventually, don't worry i've got it all written down.


Hope you like it!


DIY Looting Part 2: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to put the supplies on in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.) (LOCKED 4 more days)

Tool's Rolls: 48, 43,78. 5 hammer's. 1 wood lathe. 2 Rivet Guns with assorted rivets.

Resource Rolls: only one worth a reward is a 93. 1000 units of Concrete, 100 cinderblocks, 1 cement mixer

Miscellaneous: .44 Revolver, (24 Bullet's.) Key's to the managers car, and the manager's car.

With the hardware store confirmed free of gribblies, and the general routine established, you feel okay leaving a team to work at it while you handle other things.

Thankfully your trust wasn't misplaced, The Scav team brings back another couple of dozen bags of cement, a bunch of cinder blocks, they even found a cement mixer, which means all this cement is gonna be a lot easier to put to use! In addition they found a few tools, the most noticeable of which being the wood lathe they hauled back in a truck.

Finally, they apparently found a pair of key's next to… the corpse of the hardware stores janitor, and with those they were able to open up a car that had been in the parking lot and somehow miraculously still working.

I Can't Hear You 3!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, ??? days of successful training required to finish.)

(Roll: 66).

Slow and steady wins the race, as they always say. Well it was working atleast, the recruits for your little defense force were getting a bit closer to the center of the target, physical exercise was going well. You give them two more days to get there shit together on the aiming front, then it would have to be good enough.

The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.) (Locked until it works.)

(Roll: 47.)

The Scavenging trips for William's Medical tools still turn up nothing much, Medical Equipment is hard to find… who would've known? Your just gonna have to keep trying though, there is going to be a time where you need a properly equipped medic around. So if no where in the general area is turning up anything useful, you might have to start sending Scav teams even further afield.

Hopefully your luck gets better soon, you have a feeling your gonna need a doctor sooner rather than later.

Settling In: You've just taken in a bunch of refugees'; you should probably start integrating them into your little group. Get them mingling, see if any of them wanna take up arms to help guard the mart, learn their skills, paint their faces, the usual. (Chance of success: 50%. Reward: Refugees start integrating.)

(Roll: 71.)

Honestly, you were expecting something to go wrong with all these new people coming in to the camp… But it turned out pretty well, most of the younger ones even took to the face painting! Guess the "Keep a festive atmosphere up" thing works!

You are gonna have to figure what skills the newcomers possess though, so you asked them to write down what they were good at that could be useful for the little community you have growing out here, and hand it to you, or Alessandra.

Hopefully you'll get some response soon.

Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services: Take a look into this things insides see if you can't figure out why it was trashed to begin with. (Reward: start work on the Securitron.)

(Rolls: 26, 61)

Man this bot was broken to shit… No wonder it was in the junk pile! Most of the arm servo's are FUBAR, and the circuitry is… can the tangled mess of wires, vacuum tubes, and transistors that are currently gumming up the robots insides, even be called circuitry anymore?

What the hell happened to this thing?

All the same though, you've handled worse, this may take a while, but you'll be able to get this thing up and running eventually…. Gonna need to break out the good tools though…

First order of business is to get those Servo's working properly, gonna need some moving parts functioning when you get down to putting its programming back together, afterall.

Finding Tranquility: Bill's got some prior military experience, but you've never even heard of "Operation: Tranquility" before, and if his eyes are anything to go by, the man has seen some shit, More than you even. Trying to pry directly into that sort of thing Is a bad idea, but maybe you can work towards it, share a few war stories, have a couple of beers, that sort of thing? (Success Chance 20%, Reward: Bill Trusts you a little more, ????.)

Of all the people who have become part of your little group, Bill is one of those who have been here since the beginning. Yet you really don't know anything about him, other than him having prior military experience, in something called Operation: Tranquility, as the SSI patch he wears displays.

Whatever his past military experience was… it left one hell of a mark; the guys got a stare that goes way past a measly thousand yards.

Combined with his episodes of paranoia and self-seclusion, and your kinda worried he may snap at any moment.

So, as the only person in camp that might have even have a shot of understanding a fraction of whats going on in his brain case, you figure its about time you try and pry the man's shell open.

Hopefully you won't trigger a flashback and have him break down… or worse go nuts, in the middle of the camp.

You find Bill up on the roof the Mart, he had taken it for himself pretty early on after moving here. You think he liked the isolation, the distance it gave him.

Well he isn't gonna be getting any of that today, no sirree. Confidently as you can manage you walk up beside the older man, still just gazing out at the setting sun, and sit down beside him.

He doesn't react.

You wait for a time, for him to take notice of you, to do something about it.
He doesn't.

His eyes are still unnervingly empty as they reflect the setting sun, dead to the world.

This isn't working, your gonna have to break the ice yourself…

Luckily you came prepared for this, you crack open a bottle of beer you had taken from the mart and offer it him.

"Long day?" you ask him as you hold out the can.

His head whirls around to look at you, the greying beard on his face whipping about frantically, his eyes full of something primal and wild.

But it all vanished when he register's who's next to him, or maybe it would be more accurate to say when he register's where he is.

His eyes become that unnerving blank slate again, his face goes stony and hard… but he answer's.

"Ain't Evry day long now'adays?" He says, you can't quite place his accent, barring that its southern.

Well he has a point…

You crack open another bottle of beer for yourself.

"You aren't wrong, I suppose… But we just gotta make do with it, it the way the cards have been dealt." You follow up your words with a swig from the bottle, you don't drink often, you were smart enough to see where it would have taken you, the way you had been. But you didn't mind a few bottles every once in a while…

"Maybe sonny… maybe…" His words fade out, His eyes blankly staring out into the darkening horizon once again.

You sit there on the roof of an abandoned super duper mart, for… Hell you don't even know long, two bottles becomes four, becomes six, becomes eight…

Neither you nor Bill are men of many words it appears, it's made even worse by how difficult it is for you to broach the topic you came here to discuss.

Cracking open your fifth bottle, the 9th​ bottle between the two of you, you bring it your lips and chug it down.

Fuck it, you were just gonna have to man up and do it.

"What happened to you Bill?" You say, alchohol fueling your courage.

"Huh" the old man grunts out, apparently you took him by surprise.

"What. Happened. To. You. What made your eyes stare out so far, why are you the way that you are now!" You force yourself to speak, to make it clear what you want… it's harder than you fought.

Bill turns to stare at you, his eyes no longer empty… but frighteningly cold.

"You wouldn't understand son… not one bit. You wouldn't want to either." He says, his voice unusually clear, his words like a blizzard.

But you aren't done, you aren't content to let it go.

"Come on Old man! I know whats it like, I've seen some shit myself! What Happened to you!"
Your words are cut off by A fist being planted in your face.

Bill is standing up now, his eyes, wild, his teeth bared, like a cornered animal.

Bill rant's his anger wild and uncontrolled. The darkening sky seeming to only exacerbate his problems.

"YOU WEREN'T THERE, YOU DON'T KNOW, NO ONE SHOULD KNOW! I WISH I DIDN'T KNOW! I wish I didn't know… I just wanna forget… why… why… why can' I ferget…"

But for all his anger, it burns out quick, the weariness of a long days work, and the alchohol in his system defusing it, his enraged rant turns into disjointed mumbles, then into sob's before he passes out, right there on the roof…

You don't know what to do, yeah… you learned something… but not as much as you hoped.

It takes you a moment, to get yourself together after that, but eventually you pull yourself up off the ground, wipe off the dust, and start dragging Bill's passed out body back down into the mart.

You weren't gonna give up on this… but you think you needed to let this one lie for a little while.

After you manage to haul bill back into the mart,, and onto one of the mattresses, you go back to you and Alessandra's bed. She's already asleep, Makes sense, she'd been running herself ragged with all the newcomers today…

You want to talk to her… but you also don't wanna wake her up.

In the end, you decide to let her sleep and you lie in bed for another hour, and when you do finally drift off, your dreams are troubled, with the smell of burning flesh in the snow, and deep dark places with unseen figures lurking just out of sight.


AN: Believe it or not, you actually succeeded with Bill. It's just a real tough nut to crack.

Anyways, hope you have fun. Discussion is my life blood!

I'll see you all in my other quest's probably sometime next week.

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I'm glad everything seemed to go well, and that extra car was a great find too, hopefully we get some more experienced people with the new survivors.
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Author's Note: Alright, here we go, It a was a bit of struggle just to get my mind to cooperate with writing this and i've been a bit sick too, so forgive me if its shorter than you'd like.
Meh, can't do anything about RL trouble. Get well.

That should be more than enough to fortify our base. The wood lathe is a great find, either to make stuff or as a base to copy if we need to build more of them.
The hammers will be useful, the rivet guns... Well, we probably will tinker with them after we run out of rivets.

And then there is the car. So we have two cars and the bus we got from the refugees.

I Can't Hear You 3!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, ??? days of successful training required to finish.)
Not a bad roll. Now we have an idea of how long it will take to finish this quest chain. Two days, well let's hope we get the Securitron going by then. Or at least find some medical supplies.

The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.) (Locked until it works.)
Welp, let's hope we have more luck next time. Maybe we can get a bonus on this action if we scout a place that should have some supplies or tools?

Settling In: You've just taken in a bunch of refugees'; you should probably start integrating them into your little group. Get them mingling, see if any of them wanna take up arms to help guard the mart, learn their skills, paint their faces, the usual. (Chance of success: 50%. Reward: Refugees start integrating.)
No trouble. But I'm curious how they will affect our options for the next turn. If there are a few trained fighters in there...

Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services: Take a look into this things insides see if you can't figure out why it was trashed to begin with. (Reward: start work on the Securitron.)
That could have gone better. Sadly, no clues on how the Securitron ended up in that scrap pile.

Finding Tranquility: Bill's got some prior military experience, but you've never even heard of "Operation: Tranquility" before, and if his eyes are anything to go by, the man has seen some shit, More than you even. Trying to pry directly into that sort of thing Is a bad idea, but maybe you can work towards it, share a few war stories, have a couple of beers, that sort of thing? (Success Chance 20%, Reward: Bill Trusts you a little more, ????.)
It sounds like some kind of government experiment. Dark and cold could be Alaska, but running out of air makes it sound like an underground facility.
Also, THEM. Maybe one of the pre-War bioweapons? Prototype Deathclaws, Wanamingos, Nighstalker, probably not Cazadores.
Not that the Wasteland is short of horrifying monsters, either from what we see in the games or from cut content.
This is the Status Report Post For In Glowing Ashes, if you want to know how the next update is coming along, check here.

Look Below the X's for the current status report.


May 29th 2020: Work started a while back, should have it ready sometime within the next few days. sometime next week for sure.
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Day 12, November 4th 2077.
Author's note: We're back! So normally i would have had a little bit of story up in the front of this... but i couldn't think of anything and this had been waiting long enough.

So you just have your choices, and you'll get your story on the next update!

Be sure to read and vote! be sure to plan and such as well!


Group Actions (pick 5)

[] DIY Looting Part 3: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to put the supplies on in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.) (LOCKED 3 more days)

[] Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta a be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another working car, maybe multiple cars.)

[] Scavenging for Salvation: There is a lot of rubble lying around out here, a lot of stuff has undoubtedly been destroyed, but there might still be some useful stuff, buried in the dust. (Success Chance ???, Reward: Random objects of varying use and value. Repeatable)

[] I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)

[] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)

[] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down and put it out of its misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)

[] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)

[] TIMBER!: You've got tools to cut them down, maybe clear some more space, and get some more wood out of all these trees. Worth a shot. (Reward: Wood cleared and turned into lumber, Space to expand.)

[] Forting up: Your current defenses are… bad, you've basically just put a bunch of heavy things behind the windows to keep them from breaking. But you've got at least one thing gunning for you out there… maybe you should use some of those supplies from the hardware store to properly board up the windows. Build some real guard posts. Maybe a fence of some kind? (Reward: Start working on proper defenses, Time: 3/6/9 days the longer you go, the better off you are, this project eats resources.)

[] Carchitecture!: You have a feeling good quality wood is gonna be a rare material in the coming days… you know what won't be rare? Especially here in detroit? The burnt out wrecks of cars and other motor vehicles, you could probably use these in construction… somehow (Reward: Use for the burnt out wrecks littering the roads/??? Time taken: ???)

[] Stress Relief: It's been almost two weeks since the end of the world. Things are still pretty tense. And with all the new people recently arrived to the little sanctuary you've built up, there's still some issues brewing, the party worked great for the first round of newcomers, but you need a more sustainable means of venting. (Reward: Methods to keep settlers from from going stir crazy Potential influence on group culture.)

Special Action's: (pick one.)

You've found… some sort of robot in the pile, Let's see what you can do about it.

[] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)

Personal Actions (Choose 1)

[] Continuing Robot Repair: You've fixed up the Eye-bot, but theres a whole lot of pile left, lets see what else you can pull from it! (Total day's taken depends on rolls and resource availability. Results upon complete vary depending on rolls.) (CANNOT BE TAKEN UNTIL CURRENT ROBOT IS FINISHED.)

[] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)


AN: That's pretty much it... I'm thinking of doing a mechanics overhaul for somethings that are gonna be relevant soon... so yeah heads up on that.

Remember to vote, and talk your plans out!
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[X] Scavenging for Salvation: There is a lot of rubble lying around out here, a lot of stuff has undoubtedly been destroyed, but there might still be some useful stuff, buried in the dust. (Success Chance ???, Reward: Random objects of varying use and value. Repeatable)
[X] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)
[X] TIMBER!: You've got tools to cut them down, maybe clear some more space, and get some more wood out of all these trees. Worth a shot. (Reward: Wood cleared and turned into lumber, Space to expand.)

[X] Forting up: Your current defenses are… bad, you've basically just put a bunch of heavy things behind the windows to keep them from breaking. But you've got at least one thing gunning for you out there… maybe you should use some of those supplies from the hardware store to properly board up the windows. Build some real guard posts. Maybe a fence of some kind? (Reward: Start working on proper defenses, Time: 3/6/9 days the longer you go, the better off you are, this project eats resources.)

[X] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)
[X] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)
[X]PLAN Doing work.
[X] Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta a be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another working car, maybe multiple cars.)
[X] I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)
[X] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down and put it out of its misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
[X] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)
[X] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)

Eh I figure killing charlie gives us some sort of morale bonus atleast. Another car is always good. Our guards improve again make for better defense and offense.
[X]PLAN Ready for any Charlie-Foxtrot
--[X] TIMBER!: You've got tools to cut them down, maybe clear some more space, and get some more wood out of all these trees. Worth a shot. (Reward: Wood cleared and turned into lumber, Space to expand.)
--[X] Carchitecture!: You have a feeling good quality wood is gonna be a rare material in the coming days… you know what won't be rare? Especially here in detroit? The burnt out wrecks of cars and other motor vehicles, you could probably use these in construction… somehow (Reward: Use for the burnt out wrecks littering the roads/??? Time taken: ???)
--[X] I Can't Hear You 4!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! (50% chance of successful training, 2 days of successful training required to finish.)
--[X] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)
--[X] Forting up: Your current defenses are… bad, you've basically just put a bunch of heavy things behind the windows to keep them from breaking. But you've got at least one thing gunning for you out there… maybe you should use some of those supplies from the hardware store to properly board up the windows. Build some real guard posts. Maybe a fence of some kind? (Reward: Start working on proper defenses, Time: 3/6/9 days the longer you go, the better off you are, this project eats resources.)
--[X] Your Safety Provided by The Folks At Rob-Co Services 2: Your going to go ahead and fix up these servo's, then maybe you can get on to the other bits. (Continue work on the securitron time taken to finish depends on rolls.)
--[X] Tinker, Soldier, Tinker, Tinker: Maintaining the remnant of civilization is hard work! You need to relax… and that means tinkering! You've got a lot of junk, and a lot of tool lying around, surely you could start on something interesting? (???% chance of success: Reward: Start tinkering on something.)