Garp is best in limited amounts, imo. if he was around all the time(even just up to Alabasta) he'd rapidly become unfunny.
[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
Little late, but I'm not sure when updates for this come out, or if it was called in the last few pages.

[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)

[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)

[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)

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[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)

[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)
[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!

I want to see Old Man Mass Destruction decide to take a vacation while also putting everyone through hellish, brutal training the entire time he's there while doing actually nothing to help out otherwise.

I do want to see him actually beat the absolute shit out of one thing and completely terrify Taylor and QA because Garp, even as an old man, is fully capable of kicking the shit out of pretty much everyone Taylor has ever had any experience with whatsoever, entirely because he worked out and trained hard.
[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!
[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!
Ok, aahm, first things first. If you actually planned to write Luffys thoughts processes in such a way that it seemed like the act of thinking alone was causing pain and confusion upon his rubbery cranium... i'd say you've managed the job perfectly.

[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!

I like the idea of Big 'ol Lovin' Gramps joining for some vocation time. He is chaotic enough to pull it off and would be a bonus in sooo many ways i don't even wanna write it down...
I really hope this works out.
Ps.: i've seen many people fear that he may steamroll anything up to and including alabasta. Why should he? He is an Vice Admiral on vocation, he'll get the youngins to get all the work done.
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[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!

Every ship needs a grandpa! ..a useless grandpa that sleeps under the orange trees all day. Only wakes up to eat Luffy's food! Can't we get rid of that useless grandpa!?

The marines of course send out Admiral Kuzan to rescue Garp from the dread Crew that has abducted Garp!
[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)
So, if the Straw Hats picked up anyone else as a temporary or permanent member (outside of the canon ones) who would they be?
[X] Tashigi stays behind (And becomes a good little Marine lapdog, just like Contessa wants))
[X] Bartolomeo Joins (and pays back his debt to Nami)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!
So, if the Straw Hats picked up anyone else as a temporary or permanent member (outside of the canon ones) who would they be?

I'd like for Carrot to be a permanent cremember down the road.

[X] Tashigi joins (Not so terribly willingly, but she'll get over it)
[X] Bartolomeo stay behind (Nami pouts for days)
[X] Garp catches up, but only once we're on the ship. Now we're wanted for kidnapping a Vice Admiral!

Every ship needs a grandpa! ..a useless grandpa that sleeps under the orange trees all day. Only wakes up to eat Luffy's food! Can't we get rid of that useless grandpa!?

Brook is the designated grandpa for the Straw Hats. A pervy grandpa who makes terrible jokes.