Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

Some other language, anyway, which peppers his dialogue and results in wording choices you wouldn't see from a native English speaker.

I'd like to say two things: the first being there's a technical term for what's going on, and the second being not all dialects of a language are your dialect.

Code switching, the linguistic term for using multiple languages in the same spoken part, with what is observed here being intra-sentenital switching. All this means is that the speaker is equally fluent in both languages, not that one came before the other.

Dialects, meanwhile, are a fancy word for when you can understand someone just fine if you put some work into it. It's still the same language, but because of differences in environment and adaptation it has characteristics not present in the root tongue. A good example is British versus American English; neither language having a theoretical superiority over each other as which is the 'real' English.
I'd like to say two things: the first being there's a technical term for what's going on, and the second being not all dialects of a language are your dialect.

Code switching, the linguistic term for using multiple languages in the same spoken part, with what is observed here being intra-sentenital switching. All this means is that the speaker is equally fluent in both languages, not that one came before the other.

Dialects, meanwhile, are a fancy word for when you can understand someone just fine if you put some work into it. It's still the same language, but because of differences in environment and adaptation it has characteristics not present in the root tongue. A good example is British versus American English; neither language having a theoretical superiority over each other as which is the 'real' English.
The rest of the world outside of the U.S might disagree with that :V
Just a reminder: voting moratarium will end in 23 hours, at 0600 GMT. Get your votes ready!

...I still want to do plan voting because it will be easier tho :V. Consider that an incentive to get your vote it! :p
I'd like to say two things: the first being there's a technical term for what's going on, and the second being not all dialects of a language are your dialect.

Code switching, the linguistic term for using multiple languages in the same spoken part, with what is observed here being intra-sentenital switching. All this means is that the speaker is equally fluent in both languages, not that one came before the other.

Dialects, meanwhile, are a fancy word for when you can understand someone just fine if you put some work into it. It's still the same language, but because of differences in environment and adaptation it has characteristics not present in the root tongue. A good example is British versus American English; neither language having a theoretical superiority over each other as which is the 'real' English.
In this case its more of aggressively using loan words from other languages for emphasis.
Though I suppose few regions take loan words from 2 languages and up to three dialect variants at one go and expect to be comprehended :p
One of the things I tire of was the Empires in Space being copies of the British or Roman Empires. I have enjoyed this version of the empire.
It occurred to me that 2AM EST is really not a great time to be opening the voting period, so change of plans: the vote moratarium is going to end 6 hours early, at 0000 GMT, or just under 10 hours from now.
[ ] Plan Fast Probing :V
-[ ] Yes, Probe Shiki Gently
-[ ] 3 months

We do need to probe our friend to find out what has him so paranoid especially about someone he should know fairly well like us. And if Daniel doesn't find something after 3 months we can recall him, but if he does he can call us and let us know if you need more time to dig into it.

Also, a pox on moratoriums. :p
[ ] Plan Fast Probing :V
-[ ] Yes, Probe Shiki Gently
-[ ] 3 months

We do need to probe our friend to find out what has him so paranoid especially about someone he should know fairly well like us. And if Daniel doesn't find something after 3 months we can recall him, but if he does he can call us and let us know if you need more time to dig into it.

Also, a pox on moratoriums. :p
Now now, Stryp, lockdown means lockdown, moratarium means moratarium. I can't let you slip past the checkpoint just because we're friends. :p We're gonna open voting at 0000 GMT, 30 mins from now, none of this wishy washy Muhiyiddin uncertainty :V
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Coming to you live from a roadblock traffic jam stretching 2 kilometers, Voting is now open.

We'll call the vote in 3 days time on Thursday, at 0000 GMT.
[X] Plan Trust and Verify
-[X] No, Don't Probe Shiki
--[X] 6 months

Alright so my reason is simple Shiki was a fellow student of the old man and is apparently an old friend we should put our faith and trust in him if he wants to talk about it he'll come to us. And my reason behind investigating for six months is that finding the evidence or whatever conspiracy takes time, and three months doesn't give enough time for a thorough investigation. While nine months is too long six months is a nice middle ground for a in depth investigation while not being gone for most of the year.
[X] Plan Fast Probing :V
-[X] Yes, Probe Shiki Gently
-[X] 3 months
[X] Plan Trust and Verify
-[X] No, Don't Probe Shiki
--[X] 6 months

I stand by my "let's not burn bridges until necessary" statement from earlier.
#JustQuarantineThings (AU)
"God," you say, with an accusing glance heavenward, "has a truly perverse sense of humor." Because for all her eccentricities, the Divine Founder wouldn't expose Fleet Admiral Yonatan Chew, Commander Fleet Operations, to COVID-69 and relegate him to self-isolation at home. Yahweh, on the other hand...

"Perhaps, Sir, but just because you're in quarantine for COVID-69 exposure doesn't mean you get to abandon your duties as Third Star Lord," says your right hand woman, fussing about in your private office. "There. You're set for your vidconference with the First Star Lord at 1000 hours, and you have a conference call with 1st​ Fleet's leadership at 1130 hours. You have vidconferences at 1400 and 1500, followed with a concall with your staff at 1600."

"And you're sure that we're secure and nobody's eavesdropping in on these meetings?"

"You're using secure Navy comms, and I've swept your office for bugs, I'm very sure that this work from home arrangement is secure."

"What about my bedroom," you mutter under your breath, and Amagi Ri-Sumeragi huffs scornfully.

"Darling, please. I'm not a frail old woman - I don't need recording devices to etch each and every inch of you into my memory."

"Maggie, we're on the clock, we need to at least try to pretend to be professional," you say, but your heart's not really in it.

Maggie raises one beautiful eyebrow at you. You shrug: you're wearing Navy fatigues, you're dressed properly. (You deliberately ignore your bare feet, clad only in your socks.) Maggie's expression grows flatter, as she wordlessly gestures to herself, clad in her Service Dress Uniform, the very model of a modern naval officer. She sighs, and shakes her head, and lets the papers she's carrying fall from her hand to the floor. "Oh dear, my hand spasmed," she says blandly. "I'll just be a moment, Sir." She bends over to pick up the papers, and you can feel your heartrate speed up at the sight of her fluffy tails and her amazing ass, her hip-hugging pencil skirt showing off her legs-

And then Maggie reaches behind and flicks the zipper down. She wriggles this way and that, and her skirt slides down her beautiful legs, her modesty barely preserved by her beautiful tails. She picks up the papers and her skirt, and sighs dramatically. "I believe I've had a uniform malfunction, Sir. Begging the Fleet Admiral's favor, but I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to carry on.

"Where are your panties?" you ask dumbly, as she stands at attention before you, your eyes drawn to her lower lips, and Maggie merely sighs longsufferingly.

"They're in my pocket," she says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. She hands you her skirt with a smug smile. "If I could ask a favour of you, Darling, could you please hold onto my skirt and my panties? Thank you, I appreciate it very much." She smartly turns on her heels and exits your office, leaving you standing there holding her skirt in your hands. As if on autopilot, you reach into her pocket and remove her panties, holding the soft silk undergarment between your fingers.

This she-demon of a fox is going to give you a heart attack some day, you just know it.

Completely noncannon AU; I did think about a pandemic arc but well, it would never have gotten this bad because all the nobles would have ree'd and locked down their borders and the IRG would enforce a blockade of Jinko-Sei at gunpoint.

But I've been in lockdown for a month now and this was all getting to me so eh, I'mma just put a little of IRL into my quest :V.
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The moment I saw "Quarentine" and the involvement of SumerTHOTgi, I know it would involve stripping.

I was disappointed Amagi didn't accidentally flash 1st Star Lord. But that may be what happened next.
...Dagnamit now I'm mulling over the idea of all the fox chars being thots/headed that way (It's probably the LoL connection but Ahri I somehow see starting to slide down that path despire Yui's no-doubt frequent objections.)...
THANKFULLY, Yui's properly dignified, her mom is somewhere in that direction? Council Lady Sumeragi hasn't demonstrated anything like that, and then there was Foxy Elon Musk, sooo I think I'm good. Hopefully.