[X] Plan: Actual War.
-[X]To Stamp out any Opposition (Subjugation of the North): You will be king of Norway, and if they do not bow to you, you will destroy them. Cost: 100 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You battle for the North, and bring them under your command.
-[X]To Unify the Realm: Kjotve the Rich (Diplomatically): Erik's former Ally to the south is without a doubt, the richest man in gold and men in Norway. He is someone whom you need on your side if you have a chance against the Fairhair. Cost 200 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You meet with Kjotve the Rich, and try to bring him to your side, and banner.
-[X]A Capable Commander: You need to have capable field commander who can advise and maintain a military force. Cost: 25 Chance of success: 70/50/20% Reward: A Brilliant Commander joins your court, +1 martial action. New actions become Available.
-[X]Recruit Warriors: You need more able-bodied men in your army, and you know the lands of the north have more abed bodied men within the surrounding Fjords. Cost: 1000 Chance of success: 50% Reward: A D1000 is rolled for soldiers recruited. Soldiers will be placed in the army and are temporary for the remainder of the War of Unification.
-[X]Drill the Men: You will be fighting the most important battle, possibly in all the lands history in a year. You want every man to do his duty. Cost 300 Chance of success 75%/25% Reward: You will begin with 100% morale in the next battle.
-[X]Get: Better (Martial): You want to learn how to lead men into battle, whether it be a bar brawl, or the militia: Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Martial stat increases. The chance to gain a trait ???
-[X]Invest into the Lands: You will revitalize the lands, and turn it into a prosperous region. Cost: 2000 (two turns) Chance of success: 70/50/30/10. Reward: You invest in your lands, and you will see a prosperous outcome.
-[X]Sacrifice to Odin: You will give a sacrifice to Odin, to see if the Allfather will be merciful and grant you wisdom. Cost 100 Piety Chance of success: ???% Reward: The Allfather gives you a boon.