The War of Unification:
Traditions needed to be kept, lands needed distribution, so many things needed to be done. You were not a leader of men, not like the Jarl was.
But such matters mattered very little, as you need to do your duty.
Norway needed you to do your duty.
And you would not be stopped. You couldn't for Odin had claimed you were the man chosen for this victory.
Kara looked at you, feeling the stress on your body with her hands. "You know what this means."
"I know." you replied stoically. "We cannot be careless… or we all die."
"I know you will lead us to victory." She replied as you leaned on her. You needed them all.
Your Millitary Forces:
3534 Light infantry
1466 Heavy infantry
50 Longships.
You are currently 70% matching the strength of Harald Fairhair. He outnumbers you in men, but not in ships.
You have 8 actions
Actions Locked out due to Fighting in the War of Norwegian Unification.
Critical Actions: These actions are available for this turn, that may assist you in unifying Norway.
[]To Unify The Realm: The Thanes of the North (Diplomatically): You are a Jarl of Norway, and you can use your influence of both men, material, and legend to bring these men to your Cause of unifying Norway. Cost 200 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You try to diplomatically bring the thanes to your side and banner.
[]To Unify the Realm: Kjotve the Rich (Diplomatically): Erik's former Ally to the south is without a doubt, the richest man in gold and men in Norway. He is someone whom you need on your side if you have a chance against the Fairhair. Cost 200 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You meet with Kjotve the Rich, and try to bring him to your side, and banner.
[]To Stamp out any Opposition (Subjugation of the North): You will be king of Norway, and if they do not bow to you, you will destroy them. Cost: 100 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You battle for the North, and bring them under your command.
[]To Stamp out any Opposition (Subjugation of The Rich): You will be king of Norway, and if the so-called richest Viking lord does not bow to you, you will destroy him. Cost: 100 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You battle for The Jarldom of Agden, and bring him under your command.
[]A Moot: There is no need for battle… You will gather the Jarls and Thanes to Viken… and call a moot. Let the men of Norway decide who their king would be. Cost 1000 Chance of success: 100%, ???% Reward: The Moot is called...and all Thanes and Jarls will be in attendance. Due to you calling it, you will be at an advantage… but so will Fairhair.
[]Glory or Death (Battle the Fairhair): There will be no peace, not while both of you live. Cost 0 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You will do battle with Harald Fairhair.
Diplomacy: You have lots of things to do to bring peace to the lands.
[]Hire a Diplomat: You need an assistant in the realm of diplomacy… someone you can trust. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 80% Reward: You gain 1 action.
[]Flyting: You shall sing the praise of your ancestors and kinsman in a song that will shake the heavens. Cost:0 Chance of Success: ???% Reward: Prestige gain, Chance of a Trait. Chance to Gain diplomacy.
Martial: War is coming, you need to be ready for battle. (Raids have been disabled until the War of Norwigein Unification is over)
[]Recruit Warriors: You need more able-bodied men in your army, and you know the lands of the north have more abed bodied men within the surrounding Fjords. Cost: 1000 Chance of success: 50% Reward: A D1000 is rolled for soldiers recruited. Soldiers will be placed in the army and are temporary for the remainder of the War of Unification.
[]A Capable Commander: You need to have capable field commander who can advise and maintain a military force. Cost: 25 Chance of success: 70/50/20% Reward: A Brilliant Commander joins your court, +1 martial action. New actions become Available.
[]Reorginize the Huscarls: You need loyal men in your retinue. Men who will follow you to the ends of the earth. Cost 500 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You gain a full retinue of 500 men ready to do battle with you.
[]Drill the Men: You will be fighting the most important battle, possibly in all the lands history in a year. You want every man to do his duty. Cost 300 Chance of success 75%/25% Reward: You will begin with 100% morale in the next battle.
[]Fight in the Arena: The Local Fight club… an arena. You will risk your life in that fight pit… to earn coin, and hopefully, become a richer man. Cost 0 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You will fight in the Arena. If you fail, there is a chance you will get wounded, maimed, or killed. However, you will be richly rewarded for your efforts if you succeed.
[]Get: Better (Martial): You want to learn how to lead men into battle, whether it be a bar brawl, or the militia: Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Martial stat increases. The chance to gain a trait ???
[]Get Better (Personal Combat) You need to get better with a blade, You have to. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Personal Combat stat increases. Chance to gain Formidable Fighter: 10%
Intrigue: You cannot ignore the World any longer, for you are part of it.
[]A master of Shadows: You do not trust anyone… But you need an ally who can assist you in court. To help you. Maybe one day, you can trust that person. But they have to prove themselves first. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 60% reward: A spymaster, new action soon become avalible.
[]Spies...spies everywhere: You need to know who's keeping tabs on you...and whether you should leave them be or purge the sons of bitches to send a message. Cost:100 Chance of success 50%. Reward: You learn who's spying on you.
[]What the Hell is going on in the World: You wish to learn what is going on around the world if you can Cost 20 Gold Chance of success 55% reward: A Basic news network is founded. Reports unlocked.
[]Get better: (Intrigue) You need to get better at lying. There are enemies all around you, you need to know how to find them to rise. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Intrigue stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???
[]Into the Bones: You wish to see the future, and what fate may be around the corner. Chance of Success: ???% Reward: A Glimpse into the future.
Stewardship: You have gold… Now rule wisely.
[]Hire a Steward: You need to hire Steward to do the number work. Cost: 25 Chance of success: 60% Reward: You have a steward. +1 to Stewardship actions, New actions become available.
[]Gamble: The Dice, the Cards, The Thrill… and the reward will be well worth the risk. Cost 10/20/50/100 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You can get greatly rewarded for your risk. Win too much, people may take notice… and they may kill you. (Note for this Action: Please leave only the amount you are willing to gamble in the vote. Like only Place 10 instead of just leaving. 10/20/50/100)
[]Buy Arms and Armor: You are in desperate need of equipment for defending yourself, and to join the arms. (This action will start a Marketplace miniturn)
[]Invest into the Lands: You will revitalize the lands, and turn it into a prosperous region. Cost: 2000 (two turns) Chance of success: 70/50/30/10. Reward: You invest in your lands, and you will see a prosperous outcome.
Learning: You may know the numbers… but that does not mean you cannot learn more.
[]Sacrifice to Odin: You will give a sacrifice to Odin, to see if the Allfather will be merciful and grant you wisdom. Cost 100 Piety Chance of success: ???% Reward: The Allfather gives you a boon.
[]Teach Elric: Your Father Needs Help teaching Elric about something. You might as well. Cost 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: Elric gains stats or traits.
[]Get Better: (Learning): You need to get better at book work and studies. A Wise King is someone who comes once every few generations... At least that is what you've heard. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Learning stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???
Personal: Father is proud of you, for disobeying him… even though he is angered by you.
[]Walk the Lands: You want to walk the lands and see how your people are doing. Maybe you can learn something your spies or friends haven't told you. Cost: 0 Chance of success ???% Reward: Interesting Events might happen.
[]Spend Time with Kara: You and her have been rather busy… Time to make time for her. Cost: 0 Chance of success ???% Reward: You and Kara Spend time together.
[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.
AN: Enjoy. and Vote in Plan format please.