Still convinced her motivations are focused on Makoto-san, given that was her reason for leaving the Velvet Room post-P3 anyways. I'm not really sure what answers we'll get, but...

[X] You heard she left the Velvet Room without telling anyone. Why?
-[X] Is there someone or something too important for her to ignore?

Either this or "Why so excited", as I am curious why Ken got her attention. Though I betting it has something to do with memory dissonance, with Ken being the only one of the P3 group she met before her memory time travel weirdness.
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"Why, hello!" She greets you, with a smile that has nothing outwardly wrong about it but still leaves you uneasy. Maybe it's just the sense of crushing power that she carries. You can't quantify it, but it feels like she's gotten even stronger since the last time you met. "You... are a friend of Lavenza's, correct?"

Oh, goodie. It's post Arena Elizabeth.

For those of you unaware, Elizabeth's storyline in Arena ends with her becoming a Wildcard.
[X] You heard she left the Velvet Room without telling anyone. Why?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Mar 1, 2020 at 2:06 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Why is she so excited to see you? You've only met once before this...
    [X] You heard she left the Velvet Room without telling anyone. Why?
    [X] You heard she left the Velvet Room without telling anyone. Why?
    -[X] Is there someone or something too important for her to ignore?
Okay... now, back into the madness.

-Vote Closed!-

Because obtaining Elizabeth's interest is one of those things that either ends really well, or ends with quite a few things blowing up. Usually both. She does back down a little when in an unknowing society, but... not nearly enough for anyone's comfort or preserved sanity.
A Talk of Journeys
There are a lot of things about the person in front of you that unnerve you, starting with her immense power and moving on to what you believe to be a distinct lack of self-control, but at least you're pretty sure she doesn't want to hurt you.

Not that you can know for certain. You've only met Elizabeth-san the once, after all. Which brings up a question of its own.

"You... seem pretty excited to see me," You comment, shifting back and forth a little. "Why? It's not like we've met all that often before..."

She looks disappointed to hear this. "Well, I was thinking that... no. Never mind. It doesn't matter." Seeing her subdued like this... it seems wrong, in a way. Safer, but... not like her.

Why do you know that?
Because she's a very difficult- and dangerous- person to forget, even when you wish you could.
"I think it matters." You immediately wish you hadn't spoken, because that's basically an invitation for the conversation to continue, and you think you might have been able to escape otherwise. "I mean, you said you were glad to see a familiar face, and I know there are people living here who go to the Velvet Room... or have you not been talking to them?" It would certainly explain why nobody seemed to know where she'd gone.

Elizabeth-san shakes her head, sitting down on a nearby bench. "In truth, I haven't spoken to any of them since I first made the decision to abandon my duties. I believed they would insist upon my return, and while there's nothing forcing me to listen to them... It never seemed important enough."

The way she says it, it sounds like she made up her mind about leaving a long time ago. It makes you wonder why she never told anyone about it.

"I think they're worried about you." Or, well, worried she'll blow up the city, but that's the same basic thing, right?

She scoffs at that, kicking a pebble out from under the bench she's sitting on all the way across the street. You actually hear it collide with a wall.
Actually, I think she may have disintegrated it.
"They all know that I can take care of myself. And I'm not actually doing anything all that dangerous at the moment, even in the eyes of a normal human. This is... a short stop, nothing more." You aren't entirely sure those were the words she meant to use, but you're also not about to correct her right now.

Now, questioning her, on the other hand... "A... short stop?"

"That is what you call it, yes? A brief reprieve from a Journey that seems to have no end. Although, speaking of Journeys..." You officially have no idea what she's talking about, and it kind of scares you.
I actually do know what she's talking about, and it's terrifying.
"...What is it?" Maybe you should be going on your way, soon. Koromaru doesn't seem quite so nervous anymore, but you'd like to at least try and get some sort of relaxation out of your walk.

"It may not be in the same sense... but you have the air of someone who has been on one for quite a while, yet remains unable to take the most important step, and is unable to move on. Perhaps a solution exists, perhaps one does not. Perhaps I am simply wrong. But you and I... we have something in common, do we not?"

You're sure you could think of something to reply with, to prove her right or wrong. And she's probably right, she can probably find something that connects. You just can't tell what that is.
(Elizabeth has formed the Ken Amada Social Link of the Justice(VIII) Arcana)
"We... probably do. I mean, we both have Personas, at least." You glance at Koromaru, who seems anxious to leave. "I should... probably get going." You need to get back to the dorm before it gets dark, after all. Especially if something actually does come up in the Dark Hour.

Also, while you're fairly certain she's not going to break anything, you still aren't sure you want to be around her if you end up being wrong.

It is the Dark Hour. Just as Nemi warned you- somewhat, he wasn't exactly being all that clear, but you got the gist of it, at least- Mitsuru-san has picked up on a powerful Shadow. You have your spear prepared, and your Evoker, and you're well aware that one is probably going to get a lot more use than the other.

"Makoto-kun, remind me again what elements you can cover," Yukari-san requests before you're all out the door.

"I can handle Fire, Ice, and Electricity, if I have to. Also Curse, but... that's more of a last resort." Thanatos has apparently made no surprise appearances since the incident last month, but it's not like he's had that many chances to, either. By the time Makoto-san first entered Tartarus, the really powerful Shadows were already gone.

"Yeah, maybe don't use that. We have Koro-chan for that, anyway. Isn't that right, Koro-chan?" She pauses to pet the dog, who seems to be perfectly happy with all the attention he's been getting today. "So, we've got three lightning, three fire... I think we'll have you cover ice for right now, it's the one thing no one else has got... Well, that'll be fighting, anyway. And Koro-chan can handle Curse, which leaves Junpei on fire. Amada-kun, are you all right with focusing on Bless?"
I mean, it's sort of our main affinity...
"It should be fine," You assure her, bringing up the rear of the group as you make your way to the location Mitsuru-san pointed out. "Akihiko-san's a lot better at using lightning than me, anyway." You don't even think it's just that he's had more practice. You think... that might actually be how it's meant to be.

Akihiko-san, for his part, seems to mostly be excited to finally have the chance to fight something for the first time in a month.

Still, this is about where the conversation dies. Mostly because nobody has anything else to say.

[ ] Point out the full moon.

[ ] Just keep walking.

[ ] Try and see if you can't somehow sense the Shadows you're approaching.
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[X] Point out the full moon.

Elizabeth has seen that Ken is on the verge of a Resolution, but something holds him back.
[X] Point out the full moon.

And i'm pretty certain that she is a time traveler too. Out of curiosity, what does it take for us to be able to tell ppl we are time travelers? I mean, that's what, the second person we really should have told about it, counting only the velvet room members?