[X] Look for Luffy using bug clones
[X] In town
[X] Around town
[X] Look in the woods
[X] Around the docks
[X] Stay with Zoro with your human body
[X] clearly QA is in sour mood, talk to her
[X] Stay with Zoro

It's very obvious that she should stay with Zoro, how would we get our shit and giggles 😁😁
Well looks like i am finally really invested into a Quest.
also, this is now the first Quest i have ever actively wanted to partake in. thx for this Dagger...

The guy could get lost inside a cardboard box.
You, good sir just implanted a hilariously horrible picture in my brain:
That sentence you wrote could be used to inspire some very random and questionable Zoro/Solid Snake slash...

The questions that are left to ask are:
Why did i think of this?
How can i unthink this?
How big is the chance that this was already written?
Should i search the www for this?

the prospects of answers scare me...
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I wonder what would happen if we just went whole hog on the conqueror's Haki and maxed it out right off the bat? What does it take to make an Admiral sweat?

Not that I would ever actually suggest doing that. That's a level of minmaxing that leaves your character dead the first time they encounter something they can't utterly steamroll. But it's still an interesting thought.
We're more likely to get sucked into the vortex of misdirection that is Zoro than keeping him from getting lost. No thanks.

[X] Look for Luffy:
-[X] In town
[X] Look for Luffy using bug clones
[X] In town
[X] Around town
[X] Look in the woods
[X] Around the docks
[X] Stay with Zoro with your human body
[X] clearly QA is in sour mood, talk to her
Heck they might decide not to rely on log poses, a South Bird can work as a compass equivalent to allow you to navigate the grand line, and there's real life bugs, that have an instinctive sense of the magnetic field of the planet, depending on what bugs Taylor has access to, she could replace the compass, with a bug that she's instructed to always point North.

Bugs with magnetic sense have the same problem compasses do, every island has a magnetic field. They might be able to act as a log pose or they could be just as confused as a compass
[X] Stay with Zoro
-[X] clearly QA is in sour mood, talk to her
-[X] Spread out your bugs around the town while exploring. Try to look for Luffy.
[X] Look for Luffy using bug clones
[X] In town
[X] Around town
[X] Look in the woods
[X] Around the docks
[X] Stay with Zoro with your human body
[X] clearly QA is in sour mood, talk to her
We're more likely to get sucked into the vortex of misdirection that is Zoro than keeping him from getting lost. No thanks.

He is not Ryoga Hibiki, the reason of why he gets even more lost after the time skip is because he lost an eye and so lacks deep perception.

Taylor basically has three blocks around her were she can see and hear everything if she uses enough bugs.