Drum Island was also the next island on the log pose so the crew would have gone there no matter what. Now going looking for a doctor on that island is a slightly different story.
We should recruit the "friendly" old lady.
[X] Look for Luffy(with bugs):
- [X] In town
- [X] Around town
- [X] Look in the woods
- [X] Around the docks
[X] Stay with Zoro
[X] Stay with Zoro

Drum Island was also the next island on the log pose so the crew would have gone there no matter what. Now going looking for a doctor on that island is a slightly different story.
They had an eternal log pose to Alabasta, Sanji stole it from the Unluckies, of course that very well might not happen with all the things changing here.

Heck they might decide not to rely on log poses, a South Bird can work as a compass equivalent to allow you to navigate the grand line, and there's real life bugs, that have an instinctive sense of the magnetic field of the planet, depending on what bugs Taylor has access to, she could replace the compass, with a bug that she's instructed to always point North.
Okay now I understand why she haves Conqueror Haki and why is active all the time she pretty much grinded that skill while she was Warlord of BB and more after she was a Ward, that it became a natural instinct to intimidate others.

[X] Stay with Zoro
-[X] Use bugs to search around.
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[X] Look for Luffy:
[X] In town
[X] Around town
[X] Look in the woods
[X] Around the docks
[X] Stay with Zoro
[X] Stay with Zoro

He will definitely get lost otherwise. Edit: ninja'd by Pink.
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[X] Look for Luffy(with bugs):
- [X] In town
- [X] Around town
- [X] Look in the woods
- [X] Around the docks
[X] Stay with Zoro
[X]Stay with Zoro
Honestly all the people freaking out about missing chopper need to chill, we'll get him because Taylor is at the very least smart enough to know that we will need to recruit people for certain tasks Doctor/Medic being one.
[X] Stay with Zoro

I doubt Nami would join Buggy, even joining Luffy's only technically a pirate crew was a hard sell, Buggy is the kind of pirate Nami really hate.
Oh i don't mean willingly/properly, i mean Taylor knocks Nami out before she's caught stealing, as they don't see Nami betray them the crew takes her with them on Buggy's ship and then she ends up being part of the crew as they search for their missing captain.

With all of her attempts to leave/steal/attack them being comically misunderstood and making the crew love her more (as is tradition for Buggy related things).
Oh i don't mean willingly/properly, i mean Taylor knocks Nami out before she's caught stealing, as they don't see Nami betray them the crew takes her with them on Buggy's ship and then she ends up being part of the crew as they search for their missing captain.

With all of her attempts to leave/steal/attack them being comically misunderstood and making the crew love her more (as is tradition for Buggy related things).
I think Nami is too competent for that, she would figure out how to turn them in for their bounties pretty quick in that situation.