[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

Will be interesting to see Fairy Tail crazy efforts to make us live with the power of fighting friendship, I just know we will fight them at some point.
Also whole 'Want the world to be safe and good and clean' does not fit, sure she loves cleaning a bit part of her but as end goal its not in her depths.

Really want to team up with all those lesser known characters of Fairy Tail plus their brightness and guild fights would help our cleaning skills.
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[x][Tail] "...Want to prove that my magic isn't weak."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
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Muahahaha! You fools! You all fell into my devious trap! All of the guild choices are great! How will you choose?!

But in all seriousness, all the guilds are great, though I will say, I really don't want to have to come up with more guilds on the fly/spend even longer on guild intros. Especially since I honestly do think these are the most fun options.

Not by best work, but eh.

Damn You Saturday!

I definitely think we don't need other options, Other guilds don't really compare with these ones (except Blue Pegasus, which is really unlikely to gain as much interest.)

I mean, is there even ONE person interested in Quatro Puppy?

Now, you made a really good job in making every option attractive.
[][Guild] "...I want to join Mermaid Heel."
[][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[][Guild] "...I want to see a few more places before choosing."

So...Mermaid Heel is the "not as interesting" one to me. I dislike the "only female" rule, and there aren't really that many interesting characters there.

So, as I always expected it to be... Fairy Tail or Phantom Lord.

Chasing your dream or conquering your fear.

Both interesting, both worthy.

But only one has a boy we need to trounce at Uno

[x][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

jokes aside, I want to try bringing the two guilds closer. Make it a proper rivalry instead of outright hate.

Maybe we could push things so that they could make joint s-class trials, for example, as a way to compete.

Or, if the magical games don't happen soon enough, we could push our master to organize some kind of private tournament/challenge. I imagine many would be interested in it (Natsu and Laxus at the very least).
[][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[][Tail] "...Want everything to be happy. Like before."
[][Tail] "...Want to prove that my magic isn't weak."
[][Tail] "...Want to reach the end of my path. Wherever that may be."
[][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."

I'll go for

[x][Tail] "...Want to prove that my magic isn't weak."

After all, is an objectively hard goal to reach that we really believe we can achieve. And the other feel a bit too out there to me. Like if we were trying to sound cooler.
i want to other guilds like Cat Shelter
Wasn't Cait Shelter the Wendy's fake guild? I don't think it really counts.

I mean, Wendy and Charle were the only true members, the others were all illusion/ghosts!

and really, we already saw the three best guilds. The ONLY other true contender would be Blue Pegasus I think.
[x][Tail] "...Want to prove that my magic isn't weak."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

Meh! Maybe Phantom Lord will still go to war with Fairy Tail. We can just join up once our prior guild is defunct, or we can help them in battle. Potentials of cleaning magic goes a long way. Cleaning the psyche of filth, or the body of poison. Combat ideas for it might be applying a sheet of extremely slippery and smooth layer on the skin to defend against attacks. We can even clean the Guild Hall of Phantom Lord in order to make it more homier and shiny! ALSO! WE NEED TO PROVE THAT WE HAVE THE POWAH TO STAND BESIDE THE VERY BEST!
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[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

It's a tough choice between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord. Fairy Tail is very bright and interesting, but I've really liked the spin you've taken on the latter guild.

For now, Phantom Lord. Plenty of characters tend to end up in Fairy Tail, and while I won't mind it winning, seeing more of Phantom Lord's a rare opportunity.
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
Yeah, wanting to prove yourself powerful even with your magic is neat but considering the past trauma...
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
Because dang if it wasn't an inpiration to hear that.
jokes aside, I want to try bringing the two guilds closer. Make it a proper rivalry instead of outright hate.
Nah more like we get corrupted by the filth of Phantom Lord's hatred, consider the environment we will be staying in over time.

Honesty our mindset might get twisted by the time we meet fairy tail.
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[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To
stay living."

That scene reminded me of why Makarov is my favorite character. It's a hard decision, but I'm going to have to pick Phantom Lord.
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

It's the guild where we had the most chemistry and that was the most fun to read about. Plus Fairy Tail is kind of overused, I personally don't like the idea of getting involved with them too much. Plus now we can be their rivals in the magical games and cross-guild quests! Much more fun that way.