He said he'd disable the compulsion to kill him, but nothing about adding a compulsion not to harm him.
Which is pretty obvious, and I kinda assumed there's some kill switch to give him an advantage in a future fight with us, because I'm not entirely convinced he'd leave it up to Servants to fight it out.
Like, that'd make it pretty easy for him if we couldn't harm him, but he could, wouldn't it?
Okay, what my vote is trying to convey without saying it in so many words if someone tries to come up with something better.
Firstly, we were pretty much toast without a new Core. The only place we could find it and have it installed is Hans.
Secondly, we pretty much suspected that he'd install something in our software while mucking up with our hardware. We could probably overcome it on our own, but props to Minerva for deleting it.
Thirdly, how dare she delete our own added objectives that do not contradict: killing Hans; providing research data to crazy Magi murderhobos; and, winning the Grail War.
Fourthly, why the fuck did they install our capacity for developing a personality if not to lie and cajole? We tried to kill him, see how it ended up. If we do try to kill, next time we'll do something subtler than those chucklefucks back at Luctsworth came up with.
On that note, new and improved vote:
[X] "I needed... a new Core. The old one was... so much scrap. Thanks... for showing the objective not to harm Hans."
-[X] "This pseudo-personality was installed so that this Unit could believably lie and cheat. So I'm lying and cheating
everyone, just as expected of me. First attempt at assassination ended up with me in a Bounded Field. I understand that those asschaps back at Luctsworth do not value my continued existence just for the sake of it. However, I do. Next time, I'll be trying something subtler."
-[X] "But. Did you just mark the objective to let my waifu win for deletion?! You fucker! Lousy elder sister! Not cute at all!"
Edited the wording.