[X] Spend time with friends.
-[x] Akira and Lavenza.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

[X] Read more about mythology. (+Empathy)
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira and Lavenza.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

Gotta make sure Akira doesn't steal Ken's Waifu :p

More seriously, I just want to make sure they all keep hanging out with each other until Lavenza needs to disappear for who knows how long and how busy Ken will get with all the Shadow Bullshit
[x] Spend time with friends.
-[x] Maiko.
[x] Spend time with friends.
-[x] Morgana. (+Diligence)
[x] Practice Channeling
-[x] Hama
Social Stats Pre-P3
So, I figure it's been a while since the last time I gave one of these, and I should probably try to make them available before every game or so, so here's what everyone's social stats are looking like at the moment. It might tell you a few things.

Akira Kurusu

Courage: 2
Diligence: 3
Knowledge: 3
Expression: 2
Empathy: 3

Maiko Oohashi

Courage: 3
Diligence: 3
Knowledge: 2
Expression: 2
Empathy: 3

Kyouma Tafuchi

Courage: 2
Diligence: 2
Knowledge: 3
Expression: 4
Empathy: 2


Courage: 6
Diligence: 4
Knowledge: 3
Expression: 2
Empathy: 4

Mitsuru Kirijo

Courage: 5
Diligence: 6
Knowledge: 6
Expression: 2
Empathy: 4

Akihiko Sanada

Courage: 5
Diligence: 5
Knowledge: 4
Expression: 3
Empathy: 3

Shinjiro Aragaki

Courage: 6
Diligence: 4
Knowledge: 4
Expression: 2
Empathy: 6

Yukari Takeba

Courage: 3
Diligence: 3
Knowledge: 3
Expression: 2
Empathy: 5

Makoto Yuki (Male)

Courage: 5
Diligence: 5
Knowledge: 5
Expression: 2
Empathy: 2

Makoto Yuki (Female)

Courage: 5
Diligence: 2
Knowledge: 2
Expression: 5
Empathy: 5

Fuuka Yamagishi

Courage: 2
Diligence: 4
Knowledge: 5
Expression: 3
Empathy: 3

Chidori Yoshino

Courage: 3
Diligence: 5
Knowledge: 3
Expression: 1
Empathy: 2
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Morgana. (+Diligence)

[X] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Morgana. (+Diligence)

[X] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Morgana. (+Diligence)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira and Lavenza.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Morgana. (+Diligence)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira and Lavenza.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma. (+Expression)(Must be taken to remain friends.)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Morgana. (+Diligence)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira and Lavenza.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Jan 5, 2020 at 2:05 PM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.
Feb. 23-24, 2009
There are things that come from having a cat around. Things like fur on the furniture, and the stress of losing an argument against a being who is half your height when transformed, and he doesn't even transform.

You know he can, though. You didn't see him in that state for very long, but you're still aware that it exists, and now you're sort of wondering about it. "Hey, Morgana?"

"What is it?" He seems to be absorbed in his new scratching post. You aren't sure how Ikutsuki-san has yet to notice that there's a cat around, but you suspect at least minor mind control on the part of Mitsuru-san.
No, see, if he were Charmed, he might actually tell us something useful.
That or he just doesn't care to notice what all of you are doing. It's sort of worrying that you can't tell which.

"I was just wondering about your other form." You aren't sure how to clarify things if he asks, but you don't think you have to. You've only see one other form, after all.

"Yeah? What about it?" He seems touchier than normal. Then again, he's been like that ever since Lavenza stopped by, and you still have no idea how to change that. Given that it gets you some peace and quiet, fixing that isn't your highest priority.

It takes a few moments to figure out what, exactly, you want to ask. "Well... why don't you use it more?" At the very least, you can assume that having hands would be useful to him, never mind the additional height.

"Transforming isn't easy." You'd never meant to imply that it was, just that there had to be times it was worth the effort. "I couldn't do that and summon my Persona at the same time, when I tried it."

"When did you try?" You haven't heard this story yet.

Morgana glances to the side. "Just... a while ago. It's easier in Dark Hour, but I've never had to try to transform before! It just happened!"

"I guess that's another thing for you to learn, then." Somehow, you don't think he's pleased to hear this. But if he doesn't try, he'll never get any better at it, will he?

Not that you're sure he'll practice. But if you ever need his other form, and he can actually manage it because he did, you'll at least be able to say you told him so.

"You live in a high school dorm?" Kyouma sounds confused, and thinking about it, you don't blame him. You're sure it wouldn't make sense to anyone who's not on the inside.

"Yeah. Everyone who's there is really nice, and they'll still be there all through next year." You're not sure what'll happen after that, particularly if the Dark Hour is still around by then, but you're sure you'll be able to figure out your living situation eventually. Possibly involving Mitsuru-san's family's money.
I'm pretty sure that's how it played out last time, at least.
He nods, even though you're not sure he understands things any better than he did a second ago. "But why?"

"I don't have anywhere else," You point out. "And it's a lot nicer than where I was staying before. It's... home, I guess."

There's no real way for you to describe it. Not without going into all the things that make your life nice and complicated. And you aren't sure Kyouma would understand if he did, even if even the craziest things he says seem sort of plausible when you consider everything you know.

You're pretty sure he doesn't realize the things he says are sort of plausible, either, so it's not like you're just saying this because he doesn't have a Persona. At least... you're pretty sure he doesn't.

It's not like it'd matter if he did, you think Mitsuru-san would put her foot down and insist on not recruiting any more children. But there's no sign of power from Kyouma at all, and unlike Chidori-san you can sense his presence, so it's a pretty safe assumption to make.
Honestly, Mitsuru-san probably didn't want us, either. Ikutsuki-san just pushed her into it, and it happened to work out.
"Really? Nowhere at all?" You aren't sure why he sounds so upset by it. It's not his problem, and you're just fine where you are. There's absolutely nothing wrong.

"...I'm not sure I'd want to be anywhere else, at this point," You admit. Given all your current options, you think you might be in the best place currently possible. There's more love in that one building than you'd thought there could be. Sure, it took a lot of effort to get there, but you're perfectly happy. "We even have pets. Sort of. I think you'd like them." Because who wouldn't like Koromaru?

You keep getting worried looks for the rest of the afternoon, but you're sure it'll stop once Kyouma realizes you're actually fine and not just copying Shinjiro-san.

...Maybe you should introduce him to Akira sometime. You'll be meeting him and Lavenza at the mall tomorrow...

[ ] Invite Kyouma along.

[ ] Do not invite Kyouma.
[X] Invite Kyouma along.

If he's really gonna be our friend, he should meet the others anyways.
[X] Do not invite Kyouma.

If it was meeting Akira and Maiko? I'd be perfectly fine with it. But it's Akira and, much more importantly, Lavenza. So no, we shouldn't break his mind over our Velvet Room friend.
And so we can make up conspiracy theories as to where she went, I'm not seeing the problem here.
I'd rather keep him away from the supernatural shit if at all possible. I get a reckless feeling from him. Either through action or not keeping his mouth shut. Mainly due to him wanting acknowledgement and respect.