[x][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

The regret is pointless if there is nothing else we'd rather choose.
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[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

I mean, she's basically asking us, the player base, why we chose this. This is the closest answer that makes sense in-character and lines up with why I voted for Cleaning Magic personally.

We could've chosen something that had better combat potential, like Runic or Telekinetic Magic, and for which training would've paid quicker dividends. It still would've been fun.

But man, Cleaning Magic just seemed like a more fun idea in general, and with how much fun the thread is having just discussing ways to develop it, I doubt we'll regret the choice anytime soon.
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[X][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."

It feels like Agnes enjoys cleaning. She didn't just pick up Cleaning Magic so that she could min-max it into overwhelming destructive power (though that's a goal for at least some of the players).
A second's pause, before she continues, "So may I ask, knowing this, would you regret choosing this path? Knowing that there is a high possibility that you will never be strong enough to matter? That the stigma of weakness will forever follow you, the belief that no matter how strong you get, another path would have made you even stronger?"

Well, here's my attempt at a write-in.

[ ][Regret] "It's because my path is poor that I won't regret it. If the effort I use to walk one step equals the effort some people use to walk ten then there'll always be someone in front of me, something more to strive towards, right? That means no matter how many people I pass, I'll never be satisfied sitting on my laurels. I'll never slow down or stop walking. So when I reach the end of my path, I'll know beyond a doubt that I did everything I could to become a strong wizard."

Ties back to her stated goal in the very beginning.
You knew, in your heart of hearts, that this wasn't a weak magic. And you weren't going to be a weak wizard.

That you swore.
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[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

Yeah, while I had several reasons to vote for cleaning magic, power wasn't it. Though it would be fun too.
@FakePriest a few suggestions for grammar
[ ][Regret] Magic comes from your soul. If your soul is a weak one, then it doesn't matter what type of magic you wield, it would never be 'strong enough'. On another hand, if Cleaning magic is perceived as weak it just means that I need to make it strong. I choose Cleaning magic because i think it's awesome, becoming one of the Wizard Saints should be a good way for showing it to everyone, don't you think so?

[ ][Regret] "Just because something is impossible, doesn't make it any less worth chasing."

Shoot at the moon and you will hit the top of the highest tree. If you don't aim for the stars, you're not going to get to the moon!

[X] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
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The ninth seat was a guy who went by the moniker 'Serena the Dragonslayer', who wielded Dragonslaying magic, whatever that was. And the seventh seat was held by 'Ur of the Bitter Cold', a woman who commanded some of the most powerful ice magic in the entire world.
Oooh, more AU. Canonically Ur could have, but never made Wizard Saint, she was on track for it in a couple of years. Serena I guess is just here before he manages to climb to rank one.
As for the vote, I chose something more childish.
[X] [Regret] Nuh uh! Cleaning magic is great. You said that people copying people who were already strong were on a good path, but thats just cause they're copying someone whose already walked it. One day when I'm famous you're going to have to tell everyone what a great path it is, and you'll feel really silly that you thought it was poor just because no had done it yet.
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
[X][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."
[x][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
[X][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me. Just because something is impossible, doesn't make it any less worth chasing"
[X] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
[x][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."
[X] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
[X] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
[X][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."