[] Veekie
You never saw her use a single Command Seal or perform any feats which would require a Command Seal to achieve for an Assassin. You didn't see any corpse of the Master either, and since you fell unconscious afterwards you didn't have the time to check for any remains, you just thought that a direct hit from Caladbolg would obliterate any mortal in the target area.
The Master, Olga Marie, was entranced by the light of the Noble Phantasm, so you didn't think she was in the right state of mind to use a Command Seal to have Assassin get her out of the blast, but now that you think of it, you HAD seen Assassin passing through the ground in shadow form once. Its not impossible for her to carry her Master below and use the ground as cover.
Knowing this, the probability of Assassin's Master being alive was not zero. Which means that there were still a grand total of six servants active in this war. Saber was a non-issue but this posed a great risk in your future plans. Should Assassin try and get you, there would be no warning of her coming for you.
Fighting her that time was your only chance and this time you're going to be stuck on the defensive. Great. Just great, you felt better about this the more you thought about it. You didn't see her use her command seals but that didn't necessarily mean she needed them to survive Caladbolg.
You didn't have the ability to check back then. You passed out as soon as you thought it was all over. Did Assassin's Master recover only recently? You wouldn't be surprised it's been a couple of weeks. But this was assuming she's still alive.
Not until you have concrete evidence, she could be alive or dead. Emiya was just confirming with you... There's no need to panic.
"She didn't use a command seal during the fight but I don't think she had enough time back then..." You managed to say as you pinched the bridge of your nose, "I wasn't able to check back then, I just assumed she died but her Servant may have had one last trick that would have let her survive..."
"I saw it myself. The area where Caladbolg ran through was left devastated. There were no bodies to confirm their death. All I knew was that Assassin's presence was there and then it wasn't anymore," Rider said with an equally frustrated tone.
Emiya held up his hands and said, "I'm just trying to make sure. But still, it might be nothing. I'll look into this for you two so just ease up, okay?"
"Can't really ease up when there's an Assassin Servant around just waiting to kill me in my sleep," you replied with a grimace.
"We worked so hard to kill them too," Rider groaned as she complained alongside you.
Emiya stared at the two of you and sighed, "You two are horrible people."
"You must have quite the eye if it took you this long to notice, old man," you snickered as you glanced at him.
"Well we haven't actually killed people yet en masse," Medb chuckled with you with a raise of her hand.
Emiya massaged his forehead, "If that happens, I'll be the first to stop you. I'm sure Saber would help me then. Still... Even if you two say that, I trust that you two are good people."
"Has your wife ever told you that you're too trusting?" You asked as you gave him a worried look.
"I don't know Brie, I sort of like it," Rider said with a shrug.
"Anyway!" Emiya said as he met your gaze with a serious look, "Just focus on recovering first. That's what you need right now... But even then don't let your guard down. There's no telling what will happen next."
"Understood," you replied with a nod.
Emiya had a relieved look on his face before he got up, "Good. I'll take care of this Assassin business and see what I can do. Give me a message if anything comes up."
"Yeah. See you around, old man," you said as you waved him goodbye.
He chuckled at that and left you in the café with Rider. You watched him go before you took Rider's mug from her hand and downed it in one go. Fuck it's sweet.
"Hey that was mine!" Rider hissed at you from the side.
"I'm so done with this stupid war," you groaned as you held your face with your hands.
You were tired... So tired. It hasn't even been a few hours since you left the church but you're exhausted already. You fell down on your bed and sighed as you relaxed your muscles. Staring at the ceiling, you can't help but slowly sink into your bed as your vision blurred.
"Going to sleep already?" Rider asked with a curious tone as she leaned by the doorframe.
"Yeah. Just gonna take a nap," you replied as you grabbed your blanket, "It's just for an hour."
You felt some weight settle at the foot of your bed. You opened your eyes to see Rider lean over you and place a hand on your forehead.
"I'll wake you in an hour," Rider assured you with a small smile, "I'll be right here..."
You felt comfortable... The fear of Assassin getting here to kill you subsided as Rider sat by your bedside. You slowly drifted off to sleep.
You were so tired.
You dreamed...
And you found yourself standing at a stone plaza as the skies rumbled overhead. Thunder echoed within the heavens as you noticed a grand red spear thrust upon the ground before what looked like the American White House.
You could hear the sounds of battle going on and you turned to see the monstrous form of a man with a Red Spear and a woman in white clash against a girl with a shield and a young man with orange mane.
It was a battle which shook the air and split the ground, you knew what sort of fight this was. You saw standing in the opposite end of you was...
Another girl that wore your face. She was wearing a white uniform and a black skirt. She was giving orders, struggling against the combined might of the woman in white and the monster in black.
She was controlling three Servants as they dueled the duo to the death. A woman in red fired her gun at the Woman in White but it was avoided. This left the woman open to the orange man's sword.
A red spear blocked the blow and threw the man back. You stared at them and raised your hand.
"Rider..." you whispered.
Your eyes widened as you saw the monster in black turn to you. His gaze sharpened before he came to a halt. Does he... Want you to help? However the moment passed and he charged the Shield Bearer and slammed her into the dirt.
"Rama! Support Mash!" Your doppelganger ordered as the Saber blocked the killing blow the monstrous Cu Chulainn was about to deal.
You watched Medb intercept the follow up and kick aside the Saber with her heel. The ground exploded where the Saber hit the ground but Medb was open to being struck by that massive shield.
The two sides were left at an impasse.
However the Lady and her Monster both had grins on their faces. They were enjoying it, this battle despite faced with the odds against them. It was like they were declaring war on the world.
They were going to lose at this rate. Would you really see it? Would you see how that woman will die?
This memory...
Opposite Side of the Coin
[] Interfere. Help them. Help her.
[] Wake up. You just want to wake up now... Not watch this.
[] Write in...