[] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.
Just hearing about this faction tickled you the wrong way. If thought about it, the whole Magus Society was just one big cult where people would discard morality and common sense in search for an impossible dream of reaching the Root. You're not sure where these feelings came from but you felt that they were instilled on you somehow.
But enough of the why questions. You had some information on Archer's group and they didn't look good at all. They were an armed group that deals in distributing drugs suspected to be made by Magi in order to gain cash. At least that's how it looked like on the surface but you think that's just a way to cover up for their true intention.
If the Guru was just looking to find a way to make a quick buck, they wouldn't go this far for the Grail. There were other avenues for it. But they still chose to participate in the Grail War, which could only mean that they have their sights on the Grail.
For money or perhaps something more? You can't help but be uncomfortable by the addition of this new mystery. You had the Main Family willing to send Berserker rampaging through the city, Hans and his secrets on how to take out said Main Family and now these Cultists...
"I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu," you hissed as you bit your thumb.
"Well they probably won't be doing that but there may be the chance they could be summoning something..." Hans said as he had a thoughtful look, "I have reason to believe that considering their movements but it's not concrete. That aside, I'll be leaving their eradication to you."
"Right. I think I can do that but under my own discretion. I'm not the type to just kill masses of people if I can't help it," you replied with a dry tone.
"Your choice. So long as you maintain your cover. Once the fighting starts, you need to act fast," Hans said as he met your gaze. He then leaned back on his seat and asked, "Anything else?"
"I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair," you said with a firm tone.
Rider perked up at that and smiled mischievously knowing that you put Hans on the spot. The most you knew about Lancer would be that they were fighting Emiya and Saber back at Caster's castle, impeding their progress to help you. You're not sure what to make of that but it shouldn't hurt knowing more about possible enemies, especially at a setting like this.
Hans studied your expression before closing his eyes with a sigh. He leaned forward and said, "Well I suppose you have been forthcoming putting your trust in me by this much, and that's saying a lot considering you're made to kill me. Very well."
The man tapped his cane on the ground before a rune opened the nearby window. You saw a shadow dart inside the room before stopping behind Hans. He kept his hands on his cane as he felt the presence of his servant behind him.
You and Medb stared at the tall and imposing figure of a man in armor. An armor as dark as charcoal with silver markings etched across its surface. However if there was something you could describe it with, it was simple.
It was an armor of thorns.
Jagged and bent like the teeth of a dark beast, the thorns were protruding outwards to harm those that would be close. You could feel the oppressive gaze you were being sent before Medb held your shoulder tightly.
She was on guard.
The man's helmet concealed his face but you could notice a faint light green glow coming from underneath his visor. He held no weapon and had nothing on him but he was without a doubt a Servant. He stood silently behind Hans as he stared at you... Only to turn his gaze towards Medb.
The Queen visibly flinched at that.
"Did they harm you, Master?" Lancer asked with an accusing tone.
"Nothing of the sort. They simply wanted to see you. Perhaps you can introduce yourself," Hans offered as he glanced at his servant.
"I believe you had no intention of revealing my existence. Perhaps the situation has truly turned dire," Lancer replied with no small disdain. He then stood firmly and spoke, "I am Servant Lancer, contracted to one Hans Derrinsmith. That is all you are to know."
"I see. Well since you're here, do you have anything to report?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Indeed. He's coming. It's just as you predicted," Lancer said as he glanced at his Master.
"Wait... Who's coming..?" You asked as you stood up.
"Berserker," Hans replied as he fixed his suit, "The Family must have been worried I would spin you to my side. Take no action that would make them think that not unless you wish Berserker's Wrath upon you," Hans advised as he limped to the door with his cane and Lancer, "Run, Brie. I'll meet you soon. A familiar will find you later."
You watched as he and Lancer left the room soon after. Lancer glanced at Medb through his helmet before leaving with Hans. You and Rider stayed there for a few moments before you started breathing.
Medb looked like she had just seen a ghost. With a stiff expression, she then said, "We have to go. Can't get caught in this now."
[] "He said try and make it unlikely that we're working together. Leave some warriors to trash the place and burn it up."
[] "Right. We need to get the fuck out. I don't want to see Berserker. Not now at least. Let's fly, Rider!"
[] "This might be a good chance to look at Berserker. Let's give it a try. We'll stay out of the approaching chaos."
[] "Rider... Are you hiding something?"
[] Write in...