So... just the usual stuff, huh?

-Vote Closed!-

Then again, things are going to start picking up soon enough, so maybe Ken should just enjoy the illusion of normalcy while he still can.
Jan. 26-29, 2009
The arcade crane machine has Jack Frost dolls again.

This shouldn't be all that surprising. The arcade crane machine changes its prize every week or so in more-or-less the same rotation, and you don't really think a lot of it. After all, it's not like you think much about the arcade.

Lavenza, however... "Don't you already have one of those dolls?" You point out. It's not exactly hard to remember, given how that's how you met this version of her.

She actually manages to produce the doll from the inside of her green coat, which given that you remember buying it from a perfectly mundane store, raises more questions than it answers. "You can never have too many of Jack Frost. Not that I'm doing this purely for the doll, this time."

...This is going to end with a crowd in front of the arcade again, isn't it. "Then why are you doing this?" And is there any way you can stop her?
I mean, she might not be Elizabeth-san, but I'm not sure how much that actually matters here.
Lavenza draws herself up, as though she has to say something of great importance. She probably doesn't, though, except maybe in her own head and her ability to convince others to follow her demands through sheer magical power. "I am very glad you asked. You see, next week, in Sumaru City, there is going to be a certain event. There will be a number of games there, and one of our Guests in the city claims that there will be a crane game with wondrous prizes. Therefore, I am in need of practice, and where better than a source of Jack Frosts?"

You thought so before, but now it's certain. Lavenza is at least slightly insane.
What do you expect? She's related to Elizabeth-san, after all.
"You... know others are going to want to play it, right?" You point out. "You... sort of took a while, last time."

"I shall take short breaks every fifteen minutes or so," She says, which is actually somewhat reassuring. "And with this outfit, nobody from last time should recognize me."

You're not convinced. Among other things, it would take a lot more than a change of clothes to make Lavenza unrecognizable, particularly when you pass by this arcade every time you go somewhere, and tend to hang out on the near side of the fountain.

But you also don't think it would be worth it to stop her, when she's offered her possibly bottomless pockets of money so long as you remind her not to stay out too long. Apparently, she got in trouble for that last time.

About an hour in, you consider asking her to join you at the photo booth, but she has a rather determined look on her face at the moment, and you don't think it's a good idea to interfere right now.

She does actually win a doll a bit faster this time... by which you mean it took four hours instead of six. Well. It's still progress.

You don't think she's going to win whatever she wants next week.

"Ken-senpai... are you sure this is a good idea?" Maiko's shivering a little, though you aren't that sure why. Compared to this library, there are things in this world that are a lot more terrifying.

...Except she doesn't know about the Dark Hour. Right. "I was five minutes ago," You admit, looking down the aisles. They don't seem any longer, darker, or more numerous than they should be, though it appears that the light above where the book of fairytales normally is has finally given up completely. You wonder how long it'll take to get that fixed. "Akira-san? Do you see anything unusual?"

Akira glances back from the aisle he is currently inching his way down. "You could help, you know."

This is probably the first time he's ever talked back to you. You're kind of proud, in a weird sort of way. "Maiko-chan's still too scared," You report. And neither of them had to agree to come with you, anyway.

"I don't even know what I'm looking for, anyway," He points out, wandering back over to the two of you and forfeiting all your progress. "It never used to be strange, until you showed up."
There were already books on major Arcana and trigonometry. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
You suppose he'd know, given that, for a while, he practically lived here. "I don't think it was like this for a while even after I started coming here," You try to defend yourself. "Or... maybe we just didn't notice it?"

Maiko manages to summon enough of her courage to reach out and touch a bookshelf. "But... if it was here earlier, shouldn't we have noticed it?"

You'd say so, but given that the Dark Hour exists, it's not exactly a guarantee. "Maybe we just couldn't."

"...Have you been spending time with Tafuchi-kun? I don't think the library's haunted." You aren't sure how she could know. After all, it's not like any of you know what a haunting looks like to begin with.

"Well, that's one less thing to be scared of, then," You point out. Given the looks your friends give you, you don't think they're amused. "Let's just look around. They wouldn't let anything that dangerous into a school, right?" Never mind that the local high school turns into a tower filled with Shadows every midnight, it's not like most people know about that.

Still, it appears to satisfy them for the moment, and the three of you step forward, making your way to the very back of the library.

"I always wonder why the corners are so dark..." You admit, glancing at one that seems almost pitch-black.

"It doesn't look that odd to me," Akira says, walking over to that same corner. "See, it's just-" And he vanishes.

Well. That could be a problem. "...Akira-san?" You ask, wandering to the edge of the shadow he disappeared into.

You don't get any sort of response.

[ ] Step into the shadowy corner.

[ ] Just... stay here. Try not to panic, if possible.

[ ] Get the librarian. He has to know what to do if a student vanishes, right?
[X] Step into the shadowy corner.
-[X] "Please don't be a portal to a Shadow Nest."

Because wishful thinking is always a slight comfort, right?
[X] Step into the shadowy corner.
-[X] "Please don't be a portal to a Shadow Nest."

Murphy: :whistle: :drevil:
[X] Step into the shadowy corner.
-[X] "Please don't be a portal to a Shadow Nest." we have our evoker with us or is it back at the dorm?
[X] Step into the shadowy corner.
-[X] "Please don't be a portal to a Shadow Nest."

[X] Step into the shadowy corner.
-[X] "Please don't be a portal to a Shadow Nest." we have our evoker with us or is it back at the dorm?

...I don't think Mitsuru would let us carry a gun to school, when we've never seen any Shadow activity outside of the Dark Hour.
Yeah, I probably should have expected this.

-Vote Closed!-

Time to see some of what's been hiding here this whole time, and that probably wouldn't have been discovered if Ken was not weak to Curse. Or if he were a bit less observant. Or if there weren't someone there willing to step into a dark corner just to humor him.
Hall of Knowledge
For a moment, you can only stare at the spot where Akira vanished. You know schools aren't necessarily entirely safe, not when most of the people you know attend the one that becomes Tartarus every night, but no matter how strange the library might have been, you'd never expected it might turn against you.

And it just might have. It also might have not, but you should probably assume it has for now until you can get your friend back.

It sort of goes without saying that you will, at this point.

"W-where'd Akira-senpai go?" Maiko asks, sounding more terrified than you've ever heard from her. You really wish you had an answer for her, but you don't. Not yet, at least.
We will, though.
"That's what I'm about to find out." You don't think you'd ever forgive yourself if you didn't do this. Closing your eyes, you step into the corner. "Please don't be a portal to a Shadow nest..." You have enough problems to deal with right now.

You take a step forward, and then another, and then one more, and then it comes to mind that, if you were still in the corner, you'd probably have hit a shelf by now. So you open your eyes, and stare at the world around you.

It's... well, it's definitely still a library. You can see the shelves, and the books, and what looks like it would be an information desk, if the place weren't completely deserted.

...Well, almost completely. There's you, of course, and there's also Akira, staring around with an awestruck look on his face. And it's not difficult to see why.

This is a library. You can tell that much just by looking around. But the sheer scale of it, shelves of books stretching up to a ceiling as high as that of the first floor of Tartarus, along most of the visible walls and leading into darkened hallways that seem too quiet to be safe... it's far beyond that of your little elementary school library.
Well, yes, most libraries don't have stained glass windows... though I'm not sure where the sunlight comes from. It can't possibly connect to the outside.
"Do you think I could live here?" Akira asks, breathlessly. You aren't sure if he's actually noticed you or not.

"You'd need to eat eventually," You point out. "And... would it even be safe, here?" You have to admit, the place seems peaceful. The light pools on the floor and you can spot some comfortable looking chairs set against one of the shelves. And you think that the chair behind the information desk might even spin.

But the entrance to Tartarus is just as grand, even more majestic, and even the first few floors of the tower are willing and able to rip your face off if you make the wrong move.

"I don't see anything..." You guess he'd know, with all the looking around he's doing. "...Maiko-chan didn't follow us?"

"I think she's... more than a bit scared, actually," You admit. "Actually, we should probably make sure there's an exit." You turn back the way you came.

...Somehow, you're surprised to see there actually is an exit. It's just an opening in the wall, that doesn't seem to lead there, but given how it's probably how you came in, you have a good feeling about this.

There's a label of some sort over the opening, with a bunch of symbols on it you don't understand. प्राथमिक विद्यालय पुस्तकालय... It's not something you've ever seen before.

Not that it's definitely your way out or anything, but... it's the best you've got.

Akira doesn't seem all that interested in leaving at the moment, until you point out that Maiko's probably beside herself with worry, at which point he agrees that you can come back for a more proper exploration later.

You don't think there's any Shadows around, but maybe you should see if you can come back with your Evoker, just in case.

Mitsuru-san still refuses to let you take your Evoker to school. You can sort of figure out why- among other things, she probably doesn't want to be arrested- but that means you should probably stay close to the entrance of the new library you found, just in case.
A library you still haven't told her about, just because you don't want to be told not to go there.
Maiko, meanwhile, still doesn't fully believe you on the whole 'mystical library' thing until you talk her into stepping into the corner herself, and she comes back almost immediately. Apparently, you can only be so curious.

You think she'll be willing to go in later, maybe. For now, though, you're perfectly willing to go about doing other things. (Pick up to three.)

[ ] Spend time with friends.
-[ ] Maiko.
-[ ] Akira.
-[ ] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Empathy)
-[ ] Kyouma. (+Empathy)
-[ ] Akihiko-san and Morgana.
-[ ] Shinjiro-san and Koromaru.

[ ] Try to make a new friend.
-[ ] Girl from your class with braids.
-[ ] Third grader who carries a camera.
-[ ] Quiet, but oddly observant, first-grader.

[ ] Practice Channeling
-[ ] Dia
--[ ] By yourself
--[ ]With Akihiko-san and Morgana
-[ ] Zio
--[ ] By yourself
--[ ] With Akihiko-san
-[ ] Cruel Attack
-[ ] Kouha

[ ] Read in the normal library.
-[ ] About mythology. (+Knowledge)
-[ ] That big book of fairytales. (+Courage)
-[ ] A book about communication skills. (+Expression)

[ ] Talk to the librarian.

[ ] You want more custom outfits.
Ok, a quick check through Google Translate gives Primary School Library in the Hindi language. So either the portal goes to India, or the portal leads to a super library made up of other libraries.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Empathy)

[X] Read in the normal library.
-[X] A book about communication skills. (+Expression)

[X] Talk to the librarian.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Empathy)

[X] Read in the normal library.
-[X] A book about communication skills. (+Expression)

[X] Talk to the librarian.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Empathy)

[X] Read in the normal library.
-[X] About mythology. (+Knowledge)

[X] Talk to the librarian.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Empathy)

[X] Read in the normal library.
-[X] A book about communication skills. (+Expression)

[X] Talk to the librarian.
[x] Spend time with friends.
-[x] Akihiko-san and Morgana.

The two people on our team with more courage than common sense are together. They need a chaperone.

[x] Practice Channeling
-[x] Kouha

[X] Read in the normal library.
-[X] A book about communication skills. (+Expression)
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Empathy)

[X] Read in the normal library.
-[X] About mythology. (+Knowledge)

[X] Talk to the librarian.
Ok, so worst case scenario is that Akira has a Palace and it somehow manafested in someway here. Best case Scenario is God Fuckery.