Jan. 19-21, 2009
Your friends haven't been back to the library for a while, now. You hope they haven't been scared off for good- it'd be hard for Akira to get his books, if he has- but you can't help but admit it feels a bit like you're being watched as you wander its halls.

You pick a book from the shelf without thinking much about it, other than that it claims to delve into myths. You're moving out of Greek myth for the time being- you think you could recite some of the most common stories in your sleep, anyway. Especially those involving the Personas belonging to members of your group.

It's a heavy book, relatively speaking, though still not quite as large as the book of fairytales that teeters precariously on the very top shelf. You give it a nervous glance as you pass beneath it, but it thankfully doesn't fall.

You consider pausing to push it back into place, but that would require interacting with it, and at the moment, that doesn't seem like all that great an idea.

Once you are safely out of concussion range, you put the book you have chosen down on the table, actually bothering to take a proper look at it. It appears to be a book about several different mythologies- more precisely, about their various deities of wisdom and knowledge.

You recognize the Greek ones, of course, but a number of names are unfamiliar. Seshat, Orunmila, Ahura Mazda... And a few that are familiar in some way, though you can't figure out where- Sarasvati, Ganesha, Tir. All things considered, when you see just how much is in this book, you're sort of surprised that it's not larger.

Not that you aren't glad it's relatively small. It'd be a bit hard to carry otherwise. But you get the feeling that you're not going to make it through the whole thing today.

The librarian gives you an odd look when you start reading, but you don't think much of it. You're much more interested in what you could learn from this book.

You don't get all that far through it before you have to leave, but you think you just might have found a new project.

Your second encounter with Narumi-san occurs as unexpectedly as your first did. He's talking with Mitsuru-san outside the dorm, though you can't hear what they're talking about as you approach. It could be something about Shinjiro-san, it could be something about Personas, you don't know. And you aren't certain you need to, either.

"I think I can get them together before the start of the next school year," Narumi-san states, which doesn't clarify anything other than that they're talking about something important, which you'd sort of expected given who they are.

Mitsuru-san nods, and even from a distance, you can tell she's satisfied about something. "That would be excellent. Particularly if any incoming students happen to be... affected... by this." You wonder what the odds are that she's talking about the Dark Hour.
High enough that no one would take that bet.
You wonder, for a moment, if you should announce your presence, or if you should just go inside and pet Koromaru. Both of them sound like really good options at the moment, depending on whether you were supposed to walk in to this.

Before you can make your decision, however, Narumi-san notices you, stiffening when his gaze falls upon you. Which is just as strange as it was before- more, actually, since he already knew you existed this time. And even Shinjiro-san no longer acts nervous around you most of the time. "I... suppose I've been here longer than I thought I had."

"It's good to see you again, Narumi-san," You greet him, hoping that he won't be as nervous if you smile at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just informing him of recent events," Mitsuru-san explains, which still doesn't clarify anything on the exact reason why he's here. "Particularly our most recent trip to Tartarus and things that have occurred since."

You suppose this means she's adjusted fully to the reality of Persona Users not affiliated with your little group. Of course, what she's telling you and what you overheard earlier aren't quite the same thing, but you suppose the subject could have drifted a little. "Oh, about Morgana's Shadow?"

Narumi-san glances between the two of you, making you sort of wonder just what he and Mitsuru-san were talking about earlier that she didn't mention. "Why is he so calm about that?"

You shrug. "Is there a reason I shouldn't be? It's his Persona now, so it's not like there's anything to worry about, right?"
Conveniently ignoring the fact that he started as a resolved Persona...
Honestly, if you let yourself worry about all the little details of the human-Persona relationship, you think you'd spend a lot of time freaking out and trying to figure out when, exactly, things went strange for you. Even counting the time travel, you still don't think you could find all that good an answer.

"I... suppose not..." You can tell he doesn't fully believe what he's saying, or maybe he's still just the slightest bit unnerved by you. Not that it matters when this is only the second time you've come across him.

Figuring that you're not really going to be able to join in on this conversation, you decide to go inside. Mitsuru-san tells you to tell the others that Ikutsuki-san will be by this evening and that you should all take measures to hide all traces of Morgana's existence for the time being.

You aren't entirely sure what that's going to do, but you suppose it's not that different than having most of your number eat instant noodles. Maybe she just doesn't want Yukari-san to end up fielding a team half made of animals.

All things considered, if that's the reason, you really don't think you can blame her.

Akira and Maiko have already left for the day. You're pretty sure Maiko's gone home, but you have no idea where Akira's gone off to. Probably to a library that's not creepy and possibly supernatural. Or to meet Lavenza for something.

Still, it comes to mind that it wouldn't be a bad idea to make more friends your own age. Particularly when one of the ones you already have is Lavenza. It's probably important that you learn to interact with others at some point, so you look around the school for someone to approach.

Eventually, you decide to try and befriend...

[ ] A girl wearing braids, who sits in the back of your classroom scribbling something onto a pad of paper.

[ ] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.

[ ] A young girl with glasses, who slips basically unseen through the hallways but seems to be observing everyone as closely as possible.

[ ] A boy you vaguely remember as being in Akira's class last year, who carries around an old camera wherever he goes.
[X] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.

...ghosts? Why does that fill me with dread? Mainly for the kid?
Because Bless Magic is kind of "Awesome but Impractical", both in the utility and combat sense. Like yeah, One-Hit-KOing mooks is sweet, but it would be useless on most bosses- which also means Kouha would be useless. Plus the whole "Too easy no EXP earned" thing.

Utility wise, it certainly is impressive having light at one's beck and call... and that's about it, whereas Zio & Dia have far more regular reasons to be used. Being a Human Charger is very valuable, which makes being "Human Flashlight" less useful when we can just power a device to light for us.
You've mentioned this odd idea before, I think, about how Ken's Bless magic will be completely useless against bosses because IK immunity. The answer's already been given to the problem in the games: Bosses null Instant-Kills but aren't necessarily resistant to the actual Bless/Curse element.
I will repeat my point from earlier. If Kouha is always included to Insta Kill Immunity in bosses, than there was no point at all in making Kouha Spells Ken's specialty. Because that'd be more a hindarance that Ken's most attuned element is completely worthless for any important fight in existence.

Also, I feel you underestimate the value of Light element. And I see absolutely no reason why we'd ever advertise being a 'human flash light/charger' to the general public.

I mean, the enemies are specifically coded to be immune to Bless/Curse rather than Instant Kill itself, and Bless/Curse weakness isn't that common to begin with regarding 3 & 4. Plus, even if Kouha/Egi worked we would never find a Boss weak to them. Though Kouha/Hama is still useful against enemies resistant or immune to Elec.

Regarding Bless Tricks... Any offensive option would still be of limited value, whereas making an Invisibility technique would probably just render us blind when active. So really, "Generating Light" is the only viable route which admittedly includes blinding enemies with bright light.
I mean, the enemies are specifically coded to be immune to Bless/Curse rather than Instant Kill itself, and Bless/Curse weakness isn't that common to begin with regarding 3 & 4. Plus, even if Kouha/Egi worked we would never find a Boss weak to them. Though Kouha/Hama is still useful against enemies resistant or immune to Elec.

Regarding Bless Tricks... Any offensive option would still be of limited value, whereas making an Invisibility technique would probably just render us blind when active. So really, "Generating Light" is the only viable route which admittedly includes blinding enemies with bright light.
I'm assuming that the enemies then were coded that way because there was no such thing as a non-IK Bless/Curse skill, but there's a better way to answer this question.

Seeker, how do you plan on handling enemies from Persona 3/4 that have Bless/Curse resistance, considering how the only B/C spells from back then were Instant-Kills?
[X] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.
[X] A girl wearing braids, who sits in the back of your classroom scribbling something onto a pad of paper.
@Seeker, how do you plan on handling enemies from Persona 3/4 that have Bless/Curse resistance, considering how the only B/C spells from back then were Instant-Kills?
Plain resistances stay the same, immunities depend on the enemy but, in boss cases, will mostly be instant-kill immunity with their ability to handle a given element determined off of what I think makes sense, though any weakness or resistance to non-instant-kill Bless or Curse will be determined based on the regular encounter versions of said enemy when possible. If there is no regular encounter version, resistance will still probably be more common than not, though this is subject to change up until said boss is actually encountered.

Yes, this means Eiha and Kouha are part of the Emperor and Empress' roulette. As well as anything else the party has available by that point.
[X] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.

Investigation Team is go?
[X] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.
[x] A girl wearing braids, who sits in the back of your classroom scribbling something onto a pad of paper.

I don't know who any of these people are or could be. So, shot in the dark.
[X] A girl wearing braids, who sits in the back of your classroom scribbling something onto a pad of paper.

Partially so Ken's group is gender equal, and partially because a writing buddy would be nice. Though I also have zero clue who they are, I haven't played P3 in literally years and nobody from P5 seems to fit.

Granted, there's always the possibility they're Shin Megami characters, but I haven't played any of those. Hmm, is there any way to fit in Tokyo Mirage Session...?
Hmm, is there any way to fit in Tokyo Mirage Session...?
They could probably fit into the idol scene, their supernatural shennanigans have invisible-to-normies stuff generally, a few exceptions aside IIRC? Depending on timings they'd not necessarily be in the middle of plot tho, the backstory disappearance is five years before it starts.
[X] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.
The librarian gives you an odd look when you start reading, but you don't think much of it.
Gee, you'd think the librarian would be used to strange things in the library.

Then again, if whatever is up with the library is only visible to non-muggles (so to speak), maybe we're enough on the edge to have a Lavenza-like effect.


[X] A boy hanging around the shoe lockers, who keeps telling everyone who'll listen that Naganaki Shrine was attacked by ghosts.

*shrug* If nothing else, we might get some clues to what happened at the shrine.

Edit: Forgot the quote. :oops:
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[X] A girl wearing braids, who sits in the back of your classroom scribbling something onto a pad of paper.

It's almost certainly not her, but this makes me think Makoto, so I'm voting for it.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 19, 2019 at 2:02 PM, finished with 19 posts and 11 votes.
Okay, approaching the conspiracy theorist... this should be fun. For me. Maybe not so much for Ken, but...

-Vote Closed!-

For Ken's new potential friends, I gave a name and some extra character traits to two of P3s child NPCs, made up another, and found one proper character that would not be fully out of place in any city with an obviously-visible Shadow nest. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one this is.
Okay, approaching the conspiracy theorist... this should be fun. For me. Maybe not so much for Ken, but...

-Vote Closed!-

For Ken's new potential friends, I gave a name and some extra character traits to two of P3s child NPCs, made up another, and found one proper character that would not be fully out of place in any city with an obviously-visible Shadow nest. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one this is.
This kid genuinely concerns me. Mainly cuz he's talking about a place burned down by Strega getting burned down by ghosts. Which could easily be a Persona. Which could cause him to be targeted. Because Strega, all of Strega, are full of unrepentant assholes.
A Boy With Ideas
You spend some time hanging around your classroom, watching Oyama-chan continue to go at it with her pencil, before turning and leaving. You know she probably doesn't have any superpowers of her own, but you don't want to try and find out by interrupting her when she's in the middle of something. You may end up approaching her later, but...

Well, now's probably not the best time for that. So you walk down the halls, preparing to go home for the day, when you hear raised voices coming from ahead of you.

"I'm telling you, it makes sense!" A boy who looks to be about Maiko's age insists. "How else could it burn down without anyone seeing anything!?"

"Do you really expect us to believe that?" Another boy, this one older than you, asks. He holds himself similarly to Shinjiro-san, but without any of Shinjiro-san's kindness. "What sort of ghosts would even do that kind of thing, anyway? I'm not sure anyone would care about that old place." You remind yourself that it wouldn't do you any good to attack your senpai, no matter how mean he's being at the moment.
We are not Akihiko-san, and this would be a bad time to start pretending that we are.
Really, odds are that would just get you in trouble, and maybe get Mitsuru-san involved, and nothing that could end with you an ice block would ever be a good idea.

So, instead, you come up to the two of them, and ask, "What are you two doing?"

"None of your business, shrimp," The older boy scowls, while the younger one looks away from you. "Tafuchi just thinks he's funny, that's all." Okay, first of all, he's not that much taller than you. Second, even if he were, you're the one, between the two of you, with the magical powers. You don't have to take casual insults from him.
Again, this would be a really bad time to emulate Akihiko-san.
You decide, however, that using magic to make any kind of point would be more trouble than it's worth, and instead opt to just ignore him, turning to the smaller boy. "So, did you want to say something?"

"Well... it's just..." He glances fearfully at the rude boy near the both of you, before taking a deep breath and saying, "I don't think it was a human who burned down the shrine."

Honestly, that's not an entirely unbelievable conclusion to make, even if Shadows don't come out in the day and you aren't sure there's any fire Persona Users around. "Then what do you think did it?" You ask, which causes the rude boy to laugh.

"He thinks it was ghosts. Can you believe it?"

You shrug. "I've seen weirder." Admittedly, you aren't sure you should be saying this to people who have no idea what kind of things you've been through, but it's true. Between Shadows, Morgana, and even an actual fairy, you aren't sure there's any room for you to conclusively say that something doesn't exist anymore. You glance at the younger boy again. "Do you want to come talk about it?"

You get a surprised nod in return, and are quick to lead him out of the building.

"H-hey! Stop ignoring me!"

Once you're a safe distance away from the boy who had nothing to do but make fun of a younger kid's ideas, you turn to your new companion. "So, I didn't really get your name earlier... I'm Ken Amada, by the way."

"O-oh, I'm Kyouma. Kyouma Tafuchi." He gives you a nervous grin that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Why did you help me earlier? Nobody really believes what I have to say."
Because nobody ever believed me, either.
"Well, it's not like ghosts would be the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me," You admit. Even if you personally don't think that's the explanation, it's more than anyone else has ever presented. "But... why do you think that, anyway?"

"Well, it's not like anyone saw what happened, right?" Kyouma points out. "But it was the middle of the day, and if there was that little left, it'd have to be a pretty big fire. So there had to be something hiding it." You suppose that makes sense, but...

"...That doesn't really sound like a ghost thing, though." More like a Chidori-san thing. You haven't seen her since it happened, though, and you aren't sure how to ask Morgana about her, so there's no way to tell for sure.

You also don't really know what ghosts can do, but... something tells you that hiding big, flashy things isn't what they're best at.
Admittedly, I only ever met the one ghost, but she was not subtle.
"Well, what else could it be?" He asks.

"I don't know. But it'd have to be very good at hiding." You're sure there's some sort of yokai that can do that kind of thing, and if fairies can exist, they can too. "And maybe have some sort of fire magic." It can't be that uncommon of an element, right?

"...Maybe," Kyouma sighs, as if he's only just realized how many possibilities there are once the supernatural is added to the equation. "Or maybe aliens with stealth technology?" That's a bit less plausible, but so long as you're throwing ideas around...

"Yeah, but I think anyone who has a problem with the shrine would at least be from this planet." It wasn't exactly a major location.

The two of you bounce ideas off of each other for a little longer before heading home. Kyouma's ideas are... interesting, even if you're pretty sure that's not quite what's going on. But he's not entirely wrong, either, you think, and maybe if he knew the kinds of supernatural things you know for sure exists, he'd be able to figure out the rest.

Still, you feel better about yourself for having managed to talk to someone new, and that's really all you were aiming for. And you've realized some things that should probably be done, too...

[ ] Ask Morgana something important.
-[ ] About Chidori-san.
-[ ] If he would be interested in another attempt to meet with Lavenza.
-[ ] You'd like a bit more detail on the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, actually...

[ ] Now might be the time to mention Chidori-san to your older friends.

[ ][Special Interaction] Tell Shinjiro-san about the time travel.Requires Expression 4.

[ ] If something big is going to happen in the next year or so, you're sure Mitsuru-san would appreciate the warning. Even if you're not fully sure of it yourself.

[ ] Ask Mitsuru-san for help expanding your sensory abilities.
-[ ] For long-distance communication.
-[ ] For locating others.
-[ ] To read elemental affinities.