Except those are Morgana's feelings, so it isn't pointless. He and Mona are the same person, if they weren't then it wouldn't have mattered if Morgana rejected Shadow Mona.
Yeah, and the feelings of other shadows in Persona 4 were perfectly fine getting beaten the hell up. And besides, Morgana KNOWS that his Shadow self is him. He just had a bad reaction to its constant pushing.

Also, we don't know how much his Shadow is like Nemesis. Where Ken and Nemesis are technically the same entity, but circumstances have caused them to diverge from each other so radically, they are almost different people.
Yeah, and the feelings of other shadows in Persona 4 were perfectly fine getting beaten the hell up. And besides, Morgana KNOWS that his Shadow self is him. He just had a bad reaction to its constant pushing.

Also, we don't know how much his Shadow is like Nemesis. Where Ken and Nemesis are technically the same entity, but circumstances have caused them to diverge from each other so radically, they are almost different people.

They still had to accept those feelings to gain the power of Persona, so if Morgana doesn't come to terms with himself... We're just gonna have to keep dealing with Shadow Mona, who will be stronger everytime we face him.

Morgana and Shadow Mona are connected, doesn't matter if they've diverged some- Morgana must come to terms with Shadow Mona. If they truly had no connection, this wouldn't be happening. Thus, we should check on Morgana, because he is scared nobody is really his friend.
They still had to accept those feelings to gain the power of Persona, so if Morgana doesn't come to terms with himself... We're just gonna have to keep dealing with Shadow Mona, who will be stronger everytime we face him.

Morgana and Shadow Mona are connected, doesn't matter if they've diverged some- Morgana must come to terms with Shadow Mona. If they truly had no connection, this wouldn't be happening. Thus, we should check on Morgana, because he is scared nobody is really his friend.
If we don't at least disable Shadow Mona for the moment, checking on Morgana will just put him, and everyone else in danger. Because a rampaging Shadow is a danger to everything within a nearby vincinity. We can check on Morgana later, when it's relatively safer. For now, checking on him is just needless risk and is opening us up to be hit unprepared. Which considering how we have basically no defense, we're likelt to take a massive chunk of damage from whatever Shadow Mona throws at us.
@DarkKing98: Akihiko can stun him just fine, and Ken would be on guard since he's going to defend Morgana. Really, Ken wouldn't know that Berserk Shadow Selves ignore themselves, so it isn't weird Ken would want to make sure Morgana will be safe.
@DarkKing98: Akihiko can stun him just fine, and Ken would be on guard since he's going to defend Morgana. Really, Ken wouldn't know that Berserk Shadow Selves ignore themselves, so it isn't weird Ken would want to make sure Morgana will be safe.
Shouldn't it be the opposite? Not knowing they ignore themselves Ken would be joining Akihiko in keeping the Shadow Cat stunned?
[X] ...Is your Morgana all right? Maybe you should focus on defending him.
"Shut up!" The regular cat yowls. "You can't tell me who to be friends with! You're not me!" And then he freezes. "Um... can I get a take back on that?"
Okay, I know it's a serious situation and all, but this made me laugh.

Also: he said it!


[X] ...Is your Morgana all right? Maybe you should focus on defending him.

We're his friend, it's time we start acting more like it.

... Why do I foresee even more saving our friends from themselves in our future?
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We're his friend, it's time we start acting more like it.
By letting ourselves risk getting our ass kicked because we ignored the powerful rampaging Shadow?

Also, the Shadow warped what we did with Morgana's own biases. We brought Lavenza with us because we were trying to help/protect him.
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[X] ...Is your Morgana all right? Maybe you should focus on defending him.
By letting ourselves risk getting our ass kicked because we ignored the powerful rampaging Shadow?

Also, the Shadow warped what we did with Morgana's own biases. We brought Lavenza with us because we were trying to help/protect him.
I was referring to the fact that we didn't spend as much time with him as we probably should have.

Besides, I still think it's important that there's no doubt that we are his friend, and that we care about his safety.
Because you're planning on talking and trying to comfort the cat instead of focusing on the Shadow?

Which by the way, if Morgana's Shadow is at all like Kamoshida's, it'll probably focus on Ken for attacks.

[]...Is your Morgana all right? Maybe you should focus on defending him.

Things I don't see in the vote: talking and comforting.
The usual process is to trash the shadow until its no longer actively talking shit and they actually listen to each other.
Shadow rampaging isn't even trying to be understood, its just lashing out because its upset.
Say what you will about Morgana, but at least he realizes he fucked up.

-Vote Closed!-

Now, to try and protect him from his Shadow, because letting the physical embodiment of hope be killed by his personal issues is probably a bad idea.
A Sudden Gust of Wind Before Your Eyes- Part 3
Okay, so you don't fully understand what's going on, but Morgana's clearly in trouble and needs help. Shadows are dangerous to people in general, but... if it's Morgana this Shadow is mad at, then it's him who's in the most danger.

...Then again, you think that would be generally true for anyone who doesn't have a Persona in a Shadow nest, so you'd probably end up doing this either way. As the massive feline towers above your group, you deliberately step right in front of the fallen cat.

If Shadow Morgana wants to get as his other self, he'll have to go through you first.

"He-he uses wind, right?" Takeba-san checks, struggling to keep her voice under control. "I guess I'll be- I'll be on support, then." Probably not a bad idea. Someone needs to make sure that everyone else stays alive, after all.

Akihiko-san, meanwhile, has his Evoker drawn and ready. He doesn't wait for the Shadow to act, simply summoning Caesar in a flash of light. Strangely, what you see next isn't the bolt of lightning you'd expected, but some other sort of glow, and then the Shadow's claws and fangs seem... duller? Maybe? It's the best word you have, anyway.

You don't make any particular move to fight, just readying your spear. If your opponent thinks you'll be easy to get by, he's in for an unpleasant surprise.

In the end, however, it's Koromaru who launches the first attack, Cerberus firing a massive ball of flames at the cat, who turns to him with a golden glare. He leaps forward at the dog, swiping at him with his tied-together claws, pushing him backwards.

Koromaru whines, but doesn't seem to be that badly hurt. You aren't sure you'd get off so easily from that attack, but you have an actual weapon to strike back with, so you suppose it evens out.

...Of course, you can only fight back like that when he's physically attacking, instead of casting Magaru, and it takes all of the effort you can muster not to fall over, because that much wind hurts, but at least you're doing something. And Takeba-san starts casting Dia as quickly as she can, so at least things aren't going to stay that way for long.

But while your group is busy not dying, Shadow Morgana has properly fixed his gaze on you. Which is never a good sign, when it's a big Shadow. Especially not one that seems to have a problem with you personally.

Still... at least you know what it looks like when he attacks. And he appears to be preparing to take a swing at you right now.

"Get out of my way!" He demands. As if there was ever a chance of you doing that. He swings down at you, and you try to block it with your spear.

It sort of works, in the sense that you haven't been knocked to the ground or pushed away from Morgana. But you can't take another hit from him at the moment, and you aren't sure that Takeba-san can heal as fast as he can hit things.

So you'll just have to hit back. Your attempt to stab him doesn't do all that much- he barely even winces, and you'd stabbed as hard as you could- but he backflips away rather than letting you do it again, so that does give you some amount of breathing room.

And then Caesar blasts him with lightning. It's easily the most powerful shock you've ever seen- everything else was either too spread out or coming from a weaker Persona. Or blended in too much with other attacks to easily pick out. And that reflects in the Shadow's reaction, you guess, given how he falls to the ground, twitching.

For a moment, Akihiko-san stands there as if he's not sure what to do next. Then Takeba-san glares at him. "Don't just stand there! Keep going!" He dutifully zaps Shadow Morgana again. You figure it couldn't hurt to summon Nemesis to join in. Koromaru barks and adds one of his Curse spells to the mix. And then Takeba-san shoots him, just to be sure.

"Ken...?" You hear your Morgana's voice behind you, but don't turn away from the Shadow. "What are you-?" You don't get to hear the rest of his question, as his Shadow manages to push himself up off the ground- or, okay, he manages to jump up and backflip into a standing position, but it's the same basic thing- and then decides to hit all of you with a cyclone.

This time, you remember that you can use your spear to steady yourself, and that makes things... slightly less terrible? But once the winds die down, he's still standing there, and, as if one of your friends ended up tempting fate in their head, whatever effect Akihiko-san put him under wears off, leaving his claws and fangs glinting in the barrier's light.

"Why are you still here!? You don't care about him, most of you don't really know him! So stop pretending, already!" And with those words, he snaps the ropes tying his forepaws together, scraps of yellow cloth fluttering to the ground to be crushed under his boots.

He doesn't seem to be all that badly hurt. Not that you know how to judge injuries on a giant Shadow cat or anything. But you don't know if you're getting anywhere or not.

Ken's HP: 21/45

Ken's SP: 71/75

Nihil Spear Power: 63

Nihil Spear Accuracy: 61

[ ] He's weak to lightning. Exploit that.

[ ] At no point is stabbing a Shadow ever a bad idea. Except when it doesn't work.

[ ] Takeba-san clearly can't handle everyone's healing needs on her own. You should help her with that.

[ ] You're... actually pretty okay with what you're doing, right now.

[ ] ...There's a teleporter nearby. If you could get your Morgana closer to it, you could... well, okay, there's a decently high chance it'd involve a berserk panther on the first floor of Tartarus. But it could still work!