Storm Trooper Mafia

1K = Scum.
Byzantine = Town.
Meso = Neutral.
QT & Nictis = Lean town on both with Nictis town read being stronger, but I believe at least one of them is scum.
LDJ = Lean Scum.
Tykan = Neutral.
Hobo = Town

Oshha knowing the wording of the VT post means nothing.

And now you let scum know for I did. Great job. I mean, I think you are town now, but serious?
[X] Lynch QTesseract

1Kbest is my choice right now, but I don't want me or Byzantine to be lynched so I'm going for my second choice of QT since I think I can get more support for that than I can on 1K lynch.
And now you let scum know for I did. Great job. I mean, I think you are town now, but serious?

IH said it last page. It was also always useless. There is a reason exact wording is banned, and it isn't because it was too helpful to town. It was, from what I've read, because it was ridiculously disruptive. and unproductive.
I currently think that QT, 1K and LDJ are on a scum team together and the rest of us are town.
Sooo, ok, the longer version. First off my general ideas for scum right now.
My first general assumption is about the distribution of alignment. AFAIK roles get usually rolled but since we have only a small number of initial players and almost half of them newbs, I expect that the scum distribution is somewhat not random. As in you want to avoid situation where all scums are either newbs that face off a mass of town vets or all scums vets, which leads probably to a heavily one-sided endgame. So it's highly likely that scum has both newbs and vets.
Right now we have 5 newbs, 2 vets and 2 high profile vets left.

For me there are 2 possible newbs left as suspects, Byzantine and Hobo.

Oshha seems very much town to me.
Meso gets another big town cred. The day 1 mess would have either to be genuine or a brilliant stunt. And for a stunt it would have been rather risky, way too risky for me to be believable.

IH gets null from me for now. TBH I have to reread him again to be sure.
Byz doesn't look good. What I pointed at earlier is this.
I tend to think Ossha is town, just based on them taking Dawiusz slot.
Does that still hold up, knowing Rosen is town?
I think so. I just thought he played like a new townie. Not to put too fine a point on it, but he didn't seem like someone being guided by a team.
I'm in agreement on that. Now considrr him being paired with perenially inactive QT and another noob.

Up till now Byz tried an upfront approach. He clearly stated his suspicions directly. This here is a more underhanded approach. He tries to steer Meso onto an Oshha lynch, trying to force his narrative of an Oshha & QT team.
But he doesn't vote for him at that point, just trying to raise suspicions in others.
Meanwhile he's continually voting for my towncore. I could understand lynching Meso but Daw rather clearly showed being vanilla.
So I'm pretty sure Byz is definitely not VT. I'm rather going with scum than with any power role at this time.

About his scum partners... right now I suspect 1k and Nictis.
LDJ and QT left a better impression on me, with Byz shading QT what felt too hard to be shading.
Mind, this part is rather weak right now.
Oh, also @Oshha's fake claim seemed to be an attempt to get a town PR to out themselves as having visited him and survived. Oshha is almost certainly scum.
You wouldn't be told if a cop/tracker/doctor/etc visited you. Only if something affected you like a roleblocker or jailer.

Which doesn't make sense with what I claimed in my fake claim? I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. If I didn't detect them, then under what I said in my fake claim, they wouldn't have been killed.
1K = Scum.
Byzantine = Town.
Meso = Neutral.
QT & Nictis = Lean town on both with Nictis town read being stronger, but I believe at least one of them is scum.
LDJ = Lean Scum.
Tykan = Neutral.
Hobo = Town

And now you let scum know for I did. Great job. I mean, I think you are town now, but serious?

I don't think you should be inferring Byzantine Town from this. I didn't explicitly say it, but it's not a hard leap of logic from you making a VT claim, then me saying it skirts the rules, to figuring out you are very close to the VT wording.
My first general assumption is about the distribution of alignment. AFAIK roles get usually rolled but since we have only a small number of initial players and almost half of them newbs, I expect that the scum distribution is somewhat not random. As in you want to avoid situation where all scums are either newbs that face off a mass of town vets or all scums vets, which leads probably to a heavily one-sided endgame. So it's highly likely that scum has both newbs and vets.
First, bad assumption. If they say they choose the roles randomly, they choose the roles randomly. Looking for patterns in the noise is just a waste of time. Second, baring some kind of really bad luck, it was already likely there would be 1-2 vets and conversely 2-1 newbs in the scum teams (assuming we are correct about 3 people). Bad luck is not generally corrected for. (See A Game of Crowns, where Nictis and LttL got the worst possible luck with who got the Prince role).

Up till now Byz tried an upfront approach. He clearly stated his suspicions directly. This here is a more underhanded approach. He tries to steer Meso onto an Oshha lynch, trying to force his narrative of an Oshha & QT team.
I have been quite upfront about going for a QT lynch, I'm very annoyed everyone decided to go after my weaker claim instead. I still think QT is the more dangerous of the pair.

Also, I was voting QT until last page, who I had explicitly said was my stronger scum read. Now I suspect you're our third scum member. I mean I already did, you're by far the quietest newish player which could be coaching or could be meaningless, I don't know. But this argument is clearly in bad faith.

Meanwhile he's continually voting for my towncore. I could understand lynching Meso but Daw rather clearly showed being vanilla.
So I'm pretty sure Byz is definitely not VT. I'm rather going with scum than with any power role at this time.
I think your town core is scummy as hell. And how did Daw show he was vanilla? If anything I thought he was hinting he had a power role and we were gonna be in so much trouble when he flipped and showed it. I've since decided that was just a bad bluff by a newb scum whose support wasn't on to rescue him.

Which doesn't make sense with what I claimed in my fake claim? I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. If I didn't detect them, then under what I said in my fake claim, they wouldn't have been killed.
You're confusing fluff with powers. The Power you claimed was that of a 1-shot PGO, who kills (the first person) that visits them in the night.
[X] Lynch Byzantine

I've been sufficient convinced to doubt them being town by 1K, Hobo and Tykan so I don't mind making a self-perversation lynch against them.

Also, I am not town reading 1K which completely ruins my scum reads now that end of day is approaching. Euh.
You're confusing fluff with powers. The Power you claimed was that of a 1-shot PGO, who kills (the first person) that visits them in the night.

I made up the claim!

New reads (take with a hint of salt as I am not attached to them):
Tykan = Town.
1K = Town.
Hobo = Town.
Nictis = Neutral/Lean town.
QT = Neutral/Lean town.
Byzantine = Scum.
LDJ = Lean scum.
Meso = Neutral.
Can another vanilla BESIDES IH confirm that the wording is similar? @mesonoxian are you around?
Why are you putting stock in the fluff? I know you've played enough games to know how misleading it can be. Hell, last game Nictis tried exactly this strategy to get into position to kill Evenstar, and it would have worked with most people. I expect scum, as infiltrators, are perfectly aware of the town PM. Of course that's falling into the fluff argument myself, so isn't reliable. Either way...

[x] Lynch Oshha

I made up the claim!

Yes, I know. I'm saying in many worlds that claim would have caused a town PR to out themselves to show you lied, because that claim is that of a PGO, which is countered by having had someone visit you.
New reads (take with a hint of salt as I am not attached to them):
Tykan = Town.
1K = Town.
Hobo = Town.
Nictis = Neutral/Lean town.
QT = Neutral/Lean town.
Byzantine = Scum.
LDJ = Lean scum.
Meso = Neutral.
...Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. What exactly happened in the last hour that changed your opinion of QT/Nictis?