Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

[x] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[x] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
[X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)

I don't think we'll get anywhere without taking at least some risk, and this one feels to me like it has the most chance of turning up subconsequent leads that we can follow with less scrutiny.
I don't think we'll get anywhere without taking at least some risk, and this one feels to me like it has the most chance of turning up subconsequent leads that we can follow with less scrutiny.

Investigating leads with a compromised team could put us in a worse position than sitting on our hands if the team feeds us false info that wastes our time chasing ghosts or when it comes to light is easily debunked with prepared evidence by our political foes who have been kept up to date by a mole, or in the worst case leaked info leads our foes to update their timetables for direct action. Furthermore, going off half-cocked and presenting dubious evidence to the Empire's institutions weakens our credibility by making it look like we're crying wolf, making it hard for us to develop a reputation for reliability and competence which could be useful later on when and if we need our allies in said institutions to trust us when we have incomplete or partial cases that we want them to pursue.
[X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)

I don't think we'll get anywhere without taking at least some risk, and this one feels to me like it has the most chance of turning up subconsequent leads that we can follow with less scrutiny.
But why not expand?
[X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)

we are, (arguably) expanding regardless, it is simply a question of how fast. Right now we have serious vetting of who we allow to join us in asking questions. this lessens the likelyhood of anyone slipping a spy into our investigation team to either leak information or sabotage us. letting people in any faster is lessening that security.
we are, (arguably) expanding regardless, it is simply a question of how fast. Right now we have serious vetting of who we allow to join us in asking questions. this lessens the likelyhood of anyone slipping a spy into our investigation team to either leak information or sabotage us. letting people in any faster is lessening that security.
I never advocated for anything less than the maximum vetting, so idk why you're strawmanning.

Your vote isn't for expansion. It's for SA. If you want to expand, vote to expand.
[X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
Investigating leads with a compromised team could put us in a worse position than sitting on our hands if the team feeds us false info that wastes our time chasing ghosts or when it comes to light is easily debunked with prepared evidence by our political foes who have been kept up to date by a mole, or in the worst case leaked info leads our foes to update their timetables for direct action. Furthermore, going off half-cocked and presenting dubious evidence to the Empire's institutions weakens our credibility by making it look like we're crying wolf, making it hard for us to develop a reputation for reliability and competence which could be useful later on when and if we need our allies in said institutions to trust us when we have incomplete or partial cases that we want them to pursue.

Expanding the team won't make the investigation team any less compromised regardless of what focus we take, and failing will make Yui's party look just as half-cocked. We don't know for sure what leads are ghosts and which are solid. The only decision where there is absolutely no chance of looking bad is doing nothing, but doing nothing won't produce results, and it won't walk back the strain the investigation is already under.

I wouldn't make the assumption we'll just present any evidence we find without combing through it, or without having a choice of how to approach using it. But we can only look more credible after this incident if we have something to show, or a convincing chance to grasp that.

(OOC reasoning and judgement aside, Yui's been implicitly established as kinda aggro strategically, despite her political mindfulness, so I also like the option for this reason.)
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Just a gentle reminder that voting will close in 24 hours at 0300 GMT / 1100 KL time. If you haven't voted yet, please do.
[x] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[x] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)

That was one of my original calls, and it still is now. I suppose the Kanda thing might wait (or at very least there might be some other avenues there, seeing how he's the one coming to us), whereas Malusial's bound to be pretty minor in the whole scheme of things. Pirates out and out buying used/spare hulls is one problem, them being able to then refit those hulls by professional shipyards with milspec equipment is something else entirely, and a something that has rather dim implications for continued stability of Imperial space.
[X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)

This is... probably the most suspicious of them all.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Nov 8, 2019 at 10:09 PM, finished with 29 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch
    [X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
    -[x] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
    [X] Expand investigation team, Thorough vetting. High risk all leads may go cold.
    [X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
    -[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
    [X] Investigate the Malusial system
    [X] Investigate ONE lead & Expand investigation team, moderate vetting. Moderate risk all leads may go cold, risk of undetected red flags in candidates.
    -[X] Investigate the Malusial system (pirate warship source)
    [X] Expand investigation team, thorough vetting.
    [X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
    -[X] Investigate the Malusial system (pirate warship source)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Nov 9, 2019 at 5:39 AM, finished with 37 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
    -[x] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
    [X] Expand investigation team, Thorough vetting. High risk all leads may go cold.
    [X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch
    [X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
    -[X] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
    [X] Investigate the Malusial system
    [X] Investigate ONE lead & Expand investigation team, moderate vetting. Moderate risk all leads may go cold, risk of undetected red flags in candidates.
    -[X] Investigate the Malusial system (pirate warship source)
    [X] Expand investigation team, thorough vetting.
    [X] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
    -[X] Investigate the Malusial system (pirate warship source)
The voting tally will be the death of me, i swear *facepalm*

Memo to self: next time make votes simpler so that the tally can pickup things less messy :V
Who is settled, now How will I go about it...
[x] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[x] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)

You consider the risks and rewards, and come to your decision. Malusial is the lowest risk, and you're tempted to play things safe, but that's your stung pride speaking: low risk is matched with low reward. Auditing 4th Fleet doesn't sit right with you, and anyhow, if you really wanted to investigate Shiki's fleet, there are subtler, gentler ways to do that. SA-Caledfwlch is just right: moderate level of risk, moderate level of reward, commensurate to the effort, and even if the trail stops cold there, letting pirates get their hands on milspec weapons and systems doesn't sit right with you. If you can close that supply, it'll be a worthwhile outcome.

"I've decided, Daniel," you say. "Let's investigate SA-Caledfwlch."

Daniel nods, and makes a note to himself. "I'll get started on that then, ma'am," he replies. "I'll brief you on Wednesday, there's a number of things I need to get started on my end."

"Let me know what you need, so I can make the necessary arrangements," you agree. "I'll brief Her Majesty on the Egon investigation and advise her that we're continuing to follow up on developed leads. I want you to head out as soon as possible, but I also want to make sure that we've gotten all our ducks in a row before you set out. I think after you get back, we'll need to look into expanding our team - I have a feeling we're going to need more investigation leaders in the future. But for now, let's put our focus on SA-Caledfwlch. I think this will give us the best return on our effort."

"Yes ma'am. We could run the investigation overtly or covertly, which posture would you prefer?"

You consider. As a mere member of the Regency Council, you don't really have the formal authority to conduct this investigation (beyond the personal verbal orders of the Empress). An Overt investigation would put you in the spotlight as the chair of the investigation committee: you'd have to spend time to assemble the investigation committee and work your way through the bureaucracy. It would tip your hand, you'd have to burn political capital to get the committee setup, pushback would be loud and immediate, and your moves would be watched, but your agents would be able to investigate openly and subpoena documents, and all evidence Daniel finds would be admissible for legal proceedings. Such an overt investigation would make plausible deniability difficult to achieve; you can't guarantee you can insulate Ahri from any fallout.

On the other hand, a Covert investigation would require you to arrange things for Daniel to perform off-book investigation of questionable legality. It has the advantage of being quieter and lower profile, and faster to get moving - you're not tipping your hand, you're not burning your political capital. However, your agents won't be able to investigate as openly, there will be limits to what they can find out, and not all evidence gathered may be legally admissible. And that's not counting the stink Fenghuang and Siam-Astra will make if Daniel's blown and they learn he's snooping around them. Still, it would allow a layer of plausible deniability, insulating Ahri from any fallout.

What is your investigation team's posture?

[ ] Overt Investigation
[ ] Covert Investigation

There's also another matter: Major Nakahara, your IRG liaison officer, did promise you that the IRG would assist you within reason. The IRG intel team did turn out to be quite helpful to Daniel in the Egon System investigation. Perhaps you should reach out to the IRG and involve them in this investigation? It'd be helpful to have the IRG backstopping Daniel's investigation, in case anything goes wrong. On the other hand, you're not sure if you want to give the IRG more access to you and your movements.

Will you reach out to the IRG for support?

[ ] Yes, involve IRG in the investigation
[ ] No, do not involve IRG in the investigation
owo what's this, fastest i ever updated :V

Voting Moratarium for 15 hours unti 0800 GMT+8, 11 NOV.
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Will you reach out to the IRG for support?
The Royal Guard. The Royal Guard that's prepared to execute multiple variants of a Beheading, including an Empress they don't take as valid, all in the name of their blind fanaticism to the Empress.

Really, how much more secret are they compared to literally every fleet commander and noble house in the Empire? It'd probably make an overt investigation a hell of alot more potent and harder to push back against, because its the group that is begging for an excuse to shoot you. On the other, we've had it beaten into us at length that the slightest bit of overkill is harshly punished with consequences both shot and very long term.
We're investigating SA-Caledfwlch, and potentially Siam-Astra Fenghuang, and maybe even Siam-Astra Intergalactic Holdings Limited, the parent company...

well, if Ahri lets us, instead of going "onee-sama this is ultra vires uwu"