A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

The only way out of this that I can see is the Nictis and ES claims being true and Town being much stronger than I'd expect/Mafia being much weaker.

[X] Null

Can someone please tell me wtf to do now to determine if they're scum? Like.... if they aren't and we lynch them we lose, if they are and we don't at least get a sizeable vote on them they can just pick off their voters and find the VIP easily enough that way. Cop could do it if they're still alive I guess but then you have another claim.

Considering the vote on me suddenly decreasing again (why???) I'll hold off on claiming (I had been planning to do so now) but I really don't know wtf to do now.
Guys, I cant fight it anymore; this is a townpost from Comi...I think that those voting to lynch him might just be wrong

I spent the majority of the game just trying my hardest not to make a mistake instead of just going with my reads the whole way, not sure why...but not this time! If Im right, I get a taste of glory, and if Im wrong Im going to look like a total softhearted and easily influenced moron, but f### it if Im not stepping up and saying something now

No. Others have pulled very similar plays before, Myself, Nictis, QT, the idea of scum defense is to appear as town as possible and make it even potentially punishing to town to lynch you. It discourages the idea that you should be lynched and that there are better people to lynch. Don't go blind.

ComiTurtle- believe the roleclaim (faking that would take some real 4d chess)

I believe he may be NK proof...but 4d chess both is and isn't comi's specialties.
Okay, figured it out. The body double thing still is throwing me off. Does that mean anyone who targets nictis gets exploded?
Nobody should be targeting me with a doc. It won't kill the doc, but it'll be a waste of protection that should be aimed at Nictis.
Hmm...I had originally considered LttL to be a solo Sk of sorts, hell I sorta...still do? But at the same time we've got the VIP saying its likely they were scum team. Which...ahh...doesn't make it easy to pull anything from? Especially with the only person I originally linked to LttL being scum was Even on how she tried pulling the wagon away slightly.

I need to look into Ban, Est, Pyrros, and 1K more and figure out why I'm having troubles finding scum here.

That being said...

@BanTheFairyKing You've been pretty quiet across the board today. Anything catching your mind?
Some further setup notes:
- There is very probably no mafia strongman, primarily because of the existence of the RB. I really really hope we're right about this, because otherwise it's gg.
- Thinking about flavours and roles more, I think it's likely that our dead townies are:

-Rosen: Messenger, which works out to "lone wolf Mason" in this setup. If he'd been able to make contact with us he probably would have been able to townconfirm himself. Alas, instead he is town because he's dead.

Nanimani: Gunsmith. Would likely have gotten false guilities from myself and Comiturtle as "people carrying weapons who ought not to be." Probably would have gotten an innocent from LTTL too, due to the whole living-weapon thing. The unusual number of false results makes sense given the existence of the masonry. Does indicate that some people could potentially be actually caught by them, hence the "there are assassins and then there are scum" theory. I still think Nictis' idea that we have a serial killer is dumb, though.

QTesseract: Tracker? That seems like a lot of investigative power between them, Nanimani and the masonry, but "gamekeeper" does seem somewhat indicative.

Game seems to have a lot of PRs, so it's probably Role Madness to some extent. I also expect the scum to have some major trick to counterbalance.

- Scum have a powerful investigative - Rolecop or similar - to help them VIP and/or Doc hunt. This is pretty much guaranteed due to the 'body double' part of my role.

- Scum do have a piercing kill, and we're all fucked. If so, we can at least hope that LTTL was the sole carrier. Their flavour certainly feels like it could have been the strongman.

- Cultafia. Yes, cultafia is insanely broken. However, if the cult leader dies on attempting to recruit a Mason, it could be a possibility. Not super likely though. Mostly including it because I know that Pawn's been thinking about Cult games recently due to helping edit mine.

- Infiltrated/insecure masonry. Would be somewhat of a bastard move to do after saying the channel was secure, but the flavour of traitors and shapeshifters supports it, and the masonry is large enough for that to be mechanically possible.

- Otherwise unusually informed scum. Again, supported by the "traitors" angle, and it's why I'm side-eyeing Absum so hard.
Hmm...I had originally considered LttL to be a solo Sk of sorts, hell I sorta...still do? But at the same time we've got the VIP saying its likely they were scum team. Which...ahh...doesn't make it easy to pull anything from? Especially with the only person I originally linked to LttL being scum was Even on how she tried pulling the wagon away slightly.

I need to look into Ban, Est, Pyrros, and 1K more and figure out why I'm having troubles finding scum here.

That being said...

@BanTheFairyKing You've been pretty quiet across the board today. Anything catching your mind?

I haven't been though? I went from around Happerry's level of posting on Day 1 and 2 and have not only had a lot of posts today, but caught up to the actually active crowd. I've also made multiple posts that give my thoughts today, and I'm kind of sick of being everyone's go-to push when I've done my damnedest Day 3 to be as active as can be.

Little rant over, my thoughts haven't changed since a few hours ago? The behavior I thought was suspicious with Nictis and and Eva has been explained, which kinda left me on the lurch. Then Eva conf-towned one of the two people up for lynch, and I don't like the lynch on Absum, so left in even more of a bind.

I... Don't really have a scum read at this point. I hate to say it, because I know like 4 people must be totally slipping past me, but that's the case.
@Absum: So long as you're not the doctor or some kind of backup VIP, I think it might actually be to town's advantage for you to claim.
I haven't been though? I went from around Happerry's level of posting on Day 1 and 2 and have not only had a lot of posts today, but caught up to the actually active crowd. I've also made multiple posts that give my thoughts today, and I'm kind of sick of being everyone's go-to push when I've done my damnedest Day 3 to be as active as can be.

Little rant over, my thoughts haven't changed since a few hours ago? The behavior I thought was suspicious with Nictis and and Eva has been explained, which kinda left me on the lurch. Then Eva conf-towned one of the two people up for lynch, and I don't like the lynch on Absum, so left in even more of a bind.

I... Don't really have a scum read at this point. I hate to say it, because I know like 4 people must be totally slipping past me, but that's the case.

Give me your opinions on DimensionalGuy and InterstellarHobo.
@Absum: So long as you're not the doctor or some kind of backup VIP, I think it might actually be to town's advantage for you to claim.

Give me your opinions on DimensionalGuy and InterstellarHobo.

Honestly my opinion on Dimension Guy is a bit tainted. I agreed with your push though I was confused on why he was being pushed when Happerry was so high on your list. Then he responded, and I liked his response though it alone wasn't really enough to convince me. It was a start... And then you exploded, and Nictis exploded, and everything exploded and it all kids got pushed to the wayside with my thought being 'oh yeah, he's fineeeee'

Looking at it with a clearer view, I'm leaning scum and would like to see content that isn't just attacking his accuser.

Interstellar... I've kinda gone neutral about. I had an early scum read on them, then I town read them, and now I've kind of forgotten why I had either read.
Some further setup notes:
- There is very probably no mafia strongman, primarily because of the existence of the RB. I really really hope we're right about this, because otherwise it's gg.
- Thinking about flavours and roles more, I think it's likely that our dead townies are:

-Rosen: Messenger, which works out to "lone wolf Mason" in this setup. If he'd been able to make contact with us he probably would have been able to townconfirm himself. Alas, instead he is town because he's dead.

Nanimani: Gunsmith. Would likely have gotten false guilities from myself and Comiturtle as "people carrying weapons who ought not to be." Probably would have gotten an innocent from LTTL too, due to the whole living-weapon thing. The unusual number of false results makes sense given the existence of the masonry. Does indicate that some people could potentially be actually caught by them, hence the "there are assassins and then there are scum" theory. I still think Nictis' idea that we have a serial killer is dumb, though.

QTesseract: Tracker? That seems like a lot of investigative power between them, Nanimani and the masonry, but "gamekeeper" does seem somewhat indicative.

Game seems to have a lot of PRs, so it's probably Role Madness to some extent. I also expect the scum to have some major trick to counterbalance.

- Scum have a powerful investigative - Rolecop or similar - to help them VIP and/or Doc hunt. This is pretty much guaranteed due to the 'body double' part of my role.

- Scum do have a piercing kill, and we're all fucked. If so, we can at least hope that LTTL was the sole carrier. Their flavour certainly feels like it could have been the strongman.

- Cultafia. Yes, cultafia is insanely broken. However, if the cult leader dies on attempting to recruit a Mason, it could be a possibility. Not super likely though. Mostly including it because I know that Pawn's been thinking about Cult games recently due to helping edit mine.

- Infiltrated/insecure masonry. Would be somewhat of a bastard move to do after saying the channel was secure, but the flavour of traitors and shapeshifters supports it, and the masonry is large enough for that to be mechanically possible.

- Otherwise unusually informed scum. Again, supported by the "traitors" angle, and it's why I'm side-eyeing Absum so hard.
I expect scum does still have a strongman and that LttL was someone who could bypass redirects. Though admittedly both of those + RB'er doesn't make sense, that'd be too much. So I'll actually have to think a bit more about that.

If scum has both the RB'er and a rolecop I think they might both be the same person. Mostly because something like a mage temporarily dispelling the Veil makes most sense to me and the RB'er seems to be a mage.

That said even mentioning cultafia and insecure mason just makes me think you're setting up excuses in case one of you gets lynched. Cultafia is so unlikely in this game as to be nil and insecure mason I don't believe would ever happen on here.

I also still don't understand why Nictis and you think I looked informed D1.
Having caught up, I am even more baffled than before. But my strongest scum reads haven't really changed.

[X] lynch Absum
I didnt say anything before when it was first mentioned, but Absum is being voted right now because...he was acting like an unusually well informed player D1?

Absum was on my townlean list, thus I spent all my energy on other players but now that hes a POI its time for a second look I suppose

Also now that Ive gotten some much needed sleep, I still think we shouldnt lynch Comi today, even with @Cyricubed reminding me of the potential for 2 scumteams
Well, nothing is happening, so I guess I gotta go claim now because oherwise I'd have to claim literally as I go sleep an that seems bad.

I'll post it in 20 minutes. Won't actually take that long but in case anyone wants to object (also posting it on the hour is nice :V).
Can you elaborate a bit more on what you meant by this?

I meant that Comi claimed at least- 1-Shot Bulletproof vest. I agree with you set-up wise that there likely isn't a strongman as that would defeat the whole purpose of a set of protective in a VIP game. That being said a random townie with a 1-shot NK proof is just...weird...and it doesn't fit. Follow that with the exceptionally weird play earlier and I'm heavily side-eying Comi still.
Unless you were talking about the 4d chess thing. I mentioned that because I've seen him do stuff like that irl in various games. That being said, it has the strong capacity to not work as intended for him sooooo.....sorta not really is what i meant.
Well, this sucks, but here we go:

I'm Dame Margaret Dewalt. I used to be a distinguished knight but I retired 8 years ago to take up a different job (people still bother me about it).

The reason I retired and took up my new job is because I grew tired of killing, and so I now do my best to save lives rather than end them.

That's right, I'm the Doctor.

And now that I've said that: I really really should have saved QT and almost did. That I did not was just kind of a fuck up imo, because I should in fact have known. After that the field was a lot more open so that I didn't get Nani bothers me less, though I could have gotten that one as well.
I feel like there's been nothing I could do about any of this. Nobody reads super scummy to me (besides evenstar previously). And now the 'safe'ynch might be literally the worst lynch.
So the possibilities are

Absum is lying scum trying to get more time or force the doctor to claim so they can win by eliminating them.
Absum is telling the truth and needs to be left alive to protect people.
Absum is telling the truth, and Evenstar and Nictis are scum trying to push the VIP idea to keep themselves safe.

For now I'll,

[X] Null

I do feel Evenstar/Nictis is town, I'm not sure exactly if I believe Absum though.

Actually I do have an individual I'm willing to place my vote on for now but I really need to sit down and write down the reasons behind it.
[X] Lynch Banthefairyking
I feel like there's been nothing I could do about any of this. Nobody reads super scummy to me (besides evenstar previously). And now the 'safe'ynch might be literally the worst lynch.
I only claimed this early (well ""early"", I should probably have gone ahead with it sooner after all, held out hope a bit too long) because I didn't believe just pushing Comi would work well enough and different timezones means I only get this before I go sleep and by the time I'd be back home tomorrow we're 1 hour from Day end (and most of you are asleep anyway when I wake up, so even posting during the day wouldn't help).
So the possibilities are

Absum is lying scum trying to get more time or force the doctor to claim so they can win by eliminating them.
Absum is telling the truth and needs to be left alive to protect people.
Absum is telling the truth, and Evenstar and Nictis are scum trying to push the VIP idea to keep themselves safe.

For now I'll,

[X] Null

I do feel Evenstar/Nictis is town, I'm not sure exactly if I believe Absum though.

Actually I do have an individual I'm willing to place my vote on for now but I really need to sit down and write down the reasons behind it.
[X] Lynch Banthefairyking
I mean, the other (unlikely) possibility is that Absum is lying town and buying us time, but tgat feels too optimistic for me.