Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

Closing the vote here. Wanted to write earlier but I'm having some trouble with inspiration. After the next update I will start bouncing from my other quest to this one. Let's see if that helps.
Adhoc vote count started by Luxicato on May 30, 2019 at 10:54 AM, finished with 29 posts and 21 votes.
Closing the vote here. Wanted to write earlier but I'm having some trouble with inspiration. After the next update I will start bouncing from my other quest to this one. Let's see if that helps.
Since we get powers from bonds will we get a power that is the antithesis of our enemies that attackes their weaknesses if they truly hate us ane we hate them bond hate style
Given the negative relationship the MC has with his father and the lack of bonds, it doesn't work like that.
I mean, I guess there is a chance his quirk could develop that way. If you look at his character sheet his quirk is still only Level 1, but who knows how that'll turn out?
It would be an interestingg reversal. There are a lot of anime about the Power of Friendship, but they never make anime about the Power of Really Strong Hatred.

Hate can be just as powerful an emotion as love, and is often just as intimate. I don't think that's where our harem protagonist MC is going, but. Maybe as a foil to us, a Hero or Villain based on hatred?
Training and a fight
As you eat, you talk with your sisters. Turns out that a new anime based on an online game is starting today and that's why Katsuki is up so early. It's not a school day, so she has free time… If only she was so diligent to do the things she actually has to do… But you get it.

Your older sister talks about some sort of new job a little less dangerous. Doesn't give any details because it's top secret or something. You guess she is working with the government on something, so you don't pry further. Katsuki theorizes aliens are probably involved.

Once breakfast is done, your sisters move to the living room to watch tv. Katsuki wants to watch the new anime, and Tatsuko just wants to be lazy on her free day. You are tempted to join them… But no, you have work to do. A lot of work. You are still not sure if you passed the test but just in case… You need to be in top performance. Time to plan your week!

Sitting at your desk, you write on a notebook the plan for the week. A schedule you plan on following with a lot of stuff in it. Maybe too much stuff. You decide to delete a couple things before focusing on what to do today.

One thing you've been thinking about since yesterday was… your body is too weak. You've been trying to get stronger before the exam, but it wasn't easy. You couldn't follow Shirohime's exercises like she does and focused more on your power and studying for the written part. But that made it so you were exhausted at the end of the day and that's not good. What if you have to chase a villain or something? You rely too much on Shirohime's quirk and your body as a base is too weak.

It's time to train, and you know who would love to be there. Shirohime is always pushing you to do more exercise, and you are finally willing to do it. Now you just need to call her and see if she can...

That's when you see Eijiro's number on your phone. He kind of implied you were weak and needed more training. Maybe you should call him too? Is this a good idea or a horrible mistake? It's more efficient, that's for sure. Not only you will be stronger but you will also grow closer to a new friend… But maybe having two people that seem to love physical training with you is a mistake… Oh, well. It's probably not that bad. You decide to call them anyway and ask them for training.

Social roll. DC 70: 96, 88, 23
Success x2

Physical roll. DC 50: 42

"Come on, man… It's only been three laps." Eijiro says, looking down at you slightly worried. Shirohime is next to him and just sighs.

"I told you. He is too weak. He sometimes decides to do some exercise because he gets inspired for some reason, ends up like this and then spends two weeks without trying again." The girl shakes her head looking at you too.

You are right now on the ground, panting and looking at your friends and the clouds above them. "In my defense, these laps are not short ones. Why aren't you two even tired?" You ask, almost not believing it. It's like you are not even the same species or something!

"We train." Both say at the same time before Eijiro approaches to help you stand up again. Shirohime gives you a bottle of water and a towel to dry yourself a bit. It's impressive how hot your body can get running around even if it's actually a cold day. Once you drink enough, you take a moment to look around. Memories… Bad memories.

Eijiro's home wasn't too far away from your district and he had a place to train, so you and Shirohime decided to go there. The place was his old school. Turns out that his mother is the principal and she lets him use the facilities for training when no one is there. The school was famous for their track team, so they had a pretty good field for training. Training there was like being at school and doing P.E again… and that thought just made you more tired.

After you managed to rest for a while, Shirohime decides to give you some weights to train your strength. She says it requires less energy to train, but something tells you she is lying to make you not think about being tired. It works for a bit until you feel like your arms are going to fall. That's when Eijiro tells you to start running again because now only your arms are tired, so you can train your legs. You are pretty sure that's not how the body works. They probably aren't human. You are going to die.

At least they seem to get along pretty well. While you run around the field (More like walk quickly and stumble), Shirohime is explaining something to Eijiro and moving her hands around in a rip and tear motion. Probably telling him about how she defeated the giant robot with that other girl.She is going to brag about it forever.

Once your second lap is over, you decide to sit down next to them, refusing to take another step. At least they don't try to make you keep running around. They congratulate you on a job well done and pat your shoulder. That makes you feel a little better even if what you did was basically just a warming exercise for them.

"Daiki, I have good news." Shirohime tells you while you finish the water bottle. "Remember that girl I met? Mina? Turns out she is Kirishima's friend too. We should all hang out soon. Who knows. It's possible we might be all on the same class soon!" You smile weakly at that.

"Sounds good. You know I'm always up to meet new friends. As long as we go do something that isn't training…" You say, sighing. You are not even sure you will have enough energy to walk back home. Maybe you could take a taxi or convince Shirohime to carry you as another form of training. You might be able to convince here even if only because it will seem funny to her.

"Hey, don't worry. It's not like we only train all day." Says Shirohime rolling her eyes and standing up. "Speaking of training… Kirishima, you have some martial arts training, right? Want to spar? We can't use our quirks, but I'm sure you are pretty thought without using it." She starts to walk backwards looking at the red-haired boy with a smile on her face. A clear challenge.

Eijiro jumps on top of the bench with a big smile and almost posing. "A challenge?! I couldn't call myself a man if I refused!" He shouts before jumping again off the bench and running to her. They decide to fight on the sand next to the track field, drawing a circle with a stick. It looks like a sumo ring, but you are pretty sure they are going to be a bit more violent than just sumo. With a sigh you look around. There is a first aid kit close for people who get hurt running. You might need it soon… But for now you are just going to relax and watch.

Shirohime got in position. Body slightly turned to one side. One hand lower, the other ready to strike. One foot forward… No, not that forward. Her stance was one she practiced a lot. Her aunt wasn't happy with her style when she found out Shirohime always fought like an animal. That was a dangerous thing in their family. They had to always conserve a bit of their humanity, no matter how far their transformation goes. She was always trying to be gentle and composed… Shirohime couldn't do that. Her mind was too weak to not be carried away by her transformation. That's why she started to learn martial arts. Discipline and form, easier to use even when transformed with time and turning into second nature even in her more draconic form. She wasn't transformed now, this was a quirkless fight… But this was her fighting style now.

Her rival, Kirishima, got into another stance. It was close to western boxing unlike her more occidental style. Made sense with his quirk. Capable of receiving and giving a lot of damage… His style would be hard like his quirk. She smiled, this was going to be a fun fight.

Glancing to the side, she saw her friend, Daiki. Time to show him how far she advanced in her training.

Daiki was going to be their referee. At first Kirishima seemed hurt when she said they need one, but she quickly explained. She doesn't expect him to cheat and use his quirk, but she sometimes gets a bit carried away and if she wins, it's better if he doesn't get too hurt. That seemed to fire up his competitive spirit even more like she planned… But it was a real risk. That fight the day before helped her instincts, she felt calm and in control but… who knows. Her internal dragon can awaken sometimes in the worst ways. Daiki knew what to do if she lost control.

When Daiki gave the signal, Kirishima launched his attack. Pretty quick to go on the offensive for a guy with a mostly defensive quirk. He got closer in an instant and launched a punch straight to her face, one she deflected with a sweep of her lower arm, the shield. She then launched her own punch against his now exposed side with her other arm, the sword. A quick, straight punch that… was blocked. That surprised the girl. Kirishima wasn't dumb, the first attack was too slow to be a good punch, it was just a way to test her defenses. He wasn't on the offensive he was… fighting in a proactive defensive way?

She quickly moved back to avoid his counter-attack in her moment of confusion. No more underestimating her rival. He was a future hero too, of course he also trained. Maybe didn't train with a pro hero like she did, but you don't need that to become a good fighter. Just the will to get better.

She returned to her stance as the boy charged again, a repeat of what happened just a moment ago but, this time, Kirishima's smile was wider. He found something fun to fight with. She was smiling too, not only because she thought the same but because the boy wasn't paying enough attention to her legs. Her long slender legs were a lot stronger than they looked. Her stance seemed more focused on the upper body, and it was, but allowed her to change quickly to deliver a straight kick, the spear. That was enough to catch him by surprise. His eyes open wide as he moved his arms to protect his body. He blocked the attack, but his charge stopped, letting her start a charge of her own now. The real battle starts now. No more probing strikes.
Shirohime combat roll. DC 50: 62, 48, 20


Kirishima combat roll. DC 50: 25, 1, 99

Shirohime got close to her rival before he could drop his defense. She used the impulse of lowering her leg after the attack to launch her upper body forward. A punch to an unprotected face, a kick to his shin. She received a punch too, too focused on attacking to raise her other arm in time, but the hit wasn't more than a glance against her shoulder. She used his hit against him, letting it turn her body sideways, now Kirishima's arm in front of her, extended. With a smile, she grabbed the arm with both hands and turned his back to him. He didn't have time to react before being launched above her head. He seemed surprised but tried to turn in mid-air, wanting to at least land facing his opponent. He did, even if the landing seemed to hurt his knees. He looked back and sighed, he was still kneeling with one knee and he smiled at her. What was he trying? The battle was still going on. He was still able to fight.

Her pupils turned into slits as she got closer. The fight wasn't over, his face was at the perfect height to a knee strike, maybe then a kick, that would disable him and give her the victory! She only needed to…



Shirohime looked around surprised, her arms covering her body as much as possible. Her head was wet and dripping into her shirt. Daiki was next to her with an empty water bottle on his hand, looking at her a bit worried, but knowing what just happened.

"I said, ring out. You won." He said calmly. Shirohime finally realized that one of Kirishima's legs just touched out of the ring. That was why he wasn't fighting now… It happened again. Luckily Daiki was there to help…

She had to call her aunt soon.

The day was over. You managed to walk back to your home even if your legs were killing you. Shirohime refused to carry you on her back, she said that walking back home when you can't take another step is part of any good training.

Yeah, they are not human. Who trains like this?!

Once you arrived home, you spent some time with your sisters. Katsuki promised to go to school tomorrow if you went to get her once it was over. You agreed, not having anything better to do and knowing Tatsuko would be mad if you refused. Your big sister shad work again the next day, so she was still on the sofa being lazy. She said true heroes take as much rest as possible when they can to be at full capacity when they have to save people.

You think she is just lazy.

[Completed] [Story] Diet and exercise: Train your body once. Alone or with company.
Reward: Random roll reward. Roll = 10. +10 to next BODY training roll.​
Let's train our body again next week. Body: 2 is our goal. Get that weakness leveled up so we aren't as screwed in a fight.
Shirohime got close to her rival before he could drop his defense. She used the impulse of lowering her leg after the attack to launch her upper body forward. A punch to an unprotected face, a kick to his shin. She received a punch too, too focused on attacking to raise her other arm in time, but the hit wasn't more than a glance against her shoulder. She used his hit against him, letting it turn her body sideways, now Kirishima's arm in front of her, extended. With a smile, she grabbed the arm with both hands and turned his back to him. He didn't have time to react before being launched above her head. He seemed surprised but tried to turn in mid-air, wanting to at least land facing his opponent. He did, even if the landing seemed to hurt his knees. He looked back and sighed, he was still kneeling with one knee and he smiled at her. What was he trying? The battle was still going on. He was still able to fight.

Nice way of showing that Kirishima almost pulled something really good off (landing well after the throw), but messed up something important (ending up outside the circle). Good way to work with that 99 and 1 he rolled.
Looks like we're finding out the downsides of Shirohime's quirk, something to keep in mind if we decide to use it ourselves, I really liked the fight scene, I'm looking forward to the next part of the update!
The quiet café
Today wasn't a training day… Or a moving from bed day. You were exhausted from yesterday. Everything hurts, and you don't feel stronger. You know training is not something instantaneous but you are starting to feel like it might not be worth it. You can do well with just your quirk. Maybe you can train your big sister's quirk more and learn to float around like her. Yeah, that would be good. Never having to move a muscle again in your life.

With a groan you move from the bed, trying to get rid of those fantasies. Not happening. Getting her degree of control is almost impossible and you kind of want to keep growing up… Yeah, you better at least try to do more exercise. Not today, of course, but at some point. Maybe next week. Probably not.

The rest of the morning goes as usual. You and your sisters eat breakfast like normal people. Katsuki, your little sister, pokes fun at you when she sees every movement you do hurts. You remind her she can't run ten minutes without passing out from exhaustion. She huffs but doesn't say you are exactly wrong. You are about to argue when your big sister's phone rings. You both do the polite thing and shut up for a second. When your sister sees the caller ID she turns slightly white and walks to another room to talk. You and Katsuki look at each other slightly worried. There isn't much that can scare your sister like that so it has to be something big.

She comes back into the living room a couple of minutes later, dresses in her hero clothes. "Kids, I have to go." She says hurriedly, grabbing a bunch of stuff from a drawer where she keeps most of her important hero things like a communicator and hero ID. "There is a situation in another city, so I might be there a couple days while we make sure everything is okay. Daiki, you are in charge. Make sure the house doesn't burn down. Katsuki, you are in charge of Daiki, make sure HE doesn't burn down the house." She smiles at you two… But can, at the same time, feel how worried she is. It might be a serious thing.

You and Katsuki nod. Your big sister gets closer and hugs you both. She is the same height as your little sister, so you have to crouch slightly. "Be careful Tatsuko-nee" Says Katsuki, even more worried that you are. Tatsuko just nods and leaves after you all said your goodbyes.

Again, you will have to check the news to make sure your sister is still alive tomorrow. You know hero work is dangerous, and she is really strong but… You can't help but be worried about her.

"D-don't worry. She will be okay." Your little sister says, unsure of her own words trying to calm you down. That hurts, you should be the one hiding how you feel and trying to make her feel better… But of course, it's not easy when she can read your mind. "I wasn't reading your mind!" She quickly answers your thoughts before blushing and looking down, trying to hide her embarrassment.

With a sigh, you hug her again. You can't lie to her to make her feel better but you can still hug your little sister. "Hey, I know you can't control it. It's okay. We know it's dangerous, but I don't need to lie to you to tell you she will be fine. She is one of the top ten heroes after all." You smile at her reassuringly. You can see tears in the corner of her eyes but quickly wipes them off trying to hide the tears. She nods.

"Y-yeah, I know. She is the strongest hero." Taking a step back she looks around. You are both in the middle of the room, awkwardly not knowing what to do now. After a moment of silence, she quickly starts walking towards the stairs, to the bedrooms. "I'm going to get ready to hang out with a friend. I will be at her house all day." She says, surprising you. She had friends? That thought gets you a glare from her as she goes up the stairs.

You smile sheepishly and sigh once she is gone. She can't get mad at you for a straight, sudden thought like that. She knows those things happen… But you are still surprised. You can hear her walking around the upper floor while you clean the dishes.

Wait… Those steps are coming from your room, not hers.

As soon as you are done, you start walking to your room, suspicious. You see her walking down the stairs at the same time with a suspiciously innocent smile on her face.

"What were you doing?" You ask. She tries to force her smile a bit more.

"Nothing!" She replies a bit too quickly. "Getting ready to see my friend. At least she only thinks about sharks instead of questioning if I have friends or not." That stumps you for a second. Enough time for her to walk past you and leave before you can say anything else.

You reach your room and everything seems… Normal. Nothing out of place, but you KNOW she was rummaging through your room a moment ago. Your door wasn't even fully closed.



You are too bored. You have videogames, internet… But you are not in the mood for any of that, so you decided to just stay bored.

But boredom brings dangerous thoughts. You check your connection to your big sister again and again. Feeling it there, using her power every two minutes to make sure. You know she probably isn't even in that city yet. You checked the news. An attack in a city two hours from here. Probably villains but they don't know exactly what happened… The news are useless again until the heroes decide to tell the world what's exactly happening there. Only rumors of that big, black villain with the brain seemingly on the outside. It appears, causes a ruckus and the villains of that city use the chaos to do whatever they want. Again. You hope they catch him soon.

A bond breaking without a trace. Only emptiness left behind.

You blink, testing your bonds. Checking them one by one. All of them are still here… It was just your imagination. You can feel your heartbeat. That quick thumping sound in your ears…

Yeah, you need to do something. Boredom is dangerous. Your mind goes to dangerous places. You can't dwell on that. You can't think on how you might lose someone one day. You are not going to allow it you… Decide to send Haruka a message. A quick one. You want to hang out, thank her properly for healing your leg.

Her powers… She's a healer, right? You don't want to befriend someone only for their powers, you refuse. Something inside you is afraid of the idea of doing that but… Her power… She might be safe easier. She might be a friend that never leaves your side. One you aren't afraid to lose. You can't even imagine a world where you are not scared of losing the people close to you… A friend that can live forever.

It's stupid. You are stupid. You made the decision in a moment of weakness and are now realizing how stupid it is… But the text is already sent and she tells you she can hang out tomorrow. Well, your reasons to contact her are stupid, but you can't say no to having another friend.

Looking at the bright side, you decide to grab some of your money. You need to buy her a thank you gift. Sweets or something simple like that. You don't need to buy anything, but you want to.

You go to your desk, opening the drawer where you keep your allowance… No money. Just a note.

«Sorry Daiki-ni. I need some money to go shopping with my friend. I will pay you back when I get my allowance this week.»

… So that's what she was doing in your room earlier. You don't care that much, but she could have asked first at least.

[ -1 Funds]

You have no money, so you can't buy anything for tomorrow. That means you can't go to buy anything today. That means you have nothing to do… So more boredom.

It takes you no more than five minutes to be out of the house. You only had two options. Staying at home doing nothing or being proactive. You decided to be proactive and go outside. Maybe take a walk. See if you can find something interesting.


You do find something interesting. It's a little coffee shop in a side street, away from prying eyes. It looks clean and perfect for spending some time… But not enough people walk through here to seem like a good business decision. You even take a look through the window… Yep, no one inside. Just an old man behind a bar and a bunch of empty tables.

You decide to go inside anyway. You found in your pockets enough money to buy at least a coffee, and you are curious. The place seems like one of those expensive classy coffee shops you see in movies. It's not a big establishment. Enough space for three tables, two more private booths and some bar stools in front of the bar the owner is cleaning. Most stuff here is made of polished wood. It's very cozy.

"Welcome, welcome. Take a seat if you find a free table… Or at the bar if you care for conversation." The man behind the bar says with a smile. He is well dressed and it's hard to pin his age. He looks old, but his voice sounds slightly tired even if his body looks healthy. Something tells you he is even older than he looks.

You approach awkwardly. He probably has that line ready for anyone who enters. You wonder if he said that bit about finding a free table always or if it's just a joke. The knowing sad smile as he looks around makes you think it was actually a joke.

You decide to approach the man, sitting on one of the stools at the bar. Something tells you that sitting on your own just to look around and order a coffee would be even more awkward… And you are curious. "Hi." You say. Wow, spending so much time in your room destroyed your ability to talk to strangers. Let's try again. "This place looks great." Looking around you manage to not mention how empty it is. It seriously looks like something out of a movie. You can even hear soft instrumental music coming from speakers on the ceiling, giving the place a relaxing and classy background melody. You have to bring Shirohime here at some point. She would love this place.

The man laughs jovially. "Yes. I spent the past five years building the perfect café… And I think I did a good job." He looks around, proud of his work before seemingly remembering he has a client. He moves his hand under the bar and gives you a menu. You can see behind him rows and rows of sealed glass jars full of coffee beans, all of them with a little handcrafted label with foreign words written in ornate letters.

Looking at the menu, you are starting to feel like you shouldn't be here. Everything is too good and perfect. It's probably really expensive. You have enough money to buy a normal coffee, not whatever superexpensive blends this man sells…

And, to your surprise, everything is pretty cheap. There are items in the menu with a name you can't even pronounce, and they are still pretty cheap. All the menu is actually not expensive at all. Even things you are pretty sure should be, like importation coffee from other parts of the world.

In the end you decide on one coffee and try to pronounce its name. You aren't even sure if it's French or Italian and, by the laugh the man gives you, you didn't do a good job at saying its name. He seems to understand what you meant anyway and starts to get the coffee ready.

"You know? I don't get many clients on Tuesdays. This was going to be a boring day before you showed up." As he talks, he opens a couple of glass jars, pouring some of the coffee beans inside a manual grinder and starts to work. At first you thought it was just decoration, but he is actually using a manual grinder. He looks back at you feeling amused. "This was a gift from my late wife. A manual burr mill always works better than those modern electric things. It needs more maintenance, but I don't have much else to do." He chuckles before pouring the grounded coffee into a bowl for preparation. He then starts boiling some water while cleaning the grinder to grind another handful of different beans.

"Do you make every coffee like this?" You ask, surprised. It seemed so… elaborate and complicated. You can see a timer next to the boiling water and how he measures every movement he does. Is this just an spectacle for a new client?

He scoffs at your suggestion of him not doing this all the time. "Of course. Anyone can push a couple of buttons and let a machine do this for them… But when you do that, you lose something in the process." He replies calmly while grinding the coffee.

It doesn't take long for him to finish everything. He painstakingly finishes the coffee, like a painter finishing a work of art. When you have the coffee in front of you, you almost don't want to drink it because it probably took more effort to make than anything you've ever done in your life. Then you realize that the man made enough for two cups and is serving himself one too, looking at you expectantingly. You wait for a moment until it's not boiling hot and take a sip.

"It's… amazing." You are lost for words looking at your cup. You almost expected the coffee to be bad after all the preparation in some sort of weird cosmic joke… But no, this isn't bad and this man is probably some sort of coffee master.

He smiles while drinking from his cup much more naturally. He almost looks smug seeing the face you are making. "This is a Portuguese blend, one of my favorites. A good choice for a late morning coffee." He explains with a pleasant expression that only someone who loves their craft can get.

At first you two drink in silence, but soon you start talking. Maybe it's the atmosphere, maybe the classy music or the good coffee, maybe you just want to fill the silence. You don't know why but you start telling him how your day… No, your week has been while he listens. About your entrance exam and how you didn't want to step over others to reach your goal but still want to be a hero, about your training and desire to help, about your sister being a hero and how she went to another villain attack… You don't tell him anything too private, but he understands your anxiety. You even tell him about how you went to take a walk to not think about your sister in danger.

"... And I wanted to get a gift for my friend but my little sister took my money. I ended up just wandering around trying to not think about it." After talking you realize your coffee is replenished without a word. Somehow you think he isn't even going to charge you for this one.

"I understand." He finally says for the first time since you started talking. "I also have someone who worries me to death. My granddaughter… Well, it's not important. I'm not going to bore you with old man's problems when I could be helping you with your own." He stands up. Both your cups now empty. He starts to clean them with care.

"What do you mean?" You are curious. Curious about what he almost mentions but you felt a pang of pain from him when he said that, so you decided to not bring up his granddaughter.

He smiles at you. "Well. I'm getting old, and can't be expected to handle the café all on my own. It's been a while since I had someone helping me but… Are you interested in a part time job?" He asks you. That's a surprise. There wasn't even a help wanted sign at the door. That's what these places do when they need workers, right? You almost accept instantly but remember the harsh training you will have to do to become a hero.

"I… would love to. Some spending money is always good and I like this place but… I will start my hero training next month and I don't know if I will have much free time." You say apologetically, feeling like you are missing a great opportunity.

The man just laughs. "Not even a doubt that you are getting in after you told me about the exam?" You can't help but blush. It seems like you are so sure you will be a hero that you aren't even thinking about maybe not getting into UA. "Well… You don't have to worry about that. Just come here whenever you have free time and help me. I will pay you for the time you work. Maybe having a young face around will help younger people get interested in the art. Who knows. I might even teach you how to make real coffee."

You just stare at him trying to find any flaw with this. It's too good to be true… But when you can't find anything you just nod. "O-okay! Then I will work as hard as I can when I have free time!" You stand up from your stool somehow really enthusiastic about work.

The man opens a drawer and looks at it with a sad smile. From where you are you can only see a couple of aprons. One of them older than the other. He grabs the newer one and gives it to you. "Here, wear this until I'm sure you won't spill anything over yourself and come here to clean the cups we used. I will teach you how to do it." He approaches the side of the bar and opens a waist-high door to let you pass.

"Yes boss!" You salute before wearing the apron and following him behind the bar. He laughs at your antics.

"Just call me Takeshi, kid."


Being honest to yourself… You almost expected to have no clients all day. The café was so empty when you arrived and, from Takeshi's words, probably the usual. It was like that most of the time you spent there, but not all.

An hour after you started, a burly man in a suit arrived. He was wearing a tired smile as he walked straight to the bar and started chatting with the owner. He was one of the regulars, an office worker. They chatted like old friends and even roped you into the conversation a couple of times while you busied yourself dusting the shelves and empty seats.

Later, when he was gone, a beautiful older woman came. She was wearing expensive clothing and used the word «darling» a lot. From her talk with Takeshi you discovered she was a famous fashion designer. You learned a lot from her, probably because she was making sure you heard all of her accomplishments. She offered to pay much more than what the coffee costs, but the owner refused to accept it. From their interaction it seems like she does that often.

You worked for five hours but only had two clients. You almost leave early to make lunch for you and your sister, but Katsuki sent you a message saying she was having lunch at her friend's house. You could just eat later and finish the shift. Mostly because the owner's stories were interesting.

When there was nothing to do, most of the time, you two just talked. You learned a bit about his life. He has a quirk that makes plants grow healthy and strong. He made a fortune using it with coffee. Turns out that the beans he grows are of incredible quality. In his prime they even had healing and revitalizing properties, but not anymore. They are now just really good.

He decided to open this café with his wife after traveling the world sampling all kinds of coffee. It doesn't give him money, but he will be long dead before this place makes a dent on his savings.

"My son… He's always been a strong-willed individual. Sometimes too much. He never accepted my help financially and always said he wanted to make his own money." He smiles bitterly, remembering the past. "Something… happened, some time ago. We haven't talked again since then." As he talks, you can feel a deep sadness inside of him growing. "Everything I own will belong to my granddaughter once I'm gone… Wherever she is. Who knows. One day she might wear again the apron she wore when she used to help me." As he talks, it starts feeling more like he is talking to himself more than to you. You keep respectfully silent. Something inside you is telling you to help him. To some day make his dream come true like a hero would.

Someday you will.

Once your shift is over, you are leaving your apron inside the drawer carefully next to his granddaughter's when he approaches you. In his hand an envelope with some money. More than what your sister took from you. You, of course, feel confused because this is more than what you expected for working just a day. You know he is rich, but you also know he doesn't like to just give money away and values effort.

"This week's pay. Just make sure you come the rest of the week and buy that girl a nice gift before your date." He says with a wink. You blush at that, trying to explain yourself with a stammer. It's not a date! You are interrupted by another client. A group of three people this time. More regulars, you guess, by the way they greet the owner. You move to start getting a table ready, but he stops you. "I can handle this, don't worry. Go get some lunch and then buy something for the girl. Good luck." He pats your back before going to get the orders, not leaving you a chance to reply. He is doing this on purpose.

For the rest of the week, you keep coming back, of course, learning how to brew good coffee and how absurdly difficult some of the weirder blends are to make. To your surprise, that week, your little sister also gives you back the money she got from you.

[+2 Funds.]


Welcome to the shop. Here you can buy items to help with your future dice rolls. Most of these items are single use and automatic, so don't buy anything you don't think you might need soon.

Most of this stuff will work on a meta level, so don't worry about having to rationalize how an item works in the world.

Daiki will buy something for Haruka for the story, but will not give you the dice bonus. To get the dice bonus you need to expend funds.

  • Training weights: +10 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 1) (1 Fund)
  • Medium weights: +15 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 2) (2 Funds)
  • Pro Weights: +20 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 3) (3 Funds)

  • "For dummies" complete collection: +10 to MIND training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with MIND 1) (1 Fund)
  • Yearly subscription to an online documentary page: +15 to MIND training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with MIND 2) (2 Funds)
  • Online university classes: +20 to MIND training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with MIND 3) (3 Funds)

  • "How to make friends" book: +10 to SOUL training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with SOUL 1) (1 Fund)
  • Self-help books: +15 to SOUL training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with SOUL 2) (2 Funds)
  • Psychology textbooks: +20 to SOUL training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with SOUL 3) (3 Funds)

  • Simple Gift: +10 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (Specify who is this gift for.) (1 Fund)
  • Good Gift: +20 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (Specify who is this gift for.) (2 Funds)
  • Special Gift: +30 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (Specify who is this gift for.) (3 Funds)

Funds available: 2

[] Buy something (What?)
[] Save your funds for now.
[X] Good Gift: +20 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (Specify who is this gift for.) (2 Funds)
-[X] Haruka

Because why not? We were told to get her a good gift.
[X] Buy something
- [X] Training weights: +10 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 1) (1 Fund)
- [X] Simple Gift: +10 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (1 Fund)
--[X] Haruka

We can use the weights to help us increase our Body further. And once our body is to the point we don't need them, we can gift them to somebody else for use and further a social link that way. And I think a simple gift would be better to start with, getting nice gifts as we get to know friends better makes more sense and doesn't come off as us trying to buy their friendship.
[X] Buy something
- [X] Training weights: +10 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 1) (1 Fund)
- [X] Simple Gift: +10 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (1 Fund)
--[X] Haruka

I'd like to have training weights more than a one off situational boost to our best stat.
[X] Buy something
- [X] Training weights: +10 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 1) (1 Fund)
- [X] Simple Gift: +10 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (1 Fund)
--[X] Haruka
[x] Save your funds for now.

Only the best will suffice! Maximize benefits!
[X] Buy something
- [X] Training weights: +10 to BODY training rolls. Infinite uses. (Only usable For people with BODY 1) (1 Fund)
- [X] Simple Gift: +10 to SOUL roll next time you decide to hang out with someone. (1 Fund)
--[X] Haruka