God save the tsar (Imperial Russia quest)

the future of the quest

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  • re-start it with Nicholas as the MC

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  • re-start the quest with an other MC

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while i like what i read so far.

i would not mind a little more IC commentary

or at least a burp on how things look from say the MC point of view?
prologue part 4
1 of January 1887

Another year had come and gone and with it you managed to a lot of things with your advisors, a big part of Russia now has electricity, some of the issues with the army and the navy were fixed, factories were being modernized and built, and the common folk could now buy their own property without fear of getting robbed by the nobles. Yes last year was a good one but now you have to focus on the present and how to ensure that Russia spot in the world.

Diplomacy (pick one)

[] three emperors are better than one (can't be taken with Home of Napoleon or the golden lion)

Your father didn't really have many talks with either the Germans or the dual monarchy before his death but the idea of the league seems very beneficial in your eyes. Send a message to both Kaiser to discuss things.

Chance of success: 65% (will take two turns)

Reward: league of the tree emperors restored.

[] Home of Napoleon (can't be taken with three emperors are better than one or the golden lion)

There is little love for the French in Russia, but the benefits of an alliance with them can be very beneficial should you fight a war against the Germans so maybe you should consider them

[] the golden lion (can't be taken with three emperors are better than one or home of Napoleon)

Your relations with Britain are not that great considering the tensions in China and at sea nonetheless you can send Mijail to plan an alliance with them

Chance of success: 65% (will take two turns)

Reward: alliance with Britain

[] how far I can reach

You now have countries that can be influenced choose one to begin talks.

[] Kingdom of Joseon

[] Paraguay

[] Chile

[] Argentina

[] Uruguay

Chance of success: 80 %

Rewards: alliance with selected country and new actions unlocked

Military (pick two)

[] Welcome to hell (locked for 1 turn)

Your soldier are so green and incompetent they might as well be grass. Revise the training methods and enforce a rotation to get the army to a respectable level

Chance of success: 65% (two turns)

Reward: trained army (+5 in combat rolls) removes untrained army.

[] man your battle stations

The crews of your ships are inexperience give the navy permission to start training them to act as a good oil machine.

Chance of success: 70 %

Reward: gain trained crews (+5 to naval combat rolls).

[] admiral on deck

Even though Brusilov is a capable man he knows almost nothing on how the navy operates let him look for competent admirals to help him in the task.

Chance of success: 65%

Rewards: gain competent officers (+5 to naval roles) remove incompetent officers

[] North against the south

The American civil war saw the use of many innovations in warfare study them so that your army is ready not for the wars of yesterday but the ones of tomorrow.

Chance of success: 70%.

Reward: new options unlocked.

Intrigue (pick two)

[] Into the shadow

Talk to the Okhrana about the discontent of the people and to see what your enemies are planning.

Chances of success: 70%.

Reward: update on the happiness of your citizens. (gain Risk of revolt) new options unlocked

[] infiltration

When the Okhrana reform they lost many of the assets they had. rectify it by allowing them to start planting agents among the enemies of the state

Chances of success: ???

Reward: Plant agents among the enemies of your country (will go according to roll) new options unlocked

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Rewards: intrigue advisor and new options

Research and development (pick two)


There are people who whisper that your father died because Russian medics were to inept at their jobs. Tell Tesla to start building a team of medical researchers so that what happened to your father can be prevented from happening again.

Chance of success: 75%

Rewards: medical research unlocked

[] black bess

Tesla was looking at books when he encountered Da Vinci's and Jan Žižka concepts about a machine that could move and fire at the same time he thinks that it could be useful to research about it.

Chance of success: 50%

Rewards: tank research unlocked

[] enemy ship sighted at the horizon.

Even though the sextant is a very good tool you could always improve it so that your navy has an advantage when they sail

Chances of success: 70%

Rewards: stadimeter (+ 5 to naval combat rolls)

[] yellow submarine

The concept of a ship that can hide beneath the waves seem like a dishonorable concept for some but for you, it presents an the advantage over your enemies give the idea to Tesla and see what he comes up with.

Chances of success: 70%

Reward: submarine can now be constructed (+15 to naval combat rolls)

[] old who are you calling old?

Your navy is outdated see that the ships get modernize now that you have people who know what they are doing

Chance of success: 60%

Reward: gain a modern navy (+10 to naval rolls)

[] upon wings of wood

In 1799 Sir John Cayley set forth the concept of airplanes assign Tesla and research team to start looking into these concepts and design plans for an airplane.

Roll: 60%

Reward: Aviation research unlocked.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: research advisor

Stewardship (pick two)

[] awaken the bear (locked for 1 turn)

Now that Witte finished with his plans he can start implementing them in the regions he managed to plan (St. Petersburg, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Moscow region).

Chance of success: 50% (will last 3 turns)

Rewards: industrialization of the region chosen.

[] tickets, please

Witte finally got the plans for a good railway system let him start building them

Chance of success: 75% (will last 3 turns)

Rewards: gain good railway (grants +5 to all construction rolls, +5 to army mobilization)

[] the May laws

Your father put forward laws that left the Jewish people in your country with two choices stay and be restricted or leave the country with the things they could carry see that they are repelled.

Chance of success: 60%

Rewards: may laws repelled (reduces risk of revolt from peasants)

[] religion troubles

Now that you know about how big the divide is the people in terms of religion you can start to discuss with the leaders of the Orthodox Church to find a way to coexist

Chance of success: 45%

Rewards: lowers revolt risk unlock new options.

[] let's build it

Your shipyards could use an upgrade put Witte on the task of constructing them.

Chance of success: 75% (will last 2 turns)

Rewards: shipyards upgraded (can now increase navy size)

[] a brave new world ( warning will push you to the ending of the prologue)

The world is changing the days when a monarch could be an autocrat seemed to be coming to the end. Plan a constitution with Witte one that allows you to retain most of your power but helps in ensuring the people rights.

Chance of success: 45%

Reward: first constitution written and enacted

Personal (pick two)

[] put the house in order

Your different ministers lacked a good bureaucracy see to designing one with them so it meets their needs

Chance of success: 70%

Reward: Allows the use of re-rolls

[] o Romeo, o Romeo

The succession isn't as secure as you would like. A big part of these is because you are neither married nor engaged several of your ministers encourage you to look for one to make clear the succession.

Chance of success: 90%

Reward: engagement with a noble lady (only Princess will be eligible).

[] Family business

Your brother gorge seems to be interested with naval affairs put him with Brusilov after his birthday when so he can learn the ropes in naval matters.

Chance of success: 75%

Reward: gain George Alexandrovich as an asset (+5 in naval rolls in the military)

[] focus on a task

Sometimes two head think better than one choose one action to focus on it.

Reward: apply Nicholas stats to the roll of one of the tasks you choose.

[] a skilled man

Now that you got some free time see if you can improve one of your skills

Chance of success:???

Reward: improve your skill (will depend on roll)
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while i like what i read so far.

i would not mind a little more IC commentary

or at least a burp on how things look from say the MC point of view?

i was thinking about adding some interludes to show both nicholas and his family, a p.o.v from a worker from factory, soldiers or your advisors to show how things change.

also expect one from either the nobles or socialist (still undecided)
[] o Romeo, o Romeo

The succession isn't as secure as you would like. A big part of these is because you are neither married nor engaged several of your ministers encourage you to look for one to make clear the succession.

Chance of success: 90%

Reward: engagement with a noble lady (only Princess will be eligible).
Try to avoid marrying anyone descended from Queen Victoria: inbreeding never helps.
Hm...that could be problematic. That's like pretty much all the big royalty of Western Europe. We might have to search out a bride from Sweden or Spain or the Far East.

If you go for a Europe theres only going to be one roll to determinate if the proposal is accepted if you choose from the far east or something as rare as that, well there will be two rolls one for the engagement the other to see how much of a reaction it causes
[X]plan: Into the warm seas
[X]how far I can reach
-[X] Kingdom of Joseon
[X] man your battle stations
[X] admiral on deck
[X] infiltration
[X] Into the shadow
[X] black bess
[X] upon wings of wood
[X] tickets, please
[X] let's build it
[X] put the house in order
[X] o Romeo, o Romeo
[X] Plan: From Sea to Shining Sea (But In Russia)
-[X] how far I can reach
--[X] Kingdom of Joseon
-[X] North against the south
-[X] Into the shadow
-[X] infiltration
-[X] upon wings of wood
-[X] tickets, please
-[X] the May laws
-[X] put the house in order
-[X] focus on a task
--[X] infiltration

Joseon seems an obvious minor power to influence. I am undecided on a major alliance. Lets keep down the road of reforming our Army and get things moving on airplanes. Medical improvements buff most everything so are a no-brainer. As I mentioned before naval improvements are best saved until our first round of industrialization is done. Developing the far east seems a likely next goal. Infiltration seems to be a big foundation move so it makes sense to buff it. Repealing the may laws should help plug us in with the wider world and set the stage for constitutionalism.
First two are actually fairly reasonable. Racial attitudes would make the third option ... very, very controversial ... but could work ;)
Actually it depends upon the nation in question. Japan should be a permissible option for how westernized and modernized their nation is. The problem is that the earliest female descendent that has longevity enough to be a viable spouse would be the sixth princess, who is born in 1888, which is a year from now.
interlude II
A private life

Recruit Ivan Shevchenko marched in line with the rest of the recruits, he remembered what brought him here, his family was poor and with too little money made his mother couldn't feed all of them so he had packed his things and joined the first thing he could find which was the army.

He wasn't a violent man by nature and had never held a gun, but it seems that he fitted right in with the army, the training was hard and the instructors never said anything to them without insults yet he was used to these things being poor had taught him to ignore the insults and to take the pain and move forward. The army still had its flaws he wasn't going to deny that but the thought of the pay kept him going it was the only way of helping his family after all.

he wondered how things were going but home but found himself unable to think about them as he heard the instructor scream his name and march towards him, so he started preparing for the long day ahead of him.
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sorry for the short interlude I will try to write longer for the rest of them

edit: these are just meant for you to get an idea of the army and the reforms that were implemented.
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vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by carvacho12 on Jun 18, 2019 at 2:26 PM
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Adhoc vote count started by carvacho12 on Jun 18, 2019 at 2:27 PM, finished with 20 posts and 9 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by carvacho12 on Jun 18, 2019 at 2:27 PM, finished with 19 posts and 9 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by carvacho12 on Jun 18, 2019 at 2:27 PM, finished with 19 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X]plan: Into the warm seas
    [X] Plan: From Sea to Shining Sea (But In Russia)
    -[X] how far I can reach
    --[X] Kingdom of Joseon
    -[X] North against the south
    -[X] Into the shadow
    -[X] infiltration
    -[X] MEDIC!
    -[X] upon wings of wood
    -[X] tickets, please
    -[X] the May laws
    -[X] put the house in order
    -[X] focus on a task
    --[X] infiltration
    [X]how far I can reach
    -[X] Kingdom of Joseon
    [X] man your battle stations
    [X] admiral on deck
    [X] infiltration
    [X] Into the shadow
    [X] black bess
    [X] upon wings of wood
    [X] tickets, please
    [X] let's build it
    [X] put the house in order
    [X] o Romeo, o Romeo
prologue part 4 results
1 of July 1887

Diplomacy (pick one)

How far I can reach

You now have countries that can be influenced choose one to begin talks.

Kingdom of Joseon

Chance of success: 80 %

Rewards: alliance with selected country and new actions unlocked

Needed: 20

Rolled: 84

The meeting with the Joseon dynasty ambassador went well, you now have an ally in the Far East. All you needed now was to increase the level of Russian influence over them.

Rewards: alliance with the kingdom of Joseon new actions unlocked.

Military (pick two)

Welcome to hell (complete)

Your soldier are so green and incompetent they might as well be grass. Revise the training methods and enforce a rotation to get the army to a respectable level

Chance of success: 65% (two turns)

Reward: trained army (+5 in combat rolls) removes untrained army.

Brusilov finally finished the new training of recruits and old regiments are being rotated to train them with the new methods.

Reward: trained army (+5 in combat rolls) removes untrained army.

Man your battle stations

The crews of your ships are inexperience give the navy permission to start training them to act as a good oil machine.

Chance of success: 70 %

Reward: gain trained crews (+5 to naval combat rolls).

Needed: 30

Rolled: 61

The test was concluded without a single problem, the admirals admit that the men are still no match for the likes of Britain Royal Navy but with more training, they could match them.

Reward: gain trained crews (+5 to naval combat rolls).

Admiral on deck

Even though Brusilov is a capable man he knows almost nothing on how the navy operates let him look for competent admirals to help him in the task.

Chance of success: 65%

Rewards: gain competent officers (+5 to naval roles) remove incompetent officers

Needed: 35

Rolled: 119 (81)

Thank god for Brusilov the man managed to find very good officers hidden among the rest of them and then proceeded to put them in the Admiralty to help him with naval decisions.

Rewards (increased thanks to crit): gain good officers (+10 to naval roles) remove incompetent officers.

Intrigue (pick two)

Into the shadow

Talk to the Okhrana about the discontent of the people and to see what your enemies are planning.

Chances of success: 70%.

Reward: update on the happiness of your citizens. (Gain Risk of revolt) new options unlocked

Needed: 30

Rolled: 43

According to the Okhrana, they now have an account of how many in the country either like you or hate you and the number was even. They respect you for the reforms you implemented (peasants bank) but you are also the son of Alexander III the man how tried to take many of their liberties granted to them so you still needed to work a lot more before things where calm in your home.

Reward: update on the happiness of your citizens. (Gain Risk of revolt) new options unlocked


When the Okhrana reform they lost many of the assets they had. rectify it by allowing them to start planting agents among the enemies of the state

Chances of success: ???

Reward: Plant agents among the enemies of your country (will go according to roll) new options unlocked.

Needed: ???

Rolled: 97 (crit roll: 53)

As usual, the Okhrana did their jobs with the efficiency you expect from them you now have agents in different guerilla groups such as Narodnaya Volia who were responsible for your grandfathers murder and now the planning your assassination.

Reward: Plant agents among the enemies of your country (will go according to roll) new options unlocked.

Research and development (pick two)

Black Bess

Tesla was looking at books when he encountered Da Vinci's and Jan Žižka concepts about a machine that could move and fire at the same time he thinks that it could be useful to research about it.

Chance of success: 50%

Rewards: tank research unlocked

Needed: 50

Rolled: 97 (crit roll: 53)

Tesla gave the idea some thought and decided it was something worth investigating, he will need to keep experimenting with the concept alongside his team.

Rewards: tank research unlocked

Upon wings of wood

In 1799 Sir John Cayley set forth the concept of airplanes assign Tesla and research team to start looking into these concepts and design plans for an airplane.

Roll: 60%

Reward: Aviation research unlocked.

Needed: 40%

Rolled: 98 (crit roll: 93)

Tesla informs you that he found a retired admiral who seems very interested in the prospects that aviation can bring, together they will start planning the first drafts and inventions to.

Rewards: Aviation research unlock and gain asset Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky (grants +5 in research)

Stewardship (pick two)

Awaken the bear (completed)

Now that Witte finished with his plans he can start implementing them in the regions he managed to plan (St. Petersburg, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Moscow region).

Chance of success: 50% (will last 3 turns)

Rewards: industrialization of the region chosen.

St. Petersburg and it's surrounding have finished the expansion and modernization of the factories and thanks to Witte you can now choose two regions for the next stage.

reward: St.petersburg region industrialized can choose two regions for the next phase (one time only)

Tickets, please

Witte finally got the plans for a good railway system let him start building them

Chance of success: 75% (will last 2 turns)

Rewards: gain good railway (grants +5 to all construction rolls, +5 to army mobilization)

Needed: 25

Rolled: 120 (crit roll: 7)

Witte seems to have planned these perfectly and seems to have taken six months of the timetable.

Let's build it

Your shipyards could use an upgrade put Witte on the task of constructing them.

Chance of success: 75% (will last 2 turns)

Rewards: shipyards upgraded (can now increase navy size)

Needed: 25

Rolled: 21

It seems an accident happened the plans for the upgrade of the shipyards was burned in a freak accident, Witte apologized for the unfortunate event and bowed to ensure nothing happened next time

Reward: fail action (+5 on next roll for this action)

Personal (pick two)

Put the house in order

Your different ministers lacked a good bureaucracy see to designing one with them so it meets their needs

Chance of success: 70%

Reward: Allows the use of re-rolls

Needed: 30

Rolled: 71

You now have very skilled administrators working under you who are able to catch mistakes and report them back to you so that they can be fixed.

Reward: Allows the use of re-rolls

O Romeo, o Romeo

The succession isn't as secure as you would like, a big part of these is because you are neither married nor engaged several of your ministers encourage you to look for one to make clear the succession.

Chance of success: 90%

Reward: engagement with a noble lady (only princess will be eligible).

Needed: 10

Rolled: 92 (crit roll: 80)

You could still hear the teasing remarks of your mother and the giggling of your siblings as she gave you the responses of the families interested in an engagement with you. It's now up to you to decide which one gets chosen.

Reward: eligible princes Elena of Montenegro, Victoria Ka'iulani of hawai and Nina Gueórguievna of Georgia.
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