To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
Rin possibilities:
>Memory manipulation/alteration?
>Something similar to Takane's, but far more powerful?
>Emotion manipulation? (This may be too close to soul manipulation, though)
[X] How do you feel about Rin.
[X] Ask about what she plans on doing now, etc.
[X] Housing? Other situations.
[X] Anything else about the friend?
[X] What do you want?

Like this?
Okay, here are some questions just off the top of my head. If anyone wants to change or add to these, please feel free.

[] Write-in some Questions
-"When did Rin first show up?"
-"Do you know how many of her gang have been swayed, and how many are there of their own free will?"
-"What other powers does Rin have, if any?"
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[X] When did Rin first show up?
[X] Has anyone ever been with Rin on a witch hunt?
- [X] What sort of powers does she have?
[X] How do people who don't know her well usually feel about Rin?
[X] What are your plans now?
Idea: say something uncharitable about Rin, see if this girl reacts strongly, like the girl on the bridge.

"Well, you found some." You raise your arms wide. "Congrats. I hope the information was worth potentially pissing off everyone in my town, Rin." You narrow your eyes.

"Lady Rin." The younger girl hisses, before Rin just raises a finger. The girl flinches, then takes a step backwards.

Other than that... uh, ask if she actually knows why she's here? She claims to not know about herself trying to kill another girl, so...
[] 'Lady Rin' sounds like she's a washout with delusions of grandeur, what do you think?

Something like that?
I think I got something.

[Q] What is the capital of Assyria?

Wait no, not that. BTW:

Moid said:
That's not really brainwashing or mind control. There's kind of a gulf of difference between changing your memories and you know, controlling your mind.

Also Homura was literally a god by that point.
Oh, I guess memory manipulation would work. I think. I thought that qualified as brainwashing, as far as magic goes.

One idea that's been sitting in my mind is that maybe Rin wished to be... loved, or something? There's Yuuko's:
There was joy. I remember uh, ooooobeying? I just...felt like my heart was melting?"
And there's Henrietta, who hasn't been affected by Rin's not-brainwashing thing, and who also might or might not have a crush on Uriko.

So the theory is that strong gayness counteracts Rin's thingamajig. :V

About vote... this Yuuko girl was dropped here last night, right? I'd like to ask about the transfer.

Also, Rin wanted to punish her. Even though she agreed to let us handle Yuuko's 'punishment', I wouldn't put it past her to have got her kicks in.

[X] Ask if she remembers why she's here, being transfered from Kasamino, and if she's felt strong emotions before or during the transfer, positive or negative.

[X] Ask what she plans to do now. Offer the help you would to any stray Magical Girl.

[X] How does she feel about Rin?
[X] You suspect Rin might have been manipulating her; for example, making her try to kill Henrietta. How does she feel about that?
CHAPTER 1 - 39
[X] Ask Questions

"So, first question." You lean towards them as they stuff another chip in their mouth. "Do you remember why you're here?"

"Transferred, I guess?" They shrug.

"Did you feel any strong emotions during that?"

They stop midway through. Their eyes flicker between the chip, you, and the cheese dripping off the edge. They scratch their ear. "I guess I was mad? Very mad."


"Yeah." They stuff the chip in. "Shsush lighsh I washsh betryyed."

"You felt like you were betrayed?"

They swallow. "Yeah, that's what I said."

You nod. "Well...okay, how do you feel about Rin?"

"Uh, okay? I mean-" They scratch their chin again. "I..."

"Lady Rin." You say instead.

That makes them pause. Their eyes light up before their expression drops down to normal. "T-that was weird. That was weird. I..." They shake their head. "I don't know her I don't even..." They pinch the bridge of their nose and shake their head. "I think I have a headache."

Yeah, that's not good, actually.

"Alright, so we have a number of hotspots and safehouses for magi in the city. There are currently fifty-seven total magi, fifty-eight if we include you, including sixteen adult magi, and a number of places to stay either temporarily or permanently."

They shrug. "Okay." They don't seem all that surprised that you have places to stay; you wonder if Rin offered the same thing in Kasamino...

Now, of course, one of the least pleasant questions you'll need to ask. "Now, this is obviously incomplete; I don't know her exact skillset..." You glance outside to Kyouko, and she gives you a nod and a thumbs-up. "...but I believe that Rin was attempting to manipulate you."

"But why? I'm kind of a nobody." They shrug. "I mean, I don't live anywhere. I don't got nobody."

"That's actually a perfect candidate. It means she could use you to, say...kill someone."

They stare at you. They stare at you for a while. "Wait, are you saying I killed-"

"I'm saying that when I encountered you two days ago, you were attempting to kill another magi. You and I engaged in combat-"

They grab their chest. "W-wait, so that's why my chest is-" They look down at their chest, then at you. "What was I doing?"

"You were being forced to kill another magi. Do you remember anything about that, any feelings?"

"I-I thought-I wouldn't-" They look down at their nachos, then at you. They whip their head to the side, out the window, then right back at you. "I-I'm not a killer!"

"I never said you were." You unfold your arms (you didn't even realize you had folded them).

"Y-you're trying to set me up again!"

Again? What? "What are you talking about?"

"I-I'm being framed again I can't go back again I'm just-!"

You quickly whip a grief seed out of your pocket and press it against the ring on their finger, hard enough to slam their hand back on the table and shake the basket. Their eyes are shaking as they stare at your hand, at the grief seed between your fingers, then back at you. Their breathing slows, just a little.

"I didn't think you were at fault," you say. "I never thought that. But I did think that you were being manipulated. You were being toyed with."

They look away, eyes narrowed, biting their lip as they just stare off to the side. "I-I dunno anything."

"You knew enough to help," you say. "Thank you."

They just bite down on another corn chip in response. Ten minutes later, you've paid their check. This time, the magi was going to go towards the south end of town, just a block away from Akane's apartment. They're escorted by a few of your younger students off towards the southern beaches. Kyouko, meanwhile, has finally finished her bland, boring salad that she didn't even like.

You pull the chair back and sit down right next to her before she shoves the empty metal salad bowl your way.

"You could have put vinaigrette in it," you say.

"Yeah, I probably could've." Kyouko turns to you. "So, theories? I wanna hear yours first."

"Emotional manipulation, maybe memory control?" You shrug. "But emotional manipulation messes with free will. I don't think that alone leads to this much control."

"Well, memories are a part of the brain right?" Kyouko sips a little bit of soda out of her cup. "I mean, if a head's fucking destroyed, so're that person's memories. The personality can be brought back, but memories don't come back. Or if they do, they're spotty."

"Yeah, I remember what happened with Chou." You sigh. She witched not long after Walpurgisnacht. You yourself have had your brain rattled a few times, but there's a difference between that and having it outright destroyed. Magi skulls are hardy; it takes a lot to actually break one. But the feeling is deeply unpleasant, and fishing bullets out of head meat is a right pain.

"Wait, actually." Kyouko snaps her fingers. "What if her power requires convincing?"

"What do you mean?" You turn your head.

"Well, think about it." She points at you. "A soul gem's connection is basically the link between your filthy meat body and your free will. The connection can't be interrupted, at least not by force..."

"But if you willfully let it connect, she can control you." You turn to her. "So she actually straight up is a cult leader. Just more literal than normal."

"Takes desperate kids that don't know better, tells them sweet little nothings, and rallies them up." Kyouko snaps her fingers. "Shit, I think we're at least kinda figuring it out. But that still leaves the rest of her group. And whether or not the memory thing is even her ability."

"It also doesn't add up with the 'timeline' stuff we heard about." You scratch your jaw. "Is that another magi? Is that hers? Does that involve seeing other timelines? Bringing people in from other timelines?"

Kyouko shudders. "Oh, fuck, imagine if they brought another me or another you."

You lean over. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't make a threesome joke."

Kyouko's eyes go half-lidded as she leans on her arm, brings up two fingers, and then splits. A clone of her two fingers pops into existence before a clone emerges from behind her and sticks out its tongue.

"Jokes are for cowards, hon."

You snicker. "Not in public. At least not this time."

Kyouko's clone vanishes in a cloud of red dust as she drags her fingers across the table. "Well, there's still a lot we don't know. And I dunno 'bout you, but I don't really feel comfortable about just letting this fester."

"So what're you suggesting?" you ask.

Kyouko leans back. "Do we have a spy? Preferably someone that could resist whatever mind-whammy stuff is going on in Kasamino."

"That's the thing. We don't even know if they're spying on us. And after telling them to fuck off of our territory, sending a spy over sounds like a good way to look hypocritical."

"I don't think they fucking care. And I'm not sure I do either. They already sent hostile shit our way, and we both know they're not gonna keep to themselves."

She's right. Now that The Glow is an obvious threat, you're pretty sure they're going to forego any covert operations and plans.

[] Spy on Kasamino
-[] By yourself. (DIFFICULTY 2: You are NOT a stealth magi, but you get a clear idea of what's happening)
-[] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).
-[] Send in a single magi. (ACCURACY 2: You don't lose magi, but if this one's spotted, there is a good chance they'll either be killed or turned. At least, that's the assumption.)

[] Leave them to their own devices.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on Jun 11, 2019 at 10:20 PM, finished with 27 posts and 10 votes.
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Ohoho, no way in hell we are leaving this alone. Something fishy is going on, and we need to know if Sayaka needs to break some faces.

[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).
[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).

Our biggest advantageis having almost 75 Magi (well "having" we aren't exactly overlords of them, but we can round up a decent chunk of them if the price/cause is right, at least), including 16 adults, and the very act of being an adult means having a lot of experience and, even without having a lot of power/potential, at least knowing how to use what you have well.
[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).
[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).
You nod. "Well...okay, how do you feel about Rin?"

"Uh, okay? I mean-" They scratch their chin again. "I..."

"Lady Rin." You say instead.

That makes them pause. Their eyes light up before their expression drops down to normal. "T-that was weird. That was weird. I..." They shake their head. "I don't know her I don't even..." They pinch the bridge of their nose and shake their head. "I think I have a headache."

Yeah, that's not good, actually.
That's some "The numbers Mason" level of codephrases. That's really fucking bad.
"I-I thought-I wouldn't-" They look down at their nachos, then at you. They whip their head to the side, out the window, then right back at you. "I-I'm not a killer!"

"I never said you were." You unfold your arms (you didn't even realize you had folded them).

"Y-you're trying to set me up again!"

Again? What? "What are you talking about?"

"I-I'm being framed again I can't go back again I'm just-!"
I think we just got a key detail of tying this person's issues together. I think they may've been kicked out for Juvie, and then went off the grid, but stuff kept getting invented.
"Wait, actually." Kyouko snaps her fingers. "What if her power requires convincing?"

"What do you mean?" You turn your head.

"Well, think about it." She points at you. "A soul gem's connection is basically the link between your filthy meat body and your free will. The connection can't be interrupted, at least not by force..."

"But if you willfully let it connect, she can control you." You turn to her. "So she actually straight up is a cult leader. Just more literal than normal."
... well, at least this isn't some To The Stars shenanigans. This is marginally better.
"Takes desperate kids that don't know better, tells them sweet little nothings, and rallies them up." Kyouko snaps her fingers. "Shit, I think we're at least kinda figuring it out. But that still leaves the rest of her group. And whether or not the memory thing is even her ability."

"It also doesn't add up with the 'timeline' stuff we heard about." You scratch your jaw. "Is that another magi? Is that hers? Does that involve seeing other timelines? Bringing people in from other timelines?"

Kyouko shudders. "Oh, fuck, imagine if they brought another me or another you."
Moid, you can stop dancing around Mami returning, we all know it's going to happen.:V
You lean over. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't make a threesome joke."

Kyouko's eyes go half-lidded as she leans on her arm, brings up two fingers, and then splits. A clone of her two fingers pops into existence before a clone emerges from behind her and sticks out its tongue.

"Jokes are for cowards, hon."
Aaaaaaaaand of course they've done that.

[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).

Me personally, the issue is more security against the whole 'willingness' thing potentially being wrong than any magical girl platoon rolling over our team or the team being discovered. Master-Stranger protocols for everyone, we can't afford to have anybody get brainwashed. Other than that, it shouldn't be too hard to find a hidden cult. The Glow isn't exactly... subtle.

EDIT: Aaaaand I'm just not learning.
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Of all the places to get a Black Ops flashback...

Yooooo, if Tomoe actually comes back...
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[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).
[X] Spy on Kasamino
-[X] Form a team. (ACCURACY 1: More people means more of a chance that they'll be spotted, but it also means less of a chance of losing magi).