Be a Primaris Marine or No?

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Before I choose anything. Do we actually have any sneaking experience before? I assume that we are a superb Warrior and a versatile Mage. But not subterfuge.
@melody-chii You can already do stealth to competency. Having it as a skill just means you do it better than the other Astartes around you, giving you bonuses.
We are average at stealth but it's okay we are great at killing people to compensate for our lack of super sneakiness.

[X] Falchis
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword
We are average at stealth but it's okay we are great at killing people to compensate for our lack of super sneakiness.

[X] Falchis
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword
Ohrmuzd will learn from the Sly Marbo School of Stealth Tactics. Lesson #1: You can't be detected if you kill everyone first.
Afaik, no. We hit the books and the cages but not the shadows.

Bollocks, so we're going deep within enemy territory with no speciality for stealth aside from our basic training as a Scout?

Brilliant. That means if shit hits the fan, we could maul these Orks to paste with our Biomancy-Enhanced bare hands.

I like it! Though if only we studied some Pyromancy. I long for the moment we burn a Warboss to a char with our Warpfire.

[X] Ogder's Rock
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword
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Before I choose anything. Do we actually have any sneaking experience before? I assume that we are a superb Warrior and a versatile Mage. But not subterfuge.
We're not actually a versatile mage - we only have one power we're skilled enough at to use in combat.
But because we're an absurdly strong psyker...
That one power, the ability to spray lightning, is VERY kill-capable.
[X] Ogder's Rock
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword
[X] Ogder's Rock
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword
We have trained with the glaive for a reason.

[]Loadout (You)

Chaos is Nope! of course, but we have stupidly high willpower + our special shield, and someone would have to go there.

[] Voyn's Reach
I'm a little worried that the 9th company was deployed to fight the Nurglites, since 9 is Tzeentch's sacred number and Nurgle is his main rival.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Uber_Fail_Dinesh on Jun 12, 2019 at 7:36 PM, finished with 33 posts and 17 votes.
Chapter 1-2: Arrival on Falchis
You quickly depart from the Strike Cruiser, along with your squad and other squads. You will be deploying to the Civilized World of Falchis, fighting off the Orks in what seems to be a close to planetary WAAAAGH. You won't have much time to focus on the planet itself, so you take the time to review what you know:

  • There are 3 primary Hives on the planet: One in the central plains, one at the South Western Coast, and one closer to the Northern Mountain Range. Their names are Order's Keep, Shiraskin's Bounty, and Falchion's Reach respectively.
  • The major natural formations are as follows: It is a Pangaean world, only having one major mega-continent, and ocean surrounding it. It also has a long Mountain Range to the North, known as the Falchions. The western part of the continent holds a rather large forest, and the eastern side has a hilly terrain. There is a large number of small cliff faces there, so being careful not to fall is key.
  • Falchis does not have a standing Imperial Guard force at the time, having sent it off as a tithe for a crusade. They do have their PDF at 90% effectiveness, which is around 400,000 men.
  • They also have a regiment of rough riders, so you can count on support from them.
  • The Orks apparently originated at the Hilly region, but have spread to close to 60% of the continent, with Major Strongholds at the North-eastern and South Eastern Corners of the continent.
  • From what has been seen, Warboss Throatpuncha is a Kommando and prefers more 'kunning' plans, so be aware of potential sabotage.
  • He does have an ally in a Big Mek, so be on alert for heavy vehicles. No Gargants have been spotted yet, but this could change.
  • There have been no Ork spaceships observed, so Orbital superiority is guaranteed.

Soon after you finish your mental review, the ship transitions out of the warp, coming to view the world of Falchis. Small pinpricks of light dot the surface, belying the rather lethal nature of them. Harmut gathers you at the launch bay, where you will be taking a Thunderhawk down to the surface. Your squad has 3 zones that you could attend to. The Big Mek bay, where most of the heavy Ork Armor is being produced, the Punchin' place, where most of the Ork forces gather for assaults, and the Sneki rok, where most of the Kommandos gather for missions. The nature of your objective will be wildly different from where you go, so choose wisely.

[] Bringing down the Bay: Deploy to the Big Mek bay zone, and try to take out the heavy armor production plant. (Reconnaissance/Demolition)
[] Never bring fists to a gun fight: Deploy to the Punchin' place zone, and try to incite discord by having PDF artillery rain hell down on the Orks. It also wouldn't hurt to 'kill confirm' some of the more powerful Nobs. (Artillery Spotting/Assassination)
[] Not so sneaky anymore: Deploy to the Sneki rok zone, and attempt to destroy the kommando 'facility'. Also attempt to take out some of the more veteran Kommandos. (Demolition/Assassination)

(AN: You won't be able to KIA the Warboss in any of these 3 zones. A final assault will become available when 2 objectives are complete.)

[DISCLAIMER: This post was brought to you by warp fuckery of the highest order.]
[X] Bringing down the Bay: Deploy to the Big Mek bay zone, and try to take out the heavy armor production plant. (Reconnaissance/Demolition)
[X] Bringing down the Bay: Deploy to the
Big Mek bay
zone, and try to take out the heavy armor production plant. (Reconnaissance/Demolition)