Be a Primaris Marine or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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Since Ohrzmud is an Alpha Psyker and growing, it probably wouldn't be too difficult to become a one man Exterminatus.

1) psyker power ratting do not increase outside of very special very rare circumstances like gene seed implementation , demonic pacts and really really rare tech or knowledge like only found in the black library levels of rare

2) Ohrzmud is an Alpha Psyker he can mind control whole planets if he becomes telepathic , pick up a whole titan legion and rip said god machines arms , legs and heads off where he to become a telakinetic . he is already a one man Exterminatus

3) if he goes past alpha into alpha plus it would break the game to give one example to what an alpha plus can do Malcador the first high lord once moved a planet into the warp to hide it

4) hears how I scale psyker power ratings to give context as to why I think going any higher would likely break the game
alpha plus : powerful enough to effect the star system his in ( like move planets powerful)
alpha : strong enough to mind control a whole planet
beta : can match or surpass an Emperor class titan in terms of firepower
gamma : can match or surpass a banblade super heavy tank damage wise
delta : you match the effect of a leman russ tank on the battel field
1) psyker power ratting do not increase outside of very special very rare circumstances like gene seed implementation , demonic pacts and really really rare tech or knowledge like only found in the black library levels of rare

2) Ohrzmud is an Alpha Psyker he can mind control whole planets if he becomes telepathic , pick up a whole titan legion and rip said god machines arms , legs and heads off where he to become a telakinetic . he is already a one man Exterminatus

3) if he goes past alpha into alpha plus it would break the game to give one example to what an alpha plus can do Malcador the first high lord once moved a planet into the warp to hide it

4) hears how I scale psyker power ratings to give context as to why I think going any higher would likely break the game
alpha plus : powerful enough to effect the star system his in ( like move planets powerful)
alpha : strong enough to mind control a whole planet
beta : can match or surpass an Emperor class titan in terms of firepower
gamma : can match or surpass a banblade super heavy tank damage wise
delta : you match the effect of a leman russ tank on the battel field

If we go alpha plus then all that means is that we will do higher level missions like totally absorbing the shards of Magnus and becoming a Primarch and then taking the fight to chaos or something like that.
If we go alpha plus then all that means is that we will do higher level missions like totally absorbing the shards of Magnus and becoming a Primarch and then taking the fight to chaos or something like that.
There are only two Shards of Magnus the Red left, though; Supreme Grandmaster Janus (who is probably dead) and the Crimson King himself, who is every bit as powerful but completely lacking in Magnus' nobility.

Soooo yeah good luck absorbing those shards. Fighting Chaos is a deffo, though.
There are only two Shards of Magnus the Red left, though; Supreme Grandmaster Janus (who is probably dead) and the Crimson King himself, who is every bit as powerful but completely lacking in Magnus' nobility.

Soooo yeah good luck absorbing those shards. Fighting Chaos is a deffo, though.

I did not say that it would be easy, it will probably be a looong painful road full of strife and bullshit. Also Janus might be dead but the shard might be around somewhere.
I did not say that it would be easy, it will probably be a looong painful road full of strife and bullshit. Also Janus might be dead but the shard might be around somewhere.
You're talking about eating a Traitor Primarch every bit as powerful as Ohrzmund (probably even more powerful, honestly) and with way more experience in the ways of the warp and in combat period. This is not something you plan on doing. It's something the GM plans on doing.

Need I remind you that Magnus the Red used to fistfight Gargants? And that was but a fraction of his psychic bullshit.
You're talking about eating a Traitor Primarch every bit as powerful as Ohrzmund (probably even more powerful, honestly) and with way more experience in the ways of the warp and in combat period. This is not something you plan on doing. It's something the GM plans on doing.

Need I remind you that Magnus the Red used to fistfight Gargants? And that was but a fraction of his psychic bullshit.

I expect that he would be a lot more powerful then us, and sure its not easy, if it was then it would not be fun, plus we might not need to do it alone.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Uber_Fail_Dinesh on Jun 9, 2019 at 8:00 PM, finished with 31 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X][BE] Plan 0.5 makes me cry
    [X][BE] Plan 0.5 makes me cry
    -[X][BE] 200 to Intelligence
    -[X][BE] 200 to regeneration
    -[X][BE] 300 to add one Battle to Willpower
    -[X][BE] 200 to Fellowship
    -[X][BE] 25 to Iron Arm
    -[X]Scout Sergeant Harmut
    -[X] Squad Member Michael Blanc
    -[X] Squad Member Marco
    [X][BE] Plan Get it up
    -[X][BE] 200 to Intelligence
    -[X][BE] 200 to regeneration
    -[X][BE] 200 to iron arm
    -[X][BE] 300 to add one battle to wisdom
    -[X][BE] 25 to fellowship
    [X] Plan Amp It Up
    -[X][BE] 200 to Intelligence
    -[X][BE] 200 to regeneration
    -[X][BE] 200 to iron arm
    -[X][BE] 300 to add one Battle to Willpower
    -[X][BE] 25 to Ballistic Skill
    -[X] Scout Sergeant Mandalor
    -[X] Squad Member Michael Blanc
    -[X] Squad Member Marco
    [X][BE] Plan Get it up
    -[X][BE] 200 to Intelligence
    -[X][BE] 200 to regeneration
    -[X][BE] 200 to iron arm
    -[X][BE] 300 to add one battle to wisdom
    -[X][BE] 25 to fellowship
    -[X]Scout Sergeant Harmut
Chapter 1:A New view (Deployment)
Your new squadmates are rather taciturn towards you two at first, but eventually warm up at the end of the ride to the strike cruiser Stormspike. It is there that you meet your new squad leader, Sergeant Harmut. He seems to be a rather stoic Astartes, who merely looks you over before motioning for you four to follow him. You are brought along to a dorm, which holds 5 cots. Once you are there, he turns around and starts to speak. "Welcome to the Stormspike, where you will be spending most of your days. You will learn to regard this place with the same function as the Fortress Monastery. You will live here, train here, and use this place to the best of your ability. The Captain of the ship has decided to give you a day to learn the ship. Use it wisely." After that rather blunt dismissal, you disperse to learn the ship. It takes all of 5 minutes, but you can tell from the lack of other scouts that you have a very generous Sergeant. There is a Forge, Apothecary, Training Cage, and Chapel on the ship. You can find the deployment hall, which you guess will be where you gather the next day. After you finish, you decide to do some basic exercises in the cages before retiring to sleep (even though it's not a true one). The next morning (in space terms), you gather in the deployment hall at the 5th hour, the other squads file in, some scouts looking a bit lost. After the squads have been gathered, the captain speaks up. "The Voss subsector is our area of purview. The subsector report that there is...


Four areas that are in need of Scout assistance. The planets of...

(4d10= 10,4,8,2)

Ogder's Rock, Pseuvoss, Voyn's Reach, and Falchis. A mining, 2 civilized, and a hive world. Ogder's is being attacked by Orks, who seem to have been buried under a rather large cave-in. The...


5th company is deployed there, under Captain Julius.

Pseuvoss is under assault by the Eldar, who seem to have an interest in one of the central population zones. The...


2nd company is deployed there, which is under Captain Daniel.

Falchis seems to also have attracted the attention of the Orks, which have been led by the Warboss Throatpuncha. He seems to take an inordinate pleasure of not actually using a melee weapon, and instead uses his fists to fight. The...


6th company is deployed there, under the command of Captain Morael.

The most worrying deployment is at Voyn's reach, where was appears to be a minor cult opened a rather large warp rift and an incursion has started. The cultists seemed to have been worshippers of Nurgle, and Plague Marines have been noted. The...


9th company is deployed there, under Captain Ishmael.

Please choose wisely." After finishing his speech, the ship captain retreats to the bridge, leaving what seems to be a younger officer in his place. After a small discussion, Harmut decides on...

[] Ogder's Rock
[] Pseuvoss
[] Falchis
[] Voyn's Reach

and after that, you are told to decide on your loadout. Harmut decides on having a Bolter and knife, along with Brother Marco. Brother Michael decides on a sniper rifle and knife, while Hollus defers to your Judgement.

[] Loadout (You)
[] Loadout (Hollus)

After which, you go to wait for deployment.

Stat Changes

Intelligence 5 to 6: 407/600 -> 7/700 (0/2). Intelligence has risen to 6.
Willpower 6 to 7: 788/700 (1/2) -> 88/800 (0/6). Willpower has risen to 7. Willpower cannot be trained anymore.
Fellowship 6 to 7: 69/700 -> 269/700 (0/2)

Regeneration AA to BM: 16/500 -> 216/500
Iron Arm AA to BM: 159/500 -> 184/500

(AN: Welcome to the first chapter! The system will be changing a bit from now on, so I'll take a bit of time to explain. After every deployment, you will be given a rundown of each system, and what you need to do. This will come in the form of a bulleted list, so please take a bit of time to read it. After that, there will be 'zones' you can deploy to, all of which have different modifiers (such as having a mountainous terrain, or some ruins at the area) which will affect certain types of rolls. Each zone will have an 'Objective' which you will need to complete. How you do so is up to you, but you cannot leave a zone unless one of two conditions are met: 1) the Objective is considered complete, or 2) The marine in charge declares a retreat. For certain types of objectives, such as demolition of strategic locations, special equipment will be handed out.)

[DISCLAIMER: This post has been brought to you by MegaMoon.EXE]
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Hmm, I'm suggesting we head out to Ogder's Rock. It seems easiest enough. With only a small herd pf Orks and all. Better than to fight a Warboss.

Eldar? Nope! Definitely not that one. They're gonna use some mind tricks and fuck us up greatly if we lose.

Chaos? A Big Giant NOPE! On that one. We're not ready yet to fight some Plague Marines.

Get the lowest hanging fruit first THEN we go up fhe totem pole. Slowly, but surely. So that we don't kill ourselves.
[X] Falchis
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword

We should choose the orks who have a warboss, as while it is not excessively dangerous there is still enough difficulty to accumulate experience.
Before I choose anything. Do we actually have any sneaking experience before? I assume that we are a superb Warrior and a versatile Mage. But not subterfuge.
Must be some Ork attack if a full company has been deployed, although wouldn't they already have scout support?
Before I choose anything. Do we actually have any sneaking experience before? I assume that we are a superb Warrior and a versatile Mage. But not subterfuge.
Afaik, no. We hit the books and the cages but not the shadows.

[X] Falchis
[X]Loadout (You)
[X]Loadout (Hollus)
-[X]Bolt Pistol
-[X]Chain Sword

Edit: quick question, but would any of the scouts having a shotgun be an advantage? Or does the Sarge get exclusive shotty rights?
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