[X] Agree to help her talk to someone.
- [X] Ask Yuyuko.
You nod. "Yes, I think I can help with that," you say thoughtfully, and you tilt your head and narrow your eyes as you consider your options. It would have to be someone from Gensokyo, so that removes the rest of your guests. Marisa wouldn't know, and has a guest to look after already. Reimu … might know, but she also might not, and she takes a hard stance against people turning themselves into youkai. Maybe she could perform an exorcism, or the relevant local rites, but she might also just decide to exterminate them. And she'd want to be paid, which wouldn't be a real problem, but would be irritating. That leaves youkai. You would normally suggest your sister, but if Homura came to you and not her, then she must not trust Remilia as much, or else just doesn't want to deal with her for some other reason. That leaves Yukari, who should know and can probably work to get Homura what she wants, but who is opposed to Remilia so you'd rather not give her any potential leverage … and Yuyuko. She is an acquaintance of Yukari's, apparently, but ….
"I'm sorry," Homura says suddenly, quietly, and you straighten up and reach over to shake her shoulder before she can descend into self-pity.
"I was just thinking of who we could talk to that might be able to help you, Homura. Now, stand up and let's not keep everyone else wondering what we're doing." You grab her arm and pull her upright, catching her when she stumbles, and smile. She returns it shakily, and you start walking through the garden toward the cherry blossom trees. "Would you like to talk to her right now, or after the flowers have fallen?"
"If it isn't too much trouble, could it be after?" You nod again.
"And do you want to talk to her alone, or with me, and do you want me to explain what it's about before you see her?" She's quiet for a long time, only responding when you're actually almost where the group is.
"I-I'd … can you explain things first, and then come with us in case I can't explain things properly?" You smile and pull her forward so she's in front of you, then push her gently toward her friends.
"Of course, Homura. Now, go; Madoka is probably worried about you." She stops after a few steps, then nods and continues. You look at the group, and while Lulu is easy to find, sitting next to Megane, it takes you a moment before you recognize Ilya, sitting on Megane's other side, leaning against her. You'd thought she would be sitting by herself, or maybe near Remilia …. Your sister, of course, is sitting a little apart from the others, with Sakuya dutifully holding a parasol over her, and farther down are Yukari and Yuyuko, attended by Youmu. Deis is sitting next to Reimu, of all people, and Illyasviel is shuffling as close to Tohsaka and Archer as they'll let her. You glance at your friends, but the way they're positioned would make it hard for you to join them without displacing someone … which is probably part of the point. Smiling to yourself, you skirt around the group and flop across Remilia's lap. Just because Homura doesn't want to trust your sister just yet doesn't mean you can't ask her for help.
"Hm. That sounded like a flop of exhaustion. Did something happen?" You wiggle back, digging your shoulders into her, and she chuckles.
"More work," you say lightly, and her prickling fingers turn gentle. "Is there any way I could speak with Yuyuko privately without interrupting anything?" The cherry blossoms on one tree start to fall slowly and elegantly, sprinkling to the ground.
"Hmm … that I can do, I think," Remilia replies, then tilts your head up and plants a kiss on your forehead. She nuzzles you a bit more, and out of the corner of your eye you see Lulu smiling happily at you before she pulls Ilya onto her mother's lap and snuggles with her. "There, that should work," your sister murmurs. "Go ahead and think to her."
"Thank you," you whisper back, and kiss her cheek before nuzzling against her chin. "Princess Yuyuko?"
"Oh, this is so strange," her airy mental voice replies. "And so useful! Do you always do this?" The urge to shake your head isn't very strong, but it is difficult to keep from scowling at her. Instead, you relax against Remilia and watch the cherry blossoms continue to fall as the wind picks up and dances them around.
"I don't, and I think Remilia and Patchouli prefer to talk face-to-face." Much as you want to ignore the pleasantries and just get to business, you really should try to keep her in as good a mood as possible, so you keep your irritation and impatience hidden.
"It's so useful, though! I could tease Youmu without anyone noticing … oops, um, please don't let her know that, I didn't mean to let you hear it." Contrary to her usual obfuscating personality, she really does seem to have a hard time masking her true thoughts telepathically … or she's bluffing. She could be bluffing.
"Don't let who know what?"
"… I'm not sure how to respond to that," she says, and you have to fight to keep the amusement off your face, since she really does sound like she isn't sure if you heard that first part. "Anyway, Remilia said you wanted to ask me something …?" You sigh to yourself in relief.
"Yes, one of my guests has a concern about the fate of certain dead entities," you begin, and fill her in on what you know about Magical Girls and Witches, about Soul Gems and Grief Seeds, and what her concern about the dead Witches is. Even after you finish, she remains quiet for a while, just watching the cherry blossoms fall with a smile on her face.
"… That does explain some things," she finally says, and leans back, stretching, before falling against Yukari in a manner kin to your fall onto Remilia. Yukari looks somewhat scandalized, but there isn't much she can do when Yuyuko wraps her arms around the youkai's waist. "I won't talk to her right away, I'm afraid. If she could be available … around midnight, I think? With at least a couple of these Grief Seeds, and I will need to examine her Soul Gem as well." Despite yourself, you frown. "I don't think I'll be able to talk to Shiki, but there are some records I want to look up." That, on the other hand, is a very reasonable explanation, and you radiate warm gratitude through your connection, followed by amusement at her surprise.
"Thank you, Princess Yuyuko. I'll let her know, and we'll be ready for you when you come." She responds in kind, and the connection fades. "Thank you, Remilia." You start to continue, to tell her about Yuyuko coming, but she taps your nose with her finger.
"You are my dear sister Flandre, after all. Now, let us set aside thoughts of work and watch these myriad lives fall and stain the ground with their passing." Well, it can wait for a little while ….
As the last of the flowers flutters to the ground, finishing the tapestry of pink and white, the others applaud. Yukari, with Yuyuko still wrapped around her, gives your sister a questioning look, and Remilia shrugs. Yukari spreads her arms helplessly, and Remilia nods before starting to climb to her feet. Sakuya helps fix your kimonos, then you go over to Ilya and Lulu and fix their and Megane's outfits. "Thank you, Flandre," she says, echoed by the younger mages, and you smile and bow your head.
"Of course! After all, it was my own actions that lead to this state of affairs." You look meaningfully at Lulu, who smiles widely and without shame - at least until Ilya steps in and pulls her cheeks, at which point she attempts to return the attack. You share a bemused look with Megane, and in the background Tohsaka stares at Ilya with her mouth hanging open uselessly. Even Archer looks stunned, and Illyasviel looks disgusted - and then Ilya and Lulu release each other and step back, smiling beatifically. You look at them for a moment, then shake your head.
As Yuyuko begins a farewell speech, Homura reaches into your mind. "Flandre? When should we go see her?"
"She said she wanted to look up some things, and possibly speak with someone else about the subject - she won't tell anyone any specifics - so we won't be able to talk to her right now. She said she'll visit the mansion around midnight." Homura is quiet long enough that you sneak a glance at her, but she seems fine.
"… Yes, that makes sense. Thank you, Flandre."
During the short walk back to the entrance of Hakugyokurou, Fate and Nanoha monopolize Yuyuko, asking her questions about the amount of contact between Gensokyo and the Netherworld, and travel between them, and Yuyuko responds amiably. Fate glances at you a few times, but never says anything. When you reach the stairs, Reimu sighs and starts walking down them, while Marisa helps Tohsaka onto her broomstick. Archer vanishes at some point, and the broomstick leaps forward, easily passing Reimu. And then Reimu falls into a hole in the ground, and Yukari laughs happily. Now that the visit is over, you have no compunctions about flopping on top of Ilya and Lulu, and Yukari again uses her power to transport you out of the Netherworld and into Gensokyo.
What do you do?
[ ] Hang out with Ilya and Lulu until dinner.
[ ] Spoil everyone's appetite for dinner by making snacks and things.
[ ] Other?
DM Note: I'm running out of things to do >.> There will be an option to do things after dinner, of which one choice will be to take anyone who wants to go down to the lake. Everyone will be returning to their worlds tomorrow afternoonish.
ALSO, starting Monday my schedule is going to be changing and I'll be gone during the day. So updates are going to be pushed back again, I'm just not sure when to; probably somewhere in the 8-10 slot, but it'll be shaky for the next couple weeks.